Dumped on 2023-03-31
Mapping journal_line to country_tax_form for reporting purposes.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
acc_trans.entry_id | entry_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
reportable | boolean |
This table stores line items for financial transactions. Please note that payments in 1.3 are not full-fledged transactions.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
transactions.id | trans_id | integer | NOT NULL |
account.id | chart_id | integer | NOT NULL |
transdate | date | DEFAULT CURRENT_DATE | |
source | text |
Document Source identifier for individual line items, usually used for payments. |
cleared | boolean | DEFAULT false | |
memo | text | ||
invoice.id | invoice_id | integer | |
approved | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT true | |
cleared_on | date | ||
reconciled_on | date | ||
voucher.id | voucher_id | integer | |
entry_id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
amount_bc | numeric | NOT NULL | |
amount_tc | numeric | NOT NULL | |
currency.curr | curr | character(3) | NOT NULL |
Name | Constraint |
transdate_nullity | CHECK (((NOT approved) OR (transdate IS NOT NULL))) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
This table stores the main account info.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
accno | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text | ||
is_temp | boolean |
Only affects equity accounts. If set, close at end of year. |
category | character(1) |
A=asset,L=liability,Q=Equity,I=Income,E=expense |
gifi_accno | text | ||
account_heading.id | heading | integer | NOT NULL |
contra | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
tax | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
obsolete | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false |
Name | Constraint |
account_category_check | CHECK ((category = ANY (ARRAY['A'::bpchar, 'L'::bpchar, 'Q'::bpchar, 'I'::bpchar, 'E'::bpchar]))) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
This table holds account balances at various dates. Transactions MUST NOT be posted prior to the latest end_date in this table, and no unapproved transactions (vouchers or drafts) can remain in the closed period.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
end_date | date | PRIMARY KEY | |
account.id | account_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
debits | numeric | ||
credits | numeric | ||
amount_bc | numeric | NOT NULL | |
amount_tc | numeric | NOT NULL | |
currency.curr | curr | character(3) | PRIMARY KEY |
This table holds the account headings in the system. Each account must belong to a heading, and a heading can belong to another heading. In this way it is possible to nest accounts for reporting purposes.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
accno | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
account_heading.id | parent_id | integer | |
description | text | ||
category | character(1) |
Same as the column account.category, except that if NULL the category is automatically derived from the linked accounts. |
Name | Constraint |
account_heading_category_check | CHECK ((category = ANY (ARRAY['A'::bpchar, 'L'::bpchar, 'Q'::bpchar, 'I'::bpchar, 'E'::bpchar]))) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Lists for each row the derived category for each heading, based on the categories of the linked accounts.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | ||
accno | text | ||
description | text | ||
parent_id | integer | ||
original_category | character(1) | ||
asset_count | bigint | ||
liability_count | bigint | ||
expense_count | bigint | ||
income_count | bigint | ||
equity_count | bigint | ||
derived_category | text | ||
category | bpchar |
SELECT derivation.id , derivation.accno , derivation.description , derivation.parent_id , derivation.original_category , derivation.asset_count , derivation.liability_count , derivation.expense_count , derivation.income_count , derivation.equity_count , derivation.derived_category , COALESCE (derivation.original_category , (derivation.derived_category)::bpchar ) AS category FROM ( SELECT category_counts.id , category_counts.accno , category_counts.description , category_counts.parent_id , category_counts.original_category , category_counts.asset_count , category_counts.liability_count , category_counts.expense_count , category_counts.income_count , category_counts.equity_count , CASE WHEN (category_counts.equity_count > 0) THEN 'Q'::text WHEN ( (category_counts.income_count > 0) AND (category_counts.expense_count > 0) ) THEN 'Q'::text WHEN ( (category_counts.asset_count > 0) AND (category_counts.liability_count > 0) ) THEN 'Q'::text WHEN (category_counts.asset_count > 0) THEN 'A'::text WHEN (category_counts.liability_count > 0) THEN 'L'::text WHEN (category_counts.expense_count > 0) THEN 'E'::text WHEN (category_counts.income_count > 0) THEN 'I'::text ELSE NULL::text END AS derived_category FROM ( SELECT ah.id , ah.accno , ah.description , ah.parent_id , ah.category AS original_category , count ( CASE WHEN (acc.category = 'A'::bpchar) THEN acc.category ELSE NULL::bpchar END ) AS asset_count , count ( CASE WHEN (acc.category = 'L'::bpchar) THEN acc.category ELSE NULL::bpchar END ) AS liability_count , count ( CASE WHEN (acc.category = 'E'::bpchar) THEN acc.category ELSE NULL::bpchar END ) AS expense_count , count ( CASE WHEN (acc.category = 'I'::bpchar) THEN acc.category ELSE NULL::bpchar END ) AS income_count , count ( CASE WHEN (acc.category = 'Q'::bpchar) THEN acc.category ELSE NULL::bpchar END ) AS equity_count FROM ( (account_heading_descendant ahd JOIN account_heading ah ON ( (ahd.id = ah.id) ) ) LEFT JOIN account acc ON ( (ahd.descendant_id = acc.heading) ) ) GROUP BY ah.id , ah.accno , ah.description , ah.parent_id , ah.category ) category_counts ) derivation;
Returns rows for each heading listing its immediate children, children of children, etc., etc. This is primarily practical when calculating subtotals for PNL and B/S headings.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | ||
level | integer | ||
descendant_id | integer | ||
accno | text | ||
descendant_accno | text |
WITH RECURSIVE account_headings AS ( SELECT account_heading.id , 1 AS level , account_heading.id AS descendant_id , account_heading.accno , account_heading.accno AS descendant_accno FROM account_heading UNION ALL SELECT at.id , (at.level + 1) AS level , ah.id AS descendant_id , at.accno , ah.accno AS descendant_accno FROM (account_heading ah JOIN account_headings at ON ( (ah.parent_id = at.descendant_id) ) ) ) SELECT account_headings.id , account_headings.level , account_headings.descendant_id , account_headings.accno , account_headings.descendant_accno FROM account_headings;
Translations for account heading descriptions.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
account_heading.id account_heading.id | trans_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
language_code | character varying(6) | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text |
Table account_heading_translation Inherits translation,
Returns in the 'path' field an array which contains the path of the heading to its associated root.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | ||
accno | text | ||
description | text | ||
level | integer | ||
path | integer[] |
WITH RECURSIVE account_headings AS ( SELECT account_heading.id , account_heading.accno , account_heading.description , 1 AS level , ARRAY[account_heading.id] AS path FROM account_heading WHERE (account_heading.parent_id IS NULL) UNION ALL SELECT ah.id , ah.accno , ah.description , (at.level + 1) AS level , array_append (at.path , ah.id ) AS path FROM (account_heading ah JOIN account_headings at ON ( (ah.parent_id = at.id) ) ) ) SELECT account_headings.id , account_headings.accno , account_headings.description , account_headings.level , account_headings.path FROM account_headings;
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
account.id | account_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
account_link_description.description | description | text | PRIMARY KEY |
This is a lookup table which provide basic information as to categories and dropdowns of accounts. In general summary accounts cannot belong to more than one category (an AR summary account cannot appear in other dropdowns for example).
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
description | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
summary | boolean | NOT NULL | |
custom | boolean | NOT NULL |
Translations for account descriptions.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
account.id account.id | trans_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
language_code | character varying(6) | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text |
Table account_translation Inherits translation,
Summary/header information for AP transactions and vendor invoices. Note that some constraints here are hard to enforce because we haven not gotten to rewriting the relevant code here. HV TODO drop entity_id
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
transactions.id | id | integer | PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('id'::regclass) |
invnumber | text |
Text identifier for the invoice. Must be unique. |
transdate | date | DEFAULT CURRENT_DATE | |
entity.id | entity_id | integer | |
taxincluded | boolean | DEFAULT false | |
duedate | date | ||
invoice | boolean |
True if the transaction tracks goods/services purchase using the invoice table. False otherwise. |
ordnumber | text |
Order Number |
currency.curr | curr | character(3) |
3 letters to identify the currency. |
notes | text |
These notes are displayed on the invoice when printed or emailed |
entity_employee.entity_id | person_id | integer |
Person who created the transaction |
till | character varying(20) | ||
quonumber | text |
Quotation Number |
intnotes | text |
These notes are not displayed when the invoice is printed or emailed and may be updated without reposting hte invocie. |
shipvia | text | ||
language_code | character varying(6) | ||
ponumber | text |
Purchase Order Number |
shippingpoint | text | ||
on_hold | boolean | DEFAULT false | |
approved | boolean |
Only show in financial reports if true. |
reverse | boolean |
If true numbers are displayed after multiplying by -1 |
terms | smallint | ||
description | text | ||
force_closed | boolean |
Not exposed to the UI, but can be set to prevent an invoice from showing up for payment or in outstanding reports. |
crdate | date | ||
is_return | boolean | DEFAULT false | |
entity_credit_account.id | entity_credit_account | integer |
reference for the vendor account used. |
amount_bc | numeric |
This stores the total amount (including taxes) for the transaction in base currency. |
amount_tc | numeric | ||
netamount_bc | numeric |
Total amount excluding taxes for the transaction in base currency. |
netamount_tc | numeric |
Name | Constraint |
ap_check | CHECK ((((amount_bc IS NULL) AND (curr IS NULL)) OR ((amount_bc IS NOT NULL) AND (curr IS NOT NULL)))) |
transdate_nullity | CHECK (((NOT approved) OR (transdate IS NOT NULL))) |
Summary/header information for AR transactions and sales invoices. Note that some constraints here are hard to enforce because we haven not gotten to rewriting the relevant code here. HV TODO drop entity_id
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
transactions.id | id | integer | PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('id'::regclass) |
invnumber | text |
Text identifier for the invoice. Must be unique. |
transdate | date | DEFAULT CURRENT_DATE | |
entity.id | entity_id | integer | |
taxincluded | boolean | ||
duedate | date | ||
invoice | boolean |
True if the transaction tracks goods/services purchase using the invoice table. False otherwise. |
shippingpoint | text | ||
terms | smallint | ||
notes | text |
These notes are displayed on the invoice when printed or emailed |
currency.curr | curr | character(3) |
3 letters to identify the currency. |
ordnumber | text |
Order Number |
entity_employee.entity_id | person_id | integer |
Person who created the transaction |
till | character varying(20) | ||
quonumber | text |
Quotation Number |
intnotes | text |
These notes are not displayed when the invoice is printed or emailed and may be updated without reposting hte invocie. |
shipvia | text | ||
language_code | character varying(6) | ||
ponumber | text |
Purchase Order Number |
on_hold | boolean | DEFAULT false | |
reverse | boolean |
If true numbers are displayed after multiplying by -1 |
approved | boolean |
Only show in financial reports if true. |
entity_credit_account.id | entity_credit_account | integer |
reference for the customer account used. |
force_closed | boolean |
Not exposed to the UI, but can be set to prevent an invoice from showing up for payment or in outstanding reports. |
description | text | ||
is_return | boolean | DEFAULT false | |
crdate | date | ||
setting_sequence | text | ||
amount_bc | numeric |
This stores the total amount (including taxes) for the transaction in base currency. |
amount_tc | numeric | ||
netamount_bc | numeric |
Total amount excluding taxes for the transaction in base currency. |
netamount_tc | numeric |
Name | Constraint |
ar_check | CHECK ((((amount_bc IS NULL) AND (curr IS NULL)) OR ((amount_bc IS NOT NULL) AND (curr IS NOT NULL)))) |
ar_check1 | CHECK (((invnumber IS NOT NULL) OR (NOT approved))) |
ar_check2 | CHECK (((invnumber IS NOT NULL) OR (NOT approved))) |
transdate_nullity | CHECK (((NOT approved) OR (transdate IS NOT NULL))) |
Holds mapping for parts that are members of assemblies.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
parts.id | id | integer |
This is the id of the assembly the part is being mapped to. |
parts.id | parts_id | integer |
ID of part that is a member of the assembly. |
qty | numeric | ||
bom | boolean | ||
adj | boolean |
The account fields here set the defaults for the individual asset items. They are non-authoritative.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
label | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
account.id | asset_account_id | integer | |
account.id | dep_account_id | integer | |
asset_dep_method.id | method | integer |
Stores asset depreciation methods, and their relevant stored procedures. The fixed asset system is such depreciation methods can be plugged in via this table.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
method | text |
These are keyed to specific stored procedures. Currently only "straight_line" is supported |
sproc | text |
The sproc mentioned here is a stored procedure which must have the following arguments: (in_asset_ids int[], in_report_date date, in_report_id int). Here in_asset_ids are the assets to be depreciated, in_report_date is the date of the report, and in_report_id is the id of the report. The sproc MUST insert the relevant lines into asset_report_line. |
unit_label | text | NOT NULL | |
short_name | text | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
asset_unit_class.id | unit_class | integer | NOT NULL |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
label | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
multiple | integer | ||
short_label | character(1) |
Name | Constraint |
asset_disposal_method_multiple_check | CHECK ((multiple = ANY (ARRAY[1, 0, '-1'::integer]))) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Stores details of asset items. The account fields here are authoritative, while the ones in the asset_class table are defaults.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text | ||
tag | text |
This can be plugged into other routines to generate it automatically via ALTER TABLE .... SET DEFAULT..... |
purchase_value | numeric | NOT NULL | |
salvage_value | numeric | NOT NULL | |
usable_life | numeric | NOT NULL | |
purchase_date | date | NOT NULL | |
start_depreciation | date | NOT NULL | |
warehouse.id | location_id | integer | |
business_unit.id | department_id | integer | |
eca_invoice.journal_id | invoice_id | integer | |
account.id | asset_account_id | integer | |
account.id | dep_account_id | integer | |
account.id | exp_account_id | integer | |
asset_item.id | obsolete_by | integer | UNIQUE#1 |
asset_class.id | asset_class_id | integer |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('note_id_seq'::regclass) | |
note_class | integer | NOT NULL DEFAULT 4 | |
note | text | NOT NULL | |
vector | tsvector | NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::tsvector | |
created | timestamp without time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
created_by | text | DEFAULT SESSION_USER | |
asset_item.id | ref_key | integer | NOT NULL |
subject | text |
Table asset_note Inherits note,
Name | Constraint |
asset_note_note_class_check | CHECK ((note_class = 4)) |
Asset reports are discrete sets of depreciation or disposal transctions, and each one may be turned into no more than one GL transaction.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
report_date | date | ||
gl.id | gl_id | bigint | UNIQUE |
asset_class.id | asset_class | bigint | |
asset_report_class.id | report_class | integer | |
entity.id | entered_by | bigint | NOT NULL DEFAULT person__get_my_entity_id() |
entity.id | approved_by | bigint | |
entered_at | timestamp without time zone | DEFAULT now() | |
approved_at | timestamp without time zone | ||
depreciated_qty | numeric | ||
dont_approve | boolean | DEFAULT false | |
submitted | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
By default only four types of asset reports are supported. In the future others may be added. Please correspond on the list before adding more types.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
class | text | PRIMARY KEY |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
asset_item.id | asset_id | bigint | PRIMARY KEY |
asset_report.id | report_id | bigint | PRIMARY KEY |
amount | numeric | ||
business_unit.id | department_id | integer |
In case assets are moved between departments, we have to store this here. |
warehouse.id | warehouse_id | integer |
Maps disposal method to line items in the asset disposal report.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
asset_report.id | report_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
asset_item.id | asset_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
asset_disposal_method.id | disposal_method_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
percent_disposed | numeric |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
class | text | PRIMARY KEY |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
This stores information on who entered or updated rows in the ar, ap, or gl tables.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
trans_id | integer | ||
tablename | text | ||
reference | text | ||
formname | text | ||
action | text | ||
transdate | timestamp without time zone | DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | |
person.entity_id | person_id | integer | |
entry_id | bigserial | PRIMARY KEY | |
Stores batch header info. Batches are groups of vouchers that are posted together.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
batch_class.id | batch_class_id | integer |
Note that this field is largely used for sorting the vouchers. A given batch is NOT restricted to this type. |
control_code | text | NOT NULL | |
description | text | ||
default_date | date | NOT NULL | |
approved_on | date | ||
entity_employee.entity_id | approved_by | integer | |
entity_employee.entity_id | created_by | integer | |
session.session_id | locked_by | integer | |
created_on | date | DEFAULT now() |
Name | Constraint |
batch_control_code_check | CHECK ((length(control_code) > 0)) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
These values are hard-coded. Please coordinate before adding standard values. Values from 900 to 999 are reserved for local use.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
class | character varying | PRIMARY KEY |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
business_unit_class.id | bu_class_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
lsmb_module.id | module_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
start_date | date | NOT NULL | |
end_date | date | NOT NULL | |
reference | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text | NOT NULL | |
entity.id | entered_by | integer | NOT NULL DEFAULT person__get_my_entity_id() |
entity.id | approved_by | integer | |
entity.id | obsolete_by | integer | |
entered_at | timestamp without time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
approved_at | timestamp without time zone | ||
obsolete_at | timestamp without time zone |
Name | Constraint |
budget_info_check | CHECK ((start_date < end_date)) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
budget_info.id | budget_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
account.id | account_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
description | text | ||
amount | numeric | NOT NULL | |
amount_tc | numeric | NOT NULL | |
currency.curr | curr | character(3) | NOT NULL |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('note_id_seq'::regclass) | |
note_class | integer | NOT NULL DEFAULT 6 | |
note | text | NOT NULL | |
vector | tsvector | NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::tsvector | |
created | timestamp without time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
created_by | text | DEFAULT SESSION_USER | |
budget_info.id | ref_key | integer | NOT NULL |
subject | text |
Table budget_note Inherits note,
Name | Constraint |
budget_note_note_class_check | CHECK ((note_class = 6)) |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
budget_info.id | budget_id | integer | UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY |
business_unit.id | bu_id | integer | NOT NULL |
business_unit_class.id | bu_class | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
Groups of Customers assigned joint discounts.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text | ||
discount | numeric |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Tracks Projects, Departments, Funds, Etc.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | UNIQUE#1 PRIMARY KEY | |
business_unit_class.id | class_id | integer | UNIQUE#2 UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
control_code | text | UNIQUE#2 | |
description | text | ||
start_date | date | ||
end_date | date | ||
business_unit.id | parent_id | integer | |
entity_credit_account.id | credit_id | integer |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
acc_trans.entry_id | entry_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
business_unit.class_id#1 business_unit_class.id | class_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
business_unit.id#1 | bu_id | integer | NOT NULL |
Consolidates projects and departments, and allows this to be extended for funds accounting and other purposes.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
label | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
active | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
ordering | integer |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
invoice.id | entry_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
business_unit.class_id#1 business_unit_class.id | class_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
business_unit.id#1 | bu_id | integer | NOT NULL |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
journal_line.id | entry_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
business_unit_class.id | bu_class | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
business_unit.id | bu_id | integer | NOT NULL |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
orderitems.id | entry_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
business_unit.class_id#1 business_unit_class.id | class_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
business_unit.id#1 | bu_id | integer | NOT NULL |
Translation information for projects, departments, etc.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
business_unit.id | trans_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
language_code | character varying(6) | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text |
Table business_unit_translation Inherits translation,
This view is used by cash basis reports to determine the fraction of a transaction to be counted.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | ||
portion | numeric | ||
rel | text | ||
transdate | date |
SELECT gl.id , '1'::numeric AS portion , 'gl'::text AS rel , gl.transdate FROM gl UNION ALL SELECT gl.id , CASE WHEN (gl.amount_bc = (0)::numeric ) THEN (0)::numeric WHEN (gl.transdate = ac.transdate) THEN ( (1)::numeric + (sum (ac.amount_bc) / gl.amount_bc ) ) ELSE ( (1)::numeric - ( (gl.amount_bc - sum (ac.amount_bc) ) / gl.amount_bc ) ) END AS portion , 'ar'::text AS rel , ac.transdate FROM ( (ar gl JOIN acc_trans ac ON ( (ac.trans_id = gl.id) ) ) JOIN account_link al ON ( ( (ac.chart_id = al.account_id) AND (al.description = 'AR'::text) ) ) ) GROUP BY gl.id , gl.amount_bc , ac.transdate , gl.transdate UNION ALL SELECT gl.id , CASE WHEN (gl.amount_bc = (0)::numeric ) THEN (0)::numeric WHEN (gl.transdate = ac.transdate) THEN ( (1)::numeric - (sum (ac.amount_bc) / gl.amount_bc ) ) ELSE ( (1)::numeric - ( (gl.amount_bc + sum (ac.amount_bc) ) / gl.amount_bc ) ) END AS portion , 'ap'::text AS rel , ac.transdate FROM ( (ap gl JOIN acc_trans ac ON ( (ac.trans_id = gl.id) ) ) JOIN account_link al ON ( ( (ac.chart_id = al.account_id) AND (al.description = 'AP'::text) ) ) ) GROUP BY gl.id , gl.amount_bc , ac.transdate , gl.transdate;
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
entity.id | entity_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
legal_name | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
tax_id | text |
In the US this would be a EIN. |
sales_tax_id | text | ||
license_number | text | ||
sic.code | sic_code | character varying | |
Name | Constraint |
company_legal_name_check | CHECK ((legal_name ~ '[[:alnum:]_]'::text)) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Stores type of contact information attached to companies and persons. Please coordinate with others before adding new types.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
class | text | PRIMARY KEY |
Name | Constraint |
contact_class_class_check | CHECK ((class ~ '[[:alnum:]_]'::text)) |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
name | text | NOT NULL | |
short_name | text | NOT NULL | |
itu | text |
The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector code for calling internationally. For example, the US is 1, Great Britain is 44 |
Name | Constraint |
country_name_check | CHECK ((name ~ '[[:alnum:]_]'::text)) |
country_short_name_check | CHECK ((short_name ~ '[[:alnum:]_]'::text)) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
This table was designed for holding information relating to reportable sales or purchases, such as IRS 1099 forms and international equivalents.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
country.id | country_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
form_name | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
default_reportable | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
is_accrual | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Provides name mapping for the cash reconciliation screen.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
account.id | chart_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
account | text | NOT NULL |
This table holds header data for cash reports.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigserial | PRIMARY KEY | |
account.id | chart_id | integer | NOT NULL |
their_total | numeric | NOT NULL | |
approved | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
submitted | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
end_date | date | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
updated | timestamp without time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
entity.id | entered_by | integer | NOT NULL DEFAULT person__get_my_entity_id() |
entered_username | text | NOT NULL DEFAULT SESSION_USER | |
deleted | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
entity.id | deleted_by | integer | |
entity.id | approved_by | integer | |
approved_username | text | ||
recon_fx | boolean | DEFAULT false |
Name | Constraint |
cr_report_check | CHECK (((deleted IS NOT TRUE) OR (approved IS NOT TRUE))) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
This stores line item data on transaction lines and whether they are cleared.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigserial | PRIMARY KEY | |
cr_report.id | report_id | integer | NOT NULL |
scn | text |
This is the check number. Maps to gl.reference |
their_balance | numeric | ||
our_balance | numeric | ||
errorcode | integer | ||
entity.id | user | integer | NOT NULL |
clear_time | date | ||
insert_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
trans_type | text | ||
post_date | date | ||
acc_trans.entry_id | ledger_id | integer | |
voucher_id | integer | ||
overlook | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
cleared | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
This table expresses the explicit relationship between the lines on the reconciliation report and the lines in acc_trans which constitute the ledger lines aggregated into the reconciliation line.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
cr_report_line.id | report_line_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
acc_trans.entry_id | entry_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
This table holds the list of currencies available for posting in the system; it mostly serves as the canonical definition of currency codes.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
curr | character(3) | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
when_applied | timestamp without time zone | PRIMARY KEY | |
path | text | NOT NULL | |
sha | text | NOT NULL | |
sqlstate | text | NOT NULL | |
error | text |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
sha | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
path | text | NOT NULL | |
last_updated | timestamp without time zone | NOT NULL |
This is a free-form table for managing application settings per company database. We use key-value modelling here because this most accurately maps the actual semantics of the data.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
setting_key | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
value | text |
Name | Constraint |
defaults_password_duration_check | CHECK (((setting_key <> 'password_duration'::text) OR (value IS NULL) OR (value = ''::text) OR ((value ~ '^([0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*|[.][0-9]+)$'::text) AND ((value)::numeric > (0)::numeric) AND ((value)::numeric < (3654)::numeric)))) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Replaces the rest of the ar and ap tables. Also tracks payments and receipts.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
order_id | integer |
Link to order it was created from |
journal_entry.id | journal_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
on_hold | boolean |
On hold invoices can not be paid, and overpayments that are on hold cannot be used to pay invoices. |
reverse | boolean |
When this is set to true, the invoice is shown with opposite normal numbers, i.e. negatives appear as positives, and positives appear as negatives. |
entity_credit_account.id | credit_id | integer | NOT NULL |
due | date | NOT NULL | |
language.code | language_code | character(6) | |
force_closed | boolean |
When this is set to true, the invoice does not show up on outstanding reports and cannot be paid. Overpayments where this is set to true do not appear on outstanding reports and cannot be paid. |
order_number | text |
This is the order number of the other party. So for a sales invoice, this would be a purchase order, and for a vendor invoice, this would be a sales order. |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Notes for entity_credit_account entries.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('note_id_seq'::regclass) | |
note_class | integer | NOT NULL | |
note | text | NOT NULL | |
vector | tsvector | NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::tsvector | |
created | timestamp without time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
created_by | text | DEFAULT SESSION_USER | |
entity_credit_account.id | ref_key | integer |
references entity_credit_account.id |
subject | text |
Table eca_note Inherits note,
Name | Constraint |
eca_note_note_class_check | CHECK ((note_class = 3)) |
Mapping customers and vendors to taxes.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
entity_credit_account.id | eca_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
account.id | chart_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
To keep track of the relationship between multiple contact methods and a single vendor or customer account. For generic contacts, use entity_to_contact instead.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
entity_credit_account.id | credit_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
contact_class.id | contact_class_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
contact | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text |
Name | Constraint |
eca_to_contact_contact_check | CHECK ((contact ~ '[[:alnum:]_]'::text)) |
This table is used for locations bound to contracts. For generic contact addresses, use entity_to_location instead
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
location.id | location_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
location_class.id | location_class | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
entity_credit_account.id | credit_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
workflow.workflow_id | workflow_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
from | text | ||
to | text | ||
cc | text | ||
bcc | text | ||
notify | boolean | DEFAULT false | |
subject | text | ||
body | text | ||
sent_date | date | ||
expansions | jsonb |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
label | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
entity_id | integer | ||
startdate | date | ||
enddate | date | ||
role | character varying(20) | ||
ssn | text | ||
sales | boolean | ||
manager_id | integer | ||
employeenumber | character varying(32) | ||
dob | date | ||
is_manager | boolean | ||
manager | text | ||
note | text | ||
name | text |
SELECT e.entity_id , e.startdate , e.enddate , e.role , e.ssn , e.sales , e.manager_id , e.employeenumber , e.dob , e.is_manager , em.name AS manager , emn.note , en.name FROM ( ( ( (entity_employee e LEFT JOIN entity en ON ( (e.entity_id = en.id) ) ) LEFT JOIN entity_employee m ON ( (e.manager_id = m.entity_id) ) ) LEFT JOIN entity em ON ( (em.id = m.entity_id) ) ) LEFT JOIN entity_note emn ON ( (emn.ref_key = em.id) ) );
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
entity_employee.entity_id | employee_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
employee_class.id | ec_id | integer |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
salutation | text | ||
first_name | text | ||
last_name | text | ||
entity_id | integer | ||
startdate | date | ||
enddate | date | ||
role | character varying(20) | ||
ssn | text | ||
sales | boolean | ||
manager_id | integer | ||
employeenumber | character varying(32) | ||
dob | date | ||
is_manager | boolean |
SELECT s.salutation , p.first_name , p.last_name , ee.entity_id , ee.startdate , ee.enddate , ee.role , ee.ssn , ee.sales , ee.manager_id , ee.employeenumber , ee.dob , ee.is_manager FROM ( (person p JOIN entity_employee ee USING (entity_id) ) LEFT JOIN salutation s ON ( (p.salutation_id = s.id) ) );
The primary entity table to map to all contacts
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
name | text |
This is the common name of an entity. If it was a person it may be Joshua Drake, a company Acme Corp. You may also choose to use a domain such as commandprompt.com |
entity_class.id | entity_class | integer | NOT NULL |
created | date | NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_DATE | |
control_code | text | UNIQUE NOT NULL DEFAULT setting_increment('entity_control'::character varying) | |
country.id | country_id | integer | NOT NULL |
Name | Constraint |
entity_name_check | CHECK ((name ~ '[[:alnum:]_]'::text)) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
This stores bank account information for both companies and persons.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
entity.id | entity_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
bic | character varying |
Banking Institution Code, such as routing number of SWIFT code. |
iban | character varying |
International Bank Account Number. used to store the actual account number for the banking institution. |
remark | character varying |
This field contains the notes for an account, like: This is USD account, this one is HUF account, this one is the default account, this account for paying specific taxes. If a $ |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Defines the class type such as vendor, customer, contact, employee
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial |
The first 7 values are reserved and permanent. Individuals who create new classes, however, should coordinate with others for ranges to use. |
class | text | NOT NULL | |
active | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT true |
Name | Constraint |
entity_class_class_check | CHECK ((class ~ '[[:alnum:]_]'::text)) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
This table stores information relating to general relationships regarding moneys owed on invoice. Invoices, whether AR or AP, must be attached to a record in this table.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
entity.id | entity_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
entity_class.id | entity_class | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
pay_to_name | text | ||
discount | numeric | ||
description | text | ||
discount_terms | integer | ||
account.id | discount_account_id | integer | |
taxincluded | boolean | DEFAULT false | |
creditlimit | numeric | ||
terms | smallint | ||
meta_number | character varying(32) |
This stores the human readable control code for the customer/vendor record. This is typically called the customer/vendor "account" in the application. |
business.id | business_id | integer | |
language.code | language_code | character varying(6) | DEFAULT 'en'::character varying |
pricegroup.id | pricegroup_id | integer | |
currency.curr | curr | character(3) | |
startdate | date | DEFAULT CURRENT_DATE | |
enddate | date | ||
threshold | numeric | ||
entity_employee.entity_id | employee_id | integer | |
person.id | primary_contact | integer | |
account.id | ar_ap_account_id | integer | |
account.id | cash_account_id | integer | |
entity_bank_account.id | bank_account | integer | |
country_tax_form.id | taxform_id | integer |
Name | Constraint |
entity_credit_account_check | CHECK (((ar_ap_account_id IS NOT NULL) OR (entity_id = 0))) |
entity_credit_account_entity_class_check | CHECK ((entity_class = ANY (ARRAY[1, 2]))) |
entity_credit_account_req_curr | CHECK (((entity_class = ANY (ARRAY[1, 2, 3])) AND (curr IS NOT NULL))) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
This contains employee-specific extensions to person/entity.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
entity.id | entity_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
startdate | date | NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_DATE | |
enddate | date | ||
role | character varying(20) | ||
ssn | text | ||
sales | boolean | DEFAULT false | |
entity.id | manager_id | integer | |
employeenumber | character varying(32) | ||
dob | date | ||
is_manager | boolean | DEFAULT false |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('note_id_seq'::regclass) | |
note_class | integer | NOT NULL | |
note | text | NOT NULL | |
vector | tsvector | NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::tsvector | |
created | timestamp without time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
created_by | text | DEFAULT SESSION_USER | |
entity.id | ref_key | integer | NOT NULL |
subject | text | ||
entity.id | entity_id | integer |
Table entity_note Inherits note,
Name | Constraint |
entity_note_note_class_check | CHECK ((note_class = 1)) |
Similar to company_other_name, a person may be jd, Joshua Drake, linuxpoet... all are the same person. Currently unused in the front-end but will likely be added in future versions.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
entity.id | entity_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
other_name | text | PRIMARY KEY |
Name | Constraint |
entity_other_name_other_name_check | CHECK ((other_name ~ '[[:alnum:]_]'::text)) |
This table stores contact information for entities
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
entity.id | entity_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
contact_class.id | contact_class_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
contact | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text |
Name | Constraint |
entity_to_contact_contact_check | CHECK ((contact ~ '[[:alnum:]_]'::text)) |
This table is used for locations generic to companies. For contract-bound addresses, use eca_to_location instead
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
location.id | location_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
location_class.id | location_class | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
entity.id | entity_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
This table contains applicable rates for various rate types in the indicated interval [valid_from, valid_to]. ### NOTE: This table needs an INSERT trigger to update any 'valid_to' 'infinity' values to ensure non-overlapping records.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
exchangerate_type.id | rate_type | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
currency.curr | curr | character(3) | PRIMARY KEY |
valid_from | date | PRIMARY KEY | |
valid_to | date | NOT NULL DEFAULT 'infinity'::date | |
rate | numeric | NOT NULL |
This table defines various types of exchange rates which may be used for different purposes (posting, valuation, translation, ...).
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text | NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::text | |
builtin | boolean |
This column is 't' (true) in case the record is a built-in value (and thus can''t be deleted). |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Abstract table, holds no records. Inheriting table store actual file attachment data. Can be queried however to retrieve lists of all files.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
content | bytea | NOT NULL | |
mime_type.id | mime_type_id | integer | NOT NULL |
file_name | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text | ||
entity.id | uploaded_by | integer | NOT NULL |
uploaded_at | timestamp without time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
ref_key | integer |
This column inheriting tables is used to reference the database row for the attachment. Inheriting tables MUST set the foreign key here appropriately. This can also be used to create classifications of other documents, such as by source of automatic import (where the file is not yet attached) or even standard, long-lived documents. |
file_class.id | file_class | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
Name | Constraint |
file_base_check | CHECK (false) NO INHERIT |
File classes are collections of files attached against rows in specific tables in the database. They can be used in the future to implement other form of file attachment.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
class | text | PRIMARY KEY |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
File attachments primarily attached to customer and vendor agreements.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
content | bytea | NOT NULL | |
mime_type_id | integer | NOT NULL | |
file_name | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text | ||
uploaded_by | integer | NOT NULL | |
uploaded_at | timestamp without time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
id | integer | UNIQUE NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('file_base_id_seq'::regclass) | |
entity_credit_account.id | ref_key | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
file_class | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
Table file_eca Inherits file_base,
Name | Constraint |
file_eca_file_class_check | CHECK ((file_class = 5)) |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
content | bytea | NOT NULL | |
mime_type_id | integer | NOT NULL | |
file_name | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text | ||
uploaded_by | integer | NOT NULL | |
uploaded_at | timestamp without time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
id | integer | UNIQUE NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('file_base_id_seq'::regclass) | |
email.workflow_id | ref_key | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
file_class | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
Table file_email Inherits file_base,
Name | Constraint |
file_email_file_class_check | CHECK ((file_class = 8)) |
File attachments primarily attached to entities.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
content | bytea | NOT NULL | |
mime_type_id | integer | NOT NULL | |
file_name | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text | ||
uploaded_by | integer | NOT NULL | |
uploaded_at | timestamp without time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
id | integer | UNIQUE NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('file_base_id_seq'::regclass) | |
entity.id | ref_key | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
file_class | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
Table file_entity Inherits file_base,
Name | Constraint |
file_entity_file_class_check | CHECK ((file_class = 4)) |
This is essentially a spool for files to be reviewed and attached. It is important that the names are somehow guaranteed to be unique, so one may want to prepend them with an email equivalent or the like.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
content | bytea | NOT NULL | |
mime_type_id | integer | NOT NULL | |
file_name | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text | ||
uploaded_by | integer | NOT NULL | |
uploaded_at | timestamp without time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
id | integer | UNIQUE NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('file_base_id_seq'::regclass) | |
ref_key | integer |
Always must be 0, and we have no primary key since these files all are for interal incoming use, not categorized. |
file_class | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
Table file_incoming Inherits file_base,
Name | Constraint |
file_incoming_file_class_check | CHECK ((file_class = 7)) |
file_incoming_ref_key_check | CHECK ((ref_key = 0)) |
This is for internal files used operationally by LedgerSMB. For example, company logos would be here.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
content | bytea | NOT NULL | |
mime_type_id | integer | NOT NULL | |
file_name | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text | ||
uploaded_by | integer | NOT NULL | |
uploaded_at | timestamp without time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
id | integer | UNIQUE NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('file_base_id_seq'::regclass) | |
ref_key | integer |
Always must be 0, and we have no primary key since these files all are for internal use and against the company, not categorized. |
file_class | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
Table file_internal Inherits file_base,
Name | Constraint |
file_internal_file_class_check | CHECK ((file_class = 6)) |
file_internal_ref_key_check | CHECK ((ref_key = 0)) |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
file_id | integer | ||
ref_key | integer | ||
reference | text | ||
type | text | ||
dest_class | integer | ||
source_class | integer | ||
dest_ref | integer |
SELECT file_tx_links.file_id , file_tx_links.ref_key , file_tx_links.reference , file_tx_links.type , file_tx_links.dest_class , file_tx_links.source_class , file_tx_links.dest_ref FROM file_tx_links UNION SELECT file_order_links.file_id , file_order_links.ref_key , file_order_links.reference , file_order_links.oe_class AS type , file_order_links.dest_class , file_order_links.source_class , file_order_links.dest_ref FROM file_order_links;
File attachments primarily attached to orders and quotations.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
content | bytea | NOT NULL | |
mime_type_id | integer | NOT NULL | |
file_name | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text | ||
uploaded_by | integer | NOT NULL | |
uploaded_at | timestamp without time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
id | integer | UNIQUE NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('file_base_id_seq'::regclass) | |
oe.id | ref_key | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
file_class | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
Table file_order Inherits file_base,
Name | Constraint |
file_order_file_class_check | CHECK ((file_class = 2)) |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
file_id | integer | ||
ref_key | integer | ||
reference | text | ||
oe_class | text | ||
dest_class | integer | ||
source_class | integer | ||
dest_ref | integer |
SELECT sl.file_id , sl.ref_key , oe.ordnumber AS reference , oc.oe_class , sl.dest_class , sl.source_class , sl.ref_key AS dest_ref FROM ( (file_secondary_attachment sl JOIN oe ON ( (sl.ref_key = oe.id) ) ) JOIN oe_class oc ON ( (oe.oe_class_id = oc.id) ) ) WHERE (sl.source_class = 2);
Secondary links from one order to another, for example to support order consolidation.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
file_order.id | file_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
source_class | integer | PRIMARY KEY | |
oe.id | ref_key | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
dest_class | integer | PRIMARY KEY | |
attached_by | integer | NOT NULL | |
attached_at | timestamp without time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() |
Table file_order_to_order Inherits file_secondary_attachment,
Name | Constraint |
file_order_to_order_dest_class_check | CHECK ((dest_class = 2)) |
file_order_to_order_source_class_check | CHECK ((source_class = 2)) |
Secondary links from orders to transactions, for example to track files when invoices are generated from orders.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
file_order.id | file_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
source_class | integer | PRIMARY KEY | |
gl.id | ref_key | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
dest_class | integer | PRIMARY KEY | |
attached_by | integer | NOT NULL | |
attached_at | timestamp without time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() |
Table file_order_to_tx Inherits file_secondary_attachment,
Name | Constraint |
file_order_to_tx_dest_class_check | CHECK ((dest_class = 1)) |
file_order_to_tx_source_class_check | CHECK ((source_class = 2)) |
File attachments primarily attached to goods and services.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
content | bytea | NOT NULL | |
mime_type_id | integer | NOT NULL | |
file_name | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text | ||
uploaded_by | integer | NOT NULL | |
uploaded_at | timestamp without time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
id | integer | UNIQUE NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('file_base_id_seq'::regclass) | |
parts.id | ref_key | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
file_class | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
Table file_part Inherits file_base,
Name | Constraint |
file_part_file_class_check | CHECK ((file_class = 3)) |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
content | bytea | NOT NULL | |
mime_type_id | integer | NOT NULL | |
file_name | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text | ||
uploaded_by | integer | NOT NULL | |
uploaded_at | timestamp without time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
id | integer | UNIQUE NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('file_base_id_seq'::regclass) | |
cr_report.id | ref_key | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
file_class | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
Table file_reconciliation Inherits file_base,
Name | Constraint |
file_reconciliation_file_class_check | CHECK ((file_class = 9)) |
Another abstract table. This one will use rewrite rules to make inserts safe because of the difficulty in managing inserts otherwise. Inheriting tables provide secondary links between the file and other database objects. Due to the nature of database inheritance and unique constraints in PostgreSQL, this must be partitioned in a star format.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
file_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY | |
file_class.id | source_class | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
ref_key | integer | PRIMARY KEY | |
file_class.id | dest_class | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
entity.id | attached_by | integer | NOT NULL |
attached_at | timestamp without time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() |
Name | Constraint |
file_secondary_attachment_check | CHECK (false) NO INHERIT |
File attachments primarily attached to AR/AP/GL.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
content | bytea | NOT NULL | |
mime_type_id | integer | NOT NULL | |
file_name | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text | ||
uploaded_by | integer | NOT NULL | |
uploaded_at | timestamp without time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
id | integer | UNIQUE NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('file_base_id_seq'::regclass) | |
transactions.id | ref_key | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
file_class | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
Table file_transaction Inherits file_base,
Name | Constraint |
file_transaction_file_class_check | CHECK ((file_class = 1)) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
file_id | integer | ||
ref_key | integer | ||
reference | text | ||
type | text | ||
dest_class | integer | ||
source_class | integer | ||
dest_ref | integer |
SELECT sl.file_id , sl.ref_key , gl.reference , gl.type , sl.dest_class , sl.source_class , sl.ref_key AS dest_ref FROM (file_secondary_attachment sl JOIN ( SELECT gl_1.id , gl_1.reference , 'gl'::text AS type FROM gl gl_1 UNION SELECT ar.id , ar.invnumber , CASE WHEN ar.invoice THEN 'is'::text ELSE 'ar'::text END AS type FROM ar UNION SELECT ap.id , ap.invnumber , CASE WHEN ap.invoice THEN 'ir'::text ELSE 'ap'::text END AS type FROM ap ) gl ON ( ( (sl.ref_key = gl.id) AND (sl.source_class = 1) ) ) );
Secondary links from journal entries to orders.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
file_transaction.id | file_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
source_class | integer | PRIMARY KEY | |
oe.id | ref_key | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
dest_class | integer | PRIMARY KEY | |
attached_by | integer | NOT NULL | |
attached_at | timestamp without time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() |
Table file_tx_to_order Inherits file_secondary_attachment,
Name | Constraint |
file_tx_to_order_dest_class_check | CHECK ((dest_class = 2)) |
file_tx_to_order_source_class_check | CHECK ((source_class = 1)) |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
file_class.id | file_class | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
view_name | text | UNIQUE NOT NULL |
GIFI labels for accounts, used in Canada and some EU countries for tax reporting
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
accno | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text |
This table holds summary information for entries in the general journal. Does not hold summary information in 1.3 for AR or AP entries.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
transactions.id | id | integer | PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('id'::regclass) |
reference | text | ||
description | text | ||
transdate | date | NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_DATE | |
person.id | person_id | integer |
the person_id of the employee who created the entry. |
notes | text | ||
approved | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT true | |
trans_type.code | trans_type_code | character(2) |
DEFAULT 'gl'::bpchar
This column indicates the source or type of the transaction. Ultimately, every insert specifies the type of transaction being generated. At the time of creation of the column (March 2017), we specify a default value because this goal has not been realised yet. |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
transdate | date | NOT NULL | |
source | text | ||
gl.id | trans_id | integer |
Indicates the associated transaction representing the financial facts associated with the inventory adjustment. (NULL until the report is approved) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
inventory_report.id | adjust_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
parts.id | parts_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
counted | numeric | ||
expected | numeric | ||
variance | numeric |
Line items of invoices with goods/services attached.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
transactions.id | trans_id | integer | |
parts.id | parts_id | integer | |
description | text | ||
qty | numeric |
Positive is normal for sales invoices, negative for vendor invoices. |
allocated | numeric |
Number of allocated items, negative relative to qty. When qty + allocated = 0, then the item is fully used for purposes of COGS calculations. |
sellprice | numeric | ||
precision | integer | ||
fxsellprice | numeric | ||
discount | numeric | ||
assemblyitem | boolean | DEFAULT false | |
unit | character varying | ||
deliverydate | date | ||
serialnumber | text | ||
vendor_sku | text | ||
notes | text |
Name | Constraint |
invoice_allocation_constraint | CHECK ((((allocated * ('-1'::integer)::numeric) >= LEAST((0)::numeric, qty)) AND ((allocated * ('-1'::integer)::numeric) <= GREATEST(qty, (0)::numeric)))) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('note_id_seq'::regclass) | |
note_class | integer | NOT NULL | |
note | text | NOT NULL | |
vector | tsvector | NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::tsvector | |
created | timestamp without time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
created_by | text | DEFAULT SESSION_USER | |
invoice.id | ref_key | integer | NOT NULL |
subject | text |
Table invoice_note Inherits note,
Maping invoice to country_tax_form.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
invoice.id | invoice_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
reportable | boolean |
Time and materials cards. Materials cards not implemented.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
business_unit.id | business_unit_id | integer | |
parts_id | integer | ||
description | text | ||
qty | numeric | ||
allocated | numeric | ||
sellprice | numeric | ||
fxsellprice | numeric | ||
serialnumber | text | ||
checkedin | timestamp with time zone | ||
checkedout | timestamp with time zone | ||
person.id | person_id | integer | NOT NULL |
notes | text | ||
total | numeric | NOT NULL | |
non_billable | numeric | NOT NULL | |
jctype | integer | NOT NULL | |
currency.curr | curr | character(3) | NOT NULL |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
label | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text | NOT NULL | |
is_service | boolean | DEFAULT true | |
is_timecard | boolean | DEFAULT true |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
business_unit.id | bu_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
parts_id | integer |
Job costing/manufacturing here not implemented. |
production | numeric | ||
completed | numeric |
This tale records the header information for each transaction. It replaces parts of the following tables: acc_trans, ar, ap, gl, transactions. Note now all ar/ap transactions are also journal entries.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
reference | text |
Invoice number or journal entry number. |
description | text | ||
session.session_id | locked_by | integer | |
journal_type.id | journal | integer | |
post_date | date | DEFAULT now() | |
effective_start | date |
For transactions whose effects are spread out over a period of time, this is the effective start date for the transaction. To be used by add-ons for automating adjustments. |
effective_end | date |
For transactions whose effects are spread out over a period of time, this is the effective end date for the transaction. To be used by add-ons for automating adjustments. |
currency | character(3) | NOT NULL | |
approved | boolean | DEFAULT false | |
is_template | boolean |
Set true for template transactions. Templates can never be approved but can be copied into new transactions and are useful for recurrances. |
entity.id | entered_by | integer | NOT NULL |
entity.id | approved_by | integer |
Name | Constraint |
journal_entry_check | CHECK (((is_template IS FALSE) OR (approved IS FALSE))) |
journal_entry_check1 | CHECK ((is_template OR (reference IS NOT NULL))) |
Replaces acc_trans as the main account transaction line table.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
account.id | account_id | integer | NOT NULL |
journal_entry.id | journal_id | integer | NOT NULL |
amount | numeric | NOT NULL | |
cleared | boolean |
Still needed both for legacy data and in case reconciliation data must eventually be purged. |
cr_report.id | reconciliation_report | integer | |
account_link_description.description | line_type | text | |
amount_tc | numeric | NOT NULL | |
currency.curr | curr | character(3) | NOT NULL |
Name | Constraint |
journal_line_amount_check | CHECK ((amount <> 'NaN'::numeric)) |
journal_line_amount_tc_check | CHECK ((amount_tc <> 'NaN'::numeric)) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
This stores notes attached to journal entries, including payments and invoices.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('note_id_seq'::regclass) | |
note_class | integer | NOT NULL | |
note | text | NOT NULL | |
vector | tsvector | NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::tsvector | |
created | timestamp without time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
created_by | text | DEFAULT SESSION_USER | |
journal_entry.id | ref_key | integer | NOT NULL |
subject | text | ||
internal_only | boolean |
When set to true, does not show up in notes list for invoice templates |
Table journal_note Inherits note,
Name | Constraint |
journal_note_note_class_check | CHECK ((note_class = 5)) |
This table describes the journal entry type of the transaction. The following values are hard coded by default: 1: General journal 2: Sales (AR) 3: Purchases (AP) 4: Receipts 5: Payments
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
name | text | PRIMARY KEY |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Languages for manual translations and so forth.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
code | character varying(6) | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text |
This table stores addresses, such as shipto and bill to addresses.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
line_one | text | NOT NULL | |
line_two | text | ||
line_three | text | ||
city | text | NOT NULL | |
state | text | ||
country.id | country_id | integer | NOT NULL |
mail_code | text | ||
created | date | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
inactive_date | timestamp without time zone | ||
active | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT true |
Name | Constraint |
location_city_check | CHECK ((city ~ '[[:alnum:]_]'::text)) |
location_line_one_check | CHECK ((line_one ~ '[[:alnum:]_]'::text)) |
location_mail_code_check | CHECK ((mail_code ~ '[[:alnum:]_-]'::text)) |
location_state_check | CHECK ((state ~ '[[:alnum:]_]'::text)) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Individuals seeking to add new location classes should coordinate with others.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
class | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
authoritative | boolean | PRIMARY KEY |
Name | Constraint |
location_class_class_check | CHECK ((class ~ '[[:alnum:]_]'::text)) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
This determines which location classes go with which entity classes
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
location_class.id | location_class | integer | NOT NULL |
entity_class.id | entity_class | integer | NOT NULL |
This stores categories functionality into modules. Addons may add rows here, but the id should be hardcoded. As always 900-1000 will be reserved for internal use, and negative numbers will be reserved for testing.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
label | text | PRIMARY KEY |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
label | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
defaults.setting_key | setting_key | text | NOT NULL |
prefix | text | ||
suffix | text | ||
sequence | text | NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'::text | |
accept_input | boolean | DEFAULT true |
A single parts entry can have multiple make/model entries. These store manufacturer/model number info.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
parts.id | parts_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
barcode | text | ||
make | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
model | text | PRIMARY KEY |
Provides access control list entries for menu nodes.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | NOT NULL | |
role_name | character varying | PRIMARY KEY | |
acl_type | character varying |
Nodes are hidden unless a role is found of which the user is a member, and where the acl_type for that role type and node is set to 'allow' and no acl is found for any role of which the user is a member, where the acl_type is set to 'deny'. |
menu_node.id | node_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
Name | Constraint |
menu_acl_acl_type_check | CHECK ((((acl_type)::text = 'allow'::text) OR ((acl_type)::text = 'deny'::text))) |
A nice human-readable view for investigating the menu tree. Does not show menu attributes or acls.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
level | integer | ||
path | text | ||
label | text | ||
id | integer | ||
position | integer |
WITH RECURSIVE tree (path , id , parent , level , positions ) AS ( SELECT (menu_node.id)::text AS path , menu_node.id , menu_node.parent , 0 AS level , (menu_node."position")::text AS "position" FROM menu_node WHERE (menu_node.parent IS NULL) UNION SELECT ( (t_1.path || ','::text ) || (n_1.id)::text ) , n_1.id , n_1.parent , (t_1.level + 1) , ( (t_1.positions || ','::text ) || n_1."position" ) FROM (menu_node n_1 JOIN tree t_1 ON ( (t_1.id = n_1.parent) ) ) ) SELECT t.level , t.path , (repeat (' '::text , (2 * t.level) ) || (n.label)::text ) AS label , n.id , n."position" FROM (tree t JOIN menu_node n USING (id) ) ORDER BY (string_to_array (t.positions ,','::text ) )::integer[];
This table stores the tree structure of the menu.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
label | character varying | NOT NULL | |
menu_node.id | parent | integer | UNIQUE#1 |
position | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL | |
url | text | ||
standalone | boolean | ||
menu | boolean |
This tracks assembly restocks. This is designed to work with old code and may change as we refactor the parts.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
lot_number | text | UNIQUE NOT NULL DEFAULT (nextval('lot_tracking_number'::regclass))::text | |
parts.id | parts_id | integer | NOT NULL |
qty | numeric | NOT NULL | |
stock_date | date | NOT NULL DEFAULT (now())::date |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
This tracks items used in assembly restocking.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
mfg_lot.id | mfg_lot_id | integer | NOT NULL |
parts.id | parts_id | integer | NOT NULL |
qty | numeric | NOT NULL |
This is a lookup table for storing MIME types.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
mime_type | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
invoice_include | boolean | DEFAULT false |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Tracks ship_to information for orders and invoices.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
transactions.id | trans_id | integer | |
oe.id | oe_id | integer | |
location.id | location_id | integer |
This is an abstract table which should have zero rows. It is inherited by other tables for specific notes.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
note_class.id | note_class | integer | NOT NULL |
note | text |
Body of note. |
vector | tsvector |
DEFAULT ''::tsvector
tsvector for full text indexing, requires both setting up tsearch dictionaries and adding triggers to use at present. |
created | timestamp without time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
created_by | text | DEFAULT SESSION_USER | |
ref_key | integer |
Subclassed tables use this column as a foreign key against the table storing the record a note is attached to. |
subject | text |
Name | Constraint |
note_check | CHECK (false) NO INHERIT |
Coordinate with others before adding entries.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
class | text | NOT NULL |
Name | Constraint |
note_class_class_check | CHECK ((class ~ '[[:alnum:]_]'::text)) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Header information for: * Sales orders * Purchase Orders * Quotations * Requests for Quotation
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
ordnumber | text | ||
transdate | date | DEFAULT CURRENT_DATE | |
entity.id | entity_id | integer | |
amount_tc | numeric | ||
netamount_tc | numeric | ||
reqdate | date | ||
taxincluded | boolean | ||
shippingpoint | text | ||
notes | text | ||
currency.curr | curr | character(3) | |
person.entity_id | person_id | integer | |
closed | boolean | DEFAULT false | |
quotation | boolean | DEFAULT false | |
quonumber | text | ||
intnotes | text | ||
shipvia | text | ||
language_code | character varying(6) | ||
ponumber | text | ||
terms | smallint | ||
entity_credit_account.id | entity_credit_account | integer | NOT NULL |
oe_class.id | oe_class_id | integer | NOT NULL |
workflow.workflow_id | workflow_id | integer |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Hardwired classifications for orders and quotations. Coordinate before adding.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | smallint | UNIQUE | |
oe_class | text | PRIMARY KEY |
Name | Constraint |
oe_class_id_check | CHECK ((id = ANY (ARRAY[1, 2, 3, 4]))) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
This is our primary anti-xsrf measure, as this allows us to require a full round trip to the web server in order to save data.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
session.session_id | session_id | integer | |
form_name | character varying(100) | ||
last_used | timestamp without time zone |
Line items for sales/purchase orders and quotations.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
trans_id | integer | ||
parts.id | parts_id | integer | |
description | text | ||
qty | numeric | ||
sellprice | numeric | ||
precision | integer | ||
discount | numeric | ||
unit | character varying(5) | ||
reqdate | date | ||
ship | numeric | ||
serialnumber | text | ||
notes | text |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
payment_id | integer | ||
payment_reference | text | ||
payment_class | integer | ||
payment_closed | boolean | ||
payment_date | date | ||
chart_id | integer | ||
accno | text | ||
chart_description | text | ||
available | numeric | ||
legal_name | text | ||
entity_credit_id | integer | ||
entity_id | integer | ||
discount | numeric | ||
meta_number | character varying(32) |
SELECT p.id AS payment_id , p.reference AS payment_reference , p.payment_class , p.closed AS payment_closed , p.payment_date , ac.chart_id , c.accno , c.description AS chart_description , (sum (ac.amount_bc) * ( CASE WHEN (eca.entity_class = 1) THEN '-1'::integer ELSE 1 END )::numeric ) AS available , cmp.legal_name , eca.id AS entity_credit_id , eca.entity_id , eca.discount , eca.meta_number FROM ( ( ( ( ( (payment p JOIN payment_links pl ON ( (pl.payment_id = p.id) ) ) JOIN acc_trans ac ON ( (ac.entry_id = pl.entry_id) ) ) JOIN account c ON ( (c.id = ac.chart_id) ) ) JOIN account_link l ON ( (l.account_id = c.id) ) ) JOIN entity_credit_account eca ON ( (eca.id = p.entity_credit_id) ) ) JOIN company cmp ON ( (cmp.entity_id = eca.entity_id) ) ) WHERE ( (p.gl_id IS NOT NULL) AND ( (pl.type = 2) OR (pl.type = 0) ) AND (l.description ~~ '%overpayment'::text) ) GROUP BY p.id , c.accno , p.reference , p.payment_class , p.closed , p.payment_date , ac.chart_id , c.description , cmp.legal_name , eca.id , eca.entity_id , eca.discount , eca.meta_number , eca.entity_class;
This stores detail information about goods and services. The type of part is currently defined according to the following rules: * If assembly is true, then an assembly * If inventory_accno_id, income_accno_id, and expense_accno_id are not null then a part. * If inventory_accno_id is null but the other two are not, then a service. * Otherwise, a labor/overhead entry.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
partnumber | text | ||
description | text | ||
unit | character varying(5) | ||
listprice | numeric | ||
sellprice | numeric | ||
lastcost | numeric | ||
priceupdate | date | DEFAULT CURRENT_DATE | |
weight | numeric | ||
onhand | numeric | ||
notes | text | ||
makemodel | boolean | DEFAULT false | |
assembly | boolean | DEFAULT false | |
alternate | boolean | DEFAULT false | |
rop | numeric |
Re-order point. Used to select parts for short inventory report. |
account.id | inventory_accno_id | integer | |
account.id | income_accno_id | integer | |
account.id | expense_accno_id | integer | |
account.id | returns_accno_id | integer | |
bin | text |
Text identifier for where a part is stored. |
obsolete | boolean | DEFAULT false | |
bom | boolean |
Show on Bill of Materials. |
image | text |
Hyperlink to product image. |
drawing | text | ||
microfiche | text | ||
partsgroup_id | integer | ||
avgcost | numeric |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Translation information for parts.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
parts.id | trans_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
language_code | character varying(6) | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text |
Table parts_translation Inherits translation,
Tracks per-customer pricing. Discounts can be offered for periods of time and for pricegroups as well as per customer
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
parts.id | parts_id | integer | |
entity_credit_account.id | credit_id | integer | |
pricegroup.id | pricegroup_id | integer | |
pricebreak | numeric | ||
sellprice | numeric | ||
validfrom | date | ||
validto | date | ||
currency.curr | curr | character(3) | NOT NULL |
entry_id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
qty | numeric |
Groups of parts for Point of Sale screen.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
partsgroup | text | ||
partsgroup.id | parent | integer |
Translation information for partsgroups.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
partsgroup.id | trans_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
language_code | character varying(6) | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text |
Table partsgroup_translation Inherits translation,
Mapping of parts to taxes.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
parts.id | parts_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
account.id | chart_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
taxcategory.taxcategory_id | taxcategory_id | integer |
Tracks vendor's pricing, as well as vendor's part number, lead time required and currency.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
entity_credit_account.id | credit_id | integer | NOT NULL |
parts_id | integer | ||
partnumber | text | ||
leadtime | smallint | ||
lastcost | numeric | ||
currency.curr | curr | character(3) | NOT NULL |
entry_id | serial | PRIMARY KEY |
This table tracks header data for payments. Its purpose is to maintain references to a gl transaction (overpayments) and purchase/sales orders (prepayments). Together with the payment_links table, it assembles data spread across multiple transactions into a single payment for reconciliation purposes. This table exists to record as a single payment 'acc_trans' lines spread over multiple AR/AP transactions: payment lines use the same 'trans_id' as the AR/AP item which they are payments to. This means that there is a need for a secondary table to track the various parts of a payment. E.g. when a 30USD payment is entered for 2 invoices (INV1 @ 10USD, INV2 @ 20USD), one might expect it to be recorded as +----------+--------+-------+---------+------+ | trans_id | amount | DT/CR | account | ref | +----------+--------+-------+---------+------+ | 25 | 30.00 | DT | Bank | | | 25 | 10.00 | CR | AR | INV1 | | 25 | 20.00 | CR | AR | INV2 | +----------+--------+-------+---------+------+ However, the payment is actually recorded in the 'acc_trans' table as below (assuming INV1 has trans_id 1 and INV2 has trans_id 2): +----------+--------+-------+---------+------+ | trans_id | amount | DT/CR | account | ref | +----------+--------+-------+---------+------+ | 1 | 10.00 | DT | Bank | | | 1 | 10.00 | CR | AR | INV1 | +----------+--------+-------+---------+------+ | 2 | 20.00 | DT | Bank | | | 2 | 20.00 | CR | AR | INV2 | +----------+--------+-------+---------+------+ To track the lines spread across the two transactions into a single payment, the 'payment_links' table references each of the lines as well as a line in the 'payment' table. Each line in the 'payment_links' table has a 'type', which has one of the three values below. For non-overpayment lines, the type is always '1'. Overpayments are entered into the ledger as a GL transaction of two lines; one line posts against the cash account; the other against the overpayment account. The overpayment gets entered into this table with payment_links of type 2 to the associated acc_trans lines. E.g. +----------+---------+-------+---------+--------------+--------+ | trans_id | amount | DT/CR | account | payment type | eca_id | +----------+---------+-------+---------+--------------+--------+ | 15 | 40.00 | DT | Bank | 2 | 21 | | 15 | 40.00 | CR | Prepay | 2 | 21 | +----------+---------+-------+---------+--------------+--------+ Note that the 'payment type' is the 'type' field in the 'payment_links' table and that the 'eca_id' field is the 'entity_credit_id' from the 'payment' table. Allocations of overpayments to invoices are entered as 2 lines of an AR/AP transaction, linking the associated acc_trans lines to a payment using payment_links of type 0. In case the payment involves a foreign currency gain or loss, the allocation consists of 3 lines. All three lines are included in the payment_links. A 4th line may be involved when an early payment discount is in order. E.g. when an overpayment gets used to pay the two invoices from the example above, the transactions will look like this (when the payment is payment_id '20' and the overpayment is payment_id '15' -- as created above): +----------+--------+-------+---------+------+------------+--------+ | trans_id | amount | DT/CR | account | ref | payment_id | ovp_id | +----------+--------+-------+---------+------+------------+--------+ | 1 | 10.00 | DT | Prepay | | 20 | 15 | | 1 | 10.00 | CR | AR | INV1 | 20 | N/A | +----------+--------+-------+---------+------+------------+--------+ | 2 | 20.00 | DT | Prepay | | 20 | 15 | | 2 | 20.00 | CR | AR | INV2 | 20 | N/A | +----------+--------+-------+---------+------+------------+--------+ Note that 'payment_id' is the 'id' field from the 'payment' table for the payment currently being entered. The 'ovp_id' is the same 'id' field in the 'payment' table, but links to the overpayment-creation payment record. The links to the 'payment_id' and 'ovp_id' are created using 2 records in the 'payment_links' table for the same 'acc_trans' row, with values '1' and '0' for the payment and overpayment-use respectively.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
reference | text |
This field will store the code for both receipts and payment order |
gl.id | gl_id | integer |
Pre- and overpayments are linked to the GL; AR/AP payment lines are directly connected to 'ar' or 'ap' records which means this field isn't used in those cases. |
payment_class | integer |
1 = payment , 2 = receipt following the values of entity_class (1=vendor, 2=customer) |
payment_date | date | DEFAULT CURRENT_DATE | |
closed | boolean |
This will store the current state of a payment/receipt order |
entity_credit_account.id | entity_credit_id | integer | |
person.id | employee_id | integer | |
currency | character(3) | ||
notes | text | ||
reversing | integer |
Indicates which payment.id the current record is reversing (or null if the current record isn''t a reversal) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Ties acc_trans lines in ar/ap/gl items to payments The key to linking transaction lines to payments is the 'type' column. See there for more documentation on how to use this table. Note that *all* lines resulting from a payment should be linked. This includes foreign currency difference lines on ar/ap items and means that the lines linked to a single payment must be balanced.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
payment.id | payment_id | integer | |
acc_trans.entry_id | entry_id | integer | |
type | integer |
* A type '0' means that the referenced `acc_trans` line is part of an allocation of an overpayment to invoices (or a reversal thereof). A 'type 0' link exists only on the acc_trans line which modifies the overpayment account. * A type '1' means that the referenced `acc_trans` line is part of an allocation to an invoice. This may either be a through an incoming payment/receipt or through an allocation of an overpayment. All lines in the payment/allocation have a 'type 1' link. * A type '2' means that the referenced `acc_trans` line is part of an overpayment creation transaction. With this idea in order we can do the following To get the payment amount on an invoice we will sum the entries on the AR/AP account given a specific `trans_id` with type = 1. To get the total received/paid amount, we will sum the entries on the cash account where type > 0. To get the used amount of an overpayment, we will sum the entries with type = 0 on the overpayment account, given a specific (over)payment id. The overpayment amount can be obtained from the entries with type = 2. Note that fx difference lines are expected to be included in the list of references for types 1. Note that an `entry_id` associated with type '2' can not also be in the table with a type '1' or '0'. Note that type '1' and '2' collectively link to all `acc_trans` lines involved in the payment. (But type '0' refers to lines of *other* payments.) Note that an `entry_id` associated with type '1' may also be in the table with a type '0': this happens when the payment originates from an overpayment balance (as opposed to originating from a direct payment). Note that type '2' cannot be used in reversal transactions, because '2' designates an opening position. To make sure the overpayment position will be considered closed, a type '0' should be used. |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
label | text | PRIMARY KEY |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
entry_id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
entity.id | entity_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
payroll_deduction_type.id | type_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
rate | numeric | NOT NULL |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL | |
country.id | country_id | integer | UNIQUE#1 PRIMARY KEY |
label | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
stored_proc_name | name | NOT NULL |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
account.id | account_id | integer | NOT NULL |
payroll_deduction_class.id#1 | pdc_id | integer | NOT NULL |
payroll_deduction_class.country_id#1 | country_id | integer | NOT NULL |
label | text | NOT NULL | |
unit | text | NOT NULL | |
default_amount | numeric | ||
calc_percent | boolean | NOT NULL |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
label | text | PRIMARY KEY |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
payroll_employee_class.id | ec_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
payroll_income_type.id | it_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
label | text |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL | |
country.id | country_id | integer | UNIQUE#1 PRIMARY KEY |
label | text | PRIMARY KEY |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
account.id | account_id | integer | NOT NULL |
payroll_income_class.id#1 | pic_id | integer | NOT NULL |
payroll_income_class.country_id#1 | country_id | integer | NOT NULL |
label | text | NOT NULL | |
unit | text | NOT NULL | |
default_amount | numeric |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
entity.id | employee_id | integer | NOT NULL |
payroll_pto_class.id | pto_class_id | integer | NOT NULL |
payroll_report.id | report_id | integer | NOT NULL |
amount | numeric | NOT NULL |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
label | text | PRIMARY KEY |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
payroll_employee_class.id | ec_id | integer | NOT NULL |
payment_date | date | NOT NULL | |
entity_employee.entity_id | created_by | integer | |
entity_employee.entity_id | approved_by | integer |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
payroll_report.id | report_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
entity.id | employee_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
payroll_income_type.id | it_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
qty | numeric | NOT NULL | |
rate | numeric | NOT NULL | |
description | text |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
entry_id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
entity.id | entity_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
payroll_income_type.id | type_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
rate | numeric | NOT NULL |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | text | ||
label | text | ||
date_to | date | ||
date_from | date |
SELECT'ytd'::text AS id , 'Year to Date'::text AS label , (now () )::date AS date_to , ( ( (EXTRACT (year FROM now () ) )::text || '-01-01'::text ) )::date AS date_from UNION SELECT'last_year'::text AS id , 'Last Year'::text AS label , ( ( ( (EXTRACT (YEAR FROM now () ) - (1)::numeric ) )::text || '-12-31'::text ) )::date AS date_to , ( ( ( (EXTRACT (YEAR FROM now () ) - (1)::numeric ) )::text || '-01-01'::text ) )::date AS date_from;
Every person, must have an entity to derive a common or display name. The correct way to get class information on a person would be person.entity_id->entity_class_to_entity.entity_id.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
entity.id | entity_id | integer | UNIQUE NOT NULL |
salutation.id | salutation_id | integer | |
first_name | text | NOT NULL | |
middle_name | text | ||
last_name | text | NOT NULL | |
created | date | NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_DATE | |
birthdate | date | ||
personal_id | text |
Name | Constraint |
person_first_name_check | CHECK ((first_name ~ '[[:alnum:]_]'::text)) |
person_last_name_check | CHECK ((last_name ~ '[[:alnum:]_]'::text)) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
currently unused in the front-end, but can be used to map persons to companies.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
location.id | location_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
person.id | person_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
company.id | company_id | integer | NOT NULL |
Pricegroups are groups of customers who are assigned prices and discounts together.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
pricegroup | text |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
payee | text | ||
id | bigint | ||
report_id | integer | ||
scn | text | ||
their_balance | numeric | ||
our_balance | numeric | ||
errorcode | integer | ||
user | integer | ||
clear_time | date | ||
insert_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
trans_type | text | ||
post_date | date | ||
ledger_id | integer | ||
voucher_id | integer | ||
overlook | boolean | ||
cleared | boolean |
SELECT DISTINCT ON (rr.id) n.name AS payee , rr.id , rr.report_id , rr.scn , rr.their_balance , rr.our_balance , rr.errorcode , rr."user" , rr.clear_time , rr.insert_time , rr.trans_type , rr.post_date , rr.ledger_id , ac.voucher_id , rr.overlook , rr.cleared FROM ( ( ( (cr_report_line rr LEFT JOIN cr_report_line_links rll ON ( (rr.id = rll.report_line_id) ) ) LEFT JOIN acc_trans ac ON ( (rll.entry_id = ac.entry_id) ) ) LEFT JOIN gl ON ( (ac.trans_id = gl.id) ) ) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT ap.id , e.name FROM ( (ap JOIN entity_credit_account eca ON ( (ap.entity_credit_account = eca.id) ) ) JOIN entity e ON ( (eca.entity_id = e.id) ) ) UNION SELECT ar.id , e.name FROM ( (ar JOIN entity_credit_account eca ON ( (ar.entity_credit_account = eca.id) ) ) JOIN entity e ON ( (eca.entity_id = e.id) ) ) UNION SELECT gl_1.id , gl_1.description FROM gl gl_1 ) n ON ( (n.id = ac.trans_id) ) );
Stores recurring information on transactions which will recur in the future. Note that this means that only fully posted transactions can recur. I would highly recommend depricating this table and working instead on extending the template transaction addon to handle recurring information.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
transactions.id | id | integer | UNIQUE NOT NULL |
reference | text | ||
startdate | date | ||
nextdate | date | ||
enddate | date | ||
recurring_interval | interval | ||
howmany | integer | ||
payment | boolean | DEFAULT false |
Email to be sent out when recurring transaction is posted.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
recurring.id | id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
formname | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
format | text | ||
message | text |
Template, printer etc. to print to when recurring transaction posts.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
recurring.id | id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
formname | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
format | text | ||
printer | text |
Every robot, must have an entity to derive a common or display name. The correct way to get class information on a robot would be robot.entity_id->entity_class_to_entity.entity_id.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
entity.id | entity_id | integer | UNIQUE NOT NULL |
first_name | text | ||
middle_name | text | ||
last_name | text | NOT NULL | |
Name | Constraint |
robot_first_name_check | CHECK ((first_name ~ '[[:alnum:] _\-\.\*]?'::text)) |
robot_last_name_check | CHECK ((last_name ~ '[[:alnum:] _\-\.\*]'::text)) |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
salutation | text | PRIMARY KEY |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
This table is used to track sessions on a database level across page requests (discretionary locks,open forms for anti-xsrf measures). Because of the way LedgerSMB authentication works currently we do not time out authentication when the session times out. We do time out highly pessimistic locks used for large batch payment workflows.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
session_id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
token | character varying(32) | ||
last_used | timestamp without time zone | DEFAULT now() | |
ttl | integer | NOT NULL DEFAULT 3600 | |
users.id | users_id | integer | NOT NULL |
notify_pasword | interval | NOT NULL DEFAULT '7 days'::interval |
Name | Constraint |
session_token_check | CHECK ((length((token)::text) = 32)) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
This can be used SIC codes or any equivalent, such as ISIC, NAICS, etc.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
code | character varying(6) | PRIMARY KEY | |
sictype | character(1) | ||
description | text |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Whether AR/AP transactions and invoices have been emailed and/or printed
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
trans_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY | |
formname | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
printed | boolean | DEFAULT false | |
emailed | boolean | DEFAULT false | |
spoolfile | text |
Information on tax rates.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
account.id | chart_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
rate | numeric | ||
minvalue | numeric | ||
maxvalue | numeric | ||
taxnumber | text | ||
validto | timestamp without time zone | PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT 'infinity'::timestamp without time zone | |
pass | integer |
This is an integer indicating the pass of the tax. This is to support cumultative sales tax rules (for example, Quebec charging taxes on the federal taxes collected). |
taxmodule.taxmodule_id | taxmodule_id | integer | NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 |
This stores extended information for manual tax calculations.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
tax_basis | numeric | ||
rate | numeric | ||
acc_trans.entry_id | entry_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
taxcategory_id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
taxcategoryname | text | NOT NULL | |
taxmodule.taxmodule_id | taxmodule_id | integer | NOT NULL |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
This is used to store information on tax modules. the module name is used to determine the Perl class for the taxes.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
taxmodule_id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
taxmodulename | text | NOT NULL |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
template_name | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL | |
language.code | language_code | character varying(6) | UNIQUE#1 |
template | text | NOT NULL | |
format | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL | |
last_modified | timestamp without time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() |
Documents the transaction type codes used in the 'gl' table. Please note that the codes in this table are hard-coded into other (SQL) parts of the application. As such, this table merely serves as documentation; do *not* modify its content other than inserting new codes.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
code | character(2) |
Code of the transaction type. The 72 alphanumeric codes starting with 'x' or 'X' are reserved for custom internal extensions. For extensions distributed for wide(r) use, please request a code from the LedgerSMB development team. |
description | character varying(1000) |
This column contains the full documentation as to the origin and purpose of the transaction type. |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
This table provides referential integrity between AR, AP, GL tables on one hand and acc_trans on the other, pending the refactoring of those tables. It also is used to provide discretionary locking of financial transactions across database connections, for example in batch payment workflows.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | PRIMARY KEY | |
table_name | text | NOT NULL | |
session.session_id | locked_by | integer |
This should only be used in pessimistic locking measures as required by large batch work flows. |
approved | boolean | NOT NULL | |
entity.id | approved_by | integer | |
approved_at | timestamp without time zone | ||
transdate | date | ||
workflow.workflow_id | workflow_id | integer |
Name | Constraint |
transactions_table_name_check | CHECK ((table_name = ANY (ARRAY['gl'::text, 'ar'::text, 'ap'::text]))) |
transdate_nullity | CHECK (((NOT approved) OR (transdate IS NOT NULL))) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
abstract table for manual translation data. Should have zero rows.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
trans_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY | |
language_code | character varying(6) | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
type | text | PRIMARY KEY |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | ||
username | character varying(30) | ||
created | date |
SELECT u.id , u.username , e.created FROM (entity e JOIN users u ON ( (u.entity_id = e.id) ) );
This table lists user and global preferences, one preference per row. Global preferences are stored using a NULL `user_id` value, requiring a workaround to check uniqueness of the preference `name` column.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial |
This column is a surrogate primary key. It compensates for the fact that we cannot require `user_id` to be not-null because global settings will be stored with a NULL `user_id`. It exists to allow interactive software (e.g. PgAdmin4) to edit rows in the table. |
users.id | user_id | integer | |
name | text | NOT NULL | |
value | text | NOT NULL |
Name | Constraint |
user_preference_user_id_check | CHECK (((user_id IS NULL) OR (user_id > 0))) |
This table maps lsmb entities to postgresql roles, which are used to authenticate lsmb users. The username field maps to the postgresql role name and is therefore subject to its limitations. A role name is considered an Identifier and as such must begin with a letter or an underscore and is limited by default to 63 bytes (could be fewer characters if unicode) as documented here: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-syntax-lexical.html#SQL-SYNTAX-IDENTIFIERS Lsmb restricts the length of username, but this is an arbitrary restriction beyond the postgresql role name limitations already described.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
username | character varying(30) | PRIMARY KEY | |
notify_password | interval | NOT NULL DEFAULT '7 days'::interval | |
entity.id | entity_id | integer | NOT NULL |
Mapping transactions to batches for batch approval.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
transactions.id | trans_id | integer | NOT NULL |
batch.id | batch_id | integer | NOT NULL |
id | serial |
This is simply a surrogate key for easy reference. |
batch_class.id | batch_class | integer |
This is the authoritative class of the voucher. |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text |
This table contains inventory mappings to warehouses, not general inventory management data.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
entity_employee.entity_id | entity_id | integer | |
warehouse_id | integer | ||
parts_id | integer | ||
trans_id | integer | ||
orderitems_id | integer | ||
qty | numeric | ||
shippingdate | date | ||
entry_id | serial | PRIMARY KEY |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
workflow_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY | |
type | character varying(50) | NOT NULL | |
state | character varying(30) | NOT NULL | |
last_update | timestamp without time zone | DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
workflow_hist_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY | |
workflow.workflow_id | workflow_id | integer | NOT NULL |
action | character varying(25) | NOT NULL | |
description | character varying(255) | ||
state | character varying(30) | NOT NULL | |
workflow_user | character varying(50) | ||
history_date | timestamp without time zone | DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |
An extension to the journal_entry table to track transactionsactions which close out the books at yearend.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
gl.id | trans_id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
reversed | boolean | DEFAULT false | |
transdate | date |
Private method for storing locations to an entity. Do not call directly. Returns the location id that was inserted or updated.
DECLARE l_row location; l_id INT; t_company_id int; BEGIN SELECT id INTO t_company_id FROM company WHERE entity_id = in_entity_id; DELETE FROM entity_to_location WHERE entity_id = in_entity_id AND location_class = in_location_class AND location_id = in_location_id; SELECT location_save(NULL, in_line_one, in_line_two, in_line_three, in_city, in_state, in_mail_code, in_country_id) INTO l_id; INSERT INTO entity_to_location (entity_id, location_class, location_id) VALUES (in_entity_id, in_location_class, l_id); RETURN l_id; END;
SELECT * FROM account_heading ORDER BY accno;
This deletes an account with the id specified. If the account has transactions associated with it, it will fail and raise a foreign key constraint.
BEGIN /* We only allow deletion of unused accounts. Any account_checkpoint rows remaining will cause the final DELETE FROM account to fail and this operation to be rolled back. */ DELETE FROM account_checkpoint WHERE account_id = in_id AND amount_bc = 0 AND amount_tc = 0 AND debits = 0 AND credits = 0; DELETE FROM tax WHERE chart_id = in_id; DELETE FROM account_link WHERE account_id = in_id; DELETE FROM account WHERE id = in_id; RETURN FOUND; END;
Deletes the translation for the account+language combination.
DELETE FROM account_translation WHERE trans_id = $1 AND language_code = $2;
Gets a list of accounts with a specific link description set. For example, for a dropdown list.
SELECT * FROM account WHERE id IN (SELECT account_id FROM account_link WHERE description = $1);
Returns the account where the accno field matches (excatly) the in_accno provided.
select * from account where accno = $1;
Returns set of accounts where the tax attribute is true.
SELECT * FROM account WHERE tax is true ORDER BY accno;
Returns true if account is set up for reconciliation, false otherwise. Note that returns false on invalid account number too
SELECT count(*) > 0 FROM cr_coa_to_account c2a JOIN account ON account.id = c2a.chart_id WHERE accno = $1;
SELECT * FROM account ORDER BY heading;
Returns the list of translations for the given account.
SELECT * FROM account_translation WHERE trans_id = $1;
Returns the account balance at a given point in time, calculating forward from most recent check point. This function is inclusive of in_transdate. For an exclusive function see account__obtain_starting_balance below.
WITH cp AS ( SELECT amount_bc, end_date, account_id FROM account_checkpoint WHERE account_id = in_account_id AND end_date <= in_transdate ORDER BY end_date DESC LIMIT 1 ), ac AS ( SELECT acc_trans.amount_bc FROM acc_trans JOIN (select id from transactions where approved) a on acc_trans.trans_id = a.id LEFT JOIN cp ON acc_trans.chart_id = cp.account_id WHERE (cp.end_date IS NULL OR transdate > cp.end_date) AND transdate <= in_transdate AND chart_id = in_account_id) SELECT coalesce((select sum(amount) from (select sum(amount_bc) as amount from cp union all select sum(amount_bc) from ac) as a), 0);
SELECT account__obtain_balance($1 - 1, $2);
This deletes existing account_link entries, where the account_link.description is not designated as a custom one in the account_link_description table. If no account heading is provided, the account heading which has an accno field closest to but prior (by collation order) is used. Then it saves the account information, and rebuilds the account_link records based on the in_link array.
DECLARE t_link record; t_id int; t_tax bool; BEGIN SELECT count(*) > 0 INTO t_tax FROM tax WHERE in_id = chart_id; t_tax := t_tax OR in_tax; -- check to ensure summary accounts are exclusive -- necessary for proper handling by legacy code FOR t_link IN SELECT description FROM account_link_description WHERE summary='t' LOOP IF t_link.description = ANY (in_link) and array_upper(in_link, 1) > 1 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Invalid link settings: Summary'; END IF; END LOOP; -- Remove all links. Later we'll (re-)insert the ones we want. DELETE FROM account_link WHERE account_id = in_id; UPDATE account SET accno = in_accno, description = in_description, category = in_category, gifi_accno = in_gifi_accno, heading = in_heading, contra = in_contra, obsolete = coalesce(in_obsolete,'f'), tax = t_tax, is_temp = coalesce(in_is_temp,'f') WHERE id = in_id; IF FOUND THEN t_id := in_id; ELSE -- can't obsolete on insert, but this can be changed if users -- request it --CT INSERT INTO account (accno, description, category, gifi_accno, heading, contra, tax, is_temp) VALUES (in_accno, in_description, in_category, in_gifi_accno, in_heading, in_contra, in_tax, coalesce(in_is_temp, 'f')); t_id := currval('account_id_seq'); END IF; FOR t_link IN select in_link[generate_series] AS val FROM generate_series(array_lower(in_link, 1), array_upper(in_link, 1)) LOOP INSERT INTO account_link (account_id, description) VALUES (t_id, t_link.val); END LOOP; RETURN t_id; END;
This saves tax rates.
BEGIN UPDATE tax SET validto = in_validto, rate = in_rate, minvalue = in_minvalue, maxvalue = in_maxvalue, taxnumber = in_taxnumber, pass = in_pass, taxmodule_id = in_taxmodule_id WHERE chart_id = in_chart_id and validto = in_old_validto; IF FOUND THEN return true; END IF; INSERT INTO tax(chart_id, validto, rate, minvalue, maxvalue, taxnumber, pass, taxmodule_id) VALUES (in_chart_id, in_validto, in_rate, in_minvalue, in_maxvalue, in_taxnumber, in_pass, in_taxmodule_id); RETURN TRUE; END;
Saves the translation for the given account, creating a new translation if none existed for the account+language combination.
BEGIN UPDATE account_translation SET description = in_description WHERE language_code = in_language_code AND trans_id = in_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO account_translation (trans_id, language_code, description) VALUES (in_id, in_language_code, in_description); END IF; RETURN; END;
Returns an entry from the account table which matches the id requested, and which is an account, not a heading.
select c.*, concat_colon(l.description) as link from account c left join account_link l ON (c.id = l.account_id) where id = $1 group by c.id, c.accno, c.description, c.category, c.heading, c.gifi_accno, c.contra, c.tax;
Checks to see if any transactions use this account. If so, returns true. If not, returns false.
BEGIN PERFORM trans_id FROM acc_trans WHERE chart_id = in_id LIMIT 1; IF FOUND THEN RETURN true; ELSE RETURN false; END IF; END;
BEGIN PERFORM * from ( WITH RECURSIVE account_headings AS ( SELECT id, accno, 1 as level, accno as path FROM account_heading UNION ALL SELECT ah.id, ah.accno, at.level + 1 as level, at.path || '||||' || ah.accno FROM account_heading ah JOIN account_headings at ON ah.parent_id = at.id WHERE NOT ah.accno = ANY(string_to_array(path, '||||')) ) SELECT * FROM account_heading ah JOIN account_headings at ON ah.parent_id = at.id WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM account_headings WHERE path = at.path || '||||' || ah.accno) ) x; IF found then RAISE EXCEPTION 'ACCOUNT_HEADING_LOOP'; END IF; RETURN NEW; end;
This deletes an account heading with the id specified. If the heading has accounts associated with it, it will fail and raise a foreign key constraint.
BEGIN DELETE FROM account_heading WHERE id = in_id; RETURN FOUND; END;
Deletes the translation for the account+language combination.
DELETE FROM account_heading_translation WHERE trans_id = $1 AND language_code = $2;
Returns a list of all account headings, currently ordered by account number.
SELECT * FROM account_heading order by accno;
Returns the list of translations for the given account.
SELECT * FROM account_heading_translation WHERE trans_id = $1;
Saves the translation for the given account, creating a new translation if none existed for the account+language combination.
BEGIN UPDATE account_heading_translation SET description = in_description WHERE language_code = in_language_code AND trans_id = in_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO account_heading_translation (trans_id, language_code, description) VALUES (in_id, in_language_code, in_description); END IF; RETURN; END;
Returns an entry from the account heading tablewhich matches the id requested, and which is a heading, not an account.
SELECT * from account_heading ah WHERE id = in_id;
Lists all existing account headings.
SELECT * FROM account_heading order by accno;
Saves an account heading.
BEGIN UPDATE account_heading SET accno = in_accno, description = in_description, parent_id = in_parent WHERE id = in_id; IF FOUND THEN RETURN in_id; END IF; INSERT INTO account_heading (accno, description, parent_id) VALUES (in_accno, in_description, in_parent); RETURN currval('account_heading_id_seq'); END;
declare stmt TEXT; a_role name; a_user name; t_userid int; t_in_role TEXT; BEGIN -- Issue the grant -- Make sure to evaluate the role once because the optimizer -- uses it as a filter on every row otherwise SELECT lsmb__role(in_role) INTO t_in_role; select rolname into a_role from pg_roles where rolname = t_in_role; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Cannot grant permissions of a non-existant role.'; END IF; select rolname into a_user from pg_roles where rolname = in_username; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Cannot grant permissions to a non-existant database user.'; END IF; select id into t_userid from users where username = in_username; if not FOUND then RAISE EXCEPTION 'Cannot grant permissions to a non-existant application user.'; end if; stmt := 'GRANT '|| quote_ident(a_role) ||' to '|| quote_ident(in_username); EXECUTE stmt; return 1; END;
Drops the provided user, as well as deletes the user configuration data. It leaves the entity and person references. If in_drop_role is set, it drops the role too.
DECLARE stmt text; a_user users; BEGIN select * into a_user from users where username = in_username; IF NOT FOUND THEN raise exception 'User not found.'; ELSIF FOUND THEN IF in_drop_role IS TRUE then stmt := ' drop user ' || quote_ident(a_user.username); execute stmt; END IF; -- delete cascades into user_preference by schema definition delete from users where entity_id = a_user.entity_id; return 1; END IF; END;
Drops the session identified, releasing all locks held.
BEGIN DELETE FROM "session" WHERE session_id = in_session_id; RETURN FOUND; END;
DECLARE u_role pg_roles; t_role_prefix TEXT; begin -- Make sure to evaluate the role prefix once because the optimizer -- uses it as a filter on every row otherwise SELECT lsmb__role_prefix() INTO t_role_prefix; FOR u_role IN SELECT * FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname ~ ('^' || t_role_prefix) AND NOT rolcanlogin ORDER BY lsmb__global_role(rolname) ASC LOOP u_role.rolname = lsmb__global_role(u_role.rolname); RETURN NEXT u_role; END LOOP; end;
Returns a set of roles that a user is a part of. Note: this function can only be used by - super users - database admins (setup.pl users): - database owners - database users (roles) which were granted the database owner role - application users: - application admins (users with 'manage_users' role) - application users (roles) which query their own roles
declare u_role record; a_user users; t_role_prefix TEXT; begin select * into a_user from admin__get_user(in_user_id); -- this function used to be security definer, but that hides the true -- CURRENT_USER, returning the DEFINER instead of the caller IF a_user.username != CURRENT_USER THEN -- super users and application users match the first criterion -- db owners and db owner group members match the second criterion IF pg_has_role(lsmb__role('users_manage'), 'USAGE') IS FALSE AND pg_has_role((select rolname from pg_database db inner join pg_roles rol on db.datdba = rol.oid where db.datname = current_database()), 'USAGE') IS FALSE THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'User % querying permissions for %, not authorised', CURRENT_USER, a_user.username; END IF; END IF; -- Make sure to evaluate the role prefix once because the optimizer -- uses it as a filter on every row otherwise SELECT lsmb__role_prefix() INTO t_role_prefix; FOR u_role IN select r.rolname from pg_roles r, (select m.roleid from pg_auth_members m, pg_roles b where m.member = b.oid and b.rolname = a_user.username ) as ar where r.oid = ar.roleid and position(t_role_prefix in r.rolname) = 1 LOOP RETURN NEXT lsmb__global_role(u_role.rolname); END LOOP; RETURN; end;
Returns a set of roles that a user is a part of. Note: this function can only be used by - super users - database admins (setup.pl users): - database owners - database users (roles) which were granted the database owner role - application users: - application admins (users with 'manage_users' role) - application users (roles) which query their own roles
declare u_role record; a_user users; t_role_prefix TEXT; begin select * into a_user from admin__get_user_by_entity(in_entity_id); -- this function used to be security definer, but that hides the true -- CURRENT_USER, returning the DEFINER instead of the caller IF a_user.username != CURRENT_USER THEN -- super users and application users match the first criterion -- db owners and db owner group members match the second criterion IF pg_has_role(lsmb__role('users_manage'), 'USAGE') IS FALSE AND pg_has_role((select rolname from pg_database db inner join pg_roles rol on db.datdba = rol.oid where db.datname = current_database()), 'USAGE') IS FALSE THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'User % querying permissions for %, not authorised', CURRENT_USER, a_user.username; END IF; END IF; -- Make sure to evaluate the role prefix once because the optimizer -- uses it as a filter on every row otherwise SELECT lsmb__role_prefix() INTO t_role_prefix; FOR u_role IN select r.rolname from pg_roles r, (select m.roleid from pg_auth_members m, pg_roles b where m.member = b.oid and b.rolname = a_user.username ) as ar where r.oid = ar.roleid and position(t_role_prefix in r.rolname) = 1 LOOP RETURN NEXT lsmb__global_role(u_role.rolname); END LOOP; RETURN; end;
Returns a set of (only one) user specified by the id.
select * from users where id = in_id;
Returns a set of (only one) user specified by the entity_id.
select * from users where entity_id = in_entity_id;
Returns true if user is set up in LedgerSMB. False otherwise.
BEGIN PERFORM * from users where username = in_user; RETURN found; END;
Lists all active sessions.
SELECT s.session_id, u.username, s.last_used, count(t.id) FROM "session" s JOIN users u ON (s.users_id = u.id) LEFT JOIN transactions t ON (t.locked_by = s.session_id) GROUP BY s.session_id, u.username, s.last_used ORDER BY u.username;
declare stmt TEXT; a_role name; a_user name; t_in_role TEXT; BEGIN -- Issue the grant -- Make sure to evaluate the role once because the optimizer -- uses it as a filter on every row otherwise SELECT lsmb__role(in_role) INTO t_in_role; select rolname into a_role from pg_roles where rolname = t_in_role; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Cannot revoke permissions of a non-existant role.'; END IF; select rolname into a_user from pg_roles where rolname = in_username; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Cannot revoke permissions from a non-existant user.'; END IF; stmt := 'REVOKE '|| quote_ident(a_role) ||' FROM '|| quote_ident(in_username); EXECUTE stmt; return 1; END;
Creates a user and relevant records in LedgerSMB and PostgreSQL.
DECLARE a_user users; v_user_id int; p_id int; l_id int; stmt text; t_is_role bool; t_is_user bool; BEGIN -- WARNING TO PROGRAMMERS: This function runs as the definer and runs -- utility statements via EXECUTE. -- PLEASE BE VERY CAREFUL ABOUT SQL-INJECTION INSIDE THIS FUNCTION. PERFORM rolname FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname = in_username; t_is_role := found; t_is_user := admin__is_user(in_username); IF t_is_role is true and t_is_user is false and in_pls_import is NOT TRUE THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Duplicate user'; END IF; if t_is_role and in_password is not null then execute 'ALTER USER ' || quote_ident( in_username ) || ' WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD ' || quote_literal (in_password) || $e$ valid until $e$ || quote_literal(now() + '1 day'::interval); elsif in_pls_import is false AND t_is_user is false AND in_password IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'No password'; elsif t_is_role is false and in_pls_import IS NOT TRUE THEN -- create an actual user execute 'CREATE USER ' || quote_ident( in_username ) || ' WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD ' || quote_literal (in_password) || $e$ valid until $e$ || quote_literal(now() + '1 day'::interval); END IF; select * into a_user from users lu where lu.id = in_id; IF FOUND THEN PERFORM admin__add_user_to_role(a_user.username, 'base_user'); return a_user.id; ELSE -- Insert cycle --- The entity is expected to already BE created. See admin.pm. PERFORM * FROM USERS where username = in_username; IF NOT FOUND THEN v_user_id := nextval('users_id_seq'); insert into users (id, username, entity_id) VALUES ( v_user_id, in_username, in_entity_id ); END IF; IF NOT exists(SELECT * FROM entity_employee WHERE entity_id = in_entity_id) THEN INSERT into entity_employee (entity_id) values (in_entity_id); END IF; -- Finally, issue the create user statement PERFORM admin__add_user_to_role(in_username, 'base_user'); return v_user_id ; END IF; END;
Returns a list of users matching search criteria. Nulls match all values. only username is not an exact match.
SELECT u.id, u.username, p.first_name, p.last_name, e.ssn, e.dob FROM users u JOIN person p ON (u.entity_id = p.entity_id) JOIN entity_employee e ON (e.entity_id = p.entity_id) WHERE u.username LIKE '%' || coalesce(in_username,'') || '%' AND (p.first_name = in_first_name or in_first_name is null) AND (p.last_name = in_last_name or in_last_name is null) AND (in_ssn is NULL or in_ssn = e.ssn) AND (e.dob = in_dob::date or in_dob is NULL)
SELECT gl.id, gl.invoice, gl.invnumber, gl.ordnumber, gl.ponumber, gl.transdate, e.name, eca.meta_number::text, e.id, gl.amount_bc, gl.amount_bc - sum(CASE WHEN l.description IN ('AR', 'AP') THEN ac.amount_bc ELSE 0 END), gl.amount_bc - gl.netamount_bc, gl.curr, gl.duedate, gl.notes, gl.shippingpoint, gl.shipvia, compound_array(bua.business_units || bui.business_units) FROM (select id, invoice, invnumber, ordnumber, ponumber, transdate, duedate, description, notes, shipvia, shippingpoint, amount_bc, netamount_bc, curr, entity_credit_account, on_hold, approved FROM ar WHERE in_entity_class = 2 UNION select id, invoice, invnumber, ordnumber, ponumber, transdate, duedate, description, notes, shipvia, shippingpoint, amount_bc, netamount_bc, curr, entity_credit_account, on_hold, approved FROM ap WHERE in_entity_class = 1) gl JOIN entity_credit_account eca ON gl.entity_credit_account = eca.id JOIN entity e ON e.id = eca.entity_id JOIN acc_trans ac ON gl.id = ac.trans_id JOIN account act ON act.id = ac.chart_id LEFT JOIN account_link l ON l.account_id = act.id AND l.description IN ('AR', 'AP') LEFT JOIN invoice inv ON gl.id = inv.trans_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT compound_array(ARRAY[ARRAY[buc.label, bu.control_code]]) as business_units, entry_id FROM business_unit_class buc JOIN business_unit bu ON bu.class_id = buc.id JOIN business_unit_ac buac ON buac.bu_id = bu.id GROUP BY buac.entry_id) bua ON bua.entry_id = ac.entry_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT compound_array(ARRAY[ARRAY[buc.label, bu.control_code]]) as business_units, entry_id FROM business_unit_class buc JOIN business_unit bu ON bu.class_id = buc.id JOIN business_unit_inv buinv ON buinv.bu_id = bu.id GROUP BY buinv.entry_id) bui ON bui.entry_id = inv.id WHERE (in_account_id IS NULL OR ac.chart_id = in_account_id) AND (in_name_part IS NULL OR to_tsvector(get_default_lang()::regconfig, e.name) @@ plainto_tsquery(get_default_lang()::regconfig, in_name_part)) AND (in_meta_number IS NULL OR eca.meta_number LIKE in_meta_number || '%') AND (in_invnumber IS NULL or gl.invnumber LIKE in_invnumber || '%') AND (in_ordnumber IS NULL or gl.ordnumber LIKE in_ordnumber || '%') AND (in_ponumber IS NULL or gl.ponumber LIKE in_ponumber || '%') AND (in_description IS NULL or to_tsvector(get_default_lang()::regconfig, gl.description) @@ plainto_tsquery(get_default_lang()::regconfig, in_description)) AND (in_notes IS NULL OR to_tsvector(get_default_lang()::regconfig, gl.notes) @@ plainto_tsquery(get_default_lang()::regconfig, in_notes)) AND (in_from_date IS NULL OR in_from_date <= gl.transdate) AND (in_to_date IS NULL OR in_to_date >= gl.transdate) AND (in_on_hold IS NULL OR in_on_hold = gl.on_hold) AND (in_as_of IS NULL OR in_as_of >= ac.transdate) AND (in_approved is null OR (gl.approved = in_approved AND ac.approved = in_approved)) GROUP BY gl.id, gl.invnumber, gl.ordnumber, gl.ponumber, gl.transdate, gl.duedate, e.name, eca.meta_number, gl.amount_bc, gl.netamount_bc, gl.curr, gl.duedate, gl.notes, gl.shippingpoint, gl.shipvia, e.id, gl.invoice HAVING in_source = ANY(array_agg(ac.source)) or in_source IS NULL;
SELECT null::int, null::bool, null::text, null::text, null::text, null::date, entity_name, meta_number, entity_id, sum(amount_bc), sum(amount_paid), sum(tax), currency, null::date, null::text, null::text, null::text, null::text[] FROM ar_ap__transaction_search (in_account_id, in_name_part, in_meta_number, in_invnumber, in_ordnumber, in_ponumber, in_source, in_description, in_notes, in_shipvia, in_from_date, in_to_date, in_on_hold, in_inc_open, in_inc_closed, in_as_of, in_entity_class, in_approved) GROUP BY entity_name, meta_number, entity_id, currency;
SELECT $2[array_upper($2,1)]=$1;
select $2[i:array_upper($2,1)] from generate_subscripts($2,1) as i where $2[i] = $1 order by i limit 1;
select $2[1:i] from generate_subscripts($2,1) as i where $2[i] = $1 order by i limit 1;
A basic array aggregate to take elements and return a one-dimensional array. Example: SELECT as_array(id) from entity_class;
INSERT INTO mfg_lot(parts_id, qty) VALUES ($1, $2); INSERT INTO mfg_lot_item(mfg_lot_id, parts_id, qty) SELECT currval('mfg_lot_id_seq')::int, parts_id, qty * $2 FROM assembly WHERE id = $1; SELECT mfg_lot__commit(currval('mfg_lot_id_seq')::int);
Retrieves a given asset either by id or tag. Both are complete matches. Note that the behavior is undefined if both id and tag are provided.
SELECT * from asset_item WHERE id = in_id OR in_tag = tag ORDER BY id desc limit 1;
Imports items from partial disposal reports. This function should not be called dirctly by programmers but rather through the other disposal approval api's.
DECLARE t_report asset_report; t_import asset_report; BEGIN SELECT * INTO t_report from asset_report where id = in_id; if t_report.report_class <> 4 THEN RETURN FALSE; END IF; SELECT * INTO t_import FROM asset_report__begin_import (t_report.asset_class::int, t_report.report_date); PERFORM asset_report__import( ai.description, ai.tag, ai.purchase_value * rld.percent_disposed / 100, ai.salvage_value * rld.percent_disposed / 100, ai.usable_life, ai.purchase_date, ai.start_depreciation, ai.location_id, ai.department_id, ai.asset_account_id, ai.dep_account_id, ai.exp_account_id, ai.asset_class_id, ai.invoice_id, t_import.id, r.accum_depreciation * rld.percent_disposed / 100, TRUE) FROM asset_item ai JOIN asset_report__get_disposal(t_report.id) r ON (ai.id = r.id) JOIN asset_report_line rl ON (rl.asset_id = ai.id AND rl.report_id = in_id) join asset_rl_to_disposal_method rld ON (rl.report_id = rld.report_id and ai.id = rld.asset_id) where (rld.percent_disposed is null or percent_disposed < 100) and ai.obsolete_by is null; RETURN TRUE; END;
Saves the asset with the information provided. If the id is provided, overwrites the record with the id. Otherwise, or if that record is not found, inserts. Returns the row inserted or updated.
DECLARE ret_val asset_item; BEGIN UPDATE asset_item SET asset_class_id = in_asset_class, description = in_description, tag = in_tag, purchase_date = in_purchase_date, purchase_value = in_purchase_value, usable_life = in_usable_life, location_id = in_warehouse_id, department_id = in_department_id, invoice_id = in_invoice_id, salvage_value = in_salvage_value, asset_account_id = in_asset_account_id, exp_account_id = in_exp_account_id, start_depreciation = coalesce(in_start_depreciation, in_purchase_date), dep_account_id = in_dep_account_id, obsolete_by = in_obsolete_by WHERE id = in_id; IF FOUND THEN SELECT * INTO ret_val FROM asset_item WHERE id = in_id; return ret_val; END IF; INSERT INTO asset_item (asset_class_id, description, tag, purchase_date, purchase_value, usable_life, salvage_value, department_id, location_id, invoice_id, asset_account_id, dep_account_id, start_depreciation, exp_account_id, obsolete_by) VALUES (in_asset_class, in_description, in_tag, in_purchase_date, in_purchase_value, in_usable_life, in_salvage_value, in_department_id, in_warehouse_id, in_invoice_id, in_asset_account_id, in_dep_account_id, coalesce(in_start_depreciation, in_purchase_date), in_exp_account_id, in_obsolete_by); SELECT * INTO ret_val FROM asset_item WHERE id = currval('asset_item_id_seq'); RETURN ret_val; END;
Searches for assets. Nulls match all records. Asset class is exact, as is purchase date, purchase value, and salvage value. Tag and description are partial matches.
SELECT * FROM asset_item WHERE (in_asset_class is null or asset_class_id = in_asset_class) AND (in_description is null or description LIKE '%' || in_description || '%') and (in_tag is null or tag like '%'||in_tag||'%') AND (in_purchase_date is null or purchase_date = in_purchase_date) AND (in_purchase_value is null or in_purchase_value = purchase_value) AND (in_usable_life is null or in_usable_life = usable_life) AND (in_salvage_value is null OR in_salvage_value = salvage_value);
returns the row from asset_class identified by in_id.
SELECT * FROM asset_class WHERE id = in_id;
Returns a list of fixed asset accounts, ordered by account number
SELECT * FROM account WHERE id IN (select account_id from account_link where description = 'Fixed_Asset') ORDER BY accno;
Returns a list of asset depreciation accounts, ordered by account number
SELECT * FROM account WHERE id IN (select account_id from account_link where description = 'Asset_Dep') ORDER BY accno;
Returns the depreciation method associated with the asset class.
SELECT * from asset_dep_method WHERE id = (select method from asset_class where id = in_asset_class);
Returns a set of asset_dep_methods ordered by the method label.
SELECT * FROM asset_dep_method ORDER BY method;
Returns an alphabetical list of asset classes.
SELECT * FROM asset_class ORDER BY label;
Saves this data as an asset_class record. If in_id is NULL or is not found in the table, inserts a new row. Returns the row saved.
DECLARE ret_val asset_class; BEGIN UPDATE asset_class SET asset_account_id = in_asset_account_id, dep_account_id = in_dep_account_id, method = in_method, label = in_label WHERE id = in_id; IF FOUND THEN SELECT * INTO ret_val FROM asset_class where id = in_id; RETURN ret_val; END IF; INSERT INTO asset_class (asset_account_id, dep_account_id, method, label) VALUES (in_asset_account_id, in_dep_account_id, in_method, in_label); SELECT * INTO ret_val FROM asset_class WHERE id = currval('asset_class_id_seq'); RETURN ret_val; END;
Returns a list of matching asset classes. The account id's are exact matches as is the method, but the label is a partial match. NULL's match all.
SELECT ac.id, ac.asset_account_id, aa.accno, aa.description, ac.dep_account_id, ad.accno, ad.description, m.method, ac.method, ac.label FROM asset_class ac LEFT JOIN account aa ON (aa.id = ac.asset_account_id) LEFT JOIN account ad ON (ad.id = ac.dep_account_id) JOIN asset_dep_method m ON (ac.method = m.id) WHERE (in_asset_account_id is null or in_asset_account_id = ac.asset_account_id) AND (in_dep_account_id is null OR in_dep_account_id = ac.dep_account_id) AND (in_method is null OR in_method = ac.method) AND (in_label IS NULL OR ac.label LIKE '%' || in_label || '%') ORDER BY label
This function is a basic function which does the actual calculation for straight line depreciation.
SELECT CASE WHEN in_used/in_base_life * in_basis < in_basis - in_dep_to_date THEN in_used/in_base_life * in_basis ELSE in_basis - in_dep_to_date END;
This checks the interval between the two dates, and if longer than the usable life, returns the months in that interval. Otherwise returns the usable life.
select CASE WHEN extract('MONTHS' FROM (date_trunc('day', in_dep_date) - date_trunc('day', in_last_dep))) > in_usable_life THEN in_usable_life ELSE extract('MONTHS' FROM (date_trunc('day', in_dep_date) - date_trunc('day', in_last_dep)))::numeric END;
If the interval is less than 0 then 0. If the interval is greater than the usable life, then the usable life. Otherwise, return the interval as a fractional year.
SELECT CASE WHEN in_dep_date IS NULL or get_fractional_year(in_start_date, in_dep_date) > in_usable_life then in_usable_life WHEN get_fractional_year(in_start_date, in_dep_date) < 0 THEN 0 ELSE get_fractional_year(in_start_date, in_dep_date) END;
Performs straight line depreciation, selecting depreciation amounts, etc. into a report for further review and approval. Usable life is in months, and depreciation is an equal amount every month.
INSERT INTO asset_report_line (asset_id, report_id, amount, department_id, warehouse_id) SELECT ai.id, in_report_id, asset_dep__straight_line_base( ai.usable_life, --months months_passed(coalesce(max(report_date), start_depreciation), in_report_date), purchase_value - salvage_value, coalesce(sum(l.amount), 0)), ai.department_id, ai.location_id FROM asset_item ai LEFT JOIN asset_report_line l ON (l.asset_id = ai.id and l.amount > 0) LEFT JOIN asset_report r ON (l.report_id = r.id) WHERE ai.id = ANY(in_asset_ids) GROUP BY ai.id, ai.start_depreciation, ai.purchase_date, ai.purchase_value, ai.salvage_value, ai.department_id, ai.location_id, ai.usable_life; UPDATE asset_report SET report_class = 1 WHERE id = in_report_id; select true;
INSERT INTO asset_report_line (asset_id, report_id, amount, department_id, warehouse_id) SELECT ai.id, in_report_id, asset_dep__straight_line_base( ai.usable_life, -- years get_fractional_year(coalesce(max(report_date), start_depreciation), in_report_date), purchase_value - salvage_value, coalesce(sum(l.amount), 0)), ai.department_id, ai.location_id FROM asset_item ai LEFT JOIN asset_report_line l ON (l.asset_id = ai.id and l.amount > 0) LEFT JOIN asset_report r ON (l.report_id = r.id) WHERE ai.id = ANY(in_asset_ids) GROUP BY ai.id, ai.start_depreciation, ai.purchase_date, ai.purchase_value, ai.salvage_value, ai.department_id, ai.location_id, ai.usable_life; UPDATE asset_report SET report_class = 1 WHERE id = in_report_id; select true;
Performs straight line depreciation on a set of selected assets, selecting the depreciation values into a report. Assumes the usable life is measured in years, and is depreciated eavenly every month.
INSERT INTO asset_report_line (asset_id, report_id, amount, department_id, warehouse_id) SELECT ai.id, in_report_id, asset_dep__straight_line_base( ai.usable_life * 12, --months months_passed(coalesce(max(report_date), start_depreciation), in_report_date), purchase_value - salvage_value, coalesce(sum(l.amount), 0)), ai.department_id, ai.location_id FROM asset_item ai LEFT JOIN asset_report_line l ON (l.asset_id = ai.id and l.amount > 0) LEFT JOIN asset_report r ON (l.report_id = r.id) WHERE ai.id = ANY(in_asset_ids) GROUP BY ai.id, ai.start_depreciation, ai.purchase_date, ai.purchase_value, ai.salvage_value, ai.department_id, ai.location_id, ai.usable_life; UPDATE asset_report SET report_class = 1 WHERE id = in_report_id; select true;
This approves the asset_report for disposals, creating relevant GL drafts. If the report is a partial disposal report, imports remaining percentages as new asset items.
DECLARE retval asset_report; iter record; t_disposed_percent numeric; begin -- this code is fairly opaque and needs more documentation that would be -- otherwise optimal. This is mostly due to the fact that we have fairly -- repetitive insert/select routines and the fact that the accounting -- requirements are not immediately intuitive. Inserts marked functionally along -- with typical debit/credit designations. Note debits are always negative. retval := asset_report__record_approve(in_id); if retval.report_class = 2 then t_disposed_percent := 100; end if; INSERT INTO gl (reference, description, approved, transdate, trans_type_code) select 'Asset Report ' || in_id, 'Asset Disposal Report for ' || report_date, false, report_date, 'fd' FROM asset_report where id = in_id; -- REMOVING ASSETS FROM ACCOUNT (Credit) insert into acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount_bc, curr, amount_tc, approved, transdate) SELECT currval('id'), a.asset_account_id, a.purchase_value * (coalesce(t_disposed_percent, m.percent_disposed)/100), defaults_get_defaultcurrency(), a.purchase_value * (coalesce(t_disposed_percent, m.percent_disposed)/100), true, r.report_date FROM asset_item a JOIN asset_report_line l ON (l.asset_id = a.id) JOIN asset_report r ON (r.id = l.report_id) JOIN asset_rl_to_disposal_method m ON (l.report_id = m.report_id and l.asset_id = m.asset_id) WHERE r.id = in_id; -- REMOVING ACCUM DEP. (Debit) INSERT into acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount_bc, curr, amount_tc, approved, transdate) SELECT currval('id'), a.dep_account_id, sum(dl.amount) * -1 * (coalesce(t_disposed_percent, m.percent_disposed)/100), defaults_get_defaultcurrency(), sum(dl.amount) * -1 * (coalesce(t_disposed_percent, m.percent_disposed)/100), true, r.report_date FROM asset_item a JOIN asset_report_line l ON (l.asset_id = a.id) JOIN asset_report r ON (r.id = l.report_id) JOIN asset_report_line dl ON (l.asset_id = dl.asset_id) JOIN asset_rl_to_disposal_method m ON (l.report_id = m.report_id and l.asset_id = m.asset_id) JOIN asset_report dr ON (dl.report_id = dr.id and dr.report_class = 1 and dr.approved_at is not null) WHERE r.id = in_id group by a.dep_account_id, m.percent_disposed, r.report_date; -- INSERT asset/proceeds (Debit, credit for negative values) INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount_bc, curr, amount_tc, approved, transdate) SELECT currval('id'), in_asset_acct, coalesce(l.amount, 0) * -1, defaults_get_defaultcurrency(), coalesce(l.amount, 0) * -1, true, r.report_date FROM asset_item a JOIN asset_report_line l ON (l.asset_id = a.id) JOIN asset_report r ON (r.id = l.report_id) JOIN asset_rl_to_disposal_method m ON (l.report_id = m.report_id and l.asset_id = m.asset_id) WHERE r.id = in_id; -- INSERT GAIN/LOSS (Credit for gain, debit for loss) INSERT INTO acc_trans(trans_id, chart_id, amount_bc, curr, amount_tc, approved, transdate) select currval('id'), CASE WHEN sum(amount_bc) > 0 THEN in_loss_acct else in_gain_acct END, sum(amount_bc) * -1, defaults_get_defaultcurrency(), sum(amount_tc) * -1 , true, retval.report_date FROM acc_trans WHERE trans_id = currval('id'); IF retval.report_class = 4 then PERFORM asset__import_from_disposal(retval.id); end if; return retval; end;
Adds a note to an asset item
INSERT INTO asset_note (ref_key, subject, note) values (in_id, in_subject, in_note); SELECT * FROM asset_note WHERE id = currval('note_id_seq');
Returns a list of matching asset items. Nulls match all records. Tag and description allow for partial match. All other matches are exact.
SELECT * FROM asset_item WHERE (id = in_id or in_id is null) and (asset_class_id = in_asset_class or in_asset_class is null) and (description like '%'||in_description||'%' or in_description is null) and (tag like '%' || in_tag || '%' or in_tag is null) and (purchase_value = in_purchase_value or in_purchase_value is null) and (in_purchase_date = purchase_date or in_purchase_date is null) and (start_depreciation = in_start_depreciation or in_start_depreciation is null) and (in_warehouse_id = location_id OR in_warehouse_id is null) and (department_id = in_department_id or in_department_id is null) and (in_invoice_id = invoice_id OR in_invoice_id IS NULL) and (asset_account_id = in_asset_account_id or in_asset_account_id is null) and (dep_account_id = in_dep_account_id or in_dep_account_id is null);
Returns the current net book value report.
SELECT ai.id, ai.tag, ai.description, ai.start_depreciation, adm.short_name, ai.usable_life - months_passed(ai.start_depreciation, coalesce(max(r.report_date), ai.start_depreciation))/ 12, ai.purchase_value - ai.salvage_value, ai.salvage_value, max(r.report_date), sum(rl.amount), ai.purchase_value - coalesce(sum(rl.amount), 0) FROM asset_item ai JOIN asset_class ac ON (ai.asset_class_id = ac.id) JOIN asset_dep_method adm ON (adm.id = ac.method) LEFT JOIN (select arl.* from asset_report_line arl join asset_report ar on arl.report_id = ar.id where approved_at is not null) rl ON (ai.id = rl.asset_id) LEFT JOIN asset_report r on (rl.report_id = r.id) WHERE r.id IS NULL OR r.approved_at IS NOT NULL GROUP BY ai.id, ai.tag, ai.description, ai.start_depreciation, ai.purchase_date, adm.short_name, ai.usable_life, ai.purchase_value, salvage_value HAVING (NOT 2 = ANY(as_array(r.report_class))) AND (NOT 4 = ANY(as_array(r.report_class))) OR max(r.report_class) IS NULL ORDER BY ai.id, ai.tag, ai.description;
This function approves an asset report (whether depreciation or disposal). Also generates relevant GL drafts for review and posting.
DECLARE ret_val asset_report; BEGIN UPDATE asset_report SET approved_at = now(), approved_by = person__get_my_entity_id() where id = in_id; SELECT * INTO ret_val FROM asset_report WHERE id = in_id; if ret_val.dont_approve is not true then if ret_val.report_class = 1 THEN PERFORM asset_report__generate_gl(in_id, in_expense_acct); ELSIF ret_val.report_class = 2 THEN PERFORM asset_report__disposal_gl( in_id, in_gain_acct, in_loss_acct); ELSIF ret_val.report_class = 4 THEN PERFORM asset_disposal__approve(in_id, in_gain_acct, in_loss_acct, (select asset_account_id from asset_class where id = ret_val.asset_class) ); ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION 'Invalid report class'; END IF; end if; SELECT * INTO ret_val FROM asset_report WHERE id = in_id; RETURN ret_val; end;
Creates the asset report recofd for the asset disposal report.
DECLARE retval asset_report; begin INSERT INTO asset_report (asset_class, report_date, entered_at, entered_by, report_class) VALUES (in_asset_class, in_report_date, now(), person__get_my_entity_id(), in_report_class); SELECT * INTO retval FROM asset_report where id = currval('asset_report_id_seq'); return retval; end;
Creates the outline of an asset import report
INSERT INTO asset_report (asset_class, report_date, entered_at, entered_by, report_class, dont_approve) VALUES (in_asset_class, in_report_date, now(), person__get_my_entity_id(), 3, true); SELECT * FROM asset_report where id = currval('asset_report_id_seq');
Generates GL transactions for ful disposal reports.
INSERT INTO gl (reference, description, transdate, approved, trans_type_code) SELECT setting_increment('glnumber'), 'Asset Report ' || asset_report.id, report_date, false, 'fd' FROM asset_report JOIN asset_report_line ON (asset_report.id = asset_report_line.report_id) JOIN asset_item ON (asset_report_line.asset_id = asset_item.id) WHERE asset_report.id = in_id GROUP BY asset_report.id, asset_report.report_date; INSERT INTO acc_trans (chart_id, trans_id, amount_bc, curr, amount_tc, approved, transdate) SELECT a.dep_account_id, currval('id')::int, sum(r.accum_depreciation) * -1, defaults_get_defaultcurrency(), sum(r.accum_depreciation) * -1, TRUE, r.disposed_on FROM asset_report__get_disposal(in_id) r JOIN asset_item a ON (r.id = a.id) GROUP BY a.dep_account_id, r.disposed_on; -- GAIN is negative since it is a debit INSERT INTO acc_trans (chart_id, trans_id, amount_bc, curr, amount_tc, approved, transdate) SELECT case when sum(r.gain_loss) > 0 THEN in_loss_acct else in_gain_acct end, currval('id')::int, sum(r.gain_loss), defaults_get_defaultcurrency(), sum(r.gain_loss), TRUE, r.disposed_on FROM asset_report__get_disposal(in_id) r JOIN asset_item ai ON (r.id = ai.id) GROUP BY r.disposed_on; INSERT INTO acc_trans (chart_id, trans_id, amount_bc, curr, amount_tc, approved, transdate) SELECT a.asset_account_id, currval('id')::int, sum(r.purchase_value), defaults_get_defaultcurrency(), sum(r.purchase_value), TRUE, r.disposed_on FROM asset_report__get_disposal(in_id) r JOIN asset_item a ON (r.id = a.id) GROUP BY a.asset_account_id, r.disposed_on; SELECT TRUE;
Disposes of an asset. in_dm is the disposal method id.
BEGIN INSERT INTO asset_report_line (report_id, asset_id, amount) values (in_id, in_asset_id, in_amount); INSERT INTO asset_rl_to_disposal_method (report_id, asset_id, disposal_method_id, percent_disposed) VALUES (in_id, in_asset_id, in_dm, in_percent_disposed); RETURN TRUE; END;
Generates lines to select/deselect for the asset report (depreciation or disposal).
SELECT ai.* FROM asset_item ai JOIN asset_class ac ON (ai.asset_class_id = ac.id) LEFT JOIN asset_report_line arl ON (arl.asset_id = ai.id) LEFT JOIN asset_report ar ON (arl.report_id = ar.id) WHERE ai.start_depreciation <= in_report_date AND ac.id = in_asset_class AND obsolete_by IS NULL GROUP BY ai.id, ai.tag, ai.description, ai.purchase_value, ai.usable_life, ai.purchase_date, ai.location_id, ai.invoice_id, ai.asset_account_id, ai.dep_account_id, ai.asset_class_id, ai.start_depreciation, ai.salvage_value, ai.department_id, ai.exp_account_id, ai.obsolete_by HAVING (count(ar.report_class) = 0 OR (2 <> ALL(as_array(ar.report_class)) and 4 <> ALL(as_array(ar.report_class)))) AND ((ai.purchase_value - coalesce(sum(arl.amount), 0) > ai.salvage_value) and ai.obsolete_by is null) OR in_depreciation is not true;
Generates a GL transaction when the Asset report is approved. Create approved transactions, unless the value of the setting_key 'debug_fixed_assets' evaluates to false
DECLARE t_report_dept record; t_dep_amount numeric; Begin INSERT INTO gl (reference, description, transdate, approved, trans_type_code) SELECT setting_increment('glnumber'), 'Asset Report ' || asset_report.id, report_date, coalesce((select value::boolean from defaults where setting_key = 'debug_fixed_assets'), true), 'fa' FROM asset_report JOIN asset_report_line ON (asset_report.id = asset_report_line.report_id) JOIN asset_item ON (asset_report_line.asset_id = asset_item.id) WHERE asset_report.id = in_report_id GROUP BY asset_report.id, asset_report.report_date; INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, transdate, approved, amount_bc, curr, amount_tc) SELECT gl.id, a.exp_account_id, r.report_date, true, sum(amount) * -1, defaults_get_defaultcurrency(), sum(amount) * -1 FROM asset_report r JOIN asset_report_line l ON (r.id = l.report_id) JOIN asset_item a ON (l.asset_id = a.id) JOIN gl ON (gl.description = 'Asset Report ' || l.report_id) WHERE r.id = in_report_id GROUP BY gl.id, r.report_date, a.exp_account_id; INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, transdate, approved, amount_bc, curr, amount_tc) SELECT gl.id, a.dep_account_id, r.report_date, true, sum(amount), defaults_get_defaultcurrency(), sum(amount) FROM asset_report r JOIN asset_report_line l ON (r.id = l.report_id) JOIN asset_item a ON (l.asset_id = a.id) JOIN gl ON (gl.description = 'Asset Report ' || l.report_id) WHERE r.id = in_report_id GROUP BY gl.id, a.dep_account_id, r.report_date, a.tag, a.description; RETURN in_report_id; END;
Returns the asset_report line identified by id.
select * from asset_report where id = in_id;
Returns a set of lines of disposed assets in a disposal report, specified by the report id.
SELECT ai.id, ai.tag, ai.description, ai.start_depreciation, r.report_date, dm.short_label, ai.purchase_value, sum (CASE WHEN pr.report_class in (1,3) THEN prl.amount ELSE 0 END) as accum_dep, l.amount, ai.purchase_value - sum(CASE WHEN pr.report_class in (1,3) THEN prl.amount ELSE 0 END) as adjusted_basis, l.amount - ai.purchase_value + sum(CASE WHEN pr.report_class in (1,3) THEN prl.amount ELSE 0 END) as gain_loss FROM asset_item ai JOIN asset_report_line l ON (l.report_id = in_id AND ai.id = l.asset_id) JOIN asset_report r ON (l.report_id = r.id) LEFT JOIN asset_rl_to_disposal_method adm USING (report_id, asset_id) JOIN asset_disposal_method dm ON (adm.disposal_method_id = dm.id) LEFT JOIN asset_report_line prl ON (prl.report_id <> in_id AND ai.id = prl.asset_id) LEFT JOIN asset_report pr ON (prl.report_id = pr.id) GROUP BY ai.id, ai.tag, ai.description, ai.start_depreciation, r.report_date, ai.purchase_value, l.amount, dm.short_label ORDER BY ai.id, ai.tag;
Returns a list of asset_disposal_method items ordered by label.
SELECT * FROM asset_disposal_method order by label;
Lists all asset expense reports.
SELECT * FROM account__get_by_link_desc('asset_expense');
Returns a list of gain accounts for asset depreciation and disposal reports.
SELECT * FROM account__get_by_link_desc('asset_gain');
Returns the lines of an asset depreciation report.
select ai.tag, ai.start_depreciation, ai.purchase_value, m.short_name, ai.usable_life, ai.purchase_value - ai.salvage_value, max(pr.report_date), sum(case when pr.report_date < r.report_date then prl.amount else 0 end), rl.amount, sum (case when extract(year from pr.report_date) = extract(year from r.report_date) AND pr.report_date < r.report_date then prl.amount else 0 end), sum(prl.amount), ai.description, ai.purchase_date FROM asset_item ai JOIN asset_class c ON (ai.asset_class_id = c.id) JOIN asset_dep_method m ON (c.method = m.id) JOIN asset_report_line rl ON (rl.asset_id = ai.id) JOIN asset_report r ON (rl.report_id = r.id) LEFT JOIN asset_report_line prl ON (prl.asset_id = ai.id) LEFT JOIN asset_report pr ON (prl.report_id = pr.id) WHERE rl.report_id = in_id GROUP BY ai.tag, ai.start_depreciation, ai.purchase_value, m.short_name, ai.usable_life, ai.salvage_value, r.report_date, rl.amount, ai.description, ai.purchase_date;
Returns a list of loss accounts for asset depreciation and disposal reports.
SELECT * FROM account__get_by_link_desc('asset_loss');
Imports an asset with the supplied information. If in_obsolete_other is false, this creates a new depreciable asset. If it is true, it sets up the other asset as obsolete. This is the way partial disposal reports are handled.
INSERT INTO asset_report_line (report_id, asset_id, amount, department_id, warehouse_id) select in_dep_report_id, id, in_accum_dep, department_id, location_id from asset__save (NULL, in_asset_class_id, in_description, in_tag, in_purchase_date, in_purchase_value, in_usable_life, coalesce(in_salvage_value, 0), in_start_depreciation, in_location_id, in_department_id, in_invoice_id, in_asset_account_id, in_dep_account_id, in_exp_account_id, (select min(id) from asset_item where tag = in_tag)); -- use 'min(id)' because the first record in the series will be deprecated -- by by another one; chances are nil that it's actually deprecat*ing* one UPDATE asset_item SET obsolete_by = currval('asset_item_id_seq') WHERE tag = in_tag and in_obsolete_other is true and id = (select min(id) from asset_item where tag = in_tag); UPDATE asset_item SET obsolete_by = NULL WHERE tag = in_tag and in_obsolete_other is true and id = currval('asset_item_id_seq'); SELECT true;
Marks the asset_report record approved. Not generally recommended to call directly.
UPDATE asset_report set approved_by = person__get_my_entity_id(), approved_at = now() where id = in_id; select * from asset_report where id = in_id;
Creates or updates an asset report with the information presented. Note that approval values are not set here, and that one cannot unsubmit a report though this function.
DECLARE ret_val asset_report; item record; method_text text; BEGIN UPDATE asset_report set asset_class = in_asset_class, report_class = in_report_class, report_date = in_report_date, submitted = (in_submit or submitted) WHERE id = in_id; IF FOUND THEN SELECT * INTO ret_val FROM asset_report WHERE id = in_id; ELSE INSERT INTO asset_report(report_class, asset_class, report_date, submitted) values (in_report_class, in_asset_class, in_report_date, coalesce(in_submit, true)); SELECT * INTO ret_val FROM asset_report WHERE id = currval('asset_report_id_seq'); END IF; RETURN ret_val; END;
Searches for asset reports. Nulls match all rows. Approved, asset class, and entered_by are exact matches. Start_date and end_date define the beginning and end of the search date.
SELECT r.id, r.report_date, r.gl_id, r.asset_class, r.report_class, r.entered_by, r.approved_by, r.entered_at, r.approved_at, r.depreciated_qty, r.dont_approve, r.submitted, sum(l.amount) FROM asset_report r JOIN asset_report_line l ON (l.report_id = r.id) where (in_start_date is null or in_start_date <= report_date) and (in_end_date is null or in_end_date >= report_date) and (in_asset_class is null or in_asset_class = asset_class) and (in_approved is null or (in_approved is true and approved_by is not null) or (in_approved is false and approved_by is null)) and (in_entered_by is null or in_entered_by = entered_by) GROUP BY r.id, r.report_date, r.gl_id, r.asset_class, r.report_class, r.entered_by, r.approved_by, r.entered_at, r.approved_at, r.depreciated_qty, r.dont_approve, r.submitted;
Returns the partial disposal details for a partial disposal report.
SELECT ai.id, ai.tag, ai.start_depreciation, ai.purchase_value, ai.description, ar.report_date, arld.percent_disposed, (arld.percent_disposed / 100) * ai.purchase_value, 100 - arld.percent_disposed, ((100 - arld.percent_disposed)/100) * ai.purchase_value FROM asset_item ai JOIN asset_report_line l ON (ai.id = l.asset_id) JOIN asset_report ar ON (ar.id = l.report_id) JOIN asset_rl_to_disposal_method arld ON ((arld.report_id, arld.asset_id) = (l.report_id, l.asset_id)) WHERE ar.id = in_id;
DECLARE v_cost float; v_qty float; v_parts_id alias for $1; BEGIN SELECT INTO v_cost, v_qty SUM(i.sellprice * i.qty), SUM(i.qty) FROM invoice i JOIN ap a ON (a.id = i.trans_id) WHERE i.parts_id = v_parts_id; IF v_cost IS NULL THEN v_cost := 0; END IF; IF NOT v_qty IS NULL THEN IF v_qty = 0 THEN v_cost := 0; ELSE v_cost := v_cost/v_qty; END IF; END IF; RETURN v_cost; END;
UPDATE batch SET locked_by = (select max(session_id) FROM "session" where users_id = ( select id from users WHERE username = SESSION_USER)) WHERE locked_by IS NULL RETURNING true;
Locks a batch for the duration of the running transaction. To be used when adding vouchers to the batch to prevent others from hitting the batch for other purposes (e.g. approval)
Returns a list of batches and amounts processed on the batch. Nulls match all values. in_date_from and in_date_to specify date ranges. in_description is a partial match. All other criteria are exact matches.
SELECT b.id, c.class, b.control_code, b.description, u.username, b.created_on, b.default_date, sum( CASE WHEN vc.id = 5 AND al.amount_bc < 0 -- GL THEN al.amount_bc WHEN vc.id = 1 THEN ap.amount_bc WHEN vc.id = 2 THEN ar.amount_bc ELSE 0 END) AS transaction_total, sum( CASE WHEN alc.description = 'AR' AND vc.id IN (6, 7) THEN al.amount_bc WHEN alc.description = 'AP' AND vc.id IN (3, 4) THEN al.amount_bc * -1 ELSE 0 END ) AS payment_total, batch__lock(b.id) FROM batch b JOIN batch_class c ON (b.batch_class_id = c.id) LEFT JOIN users u ON (u.entity_id = b.created_by) LEFT JOIN voucher v ON (v.batch_id = b.id) LEFT JOIN batch_class vc ON (v.batch_class = vc.id) LEFT JOIN ar ON (vc.id = 2 AND v.trans_id = ar.id) LEFT JOIN ap ON (vc.id = 1 AND v.trans_id = ap.id) LEFT JOIN acc_trans al ON ((vc.id = 5 AND v.trans_id = al.trans_id) OR (vc.id IN (3, 4, 6, 7) AND al.voucher_id = v.id)) LEFT JOIN account_link alc ON (al.chart_id = alc.account_id) WHERE (c.id = in_class_id OR in_class_id IS NULL) AND (b.description LIKE '%' || in_description || '%' OR in_description IS NULL) AND (in_created_by_eid = b.created_by OR in_created_by_eid IS NULL) AND ( (in_approved = false AND approved_on IS NULL) OR (in_approved = true AND approved_on IS NOT NULL) OR in_approved IS NULL ) and (in_date_from IS NULL or b.default_date >= in_date_from) and (in_date_to IS NULL or b.default_date <= in_date_to) GROUP BY b.id, c.class, b.description, u.username, b.created_on, b.control_code, b.default_date HAVING (in_amount_gt IS NULL OR sum(coalesce(ar.amount_bc, ap.amount_bc, al.amount_bc)) >= in_amount_gt) AND (in_amount_lt IS NULL OR sum(coalesce(ar.amount_bc, ap.amount_bc, al.amount_bc)) <= in_amount_lt) ORDER BY b.control_code, b.description
UPDATE batch SET locked_by = NULL WHERE id = $1 AND locked_by IN (select session_id from "session" s join users u on (u.id = s.users_id) where username = SESSION_USER) RETURNING true;
Inserts the batch into the table.
INSERT INTO batch (batch_class_id, default_date, description, control_code, created_by) VALUES ((SELECT id FROM batch_class WHERE class = in_batch_class), in_batch_date, in_description, in_batch_number, (select entity_id FROM users WHERE username = session_user)) RETURNING id;
If the batch is found and unapproved, deletes it and returns 1. Otherwise raises an exception.
DECLARE t_transaction_ids int[]; t_payment_ids int[]; BEGIN -- Adjust AR/AP tables for payment and payment reversal vouchers -- voucher_id is only set in acc_trans on payment/receipt vouchers and -- their reversals. -CT perform * from batch where id = in_batch_id and approved_on IS NULL; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Batch not found'; END IF; DELETE FROM ac_tax_form WHERE entry_id IN (select entry_id from acc_trans where voucher_id in (select id from voucher where batch_id = in_batch_id) ); WITH deleted_payment_ids AS ( DELETE FROM payment_links p WHERE EXISTS (select 1 from acc_trans a where p.entry_id = a.entry_id and a.voucher_id IN (select id from voucher where batch_id = in_batch_id)) RETURNING p.payment_id ) SELECT as_array(payment_id) INTO t_payment_ids FROM deleted_payment_ids; DELETE FROM payment WHERE id = any(t_payment_ids) AND NOT EXISTS (select 1 from payment_links where payment_id = id); DELETE FROM acc_trans WHERE voucher_id IN (select id FROM voucher where batch_id = in_batch_id); -- The rest of this function involves the deletion of actual -- transactions, vouchers, and batches, and jobs which are in progress. -- -CT SELECT as_array(trans_id) INTO t_transaction_ids FROM voucher WHERE batch_id = in_batch_id AND batch_class IN (1, 2, 5, 8, 9); DELETE FROM ac_tax_form WHERE entry_id in (select entry_id from acc_trans where trans_id = any(t_transaction_ids)); DELETE FROM invoice_tax_form WHERE invoice_id in (select id from invoice where trans_id = any(t_transaction_ids)); DELETE FROM invoice WHERE trans_id = ANY(t_transaction_ids); DELETE FROM acc_trans WHERE trans_id = ANY(t_transaction_ids); DELETE FROM voucher WHERE batch_id = in_batch_id; DELETE FROM batch WHERE id = in_batch_id; DELETE FROM ar WHERE id = ANY(t_transaction_ids); DELETE FROM ap WHERE id = ANY(t_transaction_ids); DELETE FROM gl WHERE id = ANY(t_transaction_ids); DELETE FROM transactions WHERE id = ANY(t_transaction_ids); RETURN 1; END;
returns the batch class id associated with the in_type label provided.
SELECT id FROM batch_class WHERE class = $1;
returns the batch class name associated with the in_class_id id provided.
SELECT class FROM batch_class WHERE id = $1;
Returns a sim[ple set of user objects. This should be renamed so that it is more obvious it is a general purpose function.
SELECT * from users WHERE entity_id IN (select created_by from batch)
Returns a list of all batch classes.
DECLARE out_val record; BEGIN FOR out_val IN select * from batch_class order by id LOOP return next out_val; END LOOP; END;
Posts the specified batch to the books. Only posted batches should show up on standard financial reports.
UPDATE ar SET approved = true WHERE id IN (select trans_id FROM voucher WHERE batch_id = in_batch_id AND batch_class = 2); UPDATE ap SET approved = true WHERE id IN (select trans_id FROM voucher WHERE batch_id = in_batch_id AND batch_class = 1); UPDATE gl SET approved = true WHERE id IN (select trans_id FROM voucher WHERE batch_id = in_batch_id); -- When approving the AR/AP batch import, -- we need to approve the acc_trans line also. UPDATE acc_trans SET approved = true WHERE trans_id IN (select trans_id FROM voucher WHERE batch_id = in_batch_id AND batch_class IN (1, 2)); UPDATE acc_trans SET approved = true WHERE voucher_id IN (select id FROM voucher WHERE batch_id = in_batch_id AND batch_class IN (3, 4, 6, 7)); UPDATE batch SET approved_on = now(), approved_by = (select entity_id FROM users WHERE username = SESSION_USER) WHERE id = in_batch_id; SELECT now()::date;
This is a full search for the batches, listing them by amount processed. in_amount_gt and in_amount_lt provide a range to search for. in_description is a partial match field. Other fields are exact matches. NULLs match all values.
SELECT b.id, c.class, b.control_code, b.description, u.username, b.created_on, b.default_date, 0::numeric, 0::numeric, false FROM batch b JOIN batch_class c ON (b.batch_class_id = c.id) JOIN users u ON (u.entity_id = b.created_by) LEFT JOIN voucher v ON (v.batch_id = b.id) where v.id is null and(u.entity_id = in_created_by_eid or in_created_by_eid is null) and (in_description is null or b.description like '%' || in_description || '%') and (in_class_id is null or c.id = in_class_id) GROUP BY b.id, c.class, b.description, u.username, b.created_on, b.control_code, b.default_date ORDER BY b.control_code, b.description
This performs a simple search of open batches created by the entity_id in question. This is used to pull up batches that were currently used so that they can be picked up and more vouchers added. NULLs match all values. in_description is a partial match All other inouts are exact matches.
SELECT b.id, c.class, b.control_code, b.description, u.username, b.created_on, b.default_date, NULL::NUMERIC, NULL::numeric, false FROM batch b JOIN batch_class c ON (b.batch_class_id = c.id) LEFT JOIN users u ON (u.entity_id = b.created_by) WHERE (c.id = in_class_id OR in_class_id IS NULL) AND (b.description LIKE '%' || in_description || '%' OR in_description IS NULL) AND (in_created_by_eid = b.created_by OR in_created_by_eid IS NULL) AND ((in_approved = false OR in_approved IS NULL AND approved_on IS NULL) OR (in_approved = true AND approved_on IS NOT NULL) ) GROUP BY b.id, c.class, b.description, u.username, b.created_on, b.control_code, b.default_date
UPDATE budget_info set approved_at = now(), approved_by = person__get_my_entity_id() WHERE id = $1; SELECT budget__get_info($1);
select bu.* FROM business_unit bu JOIN budget_to_business_unit b2bu ON b2bu.bu_id = bu.id JOIN budget_info bi ON bi.id = b2bu.budget_id WHERE bi.id = $1 ORDER BY bu.class_id;
This retrieves the budget lines associated with a budget.
SELECT l.budget_id, l.account_id, l.description, l.amount, a.accno, a.description, CASE WHEN l.amount < 0 THEN l.amount * -1 ELSE NULL END, CASE WHEN l.amount > 0 THEN l.amount ELSE NULL END FROM budget_line l JOIN account a ON a.id = l.account_id where budget_id = $1;
Selects the budget info.
select bi.id, bi.start_date, bi.end_date, bi.reference, bi.description, bi.entered_by, bi.approved_by, bi.obsolete_by, bi.entered_at, bi.approved_at, bi.obsolete_at, ee.name, ae.name, oe.name from budget_info bi JOIN entity ee ON bi.entered_by = ee.id LEFT JOIN entity ae ON bi.approved_by = ae.id LEFT JOIN entity oe ON bi.obsolete_by = oe.id where bi.id = $1;
Returns all notes associated with a budget, by default in the order they were created.
SELECT * FROM budget_note WHERE ref_key = $1 ORDER BY created;
Marks a budget as obsolete
UPDATE budget_info set obsolete_by = person__get_my_entity_id(), obsolete_at = now() WHERE id = $1 and approved_by is not null; SELECT budget__get_info($1)
Deletes unapproved budgets only.
BEGIN DELETE FROM budget_line WHERE budget_id IN (SELECT id from budget_info WHERE id = in_id AND approved_by IS NULL); DELETE FROM budget_to_project WHERE budget_id IN (SELECT id from budget_info WHERE id = in_id AND approved_by IS NULL); DELETE FROM budget_to_department WHERE budget_id IN (SELECT id from budget_info WHERE id = in_id AND approved_by IS NULL); DELETE FROM budget_info WHERE id = in_id AND approved_by IS NULL; RETURN FOUND; END;
This saves the line items for the budget. in_details is an array n long where each entry is {int account_id, text description, numeric amount}. The in_id parameter is the budget_id.
DECLARE loop_count int; retval budget_info_ext; BEGIN FOR loop_count in array_lower(in_details, 1) .. array_upper(in_details, 1) LOOP INSERT INTO budget_line (budget_id, account_id, description, amount) VALUES (in_id, in_details[loop_count][1]::int, in_details[loop_count][2], in_details[loop_count][3]::numeric); END LOOP; retval := budget__get_info(in_id); return retval; END;
Saves the extended budget info passed through to the function. See the comment on type budget_info_ext for more information.
DECLARE retval budget_info_ext; t_id int; BEGIN PERFORM * FROM budget_info WHERE id = in_id and approved_by is not null; IF FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'report approved'; END IF; UPDATE budget_info SET start_date = in_start_date, end_date = in_end_date, reference = in_reference, description = in_description WHERE id = in_id and approved_by is null; IF FOUND THEN t_id := in_id; ELSE INSERT INTO budget_info (start_date, end_date, reference, description) VALUES (in_start_date, in_end_date, in_reference, in_description); t_id = currval('budget_info_id_seq'); INSERT INTO budget_to_business_unit(budget_id, bu_id, bu_class) SELECT t_id, id, class_id FROM business_unit WHERE id = ANY(in_business_units); END IF; retval := budget__get_info(t_id); return retval; END;
Saves a note attached to a budget.
INSERT INTO budget_note (subject, note, ref_key) values ($2, $3, $1); SELECT * FROM budget_note WHERE id = currval('note_id_seq'::regclass);
This is a general search for budgets
select bi.id, bi.start_date, bi.end_date, bi.reference, bi.description, bi.entered_by, bi.approved_by, bi.obsolete_by, bi.entered_at, bi.approved_at, bi.obsolete_at, ee.name, ae.name, oe.name from budget_info bi JOIN entity ee ON bi.entered_by = ee.id LEFT JOIN entity ae ON bi.approved_by = ae.id LEFT JOIN entity oe ON bi.obsolete_by = oe.id WHERE (start_date = $1 or $1 is null) AND ($2 = end_date or $2 is null) AND ($3 BETWEEN start_date AND end_date or $2 is null) AND ($4 ilike reference || '%' or $4 is null) AND (bi.description @@ plainto_tsquery($5) or $5 is null) AND ($6 = entered_by or $6 is null) AND ($7 = approved_by or $7 is null) AND ($8 = obsolete_by or $8 is null) AND ($10 IS NULL OR ($10 = (approved_by IS NOT NULL))) AND ($11 IS NULL OR ($11 = (obsolete_by IS NOT NULL))) ORDER BY reference;
Retrieves a variance report for budget with an id of in_id.
WITH agg_account (amount, id, transdate) AS ( SELECT ac.amount_bc * CASE WHEN a.contra THEN -1 ELSE 1 END * CASE WHEN a.category IN ('A', 'E') THEN -1 ELSE 1 END AS amount, ac.chart_id, ac.transdate FROM acc_trans ac JOIN account a ON ac.chart_id = a.id ) SELECT act.accno, act.description, act.id, b.description, b.amount, coalesce(sum(a.amount), 0), b.amount - coalesce(sum(a.amount), 0) AS variance FROM budget_info bi JOIN budget_line b ON bi.id = b.budget_id JOIN account act ON act.id = b.account_id LEFT JOIN agg_account a ON a.transdate BETWEEN bi.start_date and bi.end_date AND a.id = b.account_id WHERE bi.id = $1 GROUP BY act.accno, act.description, act.id, b.description, b.amount ORDER BY act.accno;
Returns a list of all business types. Ordered by description by default.
SELECT * FROM business ORDER BY description;
SELECT * FROM business_unit where id = $1;
This function returns tree-related records with the root of the tree being the business unit of in_id.
WITH RECURSIVE tree (id, control_code, description, start_date, end_date, parent_id, path, level) AS ( SELECT id, control_code, description, start_date, end_date, parent_id, ARRAY[parent_id] AS path, 1 as level FROM business_unit WHERE $1 = id UNION SELECT t.id, t.control_code, t.description, t.start_date, t.end_date, t.parent_id, t.path || bu.id AS path, t.level + 1 as level FROM business_unit bu JOIN tree t ON t.parent_id = bu.id ) SELECT * FROM tree ORDER BY path;
This function retUrns a list of all units (projects, departments, funds, etc) active on the in_active_on date, where in_credit_id matches the credit id of the customer or vendor requested, and where in_business_uni_class_id is the class id of the class of business units (1 for department, 2 for project, etc). With the exception of in_business_unit_class_id, the null matches all records.
SELECT * FROM business_unit WHERE (in_active_on BETWEEN coalesce(start_date, in_active_on) AND coalesce(end_date, in_active_on) OR in_active_on IS NULL) AND (in_credit_id = credit_id OR (credit_id IS NULL and in_strict_credit IS NOT TRUE) OR (in_credit_id IS NULL)) AND class_id = in_business_unit_class_id ORDER BY control_code;
This function lists all business unit clases. If in_active is true, then only active classes are listed. If it is false then only inactive classes are listed. If it is null, then all classes are listed.
SELECT bc.* FROM business_unit_class bc WHERE (active = $1 OR $1 IS NULL) AND (id IN (select bu_class_id FROM bu_class_to_module bcm JOIN lsmb_module mod ON mod.id = bcm.module_id WHERE lower(label) = lower($2)) OR $2 is null) ORDER BY ordering;
DECLARE retval business_unit; t_id int; BEGIN UPDATE business_unit SET class_id = in_class_id, control_code = in_control_code, description = in_description, start_date = in_start_date, end_date = in_end_date, credit_id = in_credit_id WHERE id = in_id; IF FOUND THEN t_id := in_id; ELSE INSERT INTO business_unit (class_id, control_code, description, start_date, end_date, parent_id, credit_id) VALUES (in_class_id, in_control_code, in_description, in_start_date, in_end_date, in_parent_id, in_credit_id); t_id := currval('business_unit_id_seq'); END IF; SELECT * INTO retval FROM business_unit WHERE id = t_id; RETURN retval; END;
DELETE FROM business_unit_class WHERE id = in_id RETURNING *;
SELECT * FROM lsmb_module WHERE id IN (select module_id from bu_class_to_module where bu_class_id = $1) ORDER BY id;
DECLARE retval business_unit_class; t_id int; BEGIN t_id := in_id; UPDATE business_unit_class SET label = in_label, active = in_active, ordering = in_ordering WHERE id = in_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO business_unit_class (label, active, ordering) VALUES (in_label, in_active, in_ordering); t_id := currval('business_unit_class_id_seq'); END IF; SELECT * INTO retval FROM business_unit_class WHERE id = t_id; RETURN retval; END;
DELETE FROM bu_class_to_module WHERE bu_class_id = $1; INSERT INTO bu_class_to_module (bu_class_id, module_id) SELECT $1, unnest FROM unnest($2); SELECT true;
SELECT * FROM business_unit WHERE id = $1;
This function returns the cash account according with in_account_class which must be 1 or 2. If in_account_class is 1 then it returns a list of AP accounts, and if in_account_class is 2, then a list of AR accounts.
DECLARE out_row account%ROWTYPE; BEGIN IF in_account_class NOT IN (1, 2) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Bad Account Type'; END IF; FOR out_row IN SELECT * FROM account WHERE id in (select account_id from account_link where description = CASE WHEN in_account_class = 1 THEN 'AP' WHEN in_account_class = 2 THEN 'AR' END) ORDER BY accno LOOP RETURN NEXT out_row; END LOOP; END;
SELECT * FROM account ORDER BY accno;
This function returns the overpayment accounts acording with in_account_class which must be 1 or 2. If in_account_class is 1 it returns a list of AP cash accounts and if 2, AR cash accounts.
DECLARE resultrow record; link_string text; BEGIN IF in_account_class = 1 THEN link_string := 'AP_paid'; ELSE link_string := 'AR_paid'; END IF; FOR resultrow IN SELECT * FROM account WHERE id in (select account_id from account_link where description = link_string) ORDER BY accno LOOP return next resultrow; END LOOP; END;
This function returns the discount accounts acording with in_account_class which must be 1 or 2. If in_account_class is 1, returns AP discount accounts, if 2, AR discount accounts.
DECLARE resultrow record; link_string text; BEGIN IF in_account_class = 1 THEN link_string := 'AP_discount'; ELSE link_string := 'AR_discount'; END IF; FOR resultrow IN SELECT * FROM account WHERE id in (select account_id from account_link where description = link_string) ORDER BY accno LOOP return next resultrow; END LOOP; END;
Returns a list of AP_overpayment accounts if in_account_class is 1 Otherwise it returns a list of AR_overpayment accounts.
DECLARE resultrow record; link_string text; BEGIN IF in_account_class = 1 THEN link_string := 'AP_overpayment'; ELSE link_string := 'AR_overpayment'; END IF; FOR resultrow IN SELECT * FROM account WHERE id in (select account_id from account_link where description = link_string) ORDER BY accno LOOP return next resultrow; END LOOP; END;
This returns a list of account entries where the description or account number begins with in_search. If in_link_desc is provided, the list is further filtered by which accounts are set to an account_link.description equal to that provided.
SELECT * FROM account WHERE (accno ~* ('^'||in_search) OR description ~* ('^'||in_search)) AND (in_link_desc IS NULL or id in (select account_id from account_link where description = in_link_desc)) AND not obsolete ORDER BY accno
This checks whether the user needs to be notified of a pending expiration of his/her password. Returns true if needed, false if not. The function also records the next time when the notification will again need to be displayed.
DECLARE test_result BOOL; expires_in interval; notify_again interval; BEGIN expires_in := user__check_my_expiration(); SELECT expires_in < notify_password INTO test_result FROM users WHERE username = SESSION_USER; IF test_result THEN IF expires_in < '1 week' THEN notify_again := '1 hour'; ELSE notify_again := '1 day'; END IF; UPDATE users SET notify_password = expires_in - notify_again WHERE username = SESSION_USER; END IF; RETURN test_result; END;
DECLARE t_alloc numeric := 0; t_cogs numeric := 0; t_inv invoice; t_cp account_checkpoint; t_transdate date; t_avail numeric; BEGIN IF in_qty > 0 THEN return (cogs__reverse_ap(in_parts_id, in_qty * -1))[1] * in_lastcost; END IF; SELECT * INTO t_cp FROM account_checkpoint ORDER BY end_date DESC LIMIT 1; FOR t_inv IN SELECT i.* FROM invoice i JOIN (select id, approved, transdate from ar union select id, approved, transdate from gl) a ON a.id = i.trans_id AND a.approved WHERE qty + allocated > 0 and parts_id = in_parts_id ORDER BY a.transdate, a.id, i.id LOOP t_avail := t_inv.qty + t_inv.allocated; SELECT transdate INTO t_transdate FROM transactions WHERE id = t_inv.trans_id; IF t_alloc < in_qty THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'TOO MANY ALLOCATED'; ELSIF t_alloc = in_qty THEN return t_alloc; ELSIF (in_qty + t_alloc) * -1 <= t_avail THEN UPDATE invoice SET allocated = allocated + (in_qty + t_alloc) WHERE id = t_inv.id; INSERT INTO acc_trans (chart_id, transdate, amount_bc, curr, amount_tc, invoice_id, approved, trans_id) SELECT expense_accno_id, CASE WHEN t_transdate > coalesce(t_cp.end_date, t_transdate - 1) THEN t_transdate ELSE t_cp.end_date + '1 day'::interval END, (in_qty + t_alloc) * in_lastcost, defaults_get_defaultcurrency(), (in_qty + t_alloc) * in_lastcost, t_inv.id, true, t_inv.trans_id FROM parts WHERE id = t_inv.parts_id AND inventory_accno_id IS NOT NULL AND expense_accno_id IS NOT NULL UNION SELECT inventory_accno_id, CASE WHEN t_transdate > coalesce(t_cp.end_date, t_transdate - 1) THEN t_transdate ELSE t_cp.end_date + '1 day'::interval END, -1*(in_qty + t_alloc) * in_lastcost, defaults_get_defaultcurrency(), -1*(in_qty + t_alloc) * in_lastcost, t_inv.id, true, t_inv.trans_id FROM parts WHERE id = t_inv.parts_id AND inventory_accno_id IS NOT NULL AND expense_accno_id IS NOT NULL; t_cogs := t_cogs + (in_qty + t_alloc) * in_lastcost; return in_qty * -1; ELSE UPDATE invoice SET allocated = qty * -1 WHERE id = t_inv.id; t_cogs := t_cogs + t_avail * in_lastcost; INSERT INTO acc_trans (chart_id, transdate, amount_bc, curr, amount_tc, invoice_id, approved, trans_id) SELECT expense_accno_id, CASE WHEN t_transdate > coalesce(t_cp.end_date, t_transdate - 1) THEN t_transdate ELSE t_cp.end_date + '1 day'::interval END, -1*t_avail * in_lastcost, defaults_get_defaultcurrency(), -1*t_avail * in_lastcost, t_inv.id, true, t_inv.trans_id FROM parts WHERE id = t_inv.parts_id AND inventory_accno_id IS NOT NULL AND expense_accno_id IS NOT NULL UNION SELECT inventory_accno_id, CASE WHEN t_transdate > coalesce(t_cp.end_date, t_transdate - 1) THEN t_transdate ELSE t_cp.end_date + '1 day'::interval END, t_avail * in_lastcost, defaults_get_defaultcurrency(), t_avail * in_lastcost, t_inv.id, true, t_inv.trans_id FROM parts WHERE id = t_inv.parts_id AND inventory_accno_id IS NOT NULL AND expense_accno_id IS NOT NULL; t_alloc := t_alloc + t_avail; t_cogs := t_cogs + t_avail * in_lastcost; END IF; END LOOP; RETURN t_alloc; END;
DECLARE retval numeric; r_cogs numeric[]; t_inv invoice; t_adj numeric; t_transdate date; BEGIN SELECT * INTO t_inv FROM invoice WHERE id = in_invoice_id; IF t_inv.qty + t_inv.allocated = 0 THEN return 0; END IF; PERFORM 1 FROM parts WHERE t_inv.parts_id = parts.id AND parts.inventory_accno_id IS NOT NULL; IF NOT FOUND THEN -- the part doesn't have an associated inventory account: it's a service. return 0; END IF; IF t_inv.qty < 0 THEN -- normal COGS SELECT cogs__add_for_ap(i.parts_id, i.qty + i.allocated, i.sellprice) INTO retval FROM invoice i JOIN parts p ON p.id = i.parts_id WHERE i.id = $1; UPDATE invoice SET allocated = allocated + retval WHERE id = $1; ELSE -- reversal r_cogs := cogs__reverse_ap(t_inv.parts_id, t_inv.qty + t_inv.allocated); UPDATE invoice SET allocated = allocated + r_cogs[1] WHERE id = in_invoice_id; t_adj := t_inv.sellprice * r_cogs[1] + r_cogs[2]; SELECT transdate INTO t_transdate FROM transactions WHERE id = t_inv.trans_id; INSERT INTO acc_trans (chart_id, trans_id, approved, amount_bc, curr, amount_tc, transdate, invoice_id) SELECT p.inventory_accno_id, t_inv.trans_id, true, t_adj, defaults_get_defaultcurrency(), t_adj, t_transdate, in_invoice_id FROM parts p WHERE id = t_inv.parts_id UNION SELECT p.expense_accno_id, t_inv.trans_id, true, t_adj * -1, defaults_get_defaultcurrency(), t_adj * -1, t_transdate, in_invoice_id FROM parts p WHERE id = t_inv.parts_id; retval := r_cogs[1]; END IF; RETURN retval; END;
This function accepts a parts_id and a quantity, and iterates through AP records in order, calculating COGS on a FIFO basis and returning it to the application to attach to the current transaction. Modifies the `invoice` records `allocated` values. Return values are an array of {allocated, cogs}.
DECLARE t_alloc numeric := 0; t_cogs numeric := 0; t_inv invoice; t_avail numeric; BEGIN FOR t_inv IN SELECT i.* FROM invoice i JOIN (select id, approved, transdate from ap union select id, approved, transdate from gl) a ON a.id = i.trans_id WHERE qty + allocated < 0 AND i.parts_id = in_parts_id AND a.approved ORDER BY a.transdate asc, a.id asc, i.id asc LOOP t_avail := (t_inv.qty + t_inv.allocated) * -1; IF t_alloc > in_qty THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'TOO MANY ALLOCATED'; ELSIF t_alloc = in_qty THEN return ARRAY[t_alloc, t_cogs]; ELSIF (in_qty - t_alloc) <= t_avail THEN UPDATE invoice SET allocated = allocated + (in_qty - t_alloc) WHERE id = t_inv.id; t_cogs := t_cogs + (in_qty - t_alloc) * t_inv.sellprice; t_alloc := in_qty; return ARRAY[t_alloc, t_cogs]; ELSE UPDATE invoice SET allocated = qty * -1 WHERE id = t_inv.id; t_cogs := t_cogs + (t_avail * t_inv.sellprice); t_alloc := t_alloc + t_avail; END IF; END LOOP; RETURN ARRAY[t_alloc, t_cogs]; END;
DECLARE t_cogs numeric[]; t_inv invoice; t_part parts; t_ar ar; t_transdate date; t_override_cogs int; BEGIN SELECT * INTO t_inv FROM invoice WHERE id = in_invoice_id; SELECT * INTO t_part FROM parts WHERE id = t_inv.parts_id; SELECT * INTO t_ar FROM ar WHERE id = t_inv.trans_id; SELECT transdate INTO t_transdate FROM transactions WHERE id = t_inv.trans_id; IF t_ar.is_return THEN t_override_cogs = (setting_get('ar_return_account_id')).value::int; END IF; IF t_part.inventory_accno_id IS NULL THEN RETURN 0; END IF; IF t_inv.qty + t_inv.allocated = 0 THEN return 0; END IF; IF t_inv.qty > 0 THEN t_cogs := cogs__add_for_ar(t_inv.parts_id, t_inv.qty + t_inv.allocated); ELSE t_cogs := cogs__reverse_ar(t_inv.parts_id, t_inv.qty + t_inv.allocated); END IF; UPDATE invoice set allocated = allocated - t_cogs[1] WHERE id = in_invoice_id; SELECT CASE WHEN t_transdate > coalesce(max(end_date), t_transdate - 1) THEN t_transdate ELSE max(end_date) + '1 day'::interval END INTO t_transdate from account_checkpoint td; INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, approved, amount_bc, curr, amount_tc, transdate, invoice_id) VALUES (t_inv.trans_id, COALESCE(t_override_cogs, CASE WHEN t_inv.qty < 0 AND t_ar.is_return THEN t_part.returns_accno_id ELSE t_part.expense_accno_id END), TRUE, t_cogs[2] * -1, defaults_get_defaultcurrency(), t_cogs[2] * -1, t_transdate, t_inv.id), (t_inv.trans_id, t_part.inventory_accno_id, TRUE, t_cogs[2], defaults_get_defaultcurrency(), t_cogs[2], t_transdate, t_inv.id); RETURN t_cogs[1]; END;
This function iterates through invoice rows attached to ap transactions and allocates to them on a first-in first-out basis. The sort of pseudo-"COGS" value is returned to the application for further handling.
DECLARE t_alloc numeric :=0; t_realloc numeric; t_reversed numeric; t_inv invoice; t_cogs numeric :=0; retval numeric[]; BEGIN -- Move allocation to other purchase lines FOR t_inv IN SELECT i.* FROM invoice i JOIN (select id, approved, transdate from ap union select id, approved, transdate from gl) a ON a.id = i.trans_id WHERE qty + allocated < 0 AND parts_id = in_parts_id AND a.approved ORDER BY a.transdate, a.id, i.id LOOP t_realloc := least(in_qty - t_alloc, -1 * (t_inv.allocated + t_inv.qty)); UPDATE invoice SET allocated = allocated + t_realloc WHERE id = t_inv.id; t_alloc := t_alloc + t_realloc; t_cogs := t_cogs + t_realloc * t_inv.sellprice; IF t_alloc > in_qty THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'TOO MANY ALLOCATED'; ELSIF t_alloc = in_qty THEN return ARRAY[-1 * t_alloc, t_cogs]; END IF; END LOOP; -- No more items in stock to move allocation to? -- * Put AR invoices in back-order FOR t_inv IN SELECT i.* FROM invoice i JOIN (select id, approved, transdate from ar union select id, approved, transdate from gl) a ON a.id = i.trans_id WHERE allocated < 0 and a.approved and parts_id = in_parts_id ORDER BY a.transdate, a.id, i.id LOOP t_reversed := least(in_qty - t_alloc, -1 * t_inv.allocated); UPDATE invoice SET allocated = allocated + t_reversed WHERE id = t_inv.id; t_alloc := t_alloc + t_reversed; IF t_alloc > in_qty THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'TOO MANY ALLOCATED'; ELSIF t_alloc = in_qty THEN RETURN ARRAY[-1 * t_alloc, t_cogs]; END IF; END LOOP; RAISE EXCEPTION 'TOO FEW TO ALLOCATE'; END;
This function accepts a part id and quantity to reverse. It then iterates backwards over AP related records, calculating COGS. This does not save COGS but rather returns it to the application to save. It does however, modify the `invoice` records. Return values are an array of {allocated, cogs}.
DECLARE t_alloc numeric := 0; -- qty to reverse (negative) t_cogs numeric := 0; t_inv invoice; t_reversed numeric; t_reallocated numeric; BEGIN IF in_qty = 0 THEN RETURN ARRAY[0, 0]; END IF; -- First satisfy invoices in back-order FOR t_inv IN SELECT i.* FROM invoice i JOIN (SELECT id, approved, transdate FROM ar UNION SELECT id, approved, transdate FROM gl) a ON a.id = i.trans_id WHERE qty + allocated > 0 and a.approved and parts_id = in_parts_id ORDER BY a.transdate ASC, a.id ASC, i.id ASC LOOP t_reallocated := least(t_alloc - in_qty, t_inv.qty + t_inv.allocated); UPDATE invoice SET allocated = allocated - t_reallocated WHERE id = t_inv.id; t_alloc := t_alloc - t_reallocated; IF t_alloc < in_qty THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'TOO MANY ALLOCATED (1)'; ELSIF t_alloc = in_qty THEN RETURN ARRAY[t_alloc, 0]; END IF; END LOOP; -- No (more) invoices in back-order? -- * Reverse allocation from AP invoices FOR t_inv IN SELECT i.* FROM invoice i JOIN (select id, approved, transdate from ap union select id, approved, transdate from gl) a ON a.id = i.trans_id WHERE allocated > 0 and a.approved and parts_id = in_parts_id -- the sellprice check is here because of github issue #4791: -- when a negative number of assemblies has been "stocked", -- reversal of a sales invoice for that part, fails. and sellprice is not null ORDER BY a.transdate DESC, a.id DESC, i.id DESC LOOP t_reversed := least((in_qty - t_alloc) * -1, t_inv.allocated); UPDATE invoice SET allocated = allocated - t_reversed WHERE id = t_inv.id; t_cogs := t_cogs - t_reversed * t_inv.sellprice; t_alloc := t_alloc - t_reversed; IF t_alloc < in_qty THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'TOO MANY ALLOCATED'; ELSIF t_alloc = in_qty THEN RETURN ARRAY[t_alloc, t_cogs]; END IF; END LOOP; RAISE EXCEPTION 'TOO FEW TO ALLOCATE'; END;
Returns all attributes for the company attached to the entity.
SELECT c.entity_id, e.entity_class, c.legal_name, c.tax_id, c.sales_tax_id, c.license_number, c.sic_code, e.control_code, e.country_id FROM company c JOIN entity e ON e.id = c.entity_id WHERE entity_id = $1;
Returns a list of all entity credit accounts attached to that entity.
SELECT * FROM entity_credit_account WHERE entity_id = $1 AND entity_class = $2;
Returns the entity/company row attached to the control code.
SELECT c.entity_id, e.entity_class, c.legal_name, c.tax_id, c.sales_tax_id, c.license_number, c.sic_code, e.control_code, e.country_id FROM company c JOIN entity e ON e.id = c.entity_id WHERE e.control_code = $1;
select nextval('company_id_seq');
Saves a company. Returns the id number of the record stored.
DECLARE t_entity_id INT; t_control_code TEXT; t_retval COMPANY; BEGIN IF in_control_code IS NULL THEN t_control_code := setting_increment('entity_control'); ELSE t_control_code := in_control_code; END IF; UPDATE entity SET name = in_legal_name, entity_class = in_entity_class, control_code = t_control_code, country_id = in_country_id WHERE id = in_entity_id; IF FOUND THEN t_entity_id = in_entity_id; ELSE INSERT INTO entity (name, entity_class, control_code,country_id) VALUES (in_legal_name, in_entity_class, t_control_code,in_country_id); t_entity_id := currval('entity_id_seq'); END IF; UPDATE company SET legal_name = in_legal_name, tax_id = in_tax_id, sic_code = in_sic_code, sales_tax_id = in_sales_tax_id, license_number = in_license_number WHERE entity_id = t_entity_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO company(entity_id, legal_name, tax_id, sic_code, sales_tax_id, license_number) VALUES (t_entity_id, in_legal_name, in_tax_id, in_sic_code, in_sales_tax_id, in_license_number); END IF; SELECT * INTO t_retval FROM company WHERE entity_id = t_entity_id; RETURN t_retval; END;
Returns billing information (billing name and address) for a given credit account.
select coalesce(eca.pay_to_name, c.legal_name), eca.meta_number, e.control_code, eca.cash_account_id, c.tax_id, a.line_one, a.line_two, a.line_three, a.city, a.state, a.mail_code, cc.name FROM (select legal_name, tax_id, entity_id FROM company UNION ALL SELECT last_name || ', ' || first_name, null, entity_id FROM person) c JOIN entity e ON (c.entity_id = e.id) JOIN entity_credit_account eca ON (eca.entity_id = e.id) LEFT JOIN eca_to_location cl ON (eca.id = cl.credit_id) LEFT JOIN location a ON (a.id = cl.location_id) LEFT JOIN country cc ON (cc.id = a.country_id) WHERE eca.id = in_id AND (location_class = 1 or location_class is null);
Returns an n dimensional array. Example: SELECT as_array(ARRAY[id::text, class]) from contact_class
PostgreSQL 14 vs pre-14 compatibility measure.
SELECT array_cat(ary, elm);
This is a sumple aggregate to return values from the database in a colon-separated list. Other programs probably should not rely on this since it is primarily included for the chart view.
This function takes two arguments and creates a list out of them. It's useful as an aggregate base (see aggregate concat_colon). However this is a temporary function only and should not be relied upon.
select CASE WHEN $1 IS NULL THEN $2 ELSE $1 || ':' || $2 END;
DELETE FROM currency WHERE curr = in_code RETURNING true;
INSERT INTO currency (curr, description) VALUES (in_code, in_description) ON CONFLICT (curr) DO UPDATE SET description = in_description RETURNING *;
DELETE FROM gifi WHERE accno = in_code RETURNING true;
INSERT INTO gifi (accno, description) VALUES (in_code, in_description) ON CONFLICT (accno) DO UPDATE SET description = in_description RETURNING *;
DELETE FROM sic WHERE code = in_code RETURNING true;
INSERT INTO sic (code, sictype, description) VALUES (in_code, in_sictype, in_description) ON CONFLICT (code) DO UPDATE SET sictype = in_sictype, description = in_description RETURNING *;
WITH entities_matching_name AS ( SELECT legal_name, sic_code, entity_id FROM company WHERE in_name_part IS NULL OR legal_name @@ plainto_tsquery(in_name_part) OR legal_name ilike in_name_part || '%' UNION ALL SELECT coalesce(first_name, '') || ' ' || coalesce(middle_name, '') || ' ' || coalesce(last_name, ''), null, entity_id FROM person WHERE in_name_part IS NULL OR coalesce(first_name, '') || ' ' || coalesce(middle_name, '') || ' ' || coalesce(last_name, '') @@ plainto_tsquery(in_name_part) ), matching_eca_contacts AS ( SELECT credit_id FROM eca_to_contact WHERE (in_contact_info IS NULL OR contact = ANY(in_contact_info)) AND (in_contact IS NULL OR description @@ plainto_tsquery(in_contact)) ), matching_entity_contacts AS ( SELECT entity_id FROM entity_to_contact WHERE (in_contact_info IS NULL OR contact = ANY(in_contact_info)) AND (in_contact IS NULL OR description @@ plainto_tsquery(in_contact)) ), matching_locations AS ( SELECT id FROM location WHERE (in_address IS NULL OR line_one @@ plainto_tsquery(in_address) OR line_two @@ plainto_tsquery(in_address) OR line_three @@ plainto_tsquery(in_address)) AND (in_city IS NULL OR city ILIKE '%' || in_city || '%') AND (in_state IS NULL OR state ILIKE '%' || in_state || '%') AND (in_mail_code IS NULL OR mail_code ILIKE in_mail_code || '%') AND (in_country IS NULL OR EXISTS (select 1 from country where name ilike '%' || in_country || '%' or short_name ilike '%' || in_country || '%')) ) SELECT e.id, e.control_code, ec.id, ec.meta_number, ec.description, ec.entity_class, c.legal_name, c.sic_code, b.description , ec.curr::text FROM entity e JOIN entities_matching_name c ON c.entity_id = e.id LEFT JOIN entity_credit_account ec ON (ec.entity_id = e.id) LEFT JOIN business b ON (ec.business_id = b.id) WHERE (in_entity_class is null OR coalesce(ec.entity_class, e.entity_class) = in_entity_class) AND (in_control_code IS NULL OR e.control_code like in_control_code || '%') AND ((in_contact_info IS NULL AND in_contact IS NULL) OR EXISTS (select 1 from matching_eca_contacts mec where mec.credit_id = ec.id) OR EXISTS (select 1 from matching_entity_contacts mec where mec.entity_id = e.id)) AND ((in_address IS NULL AND in_city IS NULL AND in_state IS NULL AND in_mail_code IS NULL AND in_country IS NULL) OR EXISTS (select 1 from matching_locations m join eca_to_location etl ON m.id = etl.location_id where etl.credit_id = ec.id) OR EXISTS (select 1 from matching_locations m join entity_to_location etl ON m.id = etl.location_id where etl.entity_id = e.id)) AND (in_business_id IS NULL OR ec.business_id = in_business_id) AND (in_active_date_to IS NULL OR ec.startdate <= in_active_date_to) AND (in_active_date_from IS NULL OR ec.enddate >= ec.enddate) AND (in_meta_number IS NULL OR ec.meta_number like in_meta_number || '%') AND (in_notes IS NULL OR EXISTS (select 1 from entity_note n where e.id = n.entity_id and note @@ plainto_tsquery(in_notes)) OR EXISTS (select 1 from eca_note n where ec.id = n.ref_key and note @@ plainto_tsquery(in_notes))) AND (in_users IS NULL OR NOT in_users OR EXISTS (select 1 from users where entity_id = e.id)) ORDER BY legal_name;
Returns a list of contact classes ordered by ID.
SELECT * FROM contact_class ORDER BY id;
Provides default rules for setting reconciliation labels. Currently saves a label of accno ||'--' || description.
DECLARE v_chart_id int; BEGIN -- Check for existence of the account already PERFORM * FROM cr_coa_to_account cr JOIN account a on cr.chart_id = a.id WHERE accno = in_accno; IF NOT FOUND THEN -- This is a new account. Insert the relevant data. SELECT id INTO v_chart_id FROM account WHERE accno = in_accno; INSERT INTO cr_coa_to_account (chart_id, account) VALUES (v_chart_id, in_accno||'--'||in_description); END IF; -- Already found, no need to do anything. =) END;
This is a simple filter that prevents updating or deleting reconciliation reports that have already been approved. To purge old reconciliations you must disable the block_change_when_approved trigger on cr_report.
This function returns the amount outstanding with the entity credit account passed as the argument, accounted in the entity_credit_account's indicated preferred currency - using the exchange rates for the server's concept of "today". The "amount outstanding" is defined as the total of all unpaid invoice amounts and all open (interpreted as unfulfilled) orders. In case the required exchange rate(s) are missing, the function returns 'NaN'::numeric. In case there is no outstanding balance, the amount returned may be either 0 (zero) or NULL.
SELECT sum(total.used) / CASE WHEN (SELECT curr FROM entity_credit_account WHERE id = in_eca) = (SELECT value FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'curr') THEN 1 ELSE (SELECT coalesce(rate, 'NaN'::numeric) AS rate FROM exchangerate__get( (SELECT curr FROM entity_credit_account WHERE id = in_eca), 1, current_date)) END AS used_tc FROM ( SELECT sum(ac.amount_bc * CASE WHEN al.description = 'AR' THEN -1 ELSE 1 END) AS used FROM (select id, entity_credit_account from ap union select id, entity_credit_account from ar) a JOIN acc_trans ac ON ac.trans_id = a.id JOIN account_link al ON al.account_id = ac.chart_id WHERE al.description IN ('AR', 'AP') AND ac.approved AND a.entity_credit_account = in_eca UNION ALL SELECT sum(o.amount_tc * coalesce(e.rate, 'NaN'::numeric)) FROM oe o LEFT JOIN (SELECT rate, curr FROM exchangerate_default WHERE rate_type = 1 AND current_date BETWEEN valid_from AND valid_to ) e ON o.curr = e.curr WHERE o.entity_credit_account = in_eca ) total;
Removes the indicated currency, if it''s not the default currency or subject to other integrity constraints.
BEGIN IF defaults_get_defaultcurrency() = in_curr THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Unable to delete default currency %', in_curr; END IF; -- defer the rest of the checks to the available integrity constraints DELETE FROM currency WHERE curr = in_curr; END;
Retrieves a currency and its description using the currency indicator.
SELECT * FROM currency WHERE curr = $1;
Returns true if currency 'in_curr' is used within the current commpany database. Returns false otherwise.
BEGIN RETURN EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM acc_trans WHERE curr = in_curr) OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM account_checkpoint WHERE curr = in_curr) OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM ap WHERE curr = in_curr) OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM ar WHERE curr = in_curr) OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM budget_line WHERE curr = in_curr) OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM entity_credit_account WHERE curr = in_curr) OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM exchangerate_default WHERE curr = in_curr) OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM jcitems WHERE curr = in_curr) OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM journal_line WHERE curr = in_curr) OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM oe WHERE curr = in_curr) OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM partscustomer WHERE curr = in_curr) OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM partsvendor WHERE curr = in_curr); END;
Returns all currencies, default currency first.
select c.curr, c.description, case when in_check_use then currency__is_used(c.curr) else null end as is_used from currency c left join (select value as curr from defaults where setting_key = 'curr') d on c.curr = d.curr order by case when c.curr = d.curr then 1 else 2 end, c.curr;
Creates a new currency if 'in_curr' doesn''t exist yet; otherwise, updates the description.
BEGIN UPDATE currency SET description = in_description WHERE curr = in_curr; IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO currency (curr, description) VALUES (in_curr, in_description); END IF; RETURN in_curr; END;
BEGIN return _entity_location_save( in_entity_id, NULL, in_location_class, in_line_one, in_line_two, in_line_three, in_city, in_state, in_mail_code, in_country_id); END;
This function return each year inside transdate in transactions. Currently it uses a sparse index scan because the number of rows returned is very small and the table can be very large.
WITH RECURSIVE max_dates AS ( SELECT max(transdate) AS max_date FROM acc_trans WHERE transdate IS NOT NULL UNION ALL SELECT (SELECT max(transdate) FROM acc_trans -- the index acc_trans_transdate_year_idx uses the -- date_part function with the exact syntax and capitals -- below; changing the 'YEAR' capitals will stop the -- query optimizer from using the index WHERE date_part('YEAR', transdate) < date_part('YEAR', max_date)) FROM max_dates WHERE max_date IS NOT NULL) SELECT date_part('YEAR', max_date)::int FROM max_dates WHERE max_date IS NOT NULL;
Returns the number of days in the month that includes in_date.
SELECT (extract(DOM FROM date_trunc('month', $1) + '1 month - 1 second'::interval) )::int;
SELECT * FROM payroll_deduction WHERE entity_id = $1;
SELECT * FROM payroll_deduction_type where country_id = $1
DECLARE return_ded payroll_deduction; BEGIN UPDATE payroll_deduction SET rate = in_rate WHERE entity_id = in_entity_id and in_type_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO payroll_deduction (entity_id, type_id, rate) VALUES (in_entity_id, in_type_id, in_rate); END IF; SELECT * INTO return_ded FROM payroll_deduction WHERE entity_id = in_entity_id and in_type_id; RETURN return_ded; END;
SELECT * FROM account WHERE contra AND category = $1;
This function return the default currency asigned by the program.
SELECT substr(value,1,3) FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'curr';
Searches for drafts. in_type may be any of 'ar', 'ap', or 'gl'.
SELECT id, transdate, invoice, reference, eca_name, description, type, amount FROM ( SELECT id, transdate, reference, null::text as eca_name, description, false as invoice, (SELECT SUM(line.amount_bc) FROM acc_trans line WHERE line.amount_bc > 0 and line.trans_id = gl.id) as amount, 'gl' as type from gl WHERE (lower(in_type) = 'gl' or in_type is null) AND NOT approved AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM voucher v WHERE v.trans_id = gl.id) UNION SELECT id, transdate, invnumber as reference, (SELECT name FROM eca__get_entity(entity_credit_account)) as eca_name, description, invoice, amount_bc as amount, 'ap' as type FROM ap WHERE (lower(in_type) = 'ap' or in_type is null) AND NOT approved AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM voucher v WHERE v.trans_id = ap.id) UNION SELECT id, transdate, invnumber as reference, (SELECT name FROM eca__get_entity(entity_credit_account)) as eca_name, description, invoice, amount_bc as amount, 'ar' as type FROM ar WHERE (lower(in_type) = 'ar' or in_type is null) AND NOT approved AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM voucher v WHERE v.trans_id = ar.id)) trans WHERE (in_from_date IS NULL or trans.transdate >= in_from_date) AND (in_to_date IS NULL or trans.transdate <= in_to_date) AND (in_amount_gt IS NULL or amount >= in_amount_gt) AND (in_amount_lt IS NULL or amount <= in_amount_lt) AND (in_reference IS NULL or trans.reference = in_reference) ORDER BY trans.reference;
Posts draft to the books. in_id is the id from the ar, ap, or gl table.
declare t_table text; begin SELECT table_name into t_table FROM transactions where id = in_id; IF (t_table = 'ar') THEN PERFORM cogs__add_for_ar_line(id) FROM invoice WHERE trans_id = in_id; UPDATE ar set approved = true where id = in_id; ELSIF (t_table = 'ap') THEN PERFORM cogs__add_for_ap_line(id) FROM invoice WHERE trans_id = in_id; UPDATE ap set approved = true where id = in_id; ELSIF (t_table = 'gl') THEN UPDATE gl set approved = true where id = in_id; ELSE raise exception 'Invalid table % in draft_approve for transaction %', t_table, in_id; END IF; IF NOT FOUND THEN RETURN FALSE; END IF; UPDATE transactions SET approved_by = (select entity_id FROM users WHERE username = SESSION_USER), approved_at = now() WHERE id = in_id; UPDATE acc_trans SET approved = 't'::boolean WHERE trans_id = in_id; RETURN TRUE; END;
Deletes the draft from the book. Only will delete unapproved transactions. Otherwise an exception is raised and the transaction terminated.
declare t_table text; begin DELETE FROM ac_tax_form atf WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM acc_trans WHERE entry_id = atf.entry_id AND trans_id = in_id); DELETE FROM payment_links pl WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM acc_trans WHERE entry_id = pl.entry_id AND trans_id = in_id) AND (SELECT count(distinct ac.trans_id) FROM payment p JOIN payment_links pli ON p.id = pli.payment_id JOIN acc_trans ac ON pli.entry_id = ac.entry_id WHERE pl.payment_id = p.id) <= 1; DELETE FROM acc_trans WHERE trans_id = in_id; DELETE FROM invoice_tax_form itf WHERE EXISTS (select 1 from invoice i where i.trans_id = in_id and itf.invoice_id = i.id); DELETE FROM invoice WHERE trans_id = in_id; SELECT lower(table_name) into t_table FROM transactions where id = in_id; IF t_table = 'ar' THEN DELETE FROM ar WHERE id = in_id AND approved IS FALSE; ELSIF t_table = 'ap' THEN DELETE FROM ap WHERE id = in_id AND approved IS FALSE; ELSIF t_table = 'gl' THEN DELETE FROM gl WHERE id = in_id AND approved IS FALSE; ELSE raise exception 'Invalid table % in draft_delete for transaction %', t_table, in_id; END IF; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Invalid transaction id %', in_id; END IF; RETURN TRUE; END;
Returns true if at least one record was deleted. False if no records were affected.
BEGIN DELETE FROM eca_to_contact WHERE credit_id = in_credit_id and contact_class_id = in_class_id and contact= in_contact; RETURN FOUND; END;
Deletes the record identified. Returns true if successful, false if no record found.
BEGIN DELETE FROM eca_to_location WHERE credit_id = in_credit_id AND location_id = in_id AND location_class = in_location_class; RETURN FOUND; END;
DECLARE retval bool; BEGIN retval := false; DELETE FROM partsvendor WHERE entry_id = in_entry_id AND credit_id = in_credit_id; retval := FOUND; DELETE FROM partscustomer WHERE entry_id = in_entry_id AND credit_id = in_credit_id; RETURN FOUND or retval; END;
SELECT * FROM entity_credit_account WHERE entity_class = $2 AND meta_number = $1;
Returns a set of (only one) entity to which the entity credit account is attached.
SELECT entity.* FROM entity_credit_account JOIN entity ON entity_credit_account.entity_id = entity.id WHERE entity_credit_account.id = in_credit_id;
This returns the pricematrix for the customer or vendor (entity_credit_account identified by in_id), orderd by partnumber, validfrom
SELECT pc.parts_id, p.partnumber, p.description, pc.credit_id, pc.pricebreak, pc.sellprice, NULL, NULL::int, NULL, pc.validfrom, pc.validto, pc.curr, pc.entry_id, pc.qty FROM partscustomer pc JOIN parts p on pc.parts_id = p.id JOIN entity_credit_account eca ON pc.credit_id = eca.id WHERE pc.credit_id = $1 AND eca.entity_class = 2 UNION SELECT pv.parts_id, p.partnumber, p.description, pv.credit_id, NULL, NULL, pv.lastcost, pv.leadtime::int, pv.partnumber, NULL, NULL, pv.curr, pv.entry_id, null FROM partsvendor pv JOIN parts p on pv.parts_id = p.id JOIN entity_credit_account eca ON pv.credit_id = eca.id WHERE pv.credit_id = $1 and eca.entity_class = 1 ORDER BY partnumber, validfrom
SELECT pc.parts_id, p.partnumber, p.description, pc.credit_id, pc.pricebreak, pc.sellprice, NULL::numeric, NULL::int, NULL::text, pc.validfrom, pc.validto, pc.curr, pc.entry_id, pc.qty FROM partscustomer pc JOIN parts p on pc.parts_id = p.id JOIN entity_credit_account eca ON pc.pricegroup_id = eca.pricegroup_id WHERE eca.id = $1 AND eca.entity_class = 2
Returns a set of taxable account id's.
select * from eca_tax where eca_id = $1;
This produces a history detail report, i.e. a list of all products purchased by a customer over a specific date range. meta_number is an exact match, as are in_open and inc_closed. All other fields allow for partial matches. NULL matches all values.
WITH arap AS ( select invnumber, ar.curr, ar.transdate, entity_credit_account, id, person_id, notes FROM ar JOIN acc_trans ON ar.id = acc_trans.trans_id JOIN account_link l ON acc_trans.chart_id = l.account_id and l.description = 'AR' where in_entity_class = 2 and in_type = 'i' GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 having ((in_inc_open and sum(acc_trans.amount_bc) = 0) or (in_inc_closed and 0 <> sum(acc_trans.amount_bc))) UNION ALL select invnumber, ap.curr, ap.transdate, entity_credit_account, id, person_id, notes FROM ap JOIN acc_trans ON ap.id = acc_trans.trans_id JOIN account_link l ON acc_trans.chart_id = l.account_id and l.description = 'AP' where in_entity_class = 1 and in_type = 'i' GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 having ((in_inc_open and sum(acc_trans.amount_bc) = 0) or (in_inc_closed and 0 <> sum(acc_trans.amount_bc))) ) SELECT eca.id, e.name, eca.meta_number, a.id as invoice_id, a.invnumber, a.curr::text, p.id AS parts_id, p.partnumber, a.description, a.qty * case when eca.entity_class = 1 THEN -1 ELSE 1 END, a.unit::text, a.sellprice, a.discount, a.deliverydate, a.serialnumber, null::numeric as exchange_rate, ee.id as salesperson_id, ep.last_name || ', ' || ep.first_name as salesperson_name, a.transdate FROM (select * from entity_credit_account where (in_meta_number is null or meta_number = in_meta_number)) eca join entity e on eca.entity_id = e.id JOIN ( SELECT a.*, i.parts_id, i.qty, i.description, i.unit, i.discount, i.deliverydate, i.serialnumber, i.sellprice FROM arap a JOIN invoice i ON a.id = i.trans_id union select o.ordnumber, o.curr, o.transdate, o.entity_credit_account, o.id, o.person_id, o.notes, oi.parts_id, oi.qty, oi.description, oi.unit, oi.discount, oi.reqdate, oi.serialnumber, oi.sellprice from oe o join orderitems oi on o.id = oi.trans_id where ((in_type = 'o' and quotation is not true) or (in_type = 'q' and quotation is true)) and ((in_entity_class = 1 and o.oe_class_id IN (2, 4)) or (in_entity_class = 2 and o.oe_class_id IN (1, 3))) and ((in_inc_open and not closed) or (in_inc_closed and closed)) ) a ON (a.entity_credit_account = eca.id) JOIN parts p ON (p.id = a.parts_id) LEFT JOIN entity ee ON (a.person_id = ee.id) LEFT JOIN person ep ON (ep.entity_id = ee.id) WHERE (e.name ilike '%' || in_name_part || '%' or in_name_part is null) and (in_contact_info is null or exists (select 1 from eca_to_contact where credit_id = eca.id and contact ilike '%' || in_contact_info || '%')) and ((in_address_line is null and in_city is null and in_state is null and in_zip is null and in_country_id is null) or exists (select 1 from eca_to_location etl where etl.credit_id = eca.id and exists (select 1 from location l where l.id = etl.location_id and (in_address_line is null or line_one ilike '%' || in_address_line || '%' or line_two ilike '%' || in_address_line || '%') and (in_city is null or city ilike '%' || in_city || '%') and (in_state is null or state ilike '%' || in_state || '%') and (in_zip is null or mail_code ilike '%' || in_zip || '%') and (in_country_id is null or country_id = in_country_id)) ) ) and (a.transdate >= in_from_date or in_from_date is null) and (a.transdate <= in_to_date or in_to_date is null) and (eca.startdate >= in_start_from or in_start_from is null) and (eca.startdate <= in_start_to or in_start_to is null) and (a.notes @@ plainto_tsquery(in_notes) or in_notes is null) ORDER BY eca.meta_number, p.partnumber;
Creates a summary account (no quantities, just parts group by invoice). meta_number must match exactly or be NULL. inc_open and inc_closed are exact matches too. All other values specify ranges or may match partially.
SELECT id, name, meta_number, null::int, null::text, curr, parts_id, partnumber, description, sum(qty), unit, null::numeric, null::numeric, null::date, null::text, null::numeric, null::int, null::text, null::date FROM eca__history($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18) group by id, name, meta_number, curr, parts_id, partnumber, description, unit, sellprice order by meta_number;
Returns a list of contact info attached to the entity credit account.
DECLARE out_row contact_list; BEGIN FOR out_row IN SELECT cl.class, cl.id, c.description, c.contact FROM eca_to_contact c JOIN contact_class cl ON (c.contact_class_id = cl.id) WHERE credit_id = in_credit_id LOOP return next out_row; END LOOP; END;
Returns a list of locations attached to the credit account.
SELECT l.id, l.line_one, l.line_two, l.line_three, l.city, l.state, l.mail_code, c.id, c.name, lc.id, lc.class FROM location l JOIN eca_to_location ctl ON (ctl.location_id = l.id) JOIN location_class lc ON (ctl.location_class = lc.id) JOIN country c ON (c.id = l.country_id) WHERE ctl.credit_id = in_credit_id ORDER BY lc.id, l.id, c.name
Returns a list of notes attached to the entity credit account.
DECLARE out_row record; t_entity_id int; BEGIN -- ALERT: security definer function. Be extra careful about EXECUTE -- in here. --CT SELECT entity_id INTO t_entity_id FROM entity_credit_account WHERE id = in_credit_id; FOR out_row IN SELECT * FROM note WHERE (note_class = 3 and ref_key = in_credit_id) or (note_class = 1 and ref_key = t_entity_id) ORDER BY created LOOP RETURN NEXT out_row; END LOOP; END;
Saves a location to an entity credit account. Returns id of saved record.
DECLARE l_row location; l_id INT; l_orig_id INT; BEGIN UPDATE eca_to_location SET location_class = in_location_class WHERE credit_id = in_credit_id AND location_class = in_old_location_class AND location_id = in_id; IF FOUND THEN SELECT location_save( in_id, in_line_one, in_line_two, in_line_three, in_city, in_state, in_mail_code, in_country_id ) INTO l_id; ELSE SELECT location_save( NULL, in_line_one, in_line_two, in_line_three, in_city, in_state, in_mail_code, in_country_id ) INTO l_id; INSERT INTO eca_to_location (credit_id, location_class, location_id) VALUES (in_credit_id, in_location_class, l_id); END IF; RETURN l_id; END;
Saves an entity credit account. Returns the id of the record saved.
DECLARE t_entity_class int; l_id int; t_meta_number text; t_mn_default_key text; BEGIN -- TODO: Move to mapping table. IF in_entity_class = 1 THEN t_mn_default_key := 'vendornumber'; ELSIF in_entity_class = 2 THEN t_mn_default_key := 'customernumber'; END IF; IF in_meta_number IS NULL THEN t_meta_number := setting_increment(t_mn_default_key); ELSE t_meta_number := in_meta_number; END IF; update entity_credit_account SET discount = in_discount, taxincluded = in_taxincluded, creditlimit = in_creditlimit, description = in_description, terms = in_terms, ar_ap_account_id = in_ar_ap_account_id, cash_account_id = in_cash_account_id, discount_account_id = in_discount_account_id, meta_number = t_meta_number, business_id = in_business_id, language_code = in_language_code, pricegroup_id = in_pricegroup_id, curr = in_curr, startdate = in_startdate, enddate = in_enddate, threshold = in_threshold, discount_terms = in_discount_terms, pay_to_name = in_pay_to_name, taxform_id = in_taxform_id where id = in_id; IF FOUND THEN RETURN in_id; ELSE INSERT INTO entity_credit_account ( entity_id, entity_class, discount, description, taxincluded, creditlimit, terms, meta_number, business_id, language_code, pricegroup_id, curr, startdate, enddate, discount_terms, threshold, ar_ap_account_id, pay_to_name, taxform_id, cash_account_id, discount_account_id ) VALUES ( in_entity_id, in_entity_class, in_discount, in_description, in_taxincluded, in_creditlimit, in_terms, t_meta_number, in_business_id, in_language_code, in_pricegroup_id, in_curr, in_startdate, in_enddate, in_discount_terms, in_threshold, in_ar_ap_account_id, in_pay_to_name, in_taxform_id, in_cash_account_id, in_discount_account_id ); RETURN currval('entity_credit_account_id_seq'); END IF; END;
Saves the contact record at the entity credit account level. Returns 1.
DECLARE out_contact eca_to_contact; BEGIN PERFORM * FROM eca_to_contact WHERE credit_id = in_credit_id AND contact_class_id = in_old_class_id AND contact = in_old_contact; IF FOUND THEN UPDATE eca_to_contact SET contact = in_contact, description = in_description, contact_class_id = in_class_id WHERE credit_id = in_credit_id AND contact_class_id = in_old_class_id AND contact = in_old_contact returning * INTO out_contact; return out_contact; END IF; INSERT INTO eca_to_contact(credit_id, contact_class_id, description, contact) VALUES (in_credit_id, in_class_id, in_description, in_contact) RETURNING * into out_contact; return out_contact; END;
Saves an entity credit account-level note. Such a note is valid for only one credit account. Returns the id of the note.
-- TODO, change this to create vector too INSERT INTO eca_note (ref_key, note_class, note, vector, subject) VALUES (in_credit_id, 3, in_note, '', in_subject) RETURNING *;
DECLARE retval eca__pricematrix; t_insert bool; BEGIN t_insert := false; PERFORM * FROM entity_credit_account WHERE id = in_credit_id AND entity_class = 1; IF FOUND THEN -- VENDOR UPDATE partsvendor SET lastcost = in_price, leadtime = in_lead_time, partnumber = in_partnumber, curr = in_curr WHERE credit_id = in_credit_id AND entry_id = in_entry_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO partsvendor (parts_id, credit_id, lastcost, leadtime, partnumber, curr) VALUES (in_parts_id, in_credit_id, in_price, in_lead_time::int2, in_partnumber, in_curr); END IF; SELECT pv.parts_id, p.partnumber, p.description, pv.credit_id, NULL, NULL, pv.lastcost, pv.leadtime::int, pv.partnumber, NULL, NULL, pv.curr, pv.entry_id, null INTO retval FROM partsvendor pv JOIN parts p ON p.id = pv.parts_id WHERE parts_id = in_parts_id and credit_id = in_credit_id; RETURN retval; END IF; PERFORM * FROM entity_credit_account WHERE id = in_credit_id AND entity_class = 2; IF FOUND THEN -- CUSTOMER UPDATE partscustomer SET pricebreak = in_pricebreak, sellprice = in_price, validfrom = in_validfrom, validto = in_validto, qty = in_qty, curr = in_curr WHERE entry_id = in_entry_id and credit_id = in_credit_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO partscustomer (parts_id, credit_id, sellprice, validfrom, validto, curr, qty) VALUES (in_parts_id, in_credit_id, in_price, in_validfrom, in_validto, in_curr, in_qty); t_insert := true; END IF; SELECT pc.parts_id, p.partnumber, p.description, pc.credit_id, pc.pricebreak, pc.sellprice, NULL, NULL, NULL, pc.validfrom, pc.validto, pc.curr, pc.entry_id, pc.qty INTO retval FROM partscustomer pc JOIN parts p on pc.parts_id = p.id WHERE entry_id = CASE WHEN t_insert THEN currval('partscustomer_entry_id_seq') ELSE in_entry_id END; RETURN retval; END IF; RAISE EXCEPTION 'No valid entity credit account found'; END;
Sets the tax values for the customer or vendor. The entity credit account must exist before calling this function, and must have a type of either 1 or 2.
DELETE FROM eca_tax WHERE eca_id = $1; INSERT INTO eca_tax (eca_id, chart_id) SELECT $1, tax_id FROM unnest($2) tax_id; SELECT TRUE;
BEGIN IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN INSERT INTO business_unit(class_id, control_code, description, credit_id) SELECT 7 - NEW.entity_class, NEW.meta_number, e.name, NEW.id FROM entity e WHERE e.id = NEW.entity_id; ELSIF TG_OP = 'UPDATE' THEN IF new.meta_number <> old.meta_number THEN UPDATE business_unit SET control_code = new.meta_number WHERE class_id = 7 - NEW.entity_class AND credit_id = new.id; END IF; ELSIF TG_OP = 'DELETE'THEN DELETE FROM business_unit WHERE class_id = 7 - OLD.entity_class AND credit_id = OLD.id; RETURN OLD; END IF; RETURN NEW; END;
SELECT p.entity_id, e.control_code, p.id, s.salutation, s.id, p.first_name, p.middle_name, p.last_name, ee.is_manager, ee.startdate, ee.enddate, ee.role, ee.ssn, ee.sales, ee.manager_id, mp.first_name, mp.last_name, ee.employeenumber, ee.dob, e.country_id FROM person p JOIN entity_employee ee on (ee.entity_id = p.entity_id) JOIN entity e ON (p.entity_id = e.id) LEFT JOIN salutation s on (p.salutation_id = s.id) LEFT JOIN person mp ON ee.manager_id = p.entity_id WHERE ee.is_manager ORDER BY ee.employeenumber;
SELECT p.entity_id, e.control_code, p.id, s.salutation, s.id, p.first_name, p.middle_name, p.last_name, ee.is_manager, ee.startdate, ee.enddate, ee.role, ee.ssn, ee.sales, ee.manager_id, mp.first_name, mp.last_name, ee.employeenumber, ee.dob, e.country_id FROM person p JOIN entity_employee ee on (ee.entity_id = p.entity_id) JOIN entity e ON (p.entity_id = e.id) LEFT JOIN salutation s on (p.salutation_id = s.id) LEFT JOIN person mp ON ee.manager_id = p.entity_id WHERE ee.sales ORDER BY ee.employeenumber;
Returns an employee_result tuple with information specified by the entity_id.
SELECT p.entity_id, e.control_code, p.id, s.salutation, s.id, p.first_name, p.middle_name, p.last_name, ee.is_manager, ee.startdate, ee.enddate, ee.role, ee.ssn, ee.sales, ee.manager_id, mp.first_name, mp.last_name, ee.employeenumber, ee.dob, e.country_id FROM person p JOIN entity_employee ee on (ee.entity_id = p.entity_id) JOIN entity e ON (p.entity_id = e.id) LEFT JOIN salutation s on (p.salutation_id = s.id) LEFT JOIN person mp ON ee.manager_id = p.entity_id WHERE p.entity_id = $1;
Returns username, user_id, etc. information if the employee is a user.
SELECT * FROM users WHERE entity_id = $1;
Returns a list of managers, that is employees with the 'manager' role set.
SELECT s.salutation, p.first_name, p.last_name, ee.* FROM entity_employee ee JOIN entity e on e.id = ee.entity_id JOIN person p ON p.entity_id = e.id JOIN salutation s ON s.id = p.salutation_id WHERE ee.sales = 't'::bool AND ee.role='manager' AND ee.entity_id <> coalesce(in_id, -1) ORDER BY name
Saves an employeerecord with the specified information.
DECLARE out_id INT; BEGIN UPDATE entity_employee SET startdate = coalesce(in_start_date, now()::date), enddate = in_end_date, dob = in_dob, role = in_role, ssn = in_ssn, manager_id = in_manager_id, employeenumber = in_employeenumber, is_manager = coalesce(in_is_manager, false), sales = in_sales WHERE entity_id = in_entity_id; out_id = in_entity_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO entity_employee (startdate, enddate, dob, role, ssn, manager_id, employeenumber, entity_id, is_manager, sales) VALUES (coalesce(in_start_date, now()::date), in_end_date, in_dob, in_role, in_ssn, in_manager_id, in_employeenumber, in_entity_id, in_is_manager, in_sales); RETURN in_entity_id; END IF; RETURN out_id; END;
Returns a list of employee_result records matching the search criteria. employeenumber is an exact match. stardate_from and startdate_to specify the start dates for employee searches All others are partial matches. NULLs match all values.
SELECT p.entity_id, e.control_code, p.id, s.salutation, s.id, p.first_name, p.middle_name, p.last_name, ee.is_manager, ee.startdate, ee.enddate, ee.role, ee.ssn, ee.sales, ee.manager_id, mp.first_name, mp.last_name, ee.employeenumber, ee.dob, e.country_id FROM person p JOIN entity e ON p.entity_id = e.id JOIN entity_employee ee on (ee.entity_id = p.entity_id) LEFT JOIN salutation s on (p.salutation_id = s.id) LEFT JOIN person mp ON ee.manager_id = p.entity_id WHERE ($7 is null or p.entity_id in (select ref_key from entity_note WHERE note ilike '%' || $7 || '%')) and ($1 is null or $1 = ee.employeenumber) and ($2 is null or $2 <= ee.startdate) and ($3 is null or $3 >= ee.startdate) and ($4 is null or p.first_name ilike '%' || $4 || '%') and ($5 is null or p.middle_name ilike '%' || $5 || '%') and ($6 is null or p.last_name ilike '%' || $6 || '%') and ($8 is null or $8 = (exists (select 1 from users where entity_id = e.id)));
SELECT * FROM employee_search WHERE coalesce(startdate, 'infinity'::timestamp) >= coalesce(in_startdateto, '-infinity'::timestamp) AND coalesce(startdate, '-infinity'::timestamp) <= coalesce(in_startdatefrom, 'infinity'::timestamp) AND coalesce(enddate, '-infinity'::timestamp) <= coalesce(in_enddateto, 'infinity'::timestamp) AND coalesce(enddate, 'infinity'::timestamp) >= coalesce(in_enddatefrom, '-infinity'::timestamp) AND (name ilike '%' || in_name || '%' OR note ilike '%' || in_notes || '%') AND (sales = 't' OR coalesce(in_sales, 'f') = 'f')
Deletes the bank account identitied by in_id if it is attached to the entity identified by entity_id. Returns true if a record is deleted, false if not.
BEGIN UPDATE entity_credit_account SET bank_account = NULL WHERE entity_id = in_entity_id AND bank_account = in_id; DELETE FROM entity_bank_account WHERE id = in_id AND entity_id = in_entity_id; RETURN FOUND; END;
Returns true if at least one record was deleted. False if no records were affected.
BEGIN DELETE FROM entity_to_contact WHERE entity_id = in_entity_id and contact_class_id = in_class_id and contact= in_contact; RETURN FOUND; END;
Deletes the record identified. Returns true if successful, false if no record found.
BEGIN DELETE FROM entity_to_location WHERE entity_id = in_entity_id AND location_id = in_id AND location_class = in_location_class; RETURN FOUND; END;
Returns a set of (only one) entity record with the entity id.
SELECT * FROM entity WHERE id = in_entity_id;
SELECT * FROM entity_bank_account WHERE id = $1;
Lists all bank accounts for the entity.
SELECT * from entity_bank_account where entity_id = in_entity_id;
Returns a list of entity classes, ordered by assigned ids
DECLARE out_row entity_class; BEGIN FOR out_row IN SELECT * FROM entity_class WHERE active and pg_has_role(SESSION_USER, lsmb__role_prefix() || 'contact_class_' || lower(regexp_replace(class, '( |\-)', '_')), 'USAGE') ORDER BY id LOOP RETURN NEXT out_row; END LOOP; END;
Lists all contact info for the entity.
SELECT cl.class, cl.id, c.description, c.contact FROM entity_to_contact c JOIN contact_class cl ON (c.contact_class_id = cl.id) WHERE c.entity_id = in_entity_id
Returns a list of entity credit account entries for the entity and of the entity class.
SELECT ec.id, e.id, ec.entity_class, ec.discount, ec.discount_terms, ec.taxincluded, ec.creditlimit, ec.terms, ec.meta_number, ec.description, ec.business_id, ec.language_code, ec.pricegroup_id, ec.curr::text, ec.startdate, ec.enddate, ec.ar_ap_account_id, ec.cash_account_id, ec.discount_account_id, ec.threshold, e.control_code, ec.id, ec.pay_to_name, ec.taxform_id FROM entity e JOIN entity_credit_account ec ON (e.id = ec.entity_id) WHERE e.id = in_entity_id AND (ec.entity_class = in_entity_class or in_entity_class is null);
Lists all locations for an entity.
SELECT l.id, l.line_one, l.line_two, l.line_three, l.city, l.state, l.mail_code, c.id, c.name, lc.id, lc.class FROM location l JOIN entity_to_location ctl ON (ctl.location_id = l.id) JOIN location_class lc ON (ctl.location_class = lc.id) JOIN country c ON (c.id = l.country_id) WHERE ctl.entity_id = in_entity_id ORDER BY lc.id, l.id, c.name;
Returns a set of notes (including content) attached to the entity.
SELECT * FROM entity_note WHERE ref_key = in_entity_id ORDER BY created
Saves a location to a company. Returns the location id.
BEGIN return _entity_location_save( in_entity_id, in_id, in_location_class, in_line_one, in_line_two, '', in_city , in_state, in_mail_code, in_country_id); END;
Saves bank account to the credit account.
DECLARE out_bank entity_bank_account; BEGIN UPDATE entity_bank_account SET bic = coalesce(in_bic,''), iban = in_iban, remark = in_remark WHERE id = in_bank_account_id; IF FOUND THEN SELECT * INTO out_bank from entity_bank_account WHERE id = in_bank_account_id; ELSE INSERT INTO entity_bank_account(entity_id, bic, iban, remark) VALUES(in_entity_id, in_bic, in_iban, in_remark); SELECT * INTO out_bank from entity_bank_account WHERE id = CURRVAL('entity_bank_account_id_seq'); END IF; IF in_credit_id IS NOT NULL THEN UPDATE entity_credit_account SET bank_account = out_bank.id WHERE id = in_credit_id; END IF; return out_bank; END;
Saves company contact information. The return value is meaningless.
DELETE FROM entity_to_contact WHERE entity_id = in_entity_id AND contact = in_old_contact AND contact_class_id = in_old_class_id; INSERT INTO entity_to_contact (entity_id, contact_class_id, description, contact) VALUES (in_entity_id, in_class_id, in_description, in_contact) RETURNING *;
Saves an entity-level note. Such a note is valid for all credit accounts attached to that entity. Returns the id of the note.
-- TODO, change this to create vector too INSERT INTO entity_note (ref_key, note_class, entity_id, note, vector, subject) VALUES (in_entity_id, 1, in_entity_id, in_note, '', in_subject) RETURNING *;
Returns the entity credit account info.
SELECT * FROM entity_credit_account WHERE id = $1;
Returns an entity credit id, based on entity_id, entity_class, and meta_number. This is the preferred way to locate an account if all three of these are known
SELECT id FROM entity_credit_account WHERE entity_id = in_entity_id AND in_entity_class = entity_class AND in_meta_number = meta_number;
Returns the credit id from the meta_number and entity_class.
SELECT id FROM entity_credit_account WHERE meta_number = in_meta_number AND entity_class = in_account_class;
Currently unused. Left in because it is believed it may be helpful. This saves an entity, with the control code being the next available via the defaults table.
DECLARE e entity; e_id int; BEGIN select * into e from entity where id = in_entity_id; update entity SET name = in_name, entity_class = in_entity_class WHERE id = in_entity_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN -- do the insert magic. e_id = nextval('entity_id_seq'); insert into entity (id, name, entity_class) values (e_id, in_name, in_entity_class ); return e_id; END IF; return in_entity_id; END;
This returns a single checkpoint from the latest set. Which account and info is returned is non-determinative and so only the end date shoudl be relied on.
SELECT * FROM account_checkpoint ORDER BY end_date DESC LIMIT 1;
WITH eoy_dates AS ( SELECT end_date FROM account_checkpoint WHERE end_date >= $1 GROUP BY end_date ORDER BY end_date DESC ) SELECT eoy_reopen_books(end_date) FROM eoy_dates; SELECT CASE WHEN (SELECT count(*) > 0 from account_checkpoint where end_date = $1 - 1) THEN true ELSE eoy_create_checkpoint($1 - 1) > 0 END;
Zeroes accounts and then creates a checkpoint. in_end_date is the date when the books are to be closed, in_reference and in_description become the reference and description of the gl transaction, and in_retention_acc_id is the retained earnings account id.
BEGIN IF eoy_zero_accounts(in_end_date, in_reference, in_description, in_retention_acc_id) > 0 THEN PERFORM eoy_create_checkpoint(in_end_date); RETURN TRUE; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END IF; END;
Creates checkpoints for each account at a specific date. Books are considered closed when they occur before the latest checkpoint timewise. This means that balances (and credit/debit amounts) can be calculated starting at a checkpoint and moving forward (thus providing a mechanism for expunging old data while keeping balances correct at some future point).
DECLARE ret_val int; approval_check int; cp_date date; BEGIN IF in_end_date > now()::date THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Invalid date: Must be earlier than present'; END IF; SELECT count(*) into approval_check FROM acc_trans ac JOIN (select id, approved, transdate from transactions ) gl ON (gl.id = ac.trans_id) WHERE (ac.approved IS NOT TRUE AND ac.transdate <= in_end_date) OR (gl.approved IS NOT TRUE AND gl.transdate <= in_end_date); if approval_check > 0 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Unapproved transactions in closed period'; END IF; SELECT coalesce(max(end_date),(select min(transdate)-1 from acc_trans)) INTO cp_date FROM account_checkpoint WHERE end_date < in_end_date; INSERT INTO account_checkpoint (end_date, account_id, amount_bc, amount_tc, curr, debits, credits) SELECT in_end_date, account.id, COALESCE(a.amount_bc,0) + COALESCE(cp.amount_bc, 0), COALESCE(a.amount_tc,0) + COALESCE(cp.amount_tc, 0), COALESCE(a.curr, cp.curr, defaults_get_defaultcurrency()), COALESCE(a.debits, 0) + COALESCE(cp.debits, 0), COALESCE(a.credits, 0) + COALESCE(cp.credits, 0) FROM (SELECT chart_id, curr, SUM(amount_bc) as amount_bc, SUM(amount_tc) as amount_tc, SUM(CASE WHEN (amount_bc < 0) THEN amount_bc ELSE 0 END) as debits, SUM(CASE WHEN (amount_bc > 0) THEN amount_bc ELSE 0 END) as credits FROM acc_trans WHERE transdate <= in_end_date AND transdate > cp_date GROUP BY chart_id, curr) a FULL OUTER JOIN ( SELECT account_id, curr, end_date, amount_bc, amount_tc, debits, credits FROM account_checkpoint WHERE end_date = cp_date) cp ON (a.chart_id = cp.account_id) and (a.curr = cp.curr) RIGHT JOIN account ON account.id = a.chart_id OR account.id = cp.account_id; SELECT count(*) INTO ret_val FROM account_checkpoint where end_date = in_end_date; return ret_val; END;
Lists equity accounts for the retained earnings dropdown.
SELECT * FROM account WHERE category = 'Q' ORDER BY accno;
Removes checkpoints and reverses yearend transactions on in_end_date
BEGIN PERFORM count(*) FROM account_checkpoint WHERE end_date = in_end_date; IF NOT FOUND THEN RETURN FALSE; END IF; DELETE FROM account_checkpoint WHERE end_date = in_end_date; PERFORM count(*) FROM yearend WHERE transdate = in_end_date and reversed is not true; IF FOUND THEN INSERT INTO gl (reference, description, approved, trans_type_code) SELECT 'Reversing ' || reference, 'Reversing ' || description, true, 'ye' FROM gl WHERE id = (select trans_id from yearend where transdate = in_end_date and reversed is not true); INSERT INTO acc_trans (chart_id, amount_bc, curr, amount_tc, transdate, trans_id, approved) SELECT chart_id, amount_bc * -1, curr, amount_tc * -1, in_end_date, currval('id'), true FROM acc_trans where trans_id = (select trans_id from yearend where transdate = in_end_date and reversed is not true); UPDATE yearend SET reversed = true where transdate = in_end_date and reversed is not true; END IF; DELETE FROM account_checkpoint WHERE end_date = in_end_date; RETURN TRUE; END;
Posts a transaction which zeroes the income and expense accounts, moving the net balance there into a retained earnings account identified by in_retention_acc_id.
DECLARE ret_val int; cp_date date; BEGIN INSERT INTO gl (transdate, reference, description, approved, trans_type_code) VALUES (in_end_date, in_reference, in_description, true, 'ye'); INSERT INTO yearend (trans_id, transdate) VALUES (currval('id'), in_end_date); SELECT coalesce(max(end_date), (SELECT min(transdate)-1 FROM acc_trans)) INTO cp_date FROM account_checkpoint; INSERT INTO acc_trans (transdate, chart_id, trans_id, amount_bc, curr, amount_tc) SELECT in_end_date, a.chart_id, currval('id'), (coalesce(a.amount_bc, 0) + coalesce(cp.amount_bc, 0)) * -1, coalesce(a.curr,cp.curr), (coalesce(a.amount_tc, 0) + coalesce(cp.amount_tc, 0)) * -1 FROM (SELECT chart_id, sum(amount_bc) as amount_bc, curr, sum(amount_tc) as amount_tc FROM acc_trans a JOIN account acc ON (acc.id = a.chart_id) WHERE transdate <= in_end_date AND transdate > cp_date AND (acc.category IN ('I', 'E') OR acc.category = 'Q' AND acc.is_temp) GROUP BY chart_id, curr) a LEFT JOIN ( SELECT account_id, end_date, amount_bc, curr, amount_tc FROM account_checkpoint WHERE end_date = (select max(end_date) from account_checkpoint where end_date < in_end_date) ) cp ON (a.chart_id = cp.account_id) AND a.curr = cp.curr; INSERT INTO acc_trans (transdate, trans_id, chart_id, amount_bc, curr, amount_tc) SELECT in_end_date, currval('id'), in_retention_acc_id, coalesce(sum(amount_bc) * -1, 0), -- post only default currency in retained earnings defaults_get_defaultcurrency(), coalesce(sum(amount_tc) * -1, 0) FROM acc_trans WHERE trans_id = currval('id'); SELECT count(*) INTO ret_val from acc_trans where trans_id = currval('id'); RETURN ret_val; end;
Removes the indicated exchangerate.
BEGIN DELETE FROM exchangerate_default WHERE curr = in_curr AND rate_type = in_rate_type AND valid_from = in_valid_from; END;
Retrieves an exchangerate of currency in_curr and rate type in_type applicable on date in_date. Note: the returned record''s 'valid_from' may not be equal to the requested date because of rates being applicable in intervals and not solely on a single day.
SELECT * FROM exchangerate_default WHERE curr = $1 AND rate_type = $2 AND ($3 >= valid_from AND $3 < valid_to) ORDER BY valid_from DESC LIMIT 1;
Returns all exchangerates of currency in_curr and rate type in_rate_type optionally restricting records with a valid_from betwer in_valid_from_start and in_valid_from_end and skipping the first in_offset records and limiting the number of returned records to in_limit.
SELECT * FROM exchangerate_default WHERE ($1 IS NULL OR curr = $1) AND ($2 IS NULL OR rate_type = $2) AND ($3 IS NULL OR valid_from >= $3) AND ($4 IS NULL OR valid_from <= $4) ORDER BY valid_from DESC OFFSET coalesce( $5, 0 ) LIMIT $6;
Creates a new exchangerate if one keyed on (curr,type,valid_from) doesn''t exist yet; otherwise, updates the rate.
DECLARE t_row exchangerate_default; BEGIN UPDATE exchangerate_default SET rate = in_rate WHERE curr = in_curr AND rate_type = in_rate_type AND valid_from = in_valid_from RETURNING * INTO t_row; IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO exchangerate_default (curr, rate_type, valid_from, rate) VALUES (in_curr, in_rate_type, in_valid_from, in_rate) RETURNING * INTO t_row; END IF; RETURN t_row; END;
Removes the indicated exchangerate type.
BEGIN DELETE FROM exchangerate_type WHERE id = in_id; END;
Retrieves an exchangerate type and its description.
SELECT * FROM exchangerate_type WHERE id = $1;
Returns true if exchangerate_type with id 'in_id' is used within the current commpany database. Returns false otherwise.
BEGIN RETURN EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM exchangerate_default WHERE rate_type = in_id); END;
Returns all exchangerate types.
SELECT id, description, builtin, exchangerate_type__is_used(id) FROM exchangerate_type;
Creates a new exchangerate type if in_id is null doesn''t exist yet; otherwise, updates the description.
DECLARE t_id numeric; BEGIN t_id := in_id; IF in_id IS NOT NULL THEN UPDATE exchangerate_type SET description = in_description WHERE id = in_id; END IF; IF in_id IS NULL OR NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO exchangerate_type (description) VALUES (in_description) RETURNING id INTO t_id; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION 'Unable to update unknown exchangerate_type (%)', in_id; END IF; RETURN t_id; END;
Attaches or links a file to a good or service. in_content OR id can be set. Setting both raises an exception. Note that currently links (setting id) is NOT supported because we dont have a use case of linking files to entity credit accounts.
DECLARE retval file_base; BEGIN IF in_id IS NOT NULL THEN IF in_content THEN RAISE EXCEPTION $e$Can't specify id and content in attachment$e$;--' END IF; RAISE EXCEPTION 'links not implemented'; RETURN retval; ELSE INSERT INTO file_eca (content, mime_type_id, file_name, description, ref_key, file_class, uploaded_by, uploaded_at) VALUES (in_content, in_mime_type_id, in_file_name, in_description, in_ref_key, in_file_class, person__get_my_entity_id(), now()); SELECT * INTO retval FROM file_base where id = currval('file_base_id_seq'); RETURN retval; END IF; END;
Attaches or links a file to an e-mail. in_content OR id can be set. Setting both raises an exception. Note that currently links (setting id) is NOT supported because we dont have a use case of linking files to e-mails
DECLARE retval file_base; BEGIN IF in_id IS NOT NULL THEN IF in_content THEN RAISE EXCEPTION $e$Can't specify id and content in attachment$e$;--' END IF; RAISE EXCEPTION 'links not implemented'; RETURN retval; ELSE INSERT INTO file_email (content, mime_type_id, file_name, description, ref_key, file_class, uploaded_by, uploaded_at) VALUES (in_content, in_mime_type_id, in_file_name, in_description, in_ref_key, in_file_class, person__get_my_entity_id(), now()); SELECT * INTO retval FROM file_base where id = currval('file_base_id_seq'); RETURN retval; END IF; END;
Attaches or links a file to a contact or entity. in_content OR id can be set. Setting both raises an exception. Note that currently links (setting id) is NOT supported because we dont have a use case of linking files to entities
DECLARE retval file_base; BEGIN IF in_id IS NOT NULL THEN IF in_content THEN RAISE EXCEPTION $e$Can't specify id and content in attachment$e$;--' END IF; RAISE EXCEPTION 'links not implemented'; RETURN retval; ELSE INSERT INTO file_entity (content, mime_type_id, file_name, description, ref_key, file_class, uploaded_by, uploaded_at) VALUES (in_content, in_mime_type_id, in_file_name, in_description, in_ref_key, in_file_class, person__get_my_entity_id(), now()); SELECT * INTO retval FROM file_base where id = currval('file_base_id_seq'); RETURN retval; END IF; END;
Attaches or links a file to an order. in_content OR id can be set. Setting both raises an exception.
DECLARE retval file_base; BEGIN IF in_id IS NOT NULL THEN IF in_content THEN RAISE EXCEPTION $e$Conflicting options file_id and content$e$; END IF; IF in_file_class = 1 THEN INSERT INTO file_tx_to_order (file_id, source_class, ref_key, dest_class, attached_by, attached_at) VALUES (in_id, 1, in_ref_key, 2, person__get_my_entity_id(), now()); ELSIF in_file_class = 2 THEN INSERT INTO file_order_to_order (file_id, source_class, ref_key, dest_class, attached_by, attached_at) VALUES (in_id, 2, in_ref_key, 2, person__get_my_entity_id(), now()); ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION $E$Invalid file class$E$; END IF; SELECT * INTO retval FROM file_base where id = in_id; RETURN retval; ELSE INSERT INTO file_order (content, mime_type_id, file_name, description, ref_key, file_class, uploaded_by, uploaded_at) VALUES (in_content, in_mime_type_id, in_file_name, in_description, in_ref_key, in_file_class, person__get_my_entity_id(), now()); SELECT * INTO retval FROM file_base where id = currval('file_base_id_seq'); RETURN retval; END IF; END;
Attaches or links a file to a good or service. in_content OR id can be set. Setting both raises an exception. Note that currently links (setting id) is NOT supported because we dont have a use case of linking files to parts
DECLARE retval file_base; BEGIN IF in_id IS NOT NULL THEN IF in_content THEN RAISE EXCEPTION $e$Can't specify id and content in attachment$e$;--' END IF; RAISE EXCEPTION 'links not implemented'; RETURN retval; ELSE INSERT INTO file_part (content, mime_type_id, file_name, description, ref_key, file_class, uploaded_by, uploaded_at) VALUES (in_content, in_mime_type_id, in_file_name, in_description, in_ref_key, in_file_class, person__get_my_entity_id(), now()); SELECT * INTO retval FROM file_base where id = currval('file_base_id_seq'); RETURN retval; END IF; END;
Attaches or links a file to an e-mail. in_content OR id can be set. Setting both raises an exception. Note that currently links (setting id) is NOT supported because we dont have a use case of linking files to e-mails
DECLARE retval file_base; BEGIN IF in_id IS NOT NULL THEN IF in_content THEN RAISE EXCEPTION $e$Can't specify id and content in attachment$e$;--' END IF; RAISE EXCEPTION 'links not implemented'; RETURN retval; ELSE INSERT INTO file_reconciliation (content, mime_type_id, file_name, description, ref_key, file_class, uploaded_by, uploaded_at) VALUES (in_content, in_mime_type_id, in_file_name, in_description, in_ref_key, in_file_class, person__get_my_entity_id(), now()); SELECT * INTO retval FROM file_base where id = currval('file_base_id_seq'); RETURN retval; END IF; END;
Attaches or links a file to a transaction. in_content OR id can be set. Setting both raises an exception.
DECLARE retval file_base; BEGIN IF in_id IS NOT NULL THEN IF in_content THEN RAISE EXCEPTION $e$Can't specify id and content in attachment$e$;--' END IF; INSERT INTO file_order_to_tx (file_id, source_class, ref_key, dest_class, attached_by, attached_at) VALUES (in_id, 2, in_ref_key, 1, person__get_my_entity_id(), now()); SELECT * INTO retval FROM file_base where id = in_id; RETURN retval; ELSE INSERT INTO file_transaction (content, mime_type_id, file_name, description, ref_key, file_class, uploaded_by, uploaded_at) VALUES (in_content, in_mime_type_id, in_file_name, in_description, in_ref_key, in_file_class, person__get_my_entity_id(), now()); SELECT * INTO retval FROM file_base where id = currval('file_base_id_seq'); RETURN retval; END IF; END;
Deletes the file identified by in_id and in_file_class.
DELETE FROM file_base where id = in_id and file_class = in_file_class;
Retrieves the file information specified including content.
SELECT * FROM file_base where id = $1 and file_class = $2;
Retrieves the file information specified including content.
SELECT * FROM file_base where file_name = in_file_name and ref_key = in_ref_key and file_class = in_file_class;
SELECT m.mime_type, CASE WHEN f.file_class = 3 THEN ref_key ||'-'|| f.file_name ELSE f.file_name END, f.description, f.uploaded_by, e.name, f.uploaded_at, f.id, f.ref_key, f.file_class, f.content FROM mime_type m JOIN file_base f ON f.mime_type_id = m.id JOIN entity e ON f.uploaded_by = e.id WHERE f.ref_key = $1 and f.file_class = $2 AND m.invoice_include OR f.id IN (SELECT max(fb.id) FROM file_base fb JOIN mime_type m ON fb.mime_type_id = m.id AND m.mime_type ilike 'image%' JOIN invoice i ON i.trans_id = $1 AND i.parts_id = fb.ref_key WHERE fb.file_class = 3 GROUP BY ref_key)
Retrieves mime type reference data or creates it. Note that the reference data isn''t created when in_mime_type_id is not null or that in_mime_type_text is null.
DECLARE r mime_type; BEGIN select * into r from mime_type where ($1 IS NULL OR id = $1) AND ($2 IS NULL OR mime_type = $2); if not found and in_mime_type_id is null and in_mime_type_text is not null then insert into mime_type (mime_type_text) values (in_mime_type_text) returning * into r; end if; return r; END;
Returns a list of files attached to a database object. No content is retrieved.
SELECT m.mime_type, f.file_name, f.description, f.uploaded_by, e.name, f.uploaded_at, f.id, f.ref_key, f.file_class, case when m.mime_type = 'text/x-uri' THEN f.content ELSE NULL END FROM mime_type m JOIN file_base f ON f.mime_type_id = m.id JOIN entity e ON f.uploaded_by = e.id WHERE f.ref_key = $1 and f.file_class = $2;
This function retrieves a list of file attachments on a specified object.
select * from file_links where ref_key = $1 and dest_class = $2;
If the file_name is not unique, a unique constraint violation will be thrown.
INSERT INTO file_incoming(content, mime_type_id, file_name, description, ref_key, file_class, uploaded_by) SELECT $1, $2, $3, $4, 0, 7, entity_id FROM users where username = SESSION_USER RETURNING *;
If the file_name is not unique, this will overwrite the previous stored file.
WITH up AS ( UPDATE file_internal SET content = $1, uploaded_at = now(), uploaded_by = (select entity_id from users where username = session_user) WHERE file_name = $3 RETURNING true as found_it ) INSERT INTO file_internal (content, mime_type_id, file_name, description, ref_key, file_class, uploaded_by) SELECT $1, $2, $3, $4, 0, 6, entity_id FROM users where username = SESSION_USER AND NOT EXISTS (select 1 from up) RETURNING *;
DECLARE viewline file_view_catalog%rowtype; stmt text; BEGIN stmt := ''; FOR viewline IN select * from file_view_catalog LOOP IF stmt = '' THEN stmt := 'SELECT * FROM ' || quote_ident(viewline.view_name) || ' '; ELSE stmt := stmt || ' UNION SELECT * FROM '|| quote_ident(viewline.view_name) || ' '; END IF; END LOOP; EXECUTE 'CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW file_links AS ' || stmt; RETURN TRUE; END;
This checks to see if an open form (record in open_forms) exists with the form_id and session_id provided. Returns true if exists, false if not.
SELECT count(*) = 1 FROM open_forms f JOIN "session" s USING (session_id) JOIN users u ON (s.users_id = u.id) WHERE f.session_id = $1 and f.id = $2 and u.username = SESSION_USER;
Closes out the form by deleting it from the open_forms table. Returns true if found, false if not.
DECLARE form_test bool; BEGIN form_test := form_check(in_session_id, in_form_id); IF form_test IS TRUE THEN DELETE FROM open_forms WHERE session_id = in_session_id AND id = in_form_id; RETURN TRUE; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END IF; END;
This opens a form, and returns the id of the form opened.
DECLARE usertest bool; form_id int; BEGIN SELECT count(*) = 1 INTO usertest FROM session WHERE session_id = in_session_id AND users_id IN (select id from users WHERE username = SESSION_USER); IF usertest is not true THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Invalid session'; END IF; INSERT INTO open_forms (session_id,last_used) VALUES (in_session_id,now()) RETURNING id INTO form_id; RETURN form_id; END;
SELECT coalesce((select description FROM language WHERE code = (SELECT substring(value, 1, 2) FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'default_language')), 'english');
Returns the number of months between two dates in numeric form.
SELECT CASE WHEN is_same_month($1, $2) THEN ($2 - $1)::numeric / days_in_month($1) ELSE (get_fractional_month( $1, (date_trunc('MONTH', $1) + '1 month - 1 second'::interval)::date) + get_fractional_month(date_trunc('MONTH', $2)::date, $2) + (extract ('YEAR' from $2) - extract ('YEAR' from $1) * 12) + extract ('MONTH' from $1) - extract ('MONTH' from $2) - 1)::numeric END;
Returns the decimal representation of the fractional year.
select ($2 - $1 - leap_days(next_leap_year_calc($1, false), next_leap_year_calc($2, true))) /365::numeric;
Gets the set of possible account_link descriptions, optionally filtered by their `custom` or `summary` attributes.
SELECT * FROM account_link_description WHERE (in_custom IS NULL OR custom = in_custom) AND (in_summary IS NULL OR summary = in_summary);
SELECT * FROM gifi ORDER BY accno;
This provides centralized support for insertions into audittrail.
DECLARE t_reference text; t_row RECORD; BEGIN IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' then t_row := NEW; ELSE t_row := OLD; END IF; IF TG_TABLE_NAME IN ('ar', 'ap') THEN t_reference := t_row.invnumber; ELSE t_reference := t_row.reference; END IF; INSERT INTO audittrail (trans_id,tablename,reference, action, person_id) values (t_row.id,TG_TABLE_NAME,t_reference, TG_OP, person__get_my_entity_id()); return null; -- AFTER TRIGGER ONLY, SAFE END;
SELECT p.id, p.partnumber, o.transdate, p.description, p.bin, o.id as ord_id, o.ordnumber, o.oe_class, eca.meta_number::text, e.name, i.sellprice, i.qty, i.discount, i.serialnumber FROM parts p JOIN (select id, trans_id, parts_id, sellprice, qty, discount, serialnumber, 'o' as i_type FROM orderitems UNION SELECT id, trans_id, parts_id, sellprice, qty, discount, serialnumber, 'i' as i_type FROM invoice) i ON p.id = i.parts_id JOIN (select o.id, 'oe' as o_table, ordnumber as ordnumber, c.oe_class, o.oe_class_id, o.transdate, o.entity_credit_account, 'o' as expected_line FROM oe o JOIN oe_class c ON o.oe_class_id = c.id UNION SELECT id, 'ar' as o_table, invnumber as ordnumber, 'is' as oe_class, null, transdate, entity_credit_account, 'i' as expected_line FROM ar UNION SELECT id, 'ap' as o_table, invnumber as ordnumber, 'ir' as oe_class, null, transdate, entity_credit_account, 'i' as expected_line FROM ap) o ON o.id = i.trans_id AND o.expected_line = i.i_type JOIN entity_credit_account eca ON o.entity_credit_account = eca.id JOIN entity e ON e.id = eca.entity_id WHERE (in_partnumber is null or p.partnumber like in_partnumber || '%') AND (in_description IS NULL OR p.description @@ plainto_tsquery(in_description)) AND (in_date_from is null or in_date_from <= o.transdate) and (in_date_to is null or in_date_to >= o.transdate) AND (in_serialnumber is null or i.serialnumber = in_serialnumber) AND ((in_inc_po IS NULL AND in_inc_so IS NULL AND in_inc_quo IS NULL AND in_inc_rfq IS NULL AND in_inc_ir IS NULL AND in_inc_is IS NULL) OR ( (in_inc_po is true and o.oe_class = 'Purchase Order') OR (in_inc_so is true and o.oe_class = 'Sales Order') OR (in_inc_quo is true and o.oe_class = 'Quotation') OR (in_inc_rfq is true and o.oe_class = 'RFQ') OR (in_inc_ir is true and o.oe_class = 'ir') OR (in_inc_is is true and o.oe_class = 'is') )) ORDER BY o.transdate desc, o.id desc;
SELECT p.partnumber, p.id, p.description, p.onhand, p.unit::text, p.priceupdate, pg.partsgroup, p.listprice, p.sellprice, p.lastcost, p.avgcost, CASE WHEN p.lastcost = 0 THEN NULL ELSE ((p.sellprice / p.lastcost) - 1) * 100 END as markup, p.bin, p.rop, p.weight, p.notes, p.image, p.drawing, p.microfiche, m.make, m.model FROM parts p LEFT JOIN makemodel m ON m.parts_id = p.id LEFT JOIN partsgroup pg ON p.partsgroup_id = pg.id WHERE (in_partnumber is null or p.partnumber ilike in_partnumber || '%') AND (in_description is null or p.description @@ plainto_tsquery(in_description)) AND (in_partsgroup_id is null or p.partsgroup_id = in_partsgroup_id ) AND (in_make is null or m.make ilike in_make || '%') AND (in_model is null or m.model ilike in_model || '%') AND (in_drawing IS NULL OR p.drawing ilike in_drawing || '%') AND (in_microfiche IS NULL OR p.microfiche ilike in_microfiche || '%') AND (in_serialnumber IS NULL OR p.id IN (select parts_id from invoice where serialnumber = in_serialnumber)) AND (in_parttype IS NULL OR in_parttype = 'all' OR (in_parttype = 'assemblies' and p.assembly) OR (in_parttype = 'services' and p.inventory_accno_id IS NULL) OR (in_parttype = 'overhead' and p.inventory_accno_id IS NOT NULL and p.income_accno_id IS NULL) OR (in_parttype = 'parts' and p.inventory_accno_id IS NOT NULL and p.expense_accno_id IS NOT NULL and p.income_accno_id IS NOT NULL)) AND ((in_status = 'active' and not p.obsolete) OR (in_status = 'onhand' and p.onhand > 0) OR (in_status = 'obsolete' and p.obsolete) OR (in_status = 'short' and p.onhand <= p.rop) OR (in_status = 'unused' AND NOT EXISTS (select 1 FROM invoice WHERE parts_id = p.id UNION SELECT 1 FROM orderitems WHERE parts_id = p.id)));
SELECT CASE WHEN count(*) > 0 THEN true ELSE false END FROM unnest($2) r WHERE t @> array[$1];
SELECT bool_and(in_tree(e, $2)) FROM unnest($1) e;
SELECT p.id, p.description, p.partnumber, SUM(CASE WHEN transtype = 'ar' THEN i.qty ELSE 0 END) AS sold, SUM(CASE WHEN transtype = 'ar' THEN i.sellprice * i.qty ELSE 0 END) AS revenue, SUM(CASE WHEN transtype = 'ap' THEN i.qty * -1 ELSE 0 END) AS purchased, SUM(CASE WHEN transtype = 'ap' THEN -1 * i.sellprice * i.qty ELSE 0 END) AS cost, SUM(CASE WHEN transtype = 'as' AND i.qty > 0 THEN i.qty ELSE 0 END) AS used, SUM(CASE WHEN transtype = 'as' AND i.qty < 0 then -1*i.qty ELSE 0 END) AS assembled, SUM(CASE WHEN transtype = 'ia' THEN -1 * i.qty ELSE 0 END) AS adjusted FROM invoice i JOIN parts p ON (i.parts_id = p.id) JOIN (select id, approved, transdate, 'ar' as transtype FROM ar UNION SELECT id, approved, transdate, 'ap' as transtype FROM ap UNION SELECT id, approved, transdate, trans_type_code as transtype FROM gl) a ON (a.id = i.trans_id AND a.approved) WHERE ($1 IS NULL OR a.transdate >= $1) AND ($2 IS NULL OR a.transdate <= $2) AND ($3 IS NULL OR p.partnumber ilike $3 || '%') AND ($4 IS NULL OR p.description @@ plainto_tsquery($4)) GROUP BY p.id, p.description, p.partnumber
SELECT * FROM parts WHERE id = $1;
SELECT * FROM parts WHERE obsolete is not true AND partnumber = $1;
WITH RECURSIVE assembly_comp (a_id, parts_id, qty) AS ( SELECT id, parts_id, qty FROM assembly UNION ALL SELECT ac.a_id, a.parts_id, ac.qty * a.qty FROM assembly a JOIN assembly_comp ac ON a.parts_id = ac.parts_id ), invoice_sum AS ( SELECT a.transdate, sum(i.qty) as qty, i.parts_id FROM invoice i JOIN (select id, transdate from transactions where approved) a ON i.trans_id = a.id GROUP BY a.transdate, i.parts_id ), order_sum AS ( SELECT oe.transdate, sum(oi.ship * case when oe_class_id = 1 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END) as qty, oi.parts_id FROM orderitems oi JOIN oe ON oe.closed is false and oe_class_id in (1, 2) GROUP BY oe.transdate, oi.parts_id ) SELECT p.id, p.partnumber, coalesce(sum((coalesce(i.qty, 0) + coalesce(oi.qty, 0)) * a.qty ),0) FROM parts p LEFT JOIN assembly_comp a ON a.a_id = p.id LEFT JOIN invoice_sum i ON i.parts_id = p.id OR a.parts_id = i.parts_id LEFT JOIN order_sum oi ON oi.parts_id = p.id OR a.parts_id = i.parts_id WHERE p.id = $1 OR p.partnumber = $2 OR (p.id IN (select parts_id FROM makemodel WHERE barcode = $2) AND NOT EXISTS (select id from parts where partnumber = $2 AND NOT obsolete )) and (i.transdate is null or i.transdate <= $3) AND (oi.transdate IS NULL OR oi.transdate <= $3) GROUP BY p.id, p.partnumber;
DECLARE inv inventory_report; t_trans_id int; BEGIN SELECT * INTO inv FROM inventory_report where id = in_id; IF inv.trans_id IS NOT NULL THEN -- already approved RETURN inv; END IF; INSERT INTO gl (description, transdate, reference, approved, trans_type_code) VALUES ('Transaction due to approval of inventory adjustment', inv.transdate, 'invadj-' || in_id, true, 'ia') RETURNING id INTO t_trans_id; UPDATE inventory_report set trans_id = t_trans_id WHERE id = in_id; -- When the count is lower than expected, we need to write-off -- some of our inventory. To do so, we post COGS to the expense -- account and reduce the inventory by the amount. There is no -- income associated with the transaction, so 'discount' == 100% -- -- When the count is higher than expected, we need to increase -- some of our inventory. To do so, we stock at reverse COGS, taking -- the cost of the inventory increase out of COGS (to re-add on sale) INSERT INTO invoice (trans_id, parts_id, description, qty, allocated, sellprice, precision, discount) SELECT t_trans_id, p.id, p.description, l.variance * -1, 0, 0, 3, 1 FROM parts p JOIN inventory_report_line l ON p.id = l.parts_id WHERE l.adjust_id = in_id; -- cogs for AR manipulates the tip of the FIFO buffer -- record shortage as a regular FIFO allocation, without income aspects -- record overage as a regular FIFO reversal, similarly without income aspects PERFORM cogs__add_for_ar_line(id) FROM invoice WHERE trans_id = t_trans_id; UPDATE parts p SET onhand = onhand + (select variance from inventory_report_line l where p.id = l.parts_id and l.adjust_id = in_id) WHERE id IN (select parts_id from inventory_report_line where adjust_id = in_id); SELECT * INTO inv FROM inventory_report where id = in_id; RETURN inv; END;
INSERT INTO inventory_report(transdate) values (in_transdate) RETURNING *;
DECLARE inv inventory_report; BEGIN SELECT * INTO inv FROM inventory_report where id = in_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSIF inv.trans_id IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Set is Already Approved!'; END IF; DELETE FROM inventory_report_line where adjust_id = in_id; DELETE FROM inventory_report where id = in_id; RETURN TRUE; END;
SELECT * FROM inventory_report WHERE id = $1;
SELECT * FROM inventory_report_line l WHERE adjust_id = $1 ORDER BY parts_id;
SELECT * FROM inventory_report WHERE ($1 is null or transdate >= $1) AND ($2 IS NULL OR transdate <= $2) AND ($3 IS NULL OR $3 = (trans_id IS NOT NULL));
INSERT INTO inventory_report(transdate, source) VALUES ($1, $2) RETURNING *;
INSERT INTO inventory_report_line (adjust_id, parts_id, counted, expected, variance) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) RETURNING *;
SELECT r.id, r.transdate, r.source, r.trans_id FROM inventory_report r JOIN inventory_report_line l ON l.adjust_id = r.id JOIN parts p ON l.parts_id = p.id WHERE ($1 is null or $1 <= r.transdate) AND ($2 is null OR $2 >= r.transdate) AND ($3 IS NULL OR plainto_tsquery($3) @@ tsvector(p.partnumber)) AND ($4 IS NULL OR source LIKE $4 || '%') GROUP BY r.id, r.transdate, r.source, r.trans_id;
DECLARE out_row RECORD; t_parts_id int; int_outrow RECORD; BEGIN SELECT id INTO t_parts_id FROM parts WHERE (partnumber like in_partnumber|| ' %' or partnumber = in_partnumber) and obsolete is not true and assembly is not true; SELECT * INTO out_row FROM parts WHERE id = t_parts_id; WITH RECURSIVE c AS ( SELECT 1::numeric as multiplier, t_parts_id as part_used, t_parts_id as current_part_id UNION ALL SELECT c.multiplier * a.qty, t_parts_id as part_used, a.parts_id as current_part_id FROM assembly a JOIN c ON c.current_part_id = a.id ) SELECT sum(coalesce(c.multiplier, 1) * i.qty) * -1 AS onhand INTO int_outrow FROM parts p LEFT JOIN c ON c.part_used = t_parts_id JOIN invoice i ON (i.parts_id = p.id OR i.parts_id = c.current_part_id) JOIN (select id, transdate from transactions) a ON (i.trans_id = a.id) WHERE (p.partnumber = in_partnumber or p.partnumber like in_partnumber || ' %') AND a.transdate <= in_transdate AND assembly IS FALSE AND obsolete IS NOT TRUE GROUP BY p.id, p.partnumber, p.description, p.unit, p.listprice, p.sellprice, p.lastcost, p.priceupdate, p.weight, p.onhand, p.notes, p.makemodel, p.assembly, p.alternate, p.rop, p.inventory_accno_id, p.income_accno_id, p.expense_accno_id, p.bin, p.obsolete, p.bom, p.image, p.microfiche, p.partsgroup_id, p.avgcost; out_row.onhand := int_outrow.onhand; RETURN out_row; END;
SELECT * FROM ap WHERE entity_credit_account = (select id from entity_credit_account where entity_class = 1 AND meta_number = in_meta_number) AND invnumber = in_invoice_number;
Returns true if date is in a leapyear. False if not. Uses the built-in PostgreSQL date handling, and no direct detection is done in our code.
select extract('day' FROM ( (extract('year' FROM $1)::text || '-02-28')::date + '1 day'::interval)::date) = 29;
Returns true if the two dates are in the same month and year. False otherwise.
SELECT is_same_year($1, $2) and extract ('MONTH' from $1) = extract ('MONTH' from $2);
Returns true if the two dates are in the same year, false otherwise.
SELECT extract ('YEAR' from $1) = extract ('YEAR' from $2);
INSERT INTO journal_entry (reference, description, journal, post_date, approved, is_template, effective_start, effective_end, currency, entered_by) VALUES (coalesce($1, ''), $2, $3, $4, coalesce($5 , false), coalesce($6, false), $4, $4, $7, person__get_my_entity_id()) RETURNING *;
INSERT INTO journal_line(account_id, journal_id, amount, amount_tc, curr, cleared) VALUES (in_account_id, in_journal_id, in_amount, in_amount_fx, in_curr, coalesce(in_cleared, false)); INSERT INTO business_unit_jl(entry_id, bu_class, bu_id) SELECT currval('journal_line_id_seq'), class_id, id FROM business_unit WHERE id = any(in_business_units); SELECT * FROM journal_line where id = currval('journal_line_id_seq');
DELETE FROM eca_invoice WHERE journal_id = in_journal_id; DELETE FROM journal_line WHERE journal_id = in_journal_id; DELETE FROM journal_entry WHERE id = in_journal_id;
SELECT * FROM journal_entry where id = $1;
SELECT * FROM eca_invoice where journal_id = $1;
select * from journal_line where journal_id = $1;
DECLARE retval eca_invoice; BEGIN INSERT INTO eca_invoice (order_id, journal_id, on_hold, reverse, credit_id, language_code, due) VALUES (in_order_id, in_journal_id, coalesce(in_on_hold, false), in_reverse, in_credit_id, in_language_code, 'today'); SELECT * INTO retval FROM eca_invoice WHERE journal_id = in_journal_id; RETURN retval; END;
insert into recurringprint (id, formname, format, printer) values ($1, $2, 'PDF', $3) returning *;
SELECT j.id, j.reference, j.description, j.journal, j.post_date, j.approved, j.is_template, eca.meta_number, e.name, ec.class, coalesce( r.startdate + 0, -- r.recurring_interval, j.post_date ) FROM journal_entry j LEFT JOIN eca_invoice i ON (i.journal_id = j.id) LEFT JOIN entity_credit_account eca ON (eca.id = credit_id) LEFT JOIN entity e ON (eca.entity_id = e.id) LEFT JOIN entity_class ec ON (eca.entity_class = ec.id) LEFT JOIN recurring r ON j.id = r.id WHERE (in_reference IS NULL OR in_reference = j.reference) AND (in_description IS NULL or in_description = j.description) AND (in_entry_type is null or in_entry_type = j.journal) and (in_transaction_date is null or in_transaction_date = j.post_date) and j.approved = coalesce(in_approved, true) and j.is_template = coalesce(in_is_template, false) and (in_meta_number is null or eca.meta_number = in_meta_number) and (in_entity_class is null or eca.entity_class = in_entity_class) AND (in_recurring IS NOT TRUE OR coalesce(r.startdate, r.nextdate) <= now()::date );
SELECT sum(amount) = 0 FROM journal_line WHERE journal_id = $1;
DECLARE v_cost float; v_parts_id alias for $1; BEGIN SELECT INTO v_cost sellprice FROM invoice i JOIN ap a ON (a.id = i.trans_id) WHERE i.parts_id = v_parts_id ORDER BY a.transdate desc, a.id desc LIMIT 1; IF v_cost IS NULL THEN v_cost := 0; END IF; RETURN v_cost; END;
Returns the number of leap years between the two year inputs, inclusive.
SELECT count(*)::int FROM generate_series($1, $2) WHERE is_leapyear((generate_series::text || '-01-01')::date);
Called as a constraint trigger function on the account_link table. Raises an exception if the operation would create more than one Summary account_link descriptors for the relevant account.
BEGIN IF ( SELECT COUNT(*) > 1 FROM account_link JOIN account_link_description ON ( account_link.description = account_link_description.description ) WHERE account_id = NEW.account_id AND account_link_description.summary IS TRUE ) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Account cannot have more than one summary account_link descriptor'; END IF; RETURN NEW; END;
Returns a list of tax forms for the entity's country.
DECLARE t_country_tax_form country_tax_form; BEGIN FOR t_country_tax_form IN SELECT * FROM country_tax_form where country_id in(SELECT country_id from entity where id=in_entity_id) LOOP RETURN NEXT t_country_tax_form; END LOOP; END;
Returns the location specified by in_id.
SELECT * FROM location WHERE id = in_id;
DELETES the location specified by in_id. Does not return a value.
DELETE FROM location WHERE id = in_id;
Lists location classes, by default in order entered.
SELECT l.*, as_array(e.entity_class) FROM location_class l JOIN location_class_to_entity_class e ON (l.id = e.location_class) GROUP BY l.id, l.class, l.authoritative ORDER BY l.id;
Lists countries, by default in alphabetical order.
SELECT * FROM country ORDER BY name;
Note that this does NOT override the data in the database unless in_location_id is specified. Instead we search for locations matching the desired specifications and if none are found, we insert one. Either way, the return value of the location can be used for mapping to other things. This is necessary because locations are only loosly coupled with entities, etc.
DECLARE location_id integer; location_row RECORD; BEGIN IF in_location_id IS NULL THEN SELECT id INTO location_id FROM location WHERE line_one = in_address1 AND line_two = in_address2 AND line_three = in_address3 AND in_city = city AND in_state = state AND in_zipcode = mail_code AND in_country = country_id LIMIT 1; IF NOT FOUND THEN -- Straight insert. location_id = nextval('location_id_seq'); INSERT INTO location ( id, line_one, line_two, line_three, city, state, mail_code, country_id) VALUES ( location_id, in_address1, in_address2, in_address3, in_city, in_state, in_zipcode, in_country ); END IF; return location_id; ELSE RAISE NOTICE 'Overwriting location id %', in_location_id; -- Test it. SELECT * INTO location_row FROM location WHERE id = in_location_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN -- Tricky users are lying to us. RAISE EXCEPTION 'location_save called with nonexistant location ID %', in_location_id; ELSE -- Okay, we're good. UPDATE location SET line_one = in_address1, line_two = in_address2, line_three = in_address3, city = in_city, state = in_state, mail_code = in_zipcode, country_id = in_country WHERE id = in_location_id; return in_location_id; END IF; END IF; END;
This function seeks to lock a record with an id of in_id to a session with an id of in_session_id. If possible, it returns true. If it is already locked, false. These are not hard locks and the application is free to disregard or not even ask. They time out when the session is destroyed.
declare locked int; begin SELECT locked_by into locked from transactions where id = $1; IF NOT FOUND THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSEIF locked is not null AND locked <> $2 THEN RETURN FALSE; END IF; UPDATE transactions set locked_by = $2 where id = $1; RETURN TRUE; end;
This function creates two tables, dropping them if they exist previously: * lsmb_role_grants * lsmb_password_backups These contain sensitive security information and should only be used when creating customer-ready backups from shared hosting environments.
BEGIN PERFORM lsmb__clear_role_backup(); CREATE TABLE lsmb_role_grants AS SELECT u.id, rm.rolname FROM users u JOIN pg_authid r ON r.rolname = u.username JOIN pg_auth_members m ON m.member = r.oid JOIN pg_authid rm ON rm.oid = m.roleid; CREATE TABLE lsmb_password_backups AS SELECT u.id, rolpassword, rolvaliduntil FROM users u JOIN pg_authid r ON r.rolname = u.username; RETURN FOUND; END;
This functon drops the backup tables. It is also called on the successful completion of lsmb__restore_roles().
DECLARE t_in_role text; BEGIN -- Make sure to evaluate the role once because the optimizer -- uses it as a filter on every row otherwise SELECT lsmb__role(in_role) INTO t_in_role; IF LENGTH(t_in_role) > 63 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Role % has more than 63 bytes. Truncation of % bytes will happen', t_in_role,LENGTH(t_in_role)-63 USING ERRCODE = 'name_too_long'; END IF; PERFORM rolname FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname = t_in_role; IF FOUND THEN RETURN TRUE; END IF; EXECUTE 'CREATE ROLE ' || quote_ident(t_in_role) || ' WITH INHERIT NOLOGIN'; RETURN TRUE; END;
SELECT extract('century' from $1) as century, extract('decade' from $1) as decade, extract('year' from $1) as year, extract('month' from $1) as month, extract('day' from $1) as day, extract('hour' from $1) as hour, extract('minute' from $1) as minute, extract('second' from $1) as second, extract('quarter' from $1) as quarter, extract('doy' from $1) as doy, extract('dow' from $1) as dow, extract('week' from $1) as week, extract('epoch' from $1) as epoch, $1::date as as_date, $1::time as as_time;
Strips the role prefix from the role turning it into a global role identifier, or returns NULL if the string does not start with the role prefix.
select case when position(lsmb__role_prefix() in role) = 1 then substring(role from length(lsmb__role_prefix())+1) else null end;
DECLARE t_in_role text; BEGIN SELECT lsmb__role(in_role) INTO t_in_role; PERFORM rolname FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname = t_in_role; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Role % not found', t_in_role USING ERRCODE = 'invalid_role_specification'; END IF; EXECUTE 'GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION ' || in_func || ' TO ' || quote_ident(lsmb__role(in_role)); RETURN TRUE; END;
DECLARE t_in_role text; BEGIN -- Make sure to evaluate the role once because the optimizer -- uses it as a filter on every row otherwise SELECT lsmb__role(in_role) INTO t_in_role; PERFORM rolname FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname = t_in_role; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Role % not found', t_in_role USING ERRCODE = 'invalid_role_specification'; END IF; PERFORM * FROM menu_node WHERE menu AND id = in_node_id; IF FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Cannot grant to submenu'; END IF; IF in_perm_type NOT IN ('allow', 'deny') THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Invalid perm type' USING ERRCODE = 'invalid_grantor'; END IF; PERFORM * FROM menu_acl WHERE node_id = in_node_id AND role_name = t_in_role AND acl_type = in_perm_type; IF FOUND THEN RETURN TRUE; END IF; INSERT INTO menu_acl (node_id, role_name, acl_type) VALUES (in_node_id, t_in_role, in_perm_type); RETURN TRUE; END;
DECLARE t_in_role text; BEGIN SELECT lsmb__role(in_role) INTO t_in_role; PERFORM rolname FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname = t_in_role; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Role % not found', t_in_role USING ERRCODE = 'invalid_role_specification'; END IF; IF upper(in_perms) NOT IN ('ALL', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'SELECT', 'DELETE') THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Invalid permission' USING ERRCODE = 'invalid_grantor'; END IF; EXECUTE 'GRANT ' || in_perms || ' ON ' || quote_ident(in_table) || ' TO ' || quote_ident(lsmb__role(in_role)); RETURN TRUE; END;
DECLARE t_in_role text; BEGIN SELECT lsmb__role(in_role) INTO t_in_role; PERFORM rolname FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname = t_in_role; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Role % not found', t_in_role USING ERRCODE = 'invalid_role_specification'; END IF; IF upper(in_perms) NOT IN ('ALL', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'SELECT', 'DELETE') THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Invalid permission' USING ERRCODE = 'invalid_grantor'; END IF; EXECUTE 'GRANT ' || in_perms || '(' || array_to_string(quote_ident_array(in_cols), ', ') || ') ON ' || quote_ident(in_table)|| ' TO ' || quote_ident(lsmb__role(in_role)); RETURN TRUE; END;
DECLARE t_in_role text; BEGIN SELECT lsmb__role(in_parent) INTO t_in_role; PERFORM rolname FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname = t_in_role; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Role % not found', t_in_role USING ERRCODE = 'invalid_role_specification'; END IF; SELECT lsmb__role(in_child) INTO t_in_role; PERFORM rolname FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname = t_in_role; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Role % not found', t_in_role USING ERRCODE = 'invalid_role_specification'; END IF; EXECUTE 'GRANT ' || quote_ident(lsmb__role(in_parent)) || ' TO ' || quote_ident(lsmb__role(in_child)); RETURN TRUE; END;
select bool_and(pg_has_role(lsmb__role(r), 'USAGE')) from unnest(in_rolelist) r;
SELECT max(transdate) FROM acc_trans;
SELECT min(transdate) from acc_trans;
This file restores the roles from lsmb__backup_roles() and then cleares the role backup. If the role backup/restore did not work properly one can always restore the backup tables only from the backup again but this reduces security disclosure.
DECLARE temp_rec RECORD; BEGIN FOR temp_rec IN select u.username, l.* FROM users u JOIN lsmb_password_backups l ON u.id = l.id LOOP PERFORM 1 FROM pg_authid WHERE rolname = temp_rec.username; IF FOUND THEN EXECUTE $e$ ALTER USER $e$ || quote_ident(temp_rec.username) || $e$ WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD $e$ || quote_literal(temp_rec.rolpassword) || $e$ VALID UNTIL $e$ || coalesce(quote_literal(temp_rec.rolvaliduntil), 'NULL'); ELSE EXECUTE $e$ CREATE USER $e$ || quote_ident(temp_rec.username) || $e$ WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD $e$ || quote_literal(temp_rec.rolpassword) || $e$ VALID UNTIL $e$ || coalesce(quote_literal(temp_rec.rolvaliduntil), 'NULL'); END IF; END LOOP; PERFORM admin__add_user_to_role(u.username, r.rolname) FROM users u JOIN lsmb_role_grants r ON u.id = r.id JOIN pg_authid a ON r.rolname = a.rolname; RETURN lsmb__clear_role_backup(); END;
Prepends the role prefix to a role name. E.g. 'contact_edit' is converted to 'lsmb_mycompany__contact_edit'
select lsmb__role_prefix() || $1;
Returns the prefix text to be used for roles. E.g. 'lsmb__mycompany_'
select coalesce((setting_get('role_prefix')).value, 'lsmb_' || current_database() || '__');
PostgreSQL 14 vs pre-14 compatibility measure.
SELECT array_append(ary, elm);
Retrieves a single module's info by id.
SELECT * FROM lsmb_module where id = $1;
Returns a list of all defined modules, ordered by id.
SELECT * FROM lsmb_module ORDER BY id
This function returns the complete menu tree. It is used to generate nested menus for the web interface.
WITH RECURSIVE tree (path, id, parent, level, positions) AS ( select id::text as path, id, parent, 0 as level, position::text from menu_node where parent is null UNION select path || ',' || n.id::text, n.id, n.parent, t.level + 1, t.positions || ',' || n.position from menu_node n JOIN tree t ON t.id = n.parent ) SELECT n.position, n.id, c.level, n.label, c.path, n.parent, n.standalone, n.menu, n.url FROM tree c JOIN menu_node n USING(id) WHERE n.id IN (select node_id FROM menu_acl acl LEFT JOIN pg_roles pr on pr.rolname = acl.role_name WHERE CASE WHEN role_name ilike 'public' THEN true WHEN rolname IS NULL THEN FALSE ELSE pg_has_role(rolname, 'USAGE') END GROUP BY node_id HAVING bool_and(CASE WHEN acl_type ilike 'DENY' THEN FALSE WHEN acl_type ilike 'ALLOW' THEN TRUE END)) OR exists (select cn.id, cc.path FROM tree cc JOIN menu_node cn USING(id) WHERE cn.id IN (select node_id FROM menu_acl acl LEFT JOIN pg_roles pr on pr.rolname = acl.role_name WHERE CASE WHEN rolname ilike 'public' THEN true WHEN rolname IS NULL THEN FALSE ELSE pg_has_role(rolname, 'USAGE') END GROUP BY node_id HAVING bool_and(CASE WHEN acl_type ilike 'DENY' THEN false WHEN acl_type ilike 'ALLOW' THEN TRUE END)) and cc.path::text like c.path::text || ',%') ORDER BY string_to_array(c.positions, ',')::int[]
This function inserts menu items at arbitrary positions. The arguments are, in order: parent, position, label. The return value is the id number of the menu item created.
DECLARE new_id int; BEGIN UPDATE menu_node -- prevent duplicates by setting negative as a first step SET position = -1 * (position + 1) WHERE parent = in_parent_id AND position >= in_position; UPDATE menu_node -- negate again now that all numbers are final SET position = -1 * position WHERE parent = in_parent_id AND position < 0; INSERT INTO menu_node (parent, position, label) VALUES (in_parent_id, in_position, in_label); RETURN currval('menu_node_id_seq'); END;
DECLARE t_mfg_lot mfg_lot; BEGIN SELECT * INTO t_mfg_lot FROM mfg_lot WHERE id = $1; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Lot not found'; END IF; UPDATE parts SET onhand = onhand - (select qty from mfg_lot_item WHERE parts_id = parts.id AND mfg_lot_id = $1) WHERE id in (select parts_id from mfg_lot_item WHERE mfg_lot_id = $1); UPDATE parts SET onhand = onhand + t_mfg_lot.qty where id = t_mfg_lot.parts_id; INSERT INTO gl (reference, description, transdate, approved, trans_type_code) values ('mfg-' || $1::TEXT, 'Manufacturing lot', now(), true, 'as'); INSERT INTO invoice (trans_id, parts_id, qty, allocated) SELECT currval('id')::int, parts_id, qty, 0 FROM mfg_lot_item WHERE mfg_lot_id = $1; PERFORM cogs__add_for_ar_line(id) FROM invoice WHERE trans_id = currval('id')::int; PERFORM * FROM invoice WHERE qty + allocated <> 0 AND trans_id = currval('id')::int; IF FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Not enough parts in stock'; END IF; INSERT INTO invoice (trans_id, parts_id, qty, allocated, sellprice) SELECT currval('id')::int, t_mfg_lot.parts_id, t_mfg_lot.qty * -1, 0, sum(amount_bc) / t_mfg_lot.qty FROM acc_trans WHERE amount_bc < 0 and trans_id = currval('id')::int; PERFORM cogs__add_for_ap_line(currval('invoice_id_seq')::int); -- move from reverse COGS. INSERT INTO acc_trans(trans_id, chart_id, transdate, amount_bc, curr, amount_tc) SELECT trans_id, chart_id, transdate, amount_bc * -1, curr, amount_tc * -1 FROM acc_trans WHERE amount_bc < 0 and trans_id = currval('id')::int; -- difference goes into inventory INSERT INTO acc_trans(trans_id, transdate, amount_bc, curr, amount_tc, chart_id) SELECT trans_id, now(), sum(amount_bc) * -1, curr, sum(amount_tc) * -1, (select inventory_accno_id from parts where id = t_mfg_lot.parts_id) FROM acc_trans WHERE trans_id = currval('id')::int GROUP BY trans_id, curr; RETURN t_mfg_lot.qty; END;
Returns the number of months between in_start and in_end.
-- The addition of one day is so that it will return '1' when run on the end -- day of consecutive months. select (extract (months from age(in_end + '1 day', in_start + '1 day')) + extract (years from age(in_end, in_start)) * 12)::int;
Next relevant leap year calculation for a daily depreciation calculation
SELECT (CASE WHEN extract('doy' FROM $1) < 59 THEN extract('year' FROM $1) ELSE extract('year' FROM $1) + 1 END)::int - CASE WHEN $2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END;
DECLARE retval oe; ordercount int; ids int[]; loop_info record; settings text[]; my_person_id int; BEGIN SELECT id INTO my_person_id FROM person WHERE entity_id = person__get_my_entity_id(); settings := ARRAY['sonumber', 'ponumber', 'sqnumber', 'rfqnumber']; ids := array[]::int[]; -- This approach of looping through insert/select operations will break down -- if overly complex order consolidation jobs are run (think, hundreds of -- combined orders in the *output* -- -- The tradeoff is that if we address the huge complex runs here, then we have -- the possibility of having to lock the whole table which poses other issues. -- For that reason, I am going with this approach for now. --CT FOR loop_info IN SELECT max(id) as id, taxincluded, entity_credit_account, oe_class_id, curr FROM oe WHERE id = any(in_ids) GROUP BY taxincluded, entity_credit_account, oe_class_id, curr LOOP INSERT INTO oe (ordnumber, transdate, amount_tc, netamount_tc, reqdate, taxincluded, shippingpoint, notes, curr, person_id, closed, quotation, quonumber, intnotes, shipvia, language_code, ponumber, terms, oe_class_id, entity_credit_account) SELECT CASE WHEN oe_class_id IN (1, 2) THEN setting_increment(settings[oe_class_id]) ELSE NULL END, now()::date, sum(amount_tc), sum(netamount_tc), min(reqdate), taxincluded, min(shippingpoint), '', curr, my_person_id, false, false, CASE WHEN oe_class_id IN (3, 4) THEN setting_increment(settings[oe_class_id]) ELSE NULL END, NULL, NULL, NULL, null, min(terms), oe_class_id, entity_credit_account FROM oe WHERE id = any (in_ids) AND taxincluded = loop_info.taxincluded AND entity_credit_account = loop_info.entity_credit_account AND oe_class_id = loop_info.oe_class_id GROUP BY curr, taxincluded, oe_class_id, entity_credit_account; INSERT INTO orderitems (trans_id, parts_id, description, qty, sellprice, precision, discount, unit, reqdate, ship, serialnumber, notes) SELECT currval('oe_id_seq'), oi.parts_id, oi.description, oi.qty, oi.sellprice, oi.precision, oi.discount, oi.unit, oi.reqdate, oi.ship, oi.serialnumber, oi.notes FROM orderitems oi JOIN oe ON oi.trans_id = oe.id WHERE oe.id = any (in_ids) AND taxincluded = loop_info.taxincluded AND entity_credit_account = loop_info.entity_credit_account AND oe_class_id = loop_info.oe_class_id; ids := ids || currval('oe_id_seq')::int; END LOOP; UPDATE oe SET closed = true WHERE id = any(in_ids); FOR retval IN select * from oe WHERE id =any(ids) LOOP RETURN NEXT retval; END LOOP; END;
SELECT o.id, CASE WHEN oe_class_id IN (1, 2) THEN o.ordnumber WHEN oe_class_id IN (3, 4) THEN o.quonumber ELSE NULL END as ordnumber, o.transdate, o.reqdate, o.amount_tc, c.name, o.netamount_tc, o.entity_credit_account, o.closed, o.quonumber, o.shippingpoint, o.shipvia, pe.first_name || ' ' || pe.last_name AS employee, pm.first_name || ' ' || pm.last_name AS manager, o.curr, o.ponumber, ct.meta_number, c.id FROM oe o JOIN entity_credit_account ct ON (o.entity_credit_account = ct.id) JOIN entity c ON (c.id = ct.entity_id) LEFT JOIN person pe ON (o.person_id = pe.id) LEFT JOIN entity_employee e ON (pe.entity_id = e.entity_id) LEFT JOIN person pm ON (e.manager_id = pm.id) LEFT JOIN entity_employee m ON (pm.entity_id = m.entity_id) WHERE o.oe_class_id = in_oe_class_id AND (in_meta_number IS NULL or ct.meta_number ILIKE in_meta_number || '%') AND (in_legal_name IS NULL OR c.name @@ plainto_tsquery(in_legal_name)) AND (in_ponumber IS NULL OR o.ponumber ILIKE in_ponumber || '%') AND (in_ordnumber IS NULL OR o.ordnumber ILIKE in_ordnumber || '%') AND ((in_open is true and o.closed is false) OR (in_closed is true and o.closed is true)) AND (in_shipvia IS NULL OR o.shipvia @@ plainto_tsquery(in_shipvia)) AND (in_description IS NULL AND in_shippable IS NULL OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM orderitems oi JOIN parts p ON p.id = oi.parts_id WHERE trans_id = o.id AND (in_description IS NULL OR oi.description @@ plainto_tsquery(in_description)) AND (in_shippable IS NULL OR p.assembly OR p.inventory_accno_id IS NOT NULL)) ) AND (in_date_from IS NULL OR o.transdate >= in_date_from) AND (in_date_to IS NULL OR o.transdate <= in_date_to);
declare t_id int; in_cash_accno text; BEGIN -- reverse overpayment gl INSERT INTO gl (transdate, reference, description, approved, trans_type_code) SELECT transdate, reference || '-reversal', 'reversal of ' || description, '0', 'op' FROM gl WHERE id = (select gl_id from payment where id = in_id); IF NOT FOUND THEN RETURN FALSE; END IF; t_id := currval('id'); INSERT INTO voucher (batch_id, trans_id, batch_class) VALUES (in_batch_id, t_id, CASE WHEN in_account_class = 1 THEN 4 ELSE 7 END); INSERT INTO acc_trans (transdate, trans_id, chart_id, amount_bc, curr, amount_tc) SELECT in_transdate, t_id, chart_id, amount_bc * -1, curr, amount_tc * -1 FROM acc_trans WHERE trans_id = in_id; PERFORM * FROM payment__overpayments_list(null, null, null, null, null) WHERE available<>amount and payment_id = in_id; IF FOUND THEN RAISE 'Cannot reverse used overpayment: reverse payments first'; END IF; -- reverse overpayment usage -- -- The query below will automatically do what the above simply bails out on. -- However, it doesn't work and I don't understand it enough - right now - -- to fix it. -- PERFORM payment__reverse(ac.source, ac.transdate, eca.id, at.accno, -- in_transdate, eca.entity_class, in_batch_id, null, -- in_exchangerate, in_curr) -- FROM acc_trans ac -- JOIN account at ON ac.chart_id = at.id -- JOIN account_link al ON at.id = al.account_id AND al.description like 'A%paid' -- JOIN (select id, entity_credit_account FROM ar UNION -- select id, entity_credit_account from ap) a ON a.id = ac.trans_id -- JOIN entity_credit_account eca ON a.entity_credit_account = eca.id -- JOIN payment_links pl ON pl.entry_id = ac.entry_id -- JOIN overpayments op ON op.payment_id = pl.payment_id -- JOIN payment p ON p.id = op.payment_id -- WHERE p.gl_id = in_id -- GROUP BY ac.source, ac.transdate, eca.id, eca.entity_class, -- at.accno, al.description; RETURN TRUE; END;
Simple way to cast a Perl string to a date format of known type.
select $1;
select * from parts where id = $1;
SELECT * FROM parts WHERE id = $1;
SELECT * FROM parts where partnumber = $1 AND NOT OBSOLETE;
SELECT * FROM parts WHERE ($1 IS NULL OR (partnumber ilike '%' || $1 || '%')) AND ($2 IS NULL OR description ilike '%' || $2 || '%' OR plainto_tsquery(get_default_lang()::regconfig, $2) = plainto_tsquery(get_default_lang()::regconfig, '') OR (description @@ plainto_tsquery(get_default_lang()::regconfig, $2))) AND not obsolete ORDER BY partnumber;
SELECT * FROM partsgroup WHERE $1 is null or partsgroup ilike $1 || '%' ORDER BY partsgroup;
SELECT * FROM gl WHERE id = (select id from payment where id = $1);
-- I don't like the subquery below but we are looking for the first line, and -- I can't think of a better way to do that. --CT -- This should never hit an income statement-side account but I have handled it -- in case of configuration error. --CT SELECT o.payment_id, e.name, o.available, g.transdate, (select amount_bc * CASE WHEN c.category in ('A', 'E') THEN -1 ELSE 1 END from acc_trans where g.id = trans_id AND chart_id = o.chart_id ORDER BY entry_id ASC LIMIT 1) as amount FROM overpayments o JOIN payment p ON o.payment_id = p.id JOIN gl g ON g.id = p.gl_id JOIN account c ON c.id = o.chart_id JOIN entity_credit_account eca ON eca.id = o.entity_credit_id JOIN entity e ON eca.entity_id = e.id WHERE ($1 IS NULL OR $1 <= g.transdate) AND ($2 IS NULL OR $2 >= g.transdate) AND ($3 IS NULL OR $3 = e.control_code) AND ($4 IS NULL OR $4 = eca.meta_number) AND ($5 IS NULL OR e.name @@ plainto_tsquery($5));
Reverses the payment identified by `in_payment_id`, adding the resulting transactions into `in_batch_id` if that''s not null. Returns the `id` of the reversal payment generated.
DECLARE t_payment_id int; BEGIN -- check against being an overpayment?? INSERT INTO payment (reference, gl_id, payment_class, payment_date, closed, entity_credit_id, employee_id, currency, reversing, notes) SELECT reference, gl_id, payment_class, in_payment_date, closed, entity_credit_id, person__get_my_id(), currency, in_payment_id, 'This payment reverses ' || in_payment_id FROM payment WHERE id = in_payment_id RETURNING id INTO t_payment_id; IF in_batch_id IS NOT NULL THEN -- Note that we're using the original payment to derive the -- value for 'trans_id', because the reversal inserts into the -- same trans_id (see 'new_entries' query below for determination -- of the value of 'trans_id' in the new acc_trans lines) INSERT INTO voucher (trans_id, batch_id, batch_class) select trans_id, in_batch_id, (select case when payment_class = 1 then 4 else 7 end from payment c where c.id = t_payment_id) from acc_trans a join payment_links pl on a.entry_id = pl.entry_id where pl.payment_id = in_payment_id group by trans_id; END IF; -- Using a CTE because we can use the returned result to fill -- the payment_links table without further temporary tables WITH new_entries AS ( INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, transdate, source, cleared, memo, invoice_id, approved, cleared_on, reconciled_on, amount_bc, amount_tc, curr, voucher_id) SELECT trans_id, chart_id, in_payment_date, source, false, memo, null, coalesce(in_approved, true), null, null, -1 * amount_bc, -1 * amount_tc, curr, (select id from voucher v where a.trans_id = v.trans_id and v.batch_id = in_batch_id) as voucher_id FROM acc_trans a WHERE exists (select 1 from payment_links pl where pl.payment_id = in_payment_id and a.entry_id = pl.entry_id) RETURNING entry_id ) INSERT INTO payment_links (payment_id, entry_id) SELECT t_payment_id, entry_id FROM new_entries; RETURN t_payment_id; END;
This searches for payments. in_date_to and _date_from specify the acceptable date range. All other matches are exact except that null matches all values. Currently (and to support earlier data) we define a payment as a collection of acc_trans records against the same credit account and cash account, on the same day with the same source number, and optionally the same voucher id.
select p.id, sum(case when c.entity_class = 1 then a.amount_bc else -1*a.amount_bc end), c.meta_number, c.id, e.name, compound_array(array[array[act.id::text, act.accno, act.description]]), a.source, b.control_code, b.description, v.id, p.payment_date, (select r.id from payment r where r.reversing = p.id) from payment p join payment_links l on p.id = l.payment_id join entity_credit_account c on p.entity_credit_id = c.id join entity e on e.id = c.entity_id join acc_trans a on l.entry_id = a.entry_id join account act on a.chart_id = act.id left join voucher v on a.voucher_id = v.id left join batch b on v.batch_id = b.id where (in_from_date is null or in_from_date <= p.payment_date) and (in_to_date is null or in_to_date >= p.payment_date) and (in_credit_id is null or c.id = in_credit_id) and (in_entity_class is null or c.entity_class = in_entity_class) and (in_currency is null or p.currency = in_currency) and (in_meta_number is null or c.meta_number = in_meta_number) and (in_source is null or a.source = in_source) and ((in_cash_accno is null and exists (select 1 from account_link al where al.description in ('AR_paid', 'AP_paid') and al.account_id = act.id)) or a.chart_id = (select id from account where accno = in_cash_accno)) group by p.id, c.meta_number, c.id, e.name, a.source, b.control_code, b.description, v.id, p.payment_date;
This posts the payments for large batch workflows. Note that in_transactions is a two-dimensional numeric array. Of each sub-array, the first element is the (integer) transaction id, and the second is the amount for that transaction.
DECLARE out_count int; t_voucher_id int; t_trans_id int; t_amount numeric; t_ar_ap_id int; t_cash_id int; t_defaultcurr text; t_exchangerate numeric; t_cash_sign int; t_batch batch; BEGIN t_exchangerate := in_exchangerate; IF in_batch_id IS NULL THEN -- t_voucher_id := NULL; RAISE EXCEPTION 'Bulk Post Must be from Batch!'; ELSE SELECT * INTO t_batch FROM batch WHERE in_batch_id = id; IF t_batch.approved_by IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Approved Batch'; ELSIF t_batch.locked_by IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM * FROM session JOIN users ON (session.users_id = users.id) WHERE session_id = t_batch.locked_by AND users.username = SESSION_USER; IF NOT FOUND THEN -- locked by someone else RAISE EXCEPTION 'batch locked by %, I am %', t_batch.locked_by, session_user; END IF; END IF; INSERT INTO voucher (batch_id, batch_class, trans_id) values (in_batch_id, (SELECT batch_class_id FROM batch WHERE id = in_batch_id), in_transactions[1][1]); t_voucher_id := currval('voucher_id_seq'); END IF; SELECT * INTO t_defaultcurr FROM defaults_get_defaultcurrency(); IF in_account_class = 1 THEN t_cash_sign := 1; ELSE t_cash_sign := -1; END IF; IF (in_currency IS NULL OR in_currency = t_defaultcurr) THEN t_exchangerate := 1; END IF; IF t_exchangerate IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'No exchangerate provided and not default currency'; END IF; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE bulk_payments_in ( id int, -- AR/AP id payment_id int, -- payment.id eca_id int, -- entity_credit_account.id entry_id int, -- acc_trans.entry_id amount_bc numeric, -- amount in local currency (current rate) amount_tc numeric, -- amount in foreign currency disc_amount_bc numeric, -- discount amount in disc_amount_tc numeric, fxrate numeric, gain_loss_accno int, want_gain_loss_accno boolean, invoice_date date); FOR out_count IN array_lower(in_transactions, 1) .. array_upper(in_transactions, 1) LOOP -- Fill the bulk payments table IF in_transactions[out_count][2] <> 0 THEN INSERT INTO bulk_payments_in(id, amount_tc) VALUES (in_transactions[out_count][1], in_transactions[out_count][2]); END IF; END LOOP; UPDATE bulk_payments_in bpi SET eca_id = (SELECT entity_credit_account FROM ar WHERE in_account_class = 2 AND bpi.id = ar.id UNION SELECT entity_credit_account FROM ap WHERE in_account_class = 1 AND bpi.id = ap.id); CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE eca_payments_in AS SELECT eca_id, nextval('payment_id_seq') as payment_id, -- this logic is reversed, but mirrors what's been -- incorrect in payment post since 12 years... case when in_account_class = 1 then setting_increment('rcptnumber') else setting_increment('paynumber') end as reference FROM bulk_payments_in GROUP BY eca_id; UPDATE bulk_payments_in bpi SET payment_id = (select payment_id from eca_payments_in ep where bpi.eca_id = ep.eca_id); UPDATE bulk_payments_in bpi SET invoice_date = (select transdate from transactions trn where trn.id = bpi.id); IF (in_currency IS NULL OR in_currency = t_defaultcurr) THEN UPDATE bulk_payments_in SET fxrate = 1; ELSE UPDATE bulk_payments_in SET fxrate = (SELECT fxrate FROM (SELECT id, CASE WHEN amount_tc<>0 THEN amount_bc/amount_tc ELSE NULL END as fxrate FROM ar UNION SELECT id, CASE WHEN amount_tc<>0 THEN amount_bc/amount_tc ELSE NULL END as fxrate FROM ap) a WHERE a.id = bulk_payments_in.id); UPDATE bulk_payments_in SET want_gain_loss_accno = true, gain_loss_accno = (SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'fxgain_accno_id') WHERE ((t_exchangerate - bulk_payments_in.fxrate) * t_cash_sign) < 0; UPDATE bulk_payments_in SET want_gain_loss_accno = true, gain_loss_accno = (SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'fxloss_accno_id') WHERE ((t_exchangerate - bulk_payments_in.fxrate) * t_cash_sign) > 0; -- explicitly leave zero gain/loss accno_id entries at NULL -- so we have an easy check later END IF; PERFORM * FROM bulk_payments_in WHERE want_gain_loss_accno AND gain_loss_accno IS NULL; IF FOUND THEN RAISE 'Missing gain/loss account while posting FX difference'; END IF; UPDATE bulk_payments_in bpi SET disc_amount_tc = coalesce( (SELECT bpi.amount_tc / (100 - eca.discount::numeric) * eca.discount::numeric FROM entity_credit_account eca WHERE age(in_payment_date, bpi.invoice_date) < (eca.discount_terms||' days')::interval AND eca.discount_terms IS NOT NULL AND eca.discount IS NOT NULL AND eca.discount_account_id IS NOT NULL AND eca.id = bpi.eca_id), 0); UPDATE bulk_payments_in SET amount_bc = amount_tc * t_exchangerate, disc_amount_bc = disc_amount_tc * t_exchangerate; select id into t_ar_ap_id from account where accno = in_ar_ap_accno; select id into t_cash_id from account where accno = in_cash_accno; -- Given an open item, created on an earlier date, at an FX rate of '2', -- the code below inserts this transaction (for each line in bulk_payments_in), -- with the FX rate of the current transaction being '3' and the terms of the -- transaction being 10/30 and the transaction being paid within the term. -- | Credits | Debits | FX | -- | BC | TC | BC | TC | rate | -- ----------------+--------+--------+--------+--------+-------| -- Current account | 81 | 27 | | | curr | -- Discounts | 9 | 3 | | | curr | -- ----------------+--------+--------+--------+--------+-------| -- Accounts rec | | | 60 | 30 | orig | -- FX effects | | | 30 | 0 | na | -- ----------------+--------+--------+--------+--------+-------| -- Total | 90 | 30 | 90 | 30 | | -- ----------------+--------+--------+--------+--------|-------| -- Note: due to the fact that the discount is valued at the current rate, -- the revaluation is based on the accounts receivable amount. -- If the discount amount were to be valued at the original rate, -- the FX effect should be calculated based on the current payment amount -- The 'id' values were allocated above INSERT INTO payment (id, reference, payment_class, payment_date, entity_credit_id, employee_id, currency, notes) SELECT epi.payment_id, epi.reference, in_account_class, in_payment_date, epi.eca_id, person__get_my_id(), in_currency, 'generated from bulk payment' FROM eca_payments_in epi; -- Insert cash side @ current fx rate UPDATE bulk_payments_in SET entry_id = nextval('acc_trans_entry_id_seq') WHERE amount_tc <> 0; INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount_bc, curr, amount_tc, approved, voucher_id, transdate, source, entry_id) SELECT id, t_cash_id, amount_bc * t_cash_sign, in_currency, amount_tc * t_cash_sign, CASE WHEN t_voucher_id IS NULL THEN true ELSE false END, t_voucher_id, in_payment_date, in_source, entry_id FROM bulk_payments_in where amount_tc <> 0; INSERT INTO payment_links (payment_id, entry_id, type) SELECT payment_id, entry_id, 1 FROM bulk_payments_in WHERE amount_tc <> 0; -- Insert discount @ current fx rate UPDATE bulk_payments_in SET entry_id = nextval('acc_trans_entry_id_seq') WHERE disc_amount_bc <> 0; INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount_bc, curr, amount_tc, approved, voucher_id, transdate, source, entry_id) SELECT bpi.id, eca.discount_account_id, disc_amount_bc * t_cash_sign, in_currency, disc_amount_tc * t_cash_sign, CASE WHEN t_voucher_id IS NULL THEN true ELSE false END, t_voucher_id, in_payment_date, in_source, entry_id FROM bulk_payments_in bpi JOIN entity_credit_account eca ON bpi.eca_id = eca.id WHERE bpi.disc_amount_bc <> 0; INSERT INTO payment_links (payment_id, entry_id, type) SELECT payment_id, entry_id, 1 FROM bulk_payments_in WHERE disc_amount_bc <> 0; -- Insert AR/AP amount @ orginal rate UPDATE bulk_payments_in SET entry_id = nextval('acc_trans_entry_id_seq'); INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount_bc, curr, amount_tc, approved, voucher_id, transdate, source, entry_id) SELECT bpi.id, t_ar_ap_id, (bpi.amount_tc + bpi.disc_amount_tc) * t_cash_sign * -1 * bpi.fxrate, in_currency, (bpi.amount_tc + bpi.disc_amount_tc) * t_cash_sign * -1, CASE WHEN t_voucher_id IS NULL THEN true ELSE false END, t_voucher_id, in_payment_date, in_source, entry_id FROM bulk_payments_in bpi JOIN entity_credit_account eca ON bpi.eca_id = eca.id; INSERT INTO payment_links (payment_id, entry_id, type) SELECT payment_id, entry_id, 1 FROM bulk_payments_in; -- Insert fx gain/loss effects, if applicable UPDATE bulk_payments_in SET entry_id = nextval('acc_trans_entry_id_seq') WHERE gain_loss_accno IS NOT NULL; INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount_bc, curr, amount_tc, approved, voucher_id, transdate, source, entry_id) SELECT id, gain_loss_accno, amount_tc * t_cash_sign * (t_exchangerate - fxrate), in_currency, 0, CASE WHEN t_voucher_id IS NULL THEN true ELSE false END, t_voucher_id, in_payment_date, in_source, entry_id FROM bulk_payments_in WHERE gain_loss_accno IS NOT NULL; INSERT INTO payment_links (payment_id, entry_id, type) SELECT payment_id, entry_id, 1 FROM bulk_payments_in WHERE gain_loss_accno IS NOT NULL; DROP TABLE bulk_payments_in; DROP TABLE eca_payments_in; perform unlock_all(); return out_count; END;
This function finds a payment based on the id and retrieves the record, it is usefull for printing payments :)
SELECT p.id as payment_id, p.reference as payment_reference, p.payment_date, c.legal_name as legal_name, am.amount_bc as amount, em.first_name, em.last_name, p.currency, p.notes FROM payment p JOIN entity_employee ent_em ON (ent_em.entity_id = p.employee_id) JOIN person em ON (ent_em.entity_id = em.entity_id) JOIN entity_credit_account eca ON (eca.id = p.entity_credit_id) JOIN company c ON (c.entity_id = eca.entity_id) JOIN payment_links pl ON (p.id = pl.payment_id) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT sum(a.amount_bc) as amount_bc FROM acc_trans a JOIN account acc ON (a.chart_id = acc.id) JOIN account_link al ON (acc.id =al.account_id) JOIN payment_links pl ON (pl.entry_id=a.entry_id) WHERE al.description in ('AP_paid', 'AP_discount', 'AR_paid', 'AR_discount') and ((in_account_class = 1 AND al.description like 'AP%') or (in_account_class = 2 AND al.description like 'AR%')) ) am ON (true) WHERE p.id = in_payment_id;
This function finds a payment based on the id and retrieves all the line records, it is usefull for printing payments and build reports :)
SELECT pl.payment_id, ac.entry_id, pl.type as link_type, ac.trans_id, a.invnumber as invoice_number, ac.chart_id, ch.accno as chart_accno, ch.description as chart_description, ac.amount_bc, ac.transdate as trans_date, ac.source, ac.cleared, ac.memo, ac.invoice_id, ac.approved, ac.cleared_on, ac.reconciled_on FROM acc_trans ac JOIN payment_links pl ON (pl.entry_id = ac.entry_id ) JOIN account ch ON (ch.id = ac.chart_id) LEFT JOIN (SELECT id,invnumber FROM ar WHERE in_account_class = 2 UNION SELECT id,invnumber FROM ap WHERE in_account_class = 1 ) a ON (ac.trans_id = a.id) WHERE pl.payment_id = in_payment_id;
This function takes a single argument (1 for vendor, 2 for customer as always) and returns all entities with accounts of the appropriate type.
SELECT ec.id, e.name, ec.entity_class FROM entity e JOIN entity_credit_account ec ON (ec.entity_id = e.id) WHERE e.entity_class = in_account_class
This function takes the following arguments (all prefaced with in_ in the db): account_class: 1 for vendor, 2 for customer business_type: integer of business.id. currency: char(3) of currency (for example 'USD') date_from, date_to: These dates are inclusive. batch_id: For payment batches, where fees are concerned. ar_ap_accno: The AR/AP account number. This then returns a set of contact information with a 2 dimensional array cnsisting of outstanding invoices. Note that the payment selection logic is that this returns all invoices which are either approved or in the batch_id specified. It also locks the invoices using the LedgerSMB discretionary locking framework, and if not possible, returns the username of the individual who has the lock.
SELECT c.id AS contact_id, e.control_code as econtrol_code, c.description as eca_description, e.name AS contact_name, c.meta_number AS account_number, sum( case when u.username IS NULL or u.username = SESSION_USER THEN coalesce(p.due::numeric, 0) - CASE WHEN (c.discount_terms||' days')::interval > age(coalesce(in_payment_date, current_date), a.transdate) THEN 0 ELSE (coalesce(p.due::numeric, 0)) * coalesce(c.discount::numeric, 0) / 100 END ELSE 0::numeric END) AS total_due, compound_array(ARRAY[[ a.id::text, a.invnumber, a.transdate::text, a.amount_bc::text, (a.amount_bc - p.due)::text, (CASE WHEN (c.discount_terms||' days')::interval < age(coalesce(in_payment_date, current_date), a.transdate) THEN 0 ELSE (coalesce(p.due, 0) * coalesce(c.discount, 0) / 100) END)::text, (coalesce(p.due, 0) - (CASE WHEN (c.discount_terms||' days')::interval < age(coalesce(in_payment_date, current_date), a.transdate) THEN 0 ELSE (coalesce(p.due, 0)) * coalesce(c.discount, 0) / 100 END))::text, case when u.username IS NOT NULL and u.username <> SESSION_USER THEN 0::text ELSE 1::text END, COALESCE(u.username, 0::text) ]]), sum(case when a.batch_id = in_batch_id then 1 else 0 END), bool_and(lock_record(a.id, (select max(session_id) FROM "session" where users_id = ( select id from users WHERE username = SESSION_USER)))) FROM entity e JOIN entity_credit_account c ON (e.id = c.entity_id) JOIN (SELECT ap.id, invnumber, transdate, amount_bc, entity_id, curr, 1 as invoice_class, entity_credit_account, on_hold, v.batch_id, approved FROM ap LEFT JOIN (select * from voucher where batch_class = 1) v ON (ap.id = v.trans_id) WHERE in_account_class = 1 AND (v.batch_class = 1 or v.batch_id IS NULL) UNION SELECT ar.id, invnumber, transdate, amount_bc, entity_id, curr, 2 as invoice_class, entity_credit_account, on_hold, v.batch_id, approved FROM ar LEFT JOIN (select * from voucher where batch_class = 2) v ON (ar.id = v.trans_id) WHERE in_account_class = 2 AND (v.batch_class = 2 or v.batch_id IS NULL) ORDER BY transdate ) a ON (a.entity_credit_account = c.id) JOIN transactions t ON (a.id = t.id) JOIN (SELECT acc_trans.trans_id, sum(CASE WHEN in_account_class = 1 THEN amount_bc WHEN in_account_class = 2 THEN amount_bc * -1 END) AS due FROM acc_trans JOIN account coa ON (coa.id = acc_trans.chart_id) JOIN account_link al ON (al.account_id = coa.id) LEFT JOIN voucher v ON (acc_trans.voucher_id = v.id) WHERE ((al.description = 'AP' AND in_account_class = 1) OR (al.description = 'AR' AND in_account_class = 2)) AND (approved IS TRUE or v.batch_class IN (3, 6)) GROUP BY acc_trans.trans_id) p ON (a.id = p.trans_id) LEFT JOIN "session" s ON (s."session_id" = t.locked_by) LEFT JOIN users u ON (u.id = s.users_id) WHERE (a.batch_id = in_batch_id OR (a.invoice_class = in_account_class AND a.approved AND due <> 0 AND NOT a.on_hold AND a.curr = in_currency AND EXISTS (select trans_id FROM acc_trans WHERE trans_id = a.id AND chart_id = (SELECT id from account WHERE accno = in_ar_ap_accno) ))) AND (in_meta_number IS NULL OR in_meta_number = c.meta_number) AND (in_contact_name IS NULL OR e.name ilike '%' || in_contact_name || '%') GROUP BY c.id, e.name, c.meta_number, c.threshold, e.control_code, c.description HAVING c.threshold is null or (sum(p.due) >= c.threshold OR sum(case when a.batch_id = in_batch_id then 1 else 0 END) > 0) ORDER BY c.meta_number ASC;
SELECT chart_id, accno, chart_description, available FROM overpayments WHERE payment_class = in_account_class AND entity_credit_id = in_entity_credit_id AND available <> 0;
Returns payment information on the entity credit account as required to for discount calculations and payment processing.
SELECT ec.id, coalesce(ec.pay_to_name, cp.name || coalesce(':' || ec.description, ''), '') as name, e.entity_class, ec.discount_account_id, ec.meta_number FROM entity_credit_account ec JOIN entity e ON (ec.entity_id = e.id) JOIN ( select entity_id, legal_name as name from company union all select entity_id, first_name || coalesce(' ' || middle_name || ' ', '') || last_name from person ) cp ON (cp.entity_id = e.id) WHERE ec.id = in_entity_credit_id;
Returns a minimal set of information about customer or vendor accounts as needed for discount calculations and the like.
SELECT ec.id, coalesce(ec.pay_to_name, e.name || coalesce(':' || ec.description,'')) as name, e.entity_class, ec.discount_account_id, ec.meta_number FROM entity_credit_account ec JOIN entity e ON (ec.entity_id = e.id) WHERE ec.entity_class = in_account_class AND (e.name ilike coalesce('%'||in_vc_name||'%','%%') OR EXISTS (select 1 FROM company WHERE entity_id = e.id AND tax_id = in_vc_idn)) AND (coalesce(ec.enddate, now()::date) >= coalesce(in_datefrom, now()::date)) AND (coalesce(ec.startdate, now()::date) <= coalesce(in_dateto, now()::date))
This function takes a single argument (1 for vendor, 2 for customer as always) and returns all entities with open accounts of the appropriate type.
SELECT ec.id, e.name, ec.entity_class FROM entity e JOIN entity_credit_account ec ON (ec.entity_id = e.id) WHERE ec.entity_class = in_account_class AND (coalesce(ec.enddate, now()::date) <= coalesce(in_dateto, now()::date)) AND (coalesce(ec.startdate, now()::date) >= coalesce(in_datefrom, now()::date)) AND CASE WHEN in_account_class = 1 THEN ec.id IN (SELECT entity_credit_account FROM acc_trans JOIN account_link l ON (acc_trans.chart_id = l.account_id) JOIN ap ON (acc_trans.trans_id = ap.id) WHERE l.description = 'AP' GROUP BY chart_id, trans_id, entity_credit_account HAVING SUM(acc_trans.amount_bc) <> 0) WHEN in_account_class = 2 THEN ec.id IN (SELECT entity_credit_account FROM acc_trans JOIN account_link l ON (acc_trans.chart_id = l.account_id) JOIN ar ON (acc_trans.trans_id = ar.id) WHERE l.description = 'AR' GROUP BY chart_id, trans_id, entity_credit_account HAVING SUM(acc_trans.amount_bc) <> 0) END;
This function is based on payment_get_open_invoices and returns only one invoice if the in_invnumber is set. if no in_invnumber is passed this function behaves the same as payment_get_open_invoices
SELECT * from payment_get_open_invoices(in_account_class, in_entity_credit_id, in_curr, in_datefrom, in_dateto, in_amountfrom, in_amountto, in_datepaid) WHERE (invnumber like in_invnumber OR in_invnumber IS NULL);
This function is the base for get_open_invoice and returns all open invoices for the entity_credit_id it has a lot of options to enable filtering and use the same logic for entity_class_id and currency.
SELECT a.id AS invoice_id, a.invnumber AS invnumber,a.invoice AS invoice, a.transdate AS invoice_date, a.amount_bc AS amount, a.amount_tc, (CASE WHEN (c.discount_terms||' days')::interval < age(coalesce(in_datepaid, current_date), a.transdate) THEN 0 ELSE (coalesce(ac.due, a.amount_bc)) * coalesce(c.discount, 0) / 100 END) AS discount, (CASE WHEN (c.discount_terms||' days')::interval < age(coalesce(in_datepaid, current_date), a.transdate) THEN 0 ELSE (coalesce(ac.due_fx, a.amount_tc)) * coalesce(c.discount, 0) / 100 END) AS discount_tc, ac.due - (CASE WHEN (c.discount_terms||' days')::interval < age(coalesce(in_datepaid, current_date), a.transdate) THEN 0 ELSE (coalesce(ac.due, a.amount_bc)) * coalesce(c.discount, 0) / 100 END) AS due, ac.due_fx - (CASE WHEN (c.discount_terms||' days')::interval < age(coalesce(in_datepaid, current_date), a.transdate) THEN 0 ELSE (coalesce(ac.due_fx, a.amount_tc)) * coalesce(c.discount, 0) / 100 END) AS due_fx, null::numeric AS exchangerate, a.description --TODO HV prepare drop entity_id from ap,ar --FROM (SELECT id, invnumber, transdate, amount, entity_id, FROM (SELECT id, invnumber, invoice, transdate, amount_bc, amount_tc, 1 as invoice_class, curr, entity_credit_account, approved, description FROM ap UNION --SELECT id, invnumber, transdate, amount, entity_id, SELECT id, invnumber, invoice, transdate, amount_bc, amount_tc, 2 AS invoice_class, curr, entity_credit_account, approved, description FROM ar ) a JOIN (SELECT trans_id, chart_id, sum(CASE WHEN in_account_class = 1 THEN amount_bc WHEN in_account_class = 2 THEN amount_bc * -1 END) as due, sum(CASE WHEN in_account_class = 1 THEN amount_tc WHEN in_account_class = 2 THEN amount_tc * -1 END) as due_fx FROM acc_trans GROUP BY trans_id, chart_id) ac ON (ac.trans_id = a.id) JOIN account_link l ON (l.account_id = ac.chart_id) JOIN entity_credit_account c ON (c.id = a.entity_credit_account) -- OR (a.entity_credit_account IS NULL and a.entity_id = c.entity_id)) WHERE ((l.description = 'AP' AND in_account_class = 1) OR (l.description = 'AR' AND in_account_class = 2)) AND a.invoice_class = in_account_class AND c.entity_class = in_account_class AND c.id = in_entity_credit_id --### short term: ignore fractional cent differences AND a.curr = in_curr AND (a.transdate >= in_datefrom OR in_datefrom IS NULL) AND (a.transdate <= in_dateto OR in_dateto IS NULL) AND (a.amount_bc >= in_amountfrom OR in_amountfrom IS NULL) AND (a.amount_bc <= in_amountto OR in_amountto IS NULL) AND due <> 0 AND a.approved = true GROUP BY a.invnumber, a.transdate, a.amount_bc, amount_tc, discount, discount_tc, ac.due, ac.due_fx, a.id, c.discount_terms, a.curr, a.invoice, a.description;
SELECT DISTINCT entity_credit_id, legal_name, e.entity_class, null::int, o.meta_number FROM overpayments o JOIN entity e ON (e.id=o.entity_id) WHERE available <> 0 AND in_account_class = payment_class;
Returns a list of available overpayments
SELECT DISTINCT * FROM overpayments WHERE payment_class = in_account_class AND entity_credit_id = in_entity_credit_id AND available <> 0 AND (in_chart_id IS NULL OR chart_id = in_chart_id ) ORDER BY payment_date;
This function returns vendor or customer info
SELECT l.id, l.line_one, l.line_two, l.line_three, l.city, l.state, l.mail_code, c.name, lc.class FROM location l JOIN entity_to_location ctl ON (ctl.location_id = l.id) JOIN entity cp ON (ctl.entity_id = cp.id) JOIN location_class lc ON (ctl.location_class = lc.id) JOIN country c ON (c.id = l.country_id) JOIN entity_credit_account ec ON (ec.entity_id = cp.id) WHERE ec.id = in_entity_credit_id AND lc.id = in_location_class_id ORDER BY lc.id, l.id, c.name
Posts a payment. in_op_* arrays are cross-indexed with eachother. Other arrays are cross-indexed with eachother. The 'in_cash_account_id's are the "cash side" of the payment; i.e. this can be a bank current account, overpayment account or a suspense account associated with a bank current account.
DECLARE var_payment_id int; DECLARE var_gl_id int; DECLARE var_entry record; DECLARE var_entry_id int[]; DECLARE out_count int; DECLARE coa_id record; DECLARE var_employee int; DECLARE var_account_id int; DECLARE default_currency char(3); DECLARE current_exchangerate numeric; DECLARE old_exchangerate numeric; DECLARE fx_gain_loss_amount numeric; DECLARE gain_loss_accno_id int; DECLARE sign int; BEGIN IF array_upper(in_amount, 1) <> array_upper(in_cash_account_id, 1) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Wrong number of accounts'; END IF; current_exchangerate := in_exchangerate; IF in_account_class = 1 THEN sign := 1; ELSE sign := -1; END IF; SELECT * INTO default_currency FROM defaults_get_defaultcurrency(); SELECT INTO var_employee p.id FROM users u JOIN person p ON (u.entity_id=p.entity_id) WHERE username = SESSION_USER LIMIT 1; -- WE HAVE TO INSERT THE PAYMENT, USING THE GL INFORMATION -- THE ID IS GENERATED BY payment_id_seq INSERT INTO payment (reference, payment_class, payment_date, employee_id, currency, notes, entity_credit_id) VALUES (-- the rcptnumber and paynumber are reversed; have been for 12 years (CASE WHEN in_account_class = 1 THEN setting_increment('rcptnumber') ELSE setting_increment('paynumber') END), in_account_class, in_datepaid, var_employee, in_curr, in_notes, in_entity_credit_id); -- Assuming a transaction with foreign currency being recorded, -- at an exchangerate of 3 upon AR creation and an exchangerate of 2 -- upon payment. The owed (and paid) amount is 20 in the foreign currency. -- 5000 = 'AR' account -- 5100 = 'Cash' account -- 9999 = fx gain/loss account -- +-------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ -- | accno | Deb (bc) | Deb (tc) | Cre (bc) | Cre (tc) | -- +-------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ -- | 5000 | | | 60.00 | 20.00 | -- +-------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ -- | 5100 | 40.00 | 20.00 | | | -- +-------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ -- | 9999 | 20.00 | 00.00 | | | -- +-------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ -- +-------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ -- | Total | 60.00 | 20.00 | 60.00 | 20.00 | -- +-------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ SELECT currval('payment_id_seq') INTO var_payment_id; IF (array_upper(in_cash_account_id, 1) > 0) THEN FOR out_count IN array_lower(in_cash_account_id, 1) .. array_upper(in_cash_account_id, 1) LOOP -- Insert cash account side of the payment -- Each payment can have its own cash account set through the UI INSERT INTO acc_trans (chart_id, amount_bc, curr, amount_tc, trans_id, transdate, approved, source, memo) VALUES (in_cash_account_id[out_count], in_amount[out_count]*current_exchangerate*sign, in_curr, in_amount[out_count]*sign, in_transaction_id[out_count], in_datepaid, coalesce(in_approved, true), in_source[out_count], in_memo[out_count]); -- Link the ledger line to the payment record INSERT INTO payment_links VALUES (var_payment_id, currval('acc_trans_entry_id_seq'), 1); IF (in_ovp_payment_id IS NOT NULL AND in_ovp_payment_id[out_count] IS NOT NULL) THEN -- mark the current transaction as being the consequence of an overpayment -- (lowering the customer account balance) INSERT INTO payment_links VALUES (in_ovp_payment_id[out_count], currval('acc_trans_entry_id_seq'), 0); END IF; END LOOP; -- HANDLE THE AR/AP ACCOUNTS -- OBTAIN THE ACCOUNT AND EXCHANGERATE FROM THERE FOR out_count IN array_lower(in_transaction_id, 1) .. array_upper(in_transaction_id, 1) LOOP SELECT chart_id, amount_bc/amount_tc INTO var_account_id, old_exchangerate FROM acc_trans as ac JOIN account_link as l ON (l.account_id = ac.chart_id) WHERE trans_id = in_transaction_id[out_count] AND ( l.description in ('AR', 'AP')); -- Now we post the AP/AR transaction INSERT INTO acc_trans (chart_id, amount_bc, curr, amount_tc, trans_id, transdate, approved, source, memo) VALUES (var_account_id, in_amount[out_count]*old_exchangerate*sign*-1, in_curr, in_amount[out_count]*sign*-1, in_transaction_id[out_count], in_datepaid, coalesce(in_approved, true), in_source[out_count], in_memo[out_count]); -- Link the ledger line to the payment record INSERT INTO payment_links VALUES (var_payment_id, currval('acc_trans_entry_id_seq'), 1); -- Calculate the gain/loss on the transaction -- everything above depends on this being an AR/AP posting -- the PNL posting and decision to post a gain or loss does not -- --> incorporate sign here instead of when posting. fx_gain_loss_amount := in_amount[out_count]*sign*(old_exchangerate-current_exchangerate); IF (fx_gain_loss_amount > 0) THEN SELECT value::int INTO gain_loss_accno_id FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'fxgain_accno_id'; ELSIF (fx_gain_loss_amount < 0) THEN SELECT value::int INTO gain_loss_accno_id FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'fxloss_accno_id'; END IF; IF fx_gain_loss_amount <> 0.00 THEN INSERT INTO acc_trans (chart_id, amount_bc, curr, amount_tc, trans_id, transdate, approved, source) -- In this transaction we can't use the default currency, -- because by definition the tc and bc amounts are the same. VALUES (gain_loss_accno_id, fx_gain_loss_amount, in_curr, 0, -- the transaction currency side is zero by definition in_transaction_id[out_count], in_datepaid, coalesce(in_approved, true), in_source[out_count]); INSERT INTO payment_links VALUES (var_payment_id, currval('acc_trans_entry_id_seq'), 1); END IF; END LOOP; END IF; -- -- HANDLE THE OVERPAYMENTS NOW IF (array_upper(in_op_cash_account_id, 1) > 0) THEN INSERT INTO gl (reference, description, transdate, person_id, notes, approved, trans_type_code) VALUES (setting_increment('glnumber'), in_gl_description, in_datepaid, var_employee, in_notes, in_approved, 'op'); SELECT currval('id') INTO var_gl_id; UPDATE payment SET gl_id = var_gl_id WHERE id = var_payment_id; FOR out_count IN array_lower(in_op_cash_account_id, 1) .. array_upper(in_op_cash_account_id, 1) LOOP -- Cash account side of the transaction INSERT INTO acc_trans (chart_id, amount_bc, curr, amount_tc, trans_id, transdate, approved, source, memo) VALUES (in_op_cash_account_id[out_count], in_op_amount[out_count]*current_exchangerate*sign, in_curr, in_op_amount[out_count]*sign, var_gl_id, in_datepaid, coalesce(in_approved, true), in_op_source[out_count], in_op_memo[out_count]); INSERT INTO payment_links VALUES (var_payment_id, currval('acc_trans_entry_id_seq'), 2); END LOOP; -- NOW LETS HANDLE THE OVERPAYMENT ACCOUNTS FOR out_count IN array_lower(in_op_account_id, 1) .. array_upper(in_op_account_id, 1) LOOP INSERT INTO acc_trans (chart_id, amount_bc, curr, amount_tc, trans_id, transdate, approved, source, memo) VALUES (in_op_account_id[out_count], in_op_amount[out_count]*current_exchangerate*sign*-1, in_curr, in_op_amount[out_count]*sign*-1, var_gl_id, in_datepaid, coalesce(in_approved, true), in_op_source[out_count], in_op_memo[out_count]); INSERT INTO payment_links VALUES (var_payment_id, currval('acc_trans_entry_id_seq'), 2); END LOOP; END IF; return var_payment_id; END;
Returns all information on a payment type by the id. This should be renamed to account for its behavior in future versions.
SELECT * FROM payment_type where id=in_payment_type_id;
SELECT * FROM payment_type;
This does a sparse scan to find currencies attached to open invoices. It should scale per the number of currencies used rather than the size of the ar or ap tables.
DECLARE result char(3); BEGIN select min(curr) into result from ar WHERE in_account_class = 2 union select min(curr) from ap WHERE in_account_class = 1; LOOP EXIT WHEN result IS NULL; return next result; SELECT min(curr) INTO result from ar where in_account_class = 2 and curr > result union select min(curr) from ap WHERE in_account_class = 1 and curr > result LIMIT 1; END LOOP; END;
SELECT * FROM payroll_deduction_type where (account_id = $1 OR $1 IS NULL) AND (pdc_id = $2 OR $2 IS NULL) AND (country_id = $3 OR $3 IS NULL) AND ($4 IS NULL OR label LIKE $4 || '%') AND (unit = $5 or $5 IS NULL);
SELECT * FROM payroll_income_category order by id;
SELECT * FROM payroll_income_class where country_id = $1 ORDER BY label;
SELECT * FROM payroll_income_type WHERE id = $1;
DECLARE retval payroll_income_type; BEGIN UPDATE payroll_income_type SET account_id = in_account_id, pic_id = in_pic_id, country_id = in_country_id, label = in_label, unit = in_unit, default_amount = in_default_amount WHERE id = in_id; IF FOUND THEN retval := payroll_income_type__get(in_id); RETURN retval; END IF; INSERT INTO payroll_income_type (account_id, pic_id, country_id, label, unit, default_amount) VALUES (in_account_id, in_pic_id, in_country_id, in_label, in_unit, in_default_amount); retval := payroll_income_type__get(currval('payroll_income_type_id_seq')::int); RETURN retval; END;
SELECT * FROM payroll_income_type where (account_id = $1 OR $1 IS NULL) AND (pic_id = $2 OR $2 IS NULL) AND (country_id = $3 OR $3 IS NULL) AND ($4 IS NULL OR label LIKE $4 || '%') AND (unit = $5 or $5 IS NULL);
Returns dates for year to date, and last year.
Deletes a contact record specified for the person. Returns true if a record was found and deleted, false if not.
DELETE FROM entity_to_contact WHERE entity_id = (SELECT entity_id FROM person WHERE id = in_person_id) and contact_class_id = in_contact_class_id and contact= in_contact RETURNING TRUE;
Deletes a location mapping to a person. Returns true if found, false if no data deleted.
DELETE FROM entity_to_location WHERE entity_id = (select entity_id from person where id = in_person_id) AND location_id = in_location_id AND location_class = in_location_class RETURNING TRUE;
SELECT e.id, e.control_code, e.name, e.country_id, c.name, p.first_name, p.middle_name, p.last_name, e.entity_class, p.birthdate, p.personal_id FROM entity e JOIN country c ON c.id = e.country_id JOIN person p ON p.entity_id = e.id WHERE e.id = $1;
SELECT e.id, e.control_code, e.name, e.country_id, c.name, p.first_name, p.middle_name, p.last_name, e.entity_class, p.birthdate, p.personal_id FROM entity e JOIN country c ON c.id = e.country_id JOIN person p ON p.entity_id = e.id WHERE e.control_code = $1;
Returns the entity_id of the current, logged in user.
SELECT entity_id from users where username = SESSION_USER;
Returns the person id of the current, logged in user.
SELECT p.id from person p JOIN users u ON u.entity_id = p.entity_id WHERE username = SESSION_USER;
Lists bank accounts for a person
SELECT * from entity_bank_account where entity_id = in_entity_id
Returns a list of contacts attached to the function.
SELECT cc.class, cc.id, c.description, c.contact FROM entity_to_contact c JOIN contact_class cc ON (c.contact_class_id = cc.id) JOIN person p ON (c.entity_id = p.entity_id) WHERE p.entity_id = in_entity_id
Returns a list of languages ordered by code
SELECT * FROM language ORDER BY description ASC
Returns a list of locations specified attached to the person.
DECLARE out_row RECORD; BEGIN FOR out_row IN SELECT l.id, l.line_one, l.line_two, l.line_three, l.city, l.state, l.mail_code, c.id, c.name, lc.id, lc.class FROM location l JOIN entity_to_location ctl ON (ctl.location_id = l.id) JOIN person p ON (ctl.entity_id = p.entity_id) JOIN location_class lc ON (ctl.location_class = lc.id) JOIN country c ON (c.id = l.country_id) WHERE p.entity_id = in_entity_id ORDER BY lc.id, l.id, c.name LOOP RETURN NEXT out_row; END LOOP; END;
Returns a list of notes attached to a person.
SELECT * FROM entity_note WHERE ref_key = in_entity_id ORDER BY created
Returns a list of salutations ordered by id.
SELECT * FROM salutation ORDER BY id ASC
Saves the person with the information specified. Returns the entity_id of the record saved.
DECLARE e_id int; e entity; loc location; l_id int; p_id int; BEGIN select * into e from entity where id = in_entity_id and entity_class = 3; e_id := in_entity_id; IF FOUND THEN UPDATE entity SET name = in_first_name || ' ' || in_last_name, country_id = in_country_id WHERE id = in_entity_id; ELSE INSERT INTO entity (name, entity_class, country_id) values (in_first_name || ' ' || in_last_name, 3, in_country_id); e_id := currval('entity_id_seq'); END IF; UPDATE person SET salutation_id = in_salutation_id, first_name = in_first_name, last_name = in_last_name, middle_name = in_middle_name, birthdate = in_birthdate, personal_id = in_personal_id WHERE entity_id = in_entity_id; IF FOUND THEN RETURN in_entity_id; ELSE -- Do an insert INSERT INTO person (salutation_id, first_name, last_name, entity_id, birthdate, personal_id) VALUES (in_salutation_id, in_first_name, in_last_name, e_id, in_birthdate, in_personal_id); RETURN e_id; END IF; END;
Saves saves contact info. Returns 1 if a row was inserted, 0 if it was updated.
DECLARE out_id int; v_orig entity_to_contact; BEGIN SELECT cc.* into v_orig FROM entity_to_contact cc JOIN person p ON (p.entity_id = cc.entity_id) WHERE p.entity_id = in_entity_id and cc.contact_class_id = in_old_contact_class AND cc.contact = in_old_contact; IF NOT FOUND THEN -- create INSERT INTO entity_to_contact (entity_id, contact_class_id, contact, description) VALUES (in_entity_id, in_contact_class, in_contact_new, in_description); return 1; ELSE -- edit. UPDATE entity_to_contact SET contact = in_contact_new, description = in_description WHERE contact = in_old_contact AND entity_id = in_entity_id AND contact_class_id = in_old_contact_class; return 0; END IF; END;
Saves a location mapped to the person with the specified information. Returns the location id saved.
DECLARE l_row location; l_id INT; t_person_id int; BEGIN SELECT id INTO t_person_id FROM person WHERE entity_id = in_entity_id; UPDATE entity_to_location SET location_class = in_location_class WHERE entity_id = in_entity_id AND location_class = in_old_location_class AND location_id = in_location_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN -- Create a new one. l_id := location_save( in_location_id, in_line_one, in_line_two, in_line_three, in_city, in_state, in_mail_code, in_country_code); INSERT INTO entity_to_location (entity_id, location_id, location_class) VALUES (in_entity_id, l_id, in_location_class); ELSE l_id := location_save( in_location_id, in_line_one, in_line_two, in_line_three, in_city, in_state, in_mail_code, in_country_code); -- Update the old one. END IF; return l_id; END;
WITH acc_meta AS ( SELECT a.id, a.accno, coalesce(at.description, a.description) as description, CASE WHEN (SELECT value::int FROM defaults where setting_key = 'earn_id') IS NULL THEN aht.path ELSE array_splice_from((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id'),aht.path) END AS path, a.category, 'A'::char as account_type, contra, a.gifi_accno, gifi.description as gifi_description FROM account a INNER JOIN account_heading_tree aht on a.heading = aht.id LEFT JOIN gifi ON a.gifi_accno = gifi.accno LEFT JOIN (SELECT trans_id, description FROM account_translation WHERE language_code = coalesce(in_language, preference__get('language'))) at ON a.id = at.trans_id WHERE array_splice_from((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id'),aht.path) IS NOT NULL -- legacy: earn_id not configured (yet) OR (NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id' AND value IS NOT NULL) AND category IN ('E', 'I')) ), hdr_meta AS ( SELECT aht.id, aht.accno, coalesce(at.description, aht.description) as description, CASE WHEN (SELECT value::int FROM defaults where setting_key = 'earn_id') IS NULL THEN aht.path ELSE array_splice_from((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id'),aht.path) END AS path, ahc.derived_category as category, 'H'::char as account_type, 'f'::boolean as contra FROM account_heading_tree aht INNER JOIN account_heading_derived_category ahc ON aht.id = ahc.id LEFT JOIN (SELECT trans_id, description FROM account_translation WHERE language_code = coalesce(in_language, preference__get('language'))) at ON aht.id = at.trans_id WHERE ((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id') IS NOT NULL AND array_splice_from((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id'),aht.path) IS NOT NULL) -- legacy: earn_id not configured; select headings belonging to -- selected accounts OR ((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id') IS NULL AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM acc_meta WHERE aht.id = ANY(acc_meta.path))) ), acc_balance AS ( WITH gl (id) AS ( SELECT id FROM ap WHERE approved is true AND entity_credit_account = in_id UNION ALL SELECT id FROM ar WHERE approved is true AND entity_credit_account = in_id ) SELECT ac.chart_id AS id, sum(ac.amount_bc) AS balance FROM acc_trans ac JOIN gl ON ac.trans_id = gl.id WHERE ac.approved is true AND (in_from_date IS NULL OR ac.transdate >= in_from_date) AND (in_to_date IS NULL OR ac.transdate <= in_to_date) GROUP BY ac.chart_id HAVING sum(ac.amount_bc) <> 0.00 ), hdr_balance AS ( select ahd.id, sum(balance) as balance FROM acc_balance ab INNER JOIN account acc ON ab.id = acc.id INNER JOIN account_heading_descendant ahd ON acc.heading = ahd.descendant_id GROUP BY ahd.id ) SELECT hm.id, hm.accno, hm.description, hm.account_type, hm.category, null::text as gifi, null::text as gifi_description, hm.contra, hb.balance, hm.path FROM hdr_meta hm INNER JOIN hdr_balance hb ON hm.id = hb.id UNION SELECT am.id, am.accno, am.description, am.account_type, am.category, gifi_accno as gifi, gifi_description, am.contra, ab.balance, am.path FROM acc_meta am INNER JOIN acc_balance ab on am.id = ab.id
WITH acc_meta AS ( SELECT a.id, a.accno, coalesce(at.description, a.description) as description, CASE WHEN (SELECT value::int FROM defaults where setting_key = 'earn_id') IS NULL THEN aht.path ELSE array_splice_from((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id'),aht.path) END AS path, a.category, 'A'::char as account_type, contra, a.gifi_accno, gifi.description as gifi_description FROM account a INNER JOIN account_heading_tree aht on a.heading = aht.id LEFT JOIN gifi ON a.gifi_accno = gifi.accno LEFT JOIN (SELECT trans_id, description FROM account_translation WHERE language_code = coalesce(in_language, preference__get('language'))) at ON a.id = at.trans_id WHERE array_splice_from((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id'),aht.path) IS NOT NULL -- legacy: earn_id not configured (yet) OR (NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id' AND value IS NOT NULL) AND category IN ('E', 'I')) ), hdr_meta AS ( SELECT aht.id, aht.accno, coalesce(at.description, aht.description) as description, CASE WHEN (SELECT value::int FROM defaults where setting_key = 'earn_id') IS NULL THEN aht.path ELSE array_splice_from((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id'),aht.path) END AS path, ahc.derived_category as category, 'H'::char as account_type, 'f'::boolean as contra FROM account_heading_tree aht INNER JOIN account_heading_derived_category ahc ON aht.id = ahc.id LEFT JOIN (SELECT trans_id, description FROM account_translation WHERE language_code = coalesce(in_language, preference__get('language'))) at ON aht.id = at.trans_id WHERE ((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id') IS NOT NULL AND array_splice_from((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id'),aht.path) IS NOT NULL) -- legacy: earn_id not configured; select headings belonging to -- selected accounts OR ((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id') IS NULL AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM acc_meta WHERE aht.id = ANY(acc_meta.path))) ), acc_balance AS ( WITH RECURSIVE bu_tree (id, parent, path) AS ( SELECT id, null, row(array[id])::tree_record FROM business_unit WHERE id = any(in_business_units) UNION ALL SELECT bu.id, parent, row((path).t || bu.id)::tree_record FROM business_unit bu JOIN bu_tree ON bu.parent_id = bu_tree.id ) SELECT ac.chart_id AS id, sum(ac.amount_bc) AS balance FROM acc_trans ac INNER JOIN transactions gl ON ac.trans_id = gl.id AND gl.approved LEFT JOIN (SELECT array_agg(path) AS bu_ids, entry_id FROM business_unit_ac buac INNER JOIN bu_tree ON bu_tree.id = buac.bu_id GROUP BY buac.entry_id) bu ON (ac.entry_id = bu.entry_id) WHERE ac.approved AND (in_from_date IS NULL OR ac.transdate >= in_from_date) AND (in_to_date IS NULL OR ac.transdate <= in_to_date) AND (in_business_units IS NULL OR in_business_units = '{}' OR in_tree(in_business_units, bu_ids)) AND (in_to_date is null OR (ac.transdate <= in_to_date AND ac.trans_id IS DISTINCT FROM (SELECT trans_id FROM yearend WHERE transdate = in_to_date AND NOT reversed))) GROUP BY ac.chart_id HAVING sum(ac.amount_bc) <> 0.00 ), hdr_balance AS ( select ahd.id, sum(balance) as balance FROM acc_balance ab INNER JOIN account acc ON ab.id = acc.id INNER JOIN account_heading_descendant ahd ON acc.heading = ahd.descendant_id GROUP BY ahd.id ) SELECT hm.id, hm.accno, hm.description, hm.account_type, hm.category, null::text as gifi, null::text as gifi_description, hm.contra, hb.balance, hm.path FROM hdr_meta hm INNER JOIN hdr_balance hb ON hm.id = hb.id UNION SELECT am.id, am.accno, am.description, am.account_type, am.category, gifi_accno as gifi, gifi_description, am.contra, ab.balance, am.path FROM acc_meta am INNER JOIN acc_balance ab on am.id = ab.id
WITH acc_meta AS ( SELECT a.id, a.accno, coalesce(at.description, a.description) as description, CASE WHEN (SELECT value::int FROM defaults where setting_key = 'earn_id') IS NULL THEN aht.path ELSE array_splice_from((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id'),aht.path) END AS path, a.category, 'A'::char as account_type, contra, a.gifi_accno, gifi.description as gifi_description FROM account a INNER JOIN account_heading_tree aht on a.heading = aht.id LEFT JOIN gifi ON a.gifi_accno = gifi.accno LEFT JOIN (SELECT trans_id, description FROM account_translation WHERE language_code = coalesce(in_language, preference__get('language'))) at ON a.id = at.trans_id WHERE array_splice_from((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id'),aht.path) IS NOT NULL -- legacy: earn_id not configured (yet) OR (NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id' AND value IS NOT NULL) AND category IN ('E', 'I')) ), hdr_meta AS ( SELECT aht.id, aht.accno, coalesce(at.description, aht.description) as description, CASE WHEN (SELECT value::int FROM defaults where setting_key = 'earn_id') IS NULL THEN aht.path ELSE array_splice_from((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id'),aht.path) END AS path, ahc.derived_category as category, 'H'::char as account_type, 'f'::boolean as contra FROM account_heading_tree aht INNER JOIN account_heading_derived_category ahc ON aht.id = ahc.id LEFT JOIN (SELECT trans_id, description FROM account_translation WHERE language_code = coalesce(in_language, preference__get('language'))) at ON aht.id = at.trans_id WHERE ((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id') IS NOT NULL AND array_splice_from((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id'),aht.path) IS NOT NULL) -- legacy: earn_id not configured; select headings belonging to -- selected accounts OR ((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id') IS NULL AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM acc_meta WHERE aht.id = ANY(acc_meta.path))) ), acc_balance AS ( WITH RECURSIVE bu_tree (id, parent, path) AS ( SELECT id, null, row(array[id])::tree_record FROM business_unit WHERE id = any(in_business_units) UNION ALL SELECT bu.id, parent, row((path).t || bu.id)::tree_record FROM business_unit bu JOIN bu_tree ON bu.parent_id = bu_tree.id ) SELECT ac.chart_id AS id, sum(ac.amount_bc * ca.portion) AS balance FROM acc_trans ac JOIN transactions gl ON ac.trans_id = gl.id AND gl.approved JOIN (SELECT id, sum(portion) as portion FROM cash_impact ca WHERE (in_from_date IS NULL OR ca.transdate >= in_from_date) AND (in_to_date IS NULL OR ca.transdate <= in_to_date) GROUP BY id ) ca ON gl.id = ca.id LEFT JOIN (select array_agg(path) as bu_ids, entry_id FROM business_unit_ac buac JOIN bu_tree ON bu_tree.id = buac.bu_id GROUP BY entry_id) bu ON (ac.entry_id = bu.entry_id) WHERE ac.approved AND (in_business_units = '{}' OR in_business_units is null or in_tree(in_business_units, bu_ids)) AND (in_to_date is null OR (ac.transdate <= in_to_date AND ac.trans_id IS DISTINCT FROM (SELECT trans_id FROM yearend WHERE transdate = in_to_date AND NOT reversed))) GROUP BY ac.chart_id HAVING sum(ac.amount_bc * ca.portion) <> 0.00 ), hdr_balance AS ( select ahd.id, sum(balance) as balance FROM acc_balance ab INNER JOIN account acc ON ab.id = acc.id INNER JOIN account_heading_descendant ahd ON acc.heading = ahd.descendant_id GROUP BY ahd.id ) SELECT hm.id, hm.accno, hm.description, hm.account_type, hm.category, null::text as gifi, null::text as gifi_description, hm.contra, hb.balance, hm.path FROM hdr_meta hm INNER JOIN hdr_balance hb ON hm.id = hb.id UNION SELECT am.id, am.accno, am.description, am.account_type, am.category, gifi_accno as gifi, gifi_description, am.contra, ab.balance, am.path FROM acc_meta am INNER JOIN acc_balance ab on am.id = ab.id
WITH acc_meta AS ( SELECT a.id, a.accno, coalesce(at.description, a.description) as description, CASE WHEN (SELECT value::int FROM defaults where setting_key = 'earn_id') IS NULL THEN aht.path ELSE array_splice_from((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id'),aht.path) END AS path, a.category, 'A'::char as account_type, contra, a.gifi_accno, gifi.description as gifi_description FROM account a INNER JOIN account_heading_tree aht on a.heading = aht.id LEFT JOIN gifi ON a.gifi_accno = gifi.accno LEFT JOIN (SELECT trans_id, description FROM account_translation WHERE language_code = coalesce(in_language, preference__get('language'))) at ON a.id = at.trans_id WHERE array_splice_from((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id'),aht.path) IS NOT NULL -- legacy: earn_id not configured (yet) OR (NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id' AND value IS NOT NULL) AND category IN ('E', 'I')) ), hdr_meta AS ( SELECT aht.id, aht.accno, coalesce(at.description, aht.description) as description, CASE WHEN (SELECT value::int FROM defaults where setting_key = 'earn_id') IS NULL THEN aht.path ELSE array_splice_from((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id'),aht.path) END AS path, ahc.derived_category as category, 'H'::char as account_type, 'f'::boolean as contra FROM account_heading_tree aht INNER JOIN account_heading_derived_category ahc ON aht.id = ahc.id LEFT JOIN (SELECT trans_id, description FROM account_translation WHERE language_code = coalesce(in_language, preference__get('language'))) at ON aht.id = at.trans_id WHERE ((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id') IS NOT NULL AND array_splice_from((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id'),aht.path) IS NOT NULL) -- legacy: earn_id not configured; select headings belonging to -- selected accounts OR ((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id') IS NULL AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM acc_meta WHERE aht.id = ANY(acc_meta.path))) ), acc_balance AS ( SELECT ac.chart_id AS id, sum(ac.amount_bc) AS balance FROM acc_trans ac WHERE ac.approved AND ac.trans_id = in_id GROUP BY ac.chart_id ), hdr_balance AS ( select ahd.id, sum(balance) as balance FROM acc_balance ab INNER JOIN account acc ON ab.id = acc.id INNER JOIN account_heading_descendant ahd ON acc.heading = ahd.descendant_id GROUP BY ahd.id ) SELECT hm.id, hm.accno, hm.description, hm.account_type, hm.category, null::text as gifi, null::text as gifi_description, hm.contra, hb.balance, hm.path FROM hdr_meta hm INNER JOIN hdr_balance hb ON hm.id = hb.id UNION SELECT am.id, am.accno, am.description, am.account_type, am.category, gifi_accno as gifi, gifi_description, am.contra, ab.balance, am.path FROM acc_meta am INNER JOIN acc_balance ab on am.id = ab.id
WITH acc_meta AS ( SELECT a.id, a.accno, coalesce(at.description, a.description) as description, CASE WHEN (SELECT value::int FROM defaults where setting_key = 'earn_id') IS NULL THEN aht.path ELSE array_splice_from((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id'),aht.path) END AS path, a.category, 'A'::char as account_type, contra, a.gifi_accno, gifi.description as gifi_description FROM account a INNER JOIN account_heading_tree aht on a.heading = aht.id LEFT JOIN gifi ON a.gifi_accno = gifi.accno LEFT JOIN (SELECT trans_id, description FROM account_translation WHERE language_code = coalesce(in_language, preference__get('language'))) at ON a.id = at.trans_id WHERE array_splice_from((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id'),aht.path) IS NOT NULL -- legacy: earn_id not configured (yet) OR (NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id' AND value IS NOT NULL) AND category IN ('E', 'I')) ), hdr_meta AS ( SELECT aht.id, aht.accno, coalesce(at.description, aht.description) as description, CASE WHEN (SELECT value::int FROM defaults where setting_key = 'earn_id') IS NULL THEN aht.path ELSE array_splice_from((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id'),aht.path) END AS path, ahc.derived_category as category, 'H'::char as account_type, 'f'::boolean as contra FROM account_heading_tree aht INNER JOIN account_heading_derived_category ahc ON aht.id = ahc.id LEFT JOIN (SELECT trans_id, description FROM account_translation WHERE language_code = coalesce(in_language, preference__get('language'))) at ON aht.id = at.trans_id WHERE ((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id') IS NOT NULL AND array_splice_from((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id'),aht.path) IS NOT NULL) -- legacy: earn_id not configured; select headings belonging to -- selected accounts OR ((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id') IS NULL AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM acc_meta WHERE aht.id = ANY(acc_meta.path))) ), acc_balance AS ( WITH RECURSIVE bu_tree (id, parent, path) AS ( SELECT id, null, row(array[id])::tree_record FROM business_unit WHERE id = any(in_business_units) UNION ALL SELECT bu.id, parent, row((path).t || bu.id)::tree_record FROM business_unit bu JOIN bu_tree ON bu.parent_id = bu_tree.id ) SELECT ac.chart_id AS id, sum(ac.amount_bc) AS balance FROM acc_trans ac JOIN invoice i ON i.id = ac.invoice_id JOIN account_link l ON l.account_id = ac.chart_id JOIN ar ON ar.id = ac.trans_id LEFT JOIN (select as_array(bu.path) as bu_ids, entry_id from business_unit_inv bui JOIN bu_tree bu ON bui.bu_id = bu.id GROUP BY entry_id) bui ON bui.entry_id = i.id WHERE i.parts_id = in_parts_id AND (ac.transdate >= in_from_date OR in_from_date IS NULL) AND (ac.transdate <= in_to_date OR in_to_date IS NULL) AND ar.approved AND l.description = 'IC_expense' AND (in_business_units is null or in_business_units = '{}' OR in_tree(in_business_units, bu_ids)) GROUP BY ac.chart_id HAVING sum(ac.amount_bc) <> 0.00 UNION SELECT ac.chart_id, sum(i.sellprice * i.qty * (1 - coalesce(i.discount, 0))) FROM invoice i JOIN acc_trans ac ON ac.invoice_id = i.id JOIN ar ON ar.id = ac.trans_id LEFT JOIN (select as_array(bu.path) as bu_ids, entry_id from business_unit_inv bui JOIN bu_tree bu ON bui.bu_id = bu.id GROUP BY entry_id) bui ON bui.entry_id = i.id WHERE i.parts_id = in_parts_id AND (ac.transdate >= in_from_date OR in_from_date IS NULL) AND (ac.transdate <= in_to_date OR in_to_date IS NULL) AND ar.approved AND (in_business_units is null or in_business_units = '{}' OR in_tree(in_business_units, bu_ids)) GROUP BY ac.chart_id HAVING sum(i.sellprice * i.qty * (1 - coalesce(i.discount, 0))) <> 0.00 ), hdr_balance AS ( select ahd.id, sum(balance) as balance FROM acc_balance ab INNER JOIN account acc ON ab.id = acc.id INNER JOIN account_heading_descendant ahd ON acc.heading = ahd.descendant_id GROUP BY ahd.id ) SELECT hm.id, hm.accno, hm.description, hm.account_type, hm.category, null::text as gifi, null::text as gifi_description, hm.contra, hb.balance, hm.path FROM hdr_meta hm INNER JOIN hdr_balance hb ON hm.id = hb.id UNION SELECT am.id, am.accno, am.description, am.account_type, am.category, gifi_accno as gifi, gifi_description, am.contra, ab.balance, am.path FROM acc_meta am INNER JOIN acc_balance ab on am.id = ab.id
Returns the value of the setting in the defaults table.
SELECT "value" FROM user_preference WHERE "name" = in_name AND (user_id is null OR user_id = (select id from users where username = session_user) ) order by user_id limit 1
sets a value in the defaults thable and returns true if successful.
BEGIN IF in_global THEN IF in_value IS NULL THEN DELETE FROM user_preference WHERE "name" = in_name AND user_id IS NULL; RETURN true; END IF; INSERT INTO user_preference (user_id, "name", "value") VALUES (NULL, in_name, in_value) ON CONFLICT (coalesce(user_id, 0), "name") DO UPDATE SET "value" = in_value; RETURN true; END IF; IF in_value IS NULL THEN DELETE FROM user_preference WHERE user_id = (select id from users where username=SESSION_USER) AND "name" = in_name; RETURN true; END IF; INSERT INTO user_preference (user_id, "name", "value") VALUES ((select id from users where username=SESSION_USER), in_name, in_value) ON CONFLICT (coalesce(user_id, 0), "name") DO UPDATE SET "value" = in_value; RETURN true; END;
DECLARE t_end_date date; BEGIN SELECT max(end_date) into t_end_date FROM account_checkpoint; IF new.transdate <= t_end_date THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Transaction entered into closed period. Transdate: %', new.transdate; END IF; RETURN new; END;
Returns an alphabetically ordered pricegroup list.
SELECT * FROM pricegroup ORDER BY pricegroup;
SELECT * FROM pricegroup WHERE $1 IS NULL OR pricegroup ilike $1 || '%' ORDER BY pricegroup;
SELECT * FROM pricegroup;
delete from partscustomer where entry_id = $1 and credit_id = $2; delete from partsvendor where entry_id = $1 and credit_id = $2; select true;
DECLARE retval eca__pricematrix; t_insert bool; t_entity_class int; BEGIN t_insert := false; SELECT entity_class INTO t_entity_class FROM entity_credit_account WHERE id = in_credit_id; IF t_entity_class = 1 THEN -- VENDOR UPDATE partsvendor SET lastcost = in_price, leadtime = in_lead_time, partnumber = in_partnumber, curr = in_curr WHERE credit_id = in_credit_id AND entry_id = in_entry_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO partsvendor (parts_id, credit_id, lastcost, leadtime, partnumber, curr) VALUES (in_parts_id, in_credit_id, in_price, in_leadtime::int2, in_partnumber, in_curr); END IF; SELECT pv.parts_id, p.partnumber, p.description, pv.credit_id, NULL, NULL, pv.lastcost, pv.leadtime::int, pv.partnumber, NULL, NULL, pv.curr, pv.entry_id INTO retval FROM partsvendor pv JOIN parts p ON p.id = pv.parts_id WHERE parts_id = in_parts_id and credit_id = in_credit_id; RETURN retval; ELSIF t_entity_class = 2 THEN -- CUSTOMER UPDATE partscustomer SET pricebreak = in_pricebreak, sellprice = in_price, validfrom = in_validfrom, validto = in_validto, qty = in_qty, curr = in_curr WHERE entry_id = in_entry_id and credit_id = in_credit_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO partscustomer (parts_id, credit_id, sellprice, validfrom, validto, curr, qty) VALUES (in_parts_id, in_credit_id, in_price, in_validfrom, in_validto, in_curr, in_qty); t_insert := true; END IF; SELECT pc.parts_id, p.partnumber, p.description, pc.credit_id, pc.pricebreak, pc.sellprice, NULL, NULL, NULL, pc.validfrom, pc.validto, pc.curr, pc.entry_id, qty INTO retval FROM partscustomer pc JOIN parts p on pc.parts_id = p.id WHERE entry_id = CASE WHEN t_insert THEN currval('partscustomer_entry_id_seq') ELSE in_entry_id END; RETURN retval; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION 'No valid entity credit account found'; END IF; END;
SELECT p.* FROM partscustomer p JOIN entity_credit_account eca ON eca.id = in_credit_id LEFT JOIN pricegroup pg ON eca.pricegroup_id = pg.id WHERE p.parts_id = in_parts_id AND coalesce(p.validfrom, in_transdate) <= in_transdate AND coalesce(p.validto, in_transdate) >= in_transdate AND (p.credit_id = eca.id OR p.pricegroup_id = pg.id OR (p.credit_id is null and p.pricegroup_id is null)) AND coalesce(qty, 0) <= coalesce(in_qty, 0) AND coalesce(p.curr, defaults_get_defaultcurrency()) = coalesce(in_currency, defaults_get_defaultcurrency()) ORDER BY case WHEN p.credit_id = eca.id THEN 1 WHEN p.pricegroup_id = pg.id THEN 2 ELSE 3 end asc, qty desc;
SELECT * FROM partsvendor WHERE parts_id = in_parts_id AND credit_id = in_credit_id;
SELECT array_agg(quote_ident(e)) FROM unnest($1) e;
returns set of accounts set up for reconciliation. Currently we pull the account number and description from the account table.
SELECT DISTINCT coa.accno || ' ' || coa.description as name, coa.accno, coa.id as id FROM account coa JOIN cr_coa_to_account cta ON cta.chart_id = coa.id ORDER BY coa.accno;
This function is used for automatically matching entries from an external source like a bank-produced csv file. This function is very sensitive to ordering of inputs. NULL or empty in_scn values MUST be submitted after meaningful scns. It is also highly recommended that within each category, one submits in order of amount. We should therefore wrap it in another function which can operate on a set, perhaps in 1.4.... It returns the ID of the inserted/updated entry
DECLARE in_account int; la RECORD; t_errorcode INT; lid INT; in_count int; t_scn TEXT; t_uid int; t_prefix text; t_amount numeric; BEGIN SELECT CASE WHEN a.category in ('A', 'E') THEN in_amount * -1 ELSE in_amount END into t_amount FROM cr_report r JOIN account a ON r.chart_id = a.id WHERE r.id = in_report_id; SELECT value into t_prefix FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'check_prefix'; t_uid := person__get_my_entity_id(); IF t_uid IS NULL THEN t_uid = robot__get_my_entity_id(); END IF; IF in_scn = '' THEN t_scn := NULL; ELSIF in_scn !~ '^[0-9]+$' THEN t_scn := in_scn; ELSE t_scn := t_prefix || in_scn; END IF; IF t_scn IS NOT NULL THEN -- could this be changed to update, if not found insert? SELECT count(*) INTO in_count FROM cr_report_line WHERE scn ilike t_scn AND report_id = in_report_id AND their_balance = 0 AND post_date = in_date; IF in_count = 0 THEN -- YLA - Where does our_balance comes from? INSERT INTO cr_report_line (report_id, scn, their_balance, our_balance, clear_time, "user", trans_type) VALUES (in_report_id, t_scn, t_amount, 0, in_date, t_uid, in_type) RETURNING id INTO lid; ELSIF in_count = 1 THEN SELECT id INTO lid FROM cr_report_line WHERE t_scn = scn AND report_id = in_report_id AND their_balance = 0 AND post_date = in_date; UPDATE cr_report_line SET their_balance = t_amount, clear_time = in_date, cleared = true WHERE id = lid; ELSE SELECT count(*) INTO in_count FROM cr_report_line WHERE t_scn ilike scn AND report_id = in_report_id AND our_balance = t_amount and their_balance = 0 AND post_date = in_date; IF in_count = 0 THEN -- no match among many of values SELECT id INTO lid FROM cr_report_line WHERE t_scn ilike scn AND report_id = in_report_id AND post_date = in_date ORDER BY our_balance ASC limit 1; UPDATE cr_report_line SET their_balance = t_amount, clear_time = in_date, trans_type = in_type, cleared = true WHERE id = lid; ELSIF in_count = 1 THEN -- EXECT MATCH SELECT id INTO lid FROM cr_report_line WHERE t_scn = scn AND report_id = in_report_id AND our_balance = t_amount AND their_balance = 0 AND post_date = in_date; UPDATE cr_report_line SET their_balance = t_amount, trans_type = in_type, clear_time = in_date, cleared = true WHERE id = lid; ELSE -- More than one match SELECT id INTO lid FROM cr_report_line WHERE t_scn ilike scn AND report_id = in_report_id AND our_balance = t_amount AND post_date = in_date ORDER BY id ASC limit 1; UPDATE cr_report_line SET their_balance = t_amount, trans_type = in_type, cleared = true, clear_time = in_date WHERE id = lid; END IF; END IF; ELSE -- scn IS NULL, check on amount instead SELECT count(*) INTO in_count FROM cr_report_line WHERE report_id = in_report_id AND our_balance = t_amount AND their_balance = 0 AND post_date = in_date and scn NOT LIKE t_prefix || '%'; IF in_count = 0 THEN -- no match INSERT INTO cr_report_line (report_id, scn, their_balance, our_balance, clear_time, "user", trans_type) VALUES (in_report_id, t_scn, t_amount, 0, in_date, t_uid, in_type) RETURNING id INTO lid; ELSIF in_count = 1 THEN -- perfect match SELECT id INTO lid FROM cr_report_line WHERE report_id = in_report_id AND our_balance = t_amount AND their_balance = 0 AND post_date = in_date AND in_scn NOT LIKE t_prefix || '%'; UPDATE cr_report_line SET their_balance = t_amount, trans_type = in_type, clear_time = in_date, cleared = true WHERE id = lid; ELSE -- more than one match SELECT min(id) INTO lid FROM cr_report_line WHERE report_id = in_report_id AND our_balance = t_amount AND their_balance = 0 AND post_date = in_date AND scn NOT LIKE t_prefix || '%' LIMIT 1; UPDATE cr_report_line SET their_balance = t_amount, trans_type = in_type, clear_time = in_date, cleared = true WHERE id = lid; END IF; END IF; return lid; END;
Checks whether there are unapproved transactions on or before the end date and unapproved reports before the end date provided. Note that the check for unapproved transactions should include the end date, because having unapproved transactions on the end date influences the outcome of the balance to be verified by a report. Also note that the unapproved reports check can't include the end date, because that would mean that if a report were in progress while this function is being called, that report would be included in the count.
WITH unapproved_tx as ( SELECT 'unapproved_transactions'::text, sum(c)::text FROM (SELECT count(*) as c FROM transactions WHERE approved IS FALSE AND transdate <= $1 UNION SELECT count(DISTINCT source) FROM acc_trans WHERE approved IS FALSE AND transdate <= $1 AND chart_id = $2 ) tx ), unapproved_cr as ( SELECT 'unapproved_reports'::text, count(*)::text FROM cr_report WHERE end_date < $1 AND approved IS NOT TRUE AND chart_id = $2 ) SELECT * FROM unapproved_tx UNION SELECT * FROM unapproved_cr;
This function allows a user to delete his or her own unsubmitted, unapproved reconciliation reports only. This is designed to allow a user to back out of the reconciliation process without cluttering up the search results for others.
DELETE FROM cr_report_line WHERE report_id = in_report_id AND report_id IN (SELECT id FROM cr_report WHERE entered_username = SESSION_USER AND submitted IS NOT TRUE and approved IS NOT TRUE); DELETE FROM cr_report WHERE id = in_report_id AND entered_username = SESSION_USER AND submitted IS NOT TRUE AND approved IS NOT TRUE RETURNING TRUE;
This function deletes any specified unapproved transaction.
DELETE FROM cr_report_line WHERE report_id = in_report_id AND report_id IN (SELECT id FROM cr_report WHERE approved IS NOT TRUE); DELETE FROM cr_report WHERE id = in_report_id AND approved IS NOT TRUE RETURNING TRUE;
Gets the cleared balance of the account specified by chart_id, as of in_report_date. This is specified in normal format (i.e. positive numbers for debits for asset and espense accounts, and positive numbers for credits in other accounts Note that currently contra accounts will show negative balances.
SELECT sum(ac.amount_bc) * CASE WHEN c.category in('A', 'E') THEN -1 ELSE 1 END FROM account c JOIN acc_trans ac ON (ac.chart_id = c.id) JOIN (select id from transactions where approved) g ON g.id = ac.trans_id WHERE c.id = $1 AND cleared AND ac.approved IS true AND ac.transdate <= in_report_date GROUP BY c.id, c.category;
Gets the current balance of all approved transactions against a specific account. For asset and expense accounts this is the debit balance, for others this is the credit balance.
SELECT CASE WHEN (select category FROM account WHERE id = in_account_id) IN ('A', 'E') THEN sum(a.amount_bc) * -1 ELSE sum(a.amount_bc) END FROM acc_trans a JOIN ( SELECT id FROM transactions WHERE approved IS true ) gl ON a.trans_id = gl.id WHERE a.approved IS TRUE AND a.chart_id = in_account_id AND a.transdate <= in_date;
Inserts creates a new report and returns the id.
INSERT INTO cr_report(chart_id, their_total, end_date, recon_fx) values (in_chart_id, in_total, in_end_date, in_recon_fx); SELECT currval('cr_report_id_seq')::int;
Ensures that the list of pending transactions in the report is up to date.
DECLARE t_row record; t_recon_fx BOOL; t_chart_id integer; t_end_date date; t_report_line_id integer; t_uid int; BEGIN SELECT end_date, recon_fx, chart_id INTO t_end_date, t_recon_fx, t_chart_id FROM cr_report WHERE id = in_report_id; SELECT entity_id INTO t_uid FROM users WHERE username = CURRENT_USER; /* Approach in 4 steps: 1. Identify lines to be added *somewhere* That is: all lines before the reconcilation date which are not yet part of any other reconciliation; lines come from two sources: payment transactions and others (the second are usually GL transactions) 2. Identify lines part of a payment Lines in this category are grouped by payment and added as a single reconciliation line, irrespective of the number of lines identified, *unless* lines have explicitly different 'Source' values - which is weird and unexpected, but possible when the user sets a specific value on each payment line separately - in which case, the lines in the payment will be grouped by the value of the Source field 3. Identify non-payment lines that adjust payments When a payment has been entered wrongly or the bank has withheld transaction fees, the payment of the invoice does not correspond to the actual amount on the bank statement - meaning adjustment is required; GL transactions can be used to enter adjustments by listing the same date and the same source as used for the payment transaction. The lines in this category will be added as an adjustment to the existing (coming from the payment) reconciliation line 4. Remaining lines added as new lines, either by source (if they have one) or as individual ones. Note that the lines in this category - by logical reasoning - can **not** be payments lines, because those were handled in step 2. Also note that it's not an option to lump all lines without a source into a single line, because that way all lines without a Source would end up as a single reconciliation line, while unknowing users are expected to post GL lines without Source numbers; to help these users, we present lines from non-payment (GL) transactions as individual lines */ -- step 1: identify lines to be added somehow create temporary table lines_to_be_added as select entry_id, null::int as report_line_id from acc_trans ac join transactions tr on ac.trans_id = tr.id where tr.approved and ac.approved and not ac.cleared and ac.chart_id = t_chart_id and ac.transdate <= t_end_date and not exists (select 1 from cr_report_line_links rll join cr_report_line rl on rl.id = rll.report_line_id where ac.entry_id = rll.entry_id and rl.report_id = in_report_id); -- step 2: add lines part of a payment one line per payment for t_row in select payment_id, array_agg(ac.entry_id) as entries, sum(case when t_recon_fx then amount_tc else amount_bc end) as our_balance, payment_date, source from payment_links pl join acc_trans ac on pl.entry_id = ac.entry_id join payment p on p.id = pl.payment_id where ac.chart_id = t_chart_id and pl.entry_id in (select entry_id from lines_to_be_added) group by payment_id, payment_date, source loop insert into cr_report_line (report_id, scn, their_balance, our_balance, post_date, "user") values (in_report_id, t_row.source, 0, t_row.our_balance, t_row.payment_date, t_uid) returning id into t_report_line_id; update lines_to_be_added set report_line_id = t_report_line_id where entry_id = any(t_row.entries); end loop; -- step 3: add new ledger lines to existing recon lines with matched_entries as ( update lines_to_be_added la set report_line_id = (select id from cr_report_line rl join acc_trans ac on ac.source = rl.scn and ac.transdate = rl.post_date where la.entry_id = ac.entry_id and rl.report_id = in_report_id) where la.report_line_id is null returning report_line_id, entry_id ) update cr_report_line rl set our_balance = (select sum(case when t_recon_fx then ac.amount_tc else ac.amount_bc end) from ( select report_line_id, entry_id from cr_report_line_links union all select report_line_id, entry_id from matched_entries ) rll join acc_trans ac on rll.entry_id = ac.entry_id where rl.id = rll.report_line_id) where rl.id in (select report_line_id from matched_entries); -- step 4: add new lines not part of payments for t_row in select source, array_agg(entry_id) as entries, sum(case when t_recon_fx then amount_tc else amount_bc end) as our_balance, transdate from acc_trans ac where ac.chart_id = t_chart_id and ac.entry_id in (select entry_id from lines_to_be_added where report_line_id is null) group by source, transdate, case when source is null then entry_id else null end loop insert into cr_report_line (report_id, scn, their_balance, our_balance, post_date, "user") values (in_report_id, t_row.source, 0, t_row.our_balance, t_row.transdate, t_uid) returning id into t_report_line_id; update lines_to_be_added set report_line_id = t_report_line_id where entry_id = any(t_row.entries); end loop; perform * from lines_to_be_added where report_line_id is null; if found then drop table lines_to_be_added; raise exception 'Unhandled entries %', (select array_agg(entry_id) from lines_to_be_added where report_line_id is null)::int[]; end if; insert into cr_report_line_links (report_line_id, entry_id) select report_line_id, entry_id from lines_to_be_added; drop table lines_to_be_added; UPDATE cr_report set updated = date_trunc('second', now()), their_total = coalesce(in_their_total, their_total) where id = in_report_id; RETURN in_report_id; END;
Returns the submitted reconciliation report before in_end_date for the in_chart_id account
SELECT r.* FROM cr_report r JOIN account c ON r.chart_id = c.id WHERE in_end_date > end_date AND in_chart_id = chart_id AND submitted AND NOT r.deleted ORDER BY end_date DESC LIMIT 1
Sets the reconciliation report identified by in_report_id as not approved, providing it is not already submitted. Used in the reconciliation workflow to reject approval.
UPDATE cr_report set submitted = false WHERE id = in_report_id AND approved is not true RETURNING true;
Marks the report approved and marks all cleared transactions in it cleared.
BEGIN UPDATE cr_report SET approved = 't', approved_by = person__get_my_entity_id(), approved_username = SESSION_USER WHERE id = in_report_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'No report at %.', $1; END IF; UPDATE acc_trans ac SET cleared = TRUE WHERE exists (select 1 from cr_report_line_links rll join cr_report_line rl on rll.report_line_id = rl.id where rll.entry_id = ac.entry_id and rl.cleared and rl.report_id = in_report_id); return 1; END;
Returns the details of the report.
select * from cr_report_line where report_id = in_report_id order by scn, post_date
select * from recon_payee where report_id = in_report_id order by scn, post_date
Pulls the payee information for the reconciliation report.
BEGIN RETURN QUERY SELECT rp.id, CASE WHEN in_end_date IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE in_end_date - clear_time END AS d FROM recon_payee rp WHERE rp.report_id = in_report_id; RETURN; END;
select * from cr_report where id = in_report_id;
Sets which lines of the report are cleared.
UPDATE cr_report_line SET cleared = false WHERE report_id = in_report_id; UPDATE cr_report_line SET cleared = true WHERE report_id = in_report_id AND id = ANY(in_line_ids) RETURNING TRUE;
Searches for reconciliation reports. NULLs match all values. in_date_to and in_date_from give a range of reports. All other inputs are exact matches.
SELECT r.* FROM cr_report r JOIN account c ON (r.chart_id = c.id) WHERE (in_date_from IS NULL OR in_date_from <= end_date) and (in_date_to IS NULL OR in_date_to >= end_date) AND (in_balance_from IS NULL or in_balance_from <= their_total ) AND (in_balance_to IS NULL OR in_balance_to >= their_total) AND (in_account_id IS NULL OR in_account_id = chart_id) AND (in_submitted IS NULL or in_submitted = submitted) AND (in_approved IS NULL OR in_approved = approved) AND (r.deleted IS FALSE) ORDER BY c.accno, end_date, their_total
Submits a reconciliation report for approval. in_line_ids is used to specify which report lines are cleared, finalizing the report.
BEGIN UPDATE cr_report set submitted = true where id = in_report_id; PERFORM reconciliation__save_set(in_report_id, in_line_ids); RETURN FOUND; END;
SELECT null::int as id, null::bool as invoice, entity_id, meta_number, entity_name, null::date as transdate, count(*)::text as invnumber, null::text as ordnumber, null::text as ponumber, curr, sum(amount) as amount, sum(netamount) as netamount, sum(tax) as tax, sum(paid) as paid, sum(due) as due, max(last_payment) as last_payment, null::date as duedate, null::text as notes, null::text as till, null::text as salesperson, null::text as manager, null::text as shipping_point, null::text as ship_via, null::text[] as business_units FROM report__aa_outstanding_details($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12) GROUP BY meta_number, entity_name, entity_id, curr;
SELECT a.id, a.invoice, eeca.id, eca.meta_number, eeca.name, a.transdate, a.invnumber, a.ordnumber, a.ponumber, a.curr, a.amount_bc, a.netamount_bc, a.amount_bc - a.netamount_bc as tax, a.amount_bc - p.due as paid, p.due, p.last_payment, a.duedate, a.notes, a.till, ee.name, me.name, a.shippingpoint, a.shipvia, '{}'::text[] as business_units -- TODO FROM (select id, transdate, invnumber, curr, amount_bc, netamount_bc, duedate, notes, till, person_id, entity_credit_account, invoice, shippingpoint, shipvia, ordnumber, ponumber, description, on_hold, force_closed FROM ar WHERE in_entity_class = 2 and approved UNION SELECT id, transdate, invnumber, curr, amount_bc, netamount_bc, duedate, notes, null, person_id, entity_credit_account, invoice, shippingpoint, shipvia, ordnumber, ponumber, description, on_hold, force_closed FROM ap WHERE in_entity_class = 1 and approved) a LEFT JOIN (SELECT trans_id, sum(amount_bc) * CASE WHEN in_entity_class = 1 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END AS due, max(transdate) as last_payment FROM acc_trans ac JOIN account_link al ON ac.chart_id = al.account_id WHERE approved AND al.description IN ('AR', 'AP') AND (in_to_date is null or transdate <= in_to_date) GROUP BY trans_id) p ON p.trans_id = a.id JOIN entity_credit_account eca ON a.entity_credit_account = eca.id JOIN entity eeca ON eca.entity_id = eeca.id LEFT JOIN entity_employee ON entity_employee.entity_id = a.person_id LEFT JOIN entity ee ON entity_employee.entity_id = ee.id LEFT JOIN entity me ON entity_employee.manager_id = me.id WHERE (in_account_id IS NULL OR EXISTS (select 1 FROM acc_trans WHERE trans_id = a.id and chart_id = in_account_id)) AND (in_entity_name IS NULL OR eeca.name @@ plainto_tsquery(in_entity_name) OR eeca.name ilike '%' || in_entity_name || '%') AND (in_meta_number IS NULL OR eca.meta_number ilike in_meta_number || '%') AND (in_employee_id IS NULL OR ee.id = in_employee_id) AND (in_ship_via IS NULL OR a.shipvia @@ plainto_tsquery(in_ship_via)) AND (in_on_hold IS NULL OR in_on_hold = a.on_hold) AND (in_from_date IS NULL OR a.transdate >= in_from_date) AND (in_to_date IS NULL OR a.transdate <= in_to_date) AND p.due::numeric(100,2) <> 0 AND a.force_closed IS NOT TRUE AND (in_partnumber IS NULL OR EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM invoice inv JOIN parts ON inv.parts_id = parts.id WHERE inv.trans_id = a.id)) AND (in_parts_id IS NULL OR EXISTS (select 1 FROM invoice WHERE parts_id = in_parts_id AND trans_id = a.id))
SELECT a.id, a.invoice, eeca.id, eca.meta_number, eeca.name, a.transdate, a.invnumber, a.ordnumber, a.ponumber, a.curr, a.amount_bc as amount, a.netamount_bc as netamount, a.amount_bc - a.netamount_bc as tax, a.amount_bc - p.due, p.due, p.last_payment, a.duedate, a.notes, a.till, eee.name as employee, mee.name as manager, a.shippingpoint, a.shipvia, '{}'::text[] FROM (select id, transdate, invnumber, curr, amount_bc, netamount_bc, duedate, notes, till, person_id, entity_credit_account, invoice, shippingpoint, shipvia, ordnumber, ponumber, description, on_hold, force_closed FROM ar WHERE in_entity_class = 2 and (in_approved is null or (in_approved = approved)) UNION SELECT id, transdate, invnumber, curr, amount_bc, netamount_bc, duedate, notes, null, person_id, entity_credit_account, invoice, shippingpoint, shipvia, ordnumber, ponumber, description, on_hold, force_closed FROM ap WHERE in_entity_class = 1 and (in_approved is null or (in_approved = approved))) a LEFT JOIN (select sum(amount_bc) * case when in_entity_class = 1 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END as due, trans_id, max(transdate) as last_payment FROM acc_trans ac JOIN account_link l ON ac.chart_id = l.account_id WHERE l.description IN ('AR', 'AP') GROUP BY ac.trans_id ) p ON p.trans_id = a.id LEFT JOIN entity_employee ee ON ee.entity_id = a.person_id LEFT JOIN entity eee ON eee.id = ee.entity_id JOIN entity_credit_account eca ON a.entity_credit_account = eca.id JOIN entity eeca ON eca.entity_id = eeca.id LEFT JOIN entity mee ON ee.manager_id = mee.id WHERE (in_account_id IS NULL OR EXISTS (select * from acc_trans where trans_id = a.id AND chart_id = in_account_id)) AND (in_entity_name IS NULL OR eeca.name ilike '%' || in_entity_name || '%' OR eeca.name @@ plainto_tsquery(in_entity_name)) AND (in_meta_number IS NULL OR eca.meta_number ilike in_meta_number) AND (in_employee_id = ee.entity_id OR in_employee_id IS NULL) AND (in_manager_id = mee.id OR in_manager_id IS NULL) AND (a.invnumber ilike in_invnumber || '%' OR in_invnumber IS NULL) AND (a.ordnumber ilike in_ordnumber || '%' OR in_ordnumber IS NULL) AND (a.ponumber ilike in_ponumber || '%' OR in_ponumber IS NULL) AND (in_source IS NULL OR EXISTS ( SELECT * from acc_trans where trans_id = a.id AND source ilike in_source || '%' )) AND (in_description IS NULL OR a.description @@ plainto_tsquery(in_description)) AND (in_notes IS NULL OR a.notes @@ plainto_tsquery(in_notes)) AND (in_shipvia IS NULL OR a.shipvia @@ plainto_tsquery(in_shipvia)) AND (in_from_date IS NULL OR a.transdate >= in_from_date) AND (in_to_date IS NULL OR a.transdate <= in_to_date) AND (in_on_hold IS NULL OR in_on_hold = a.on_hold) AND (in_taxable IS NULL OR (in_taxable AND (in_tax_account_id IS NULL OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM acc_trans WHERE trans_id = a.id AND chart_id = in_tax_account_id) )) OR (NOT in_taxable AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM acc_trans ac JOIN account_link al ON al.account_id = ac.chart_id WHERE ac.trans_id = a.id AND al.description ilike '%tax')) ) AND ( -- open/closed handling (in_open IS TRUE AND ( a.force_closed IS NOT TRUE AND abs(p.due) > 0.005)) -- threshold due to -- impossibility to -- collect below -CT OR (in_closed IS TRUE AND ( a.force_closed IS NOT TRUE AND abs(p.due) > 0.005) IS NOT TRUE) ) AND -- by partnumber (in_partnumber IS NULL OR a.id IN ( select i.trans_id FROM invoice i JOIN parts p ON i.parts_id = p.id WHERE p.partnumber = in_partnumber));
This produces a balance sheet and the paths (acount numbers) of all headings necessary; output is generated in the language requested, or in the users default language if not available.
WITH chkpoint_date AS ( SELECT coalesce(max(end_date), (select min(transdate)-'1 day'::interval from acc_trans)) AS end_date FROM account_checkpoint WHERE (in_to_date IS NULL OR (end_date < in_to_date) OR ((end_date = in_to_date) and (in_timing is null or in_timing='ultimo') and not exists (select 1 from yearend where transdate = in_to_date and not reversed))) ), hdr_meta AS ( SELECT aht.id, aht.accno, coalesce(at.description, aht.description) as description, aht.path, ahc.derived_category as category, 'H'::char as account_type, 'f'::boolean as contra FROM account_heading_tree aht INNER JOIN account_heading_derived_category ahc ON aht.id = ahc.id LEFT JOIN (SELECT trans_id, description FROM account_translation WHERE language_code = coalesce(in_language, preference__get('language'))) at ON aht.id = at.trans_id WHERE array_endswith((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id'), aht.path) -- legacy (no earn_id) returns all headers OR (NOT aht.path @> ARRAY[(SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id')]) ), acc_meta AS ( SELECT a.id, a.accno, coalesce(at.description, a.description) as description, aht.path, a.category, 'A'::char as account_type, contra, a.gifi_accno, gifi.description as gifi_description FROM account a INNER JOIN account_heading_tree aht on a.heading = aht.id LEFT JOIN gifi ON a.gifi_accno = gifi.accno LEFT JOIN (SELECT trans_id, description FROM account_translation WHERE language_code = coalesce(in_language, preference__get('language'))) at ON a.id = at.trans_id WHERE array_endswith((SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id'), aht.path) -- legacy (no earn_id) returns all accounts; bug? OR (NOT aht.path @> ARRAY[(SELECT value::int FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'earn_id')]) ), acc_balance AS ( SELECT bal.id, sum(bal.balance) as balance FROM ( SELECT account_id as id, amount_bc as balance FROM account_checkpoint WHERE end_date = (select end_date from chkpoint_date) UNION ALL SELECT ac.chart_id as id, ac.amount_bc as balance FROM acc_trans ac JOIN transactions t ON t.approved AND t.id = ac.trans_id WHERE t.approved AND ac.transdate > (select end_date from chkpoint_date) AND (in_to_date is null OR ((in_timing is null OR in_timing='ultimo') AND ac.transdate <= in_to_date AND ac.trans_id IS DISTINCT FROM (SELECT trans_id FROM yearend WHERE transdate = in_to_date AND NOT reversed)) OR (in_timing='primo' AND ac.transdate < in_to_date)) ) bal GROUP BY bal.id HAVING sum(bal.balance) <> 0.00 ), hdr_balance AS ( select ahd.id, sum(balance) as balance FROM acc_balance ab INNER JOIN account acc ON ab.id = acc.id INNER JOIN account_heading_descendant ahd ON acc.heading = ahd.descendant_id GROUP BY ahd.id ) SELECT hm.id, hm.accno, hm.description, hm.account_type, hm.category, null::text as gifi_accno, null::text as gifi_description, hm.contra, hb.balance, hm.path FROM hdr_meta hm INNER JOIN hdr_balance hb ON hm.id = hb.id UNION SELECT am.id, am.accno, am.description, am.account_type, am.category, am.gifi_accno, am.gifi_description, am.contra, ab.balance, am.path FROM acc_meta am INNER JOIN acc_balance ab on am.id = ab.id
SELECT a.id, a.accno, a.is_heading, a.description, t.label, sum(CASE WHEN ac.amount_bc < 0 THEN ac.amount_bc * -1 ELSE NULL END), sum(CASE WHEN ac.amount_bc > 0 THEN ac.amount_bc ELSE NULL END) FROM (select id, accno, false as is_heading, description FROM account UNION SELECT id, accno, true, description FROM account_heading) a LEFT JOIN acc_trans ac ON ac.chart_id = a.id LEFT JOIN (select id, case when table_name ilike 'ar' THEN 'rcpt' when table_name ilike 'ap' THEN 'pmt' when table_name ilike 'gl' THEN 'xfer' END AS label FROM transactions) t ON t.id = ac.trans_id WHERE accno BETWEEN $3 AND $4 and ac.transdate BETWEEN $1 AND $2 GROUP BY a.id, a.accno, a.is_heading, a.description, t.label ORDER BY accno;
WITH ac (chart_id, amount_bc) AS ( SELECT chart_id, sum(amount_bc) FROM acc_trans JOIN (select id, approved from transactions) gl ON gl.id = acc_trans.trans_id WHERE acc_trans.approved and gl.approved GROUP BY chart_id ), l(account_id, link) AS ( SELECT account_id, array_to_string(array_agg(description), ':') FROM account_link GROUP BY account_id ), hh(parent_id) AS ( SELECT DISTINCT parent_id FROM account_heading ), ha(heading) AS ( SELECT heading FROM account ), eca(account_id) AS ( SELECT DISTINCT discount_account_id FROM entity_credit_account UNION SELECT DISTINCT ar_ap_account_id FROM entity_credit_account UNION SELECT DISTINCT cash_account_id FROM entity_credit_account ), ta(account_id) AS ( SELECT chart_id FROM eca_tax GROUP BY 1 ) SELECT a.id, a.is_heading, a.accno, a.description, a.gifi_accno, CASE WHEN sum(ac.amount_bc) < 0 THEN sum(amount_bc) * -1 ELSE null::numeric END, CASE WHEN sum(ac.amount_bc) > 0 THEN sum(amount_bc) ELSE null::numeric END, count(ac.*)+count(hh.*)+count(ha.*)+count(eca.*)+count(ta.*), l.link FROM (SELECT id, heading, false as is_heading, accno, description, gifi_accno FROM account UNION SELECT id, parent_id, true, accno, description, null::text FROM account_heading) a LEFT JOIN ac ON ac.chart_id = a.id AND not a.is_heading LEFT JOIN l ON l.account_id = a.id AND NOT a.is_heading LEFT JOIN hh ON hh.parent_id = a.id AND a.is_heading LEFT JOIN ha ON ha.heading = a.id AND a.is_heading LEFT JOIN eca ON eca.account_id = a.id AND NOT a.is_heading LEFT JOIN ta ON ta.account_id = a.id AND NOT a.is_heading GROUP BY a.id, a.is_heading, a.accno, a.description, a.gifi_accno, l.link ORDER BY a.accno;
SELECT a.id, a.accno, a.description, sum(CASE WHEN ac.transdate < $1 THEN abs(amount_bc) ELSE null END), sum(CASE WHEN ac.transdate >= $1 AND ac.amount_bc < 0 THEN ac.amount_bc * -1 ELSE null END), SUM(CASE WHEN ac.transdate >= $1 AND ac.amount_bc > 0 THEN ac.amount_bc ELSE null END), SUM(ABS(ac.amount_bc)) FROM account a LEFT JOIN acc_trans ac ON ac.chart_id = a.id LEFT JOIN (select id, approved from transactions) gl ON ac.trans_id = gl.id WHERE gl.approved and ac.approved and ac.transdate <= $2 GROUP BY a.id, a.accno, a.description ORDER BY a.accno;
DECLARE retval gl_report_item; t_balance numeric; t_chart_id int; BEGIN IF in_from_date IS NULL THEN t_balance := 0; ELSIF in_accno IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT id INTO t_chart_id FROM account WHERE accno = in_accno; t_balance := account__obtain_balance((in_from_date - '1 day'::interval)::date, (select id from account where accno = in_accno)); ELSE t_balance := null; END IF; FOR retval IN WITH RECURSIVE bu_tree (id, path) AS ( SELECT id, id::text AS path FROM business_unit WHERE parent_id is null UNION SELECT bu.id, bu_tree.path || ',' || bu.id FROM business_unit bu JOIN bu_tree ON bu_tree.id = bu.parent_id ) SELECT g.id, g.type, g.invoice, g.reference, g.eca_name, g.description, ac.transdate, ac.source, ac.amount_bc, c.accno, c.gifi_accno, g.till, ac.cleared, ac.memo, c.description AS accname, ac.chart_id, ac.entry_id, sum(ac.amount_bc) over (order by ac.transdate, ac.trans_id, c.accno, ac.entry_id) + t_balance as running_balance, compound_array(ARRAY[ARRAY[bac.class_id, bac.bu_id]]) FROM (select id, 'gl' as type, false as invoice, reference, null::text as eca_name, description, approved, null::text as till FROM gl UNION SELECT ar.id, 'ar', invoice, invnumber, e.name, ar.description, approved, till FROM ar JOIN entity_credit_account eca ON ar.entity_credit_account = eca.id JOIN entity e ON e.id = eca.entity_id UNION SELECT ap.id, 'ap', invoice, invnumber, e.name, ap.description, approved, null as till FROM ap JOIN entity_credit_account eca ON ap.entity_credit_account = eca.id JOIN entity e ON e.id = eca.entity_id) g JOIN acc_trans ac ON ac.trans_id = g.id JOIN account c ON ac.chart_id = c.id LEFT JOIN business_unit_ac bac ON ac.entry_id = bac.entry_id LEFT JOIN bu_tree ON bac.bu_id = bu_tree.id WHERE (g.reference ilike in_reference || '%' or in_reference is null) AND (c.accno = in_accno OR in_accno IS NULL) AND (ac.source ilike '%' || in_source || '%' OR in_source is null) AND (ac.memo ilike '%' || in_memo || '%' OR in_memo is null) AND (in_description IS NULL OR g.description @@ plainto_tsquery(get_default_lang()::regconfig, in_description)) AND (transdate BETWEEN in_from_date AND in_to_date OR (transdate >= in_from_date AND in_to_date IS NULL) OR (transdate <= in_to_date AND in_from_date IS NULL) OR (in_to_date IS NULL AND in_from_date IS NULL)) AND (in_approved is null or (in_approved is true and g.approved is true AND ac.approved is true) or (in_approved is false and (g.approved is false or ac.approved is false))) AND (in_from_amount IS NULL OR abs(ac.amount_bc) >= in_from_amount) AND (in_to_amount IS NULL OR abs(ac.amount_bc) <= in_to_amount) AND (in_category = c.category OR in_category IS NULL) GROUP BY g.id, g.type, g.invoice, g.reference, g.eca_name, g.description, ac.transdate, ac.source, ac.amount_bc, c.accno, c.gifi_accno, g.till, ac.cleared, ac.memo, c.description, ac.chart_id, ac.entry_id, ac.trans_id HAVING in_business_units is null or in_business_units <@ compound_array(string_to_array(bu_tree.path, ',')::int[]) ORDER BY ac.transdate, ac.trans_id, c.accno, ac.entry_id LOOP RETURN NEXT retval; END LOOP; END;
SELECT i.id, a.id, a.invnumber, a.transdate, i.parts_id, p.partnumber, i.description, i.qty * -1, i.allocated, p.onhand, i.sellprice, i.qty * i.sellprice * -1, i.allocated * i.sellprice FROM ap a JOIN invoice i ON a.id = i.trans_id JOIN parts p ON i.parts_id = p.id WHERE p.income_accno_id IS NOT NULL AND p.expense_accno_id IS NOT NULL AND (a.transdate >= $1 OR $1 IS NULL) AND (a.transdate <= $2 OR $2 IS NULL) AND (p.partnumber like $3 || '%' OR $3 IS NULL) AND (p.description @@ plainto_tsquery($4) OR p.description LIKE '%' || $4 || '%' OR $4 IS NULL) ORDER BY p.partnumber, a.invnumber;
WITH RECURSIVE bu_tree (id, path) AS ( SELECT id, id::text AS path FROM business_unit WHERE id = any(in_business_units) OR in_business_units IS NULL UNION SELECT bu.id, bu_tree.path || ',' || bu.id FROM business_unit bu JOIN bu_tree ON bu_tree.id = bu.parent_id ) SELECT c.entity_id, c.meta_number, e.name, e.name as contact_name, a.invnumber, a.transdate, a.till, a.ordnumber, a.ponumber, a.notes, CASE WHEN a.age/30 = 0 THEN (a.sign * sum(ac.amount_bc)) ELSE 0 END as c0, CASE WHEN a.age/30 = 1 THEN (a.sign * sum(ac.amount_bc)) ELSE 0 END as c30, CASE WHEN a.age/30 = 2 THEN (a.sign * sum(ac.amount_bc)) ELSE 0 END as c60, CASE WHEN a.age/30 > 2 THEN (a.sign * sum(ac.amount_bc)) ELSE 0 END as c90, a.duedate, a.id, a.curr, null::numeric AS exchangerate, (SELECT compound_array(ARRAY[[p.partnumber, i.description, i.qty::text]]) FROM parts p JOIN invoice i ON (i.parts_id = p.id) WHERE i.trans_id = a.id) AS line_items, (coalesce(in_to_date, now())::date - a.transdate) as age FROM (select id, invnumber, till, ordnumber, amount_bc, duedate, curr, ponumber, notes, entity_credit_account, -1 AS sign, transdate, force_closed, CASE WHEN in_use_duedate THEN coalesce(in_to_date, now())::date - duedate ELSE coalesce(in_to_date, now())::date - transdate END as age FROM ar WHERE in_entity_class = 2 UNION SELECT id, invnumber, null, ordnumber, amount_bc, duedate, curr, ponumber, notes, entity_credit_account, 1 as sign, transdate, force_closed, CASE WHEN in_use_duedate THEN coalesce(in_to_date, now())::date - duedate ELSE coalesce(in_to_date, now())::date - transdate END as age FROM ap WHERE in_entity_class = 1) a JOIN acc_trans ac ON ac.trans_id = a.id JOIN account acc ON ac.chart_id = acc.id JOIN account_link acl ON acl.account_id = acc.id AND ((in_entity_class = 1 AND acl.description = 'AP') OR (in_entity_class = 2 AND acl.description = 'AR')) JOIN entity_credit_account c ON a.entity_credit_account = c.id JOIN entity e ON (e.id = c.entity_id) LEFT JOIN business_unit_ac buac ON ac.entry_id = buac.entry_id LEFT JOIN bu_tree ON buac.bu_id = bu_tree.id LEFT JOIN entity_to_location e2l ON e.id = e2l.entity_id AND e2l.location_class = 3 LEFT JOIN location l ON l.id = e2l.location_id LEFT JOIN country ON (country.id = l.country_id) WHERE (e.id = in_entity_id OR in_entity_id IS NULL) AND (in_accno IS NULL or acc.accno = in_accno) AND a.force_closed IS NOT TRUE AND (in_name_part IS NULL OR e.name like '%' || in_name_part || '%') GROUP BY c.entity_id, c.meta_number, e.name, l.line_one, l.line_two, l.line_three, l.city, l.state, l.mail_code, country.name, a.invnumber, a.transdate, a.till, a.ordnumber, a.ponumber, a.notes, a.amount_bc, a.sign, a.duedate, a.id, a.curr, a.age HAVING (in_business_units is null or in_business_units <@ compound_array(string_to_array(bu_tree.path, ',')::int[])) AND sum(ac.amount_bc::numeric(20,2)) <> 0 ORDER BY entity_id, curr, transdate, invnumber
SELECT entity_id, account_number, name, contact_name, null::text, null::date, null::text, null::text, null::text, null::text, sum(c0), sum(c30), sum(c60), sum(c90), null::date, null::int, curr, null::numeric, null::text[], null::int FROM report__invoice_aging_detail($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7) GROUP BY entity_id, account_number, name, contact_name, curr ORDER BY account_number
This is a simple routine to generate trial balances for the full company, for a project, or for a department.
DECLARE out_row trial_balance_line; BEGIN IF in_department_id IS NULL THEN FOR out_row IN SELECT c.id, c.accno, c.description, SUM(CASE WHEN ac.transdate < in_datefrom AND c.category IN ('I', 'L', 'Q') THEN ac.amount_bc ELSE ac.amount_bc * -1 END), SUM(CASE WHEN ac.transdate >= in_date_from AND ac.amount_bc > 0 THEN ac.amount_bc ELSE 0 END), SUM(CASE WHEN ac.transdate >= in_date_from AND ac.amount_bc < 0 THEN ac.amount_bc ELSE 0 END) * -1, SUM(CASE WHEN ac.transdate >= in_date_from AND c.charttype IN ('I') THEN ac.amount_bc WHEN ac.transdate >= in_date_from AND c.category IN ('I', 'L', 'Q') THEN ac.amount_bc ELSE ac.amount_bc * -1 END) FROM acc_trans ac JOIN (select id, approved FROM transactions) g ON (g.id = ac.trans_id) JOIN account c ON (c.id = ac.chart_id) WHERE ac.transdate <= in_date_to AND ac.approved AND g.approved AND (in_project_id IS NULL OR in_project_id = ac.project_id) GROUP BY c.id, c.accno, c.description ORDER BY c.accno LOOP RETURN NEXT out_row; END LOOP; ELSE FOR out_row IN SELECT 1 LOOP RETURN NEXT out_row; END LOOP; END IF; END;
SELECT e.id, e.control_code, e.name, e.country_id, c.name, p.first_name, p.middle_name, p.last_name, e.entity_class FROM entity e JOIN country c ON c.id = e.country_id JOIN robot p ON p.entity_id = e.id WHERE e.id = $1;
SELECT e.id, e.control_code, e.name, e.country_id, c.name, p.first_name, p.middle_name, p.last_name, e.entity_class FROM entity e JOIN country c ON c.id = e.country_id JOIN robot p ON p.entity_id = e.id WHERE e.control_code = $1;
Returns the entity_id of the current, logged in user.
SELECT entity_id from users where username = SESSION_USER OR username = 'Migrator';
Returns a list of notes attached to a robot.
SELECT * FROM entity_note WHERE ref_key = in_entity_id ORDER BY created
Saves the robot with the information specified. Returns the entity_id of the record saved.
DECLARE e_id int; e entity; loc location; l_id int; p_id int; BEGIN select * into e from entity where id = in_entity_id and entity_class = 3; e_id := in_entity_id; IF FOUND THEN UPDATE entity SET name = in_first_name || ' ' || in_last_name, country_id = in_country_id WHERE id = in_entity_id; ELSE INSERT INTO entity (name, entity_class, country_id) values (in_first_name || ' ' || in_last_name, 3, in_country_id); e_id := currval('entity_id_seq'); END IF; UPDATE robot SET first_name = in_first_name, last_name = in_last_name, middle_name = in_middle_name WHERE entity_id = in_entity_id; IF FOUND THEN RETURN in_entity_id; ELSE -- Do an insert INSERT INTO robot (first_name, last_name, entity_id) VALUES (in_first_name, in_last_name, e_id); RETURN e_id; END IF; END;
Saves tax form information. Returns true or raises exception.
INSERT INTO country_tax_form(country_id, form_name) values (in_country_code, in_taxform_name); SELECT true;
DELETE FROM lsmb_sequence where label = $1; SELECT NULL::lsmb_sequence;
SELECT * FROM lsmb_sequence WHERE label = $1;
DECLARE t_seq lsmb_sequence; new_value text; retval defaults; BEGIN SELECT * INTO t_seq FROM lsmb_sequence WHERE label = in_label FOR UPDATE; new_value := setting__increment_base(t_seq.sequence); UPDATE lsmb_sequence SET sequence = new_value WHERE label = in_label; retval := row(t_seq.setting_key, t_seq.prefix || new_value || t_seq.suffix); return retval; END;
SELECT * FROM lsmb_sequence order by label;
SELECT * FROM lsmb_sequence where setting_key = $1 order by label;
DECLARE retval lsmb_sequence; BEGIN UPDATE lsmb_sequence SET prefix = coalesce(in_prefix, ''), suffix = coalesce(in_suffix, ''), sequence = coalesce(in_sequence, '1'), setting_key = in_setting_key, accept_input = coalesce(in_accept_input, false) WHERE label = in_label; IF FOUND THEN retval := sequence__get(in_label); RETURN retval; END IF; INSERT INTO lsmb_sequence(label, setting_key, prefix, suffix, sequence, accept_input) VALUES (in_label, in_setting_key, coalesce(in_prefix, ''), coalesce(in_suffix, ''), coalesce(in_sequence, '1'), coalesce(in_accept_input, false) ); retval := sequence__get(in_label); RETURN retval; end;
Returns a session row. If no session exists, it returns null
DECLARE out_row session%ROWTYPE; BEGIN DELETE FROM session WHERE last_used < now() - coalesce((SELECT value FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'session_timeout')::interval, '90 minutes'::interval); UPDATE session SET last_used = now() WHERE session_id = in_session_id AND token = in_token AND users_id = (select id from users where username = SESSION_USER) RETURNING * INTO out_row; -- if there is no matching row, return NULL values -- note: there is also a failing match when the token doesn't -- match; which might mean a replay attack! RETURN out_row; END;
Creates a session for the current session user and returns it. When no user is found by name of the session user, returns a row with NULL values.
DECLARE out_row session%ROWTYPE; users_id int; BEGIN SELECT id INTO users_id FROM users WHERE username = SESSION_USER; IF NOT FOUND THEN RETURN out_row; END IF; INSERT INTO session (users_id, token, last_used) VALUES (users_id, md5(random()::text), now()) RETURNING * INTO out_row; RETURN out_row; END;
Removes the session with the id given in the argument. Returns TRUE on success. Note: only users owning a session may delete that session.
BEGIN DELETE FROM session WHERE session_id = in_session_id AND users_id = (select id from users where username = SESSION_USER); RETURN FOUND; END;
declare raw_value VARCHAR; base_value VARCHAR; increment INTEGER; inc_length INTEGER; new_value VARCHAR; begin raw_value := in_raw_var; base_value := substring(raw_value from '(' || E'\\' || 'd*)(' || E'\\' || 'D*|<' || E'\\' || '?lsmb [^<>] ' || E'\\' || '?>)*$'); IF base_value like '0%' THEN increment := base_value::integer + 1; inc_length := char_length(increment::text); new_value := overlay(base_value placing increment::varchar from (char_length(base_value) - inc_length + 1) for inc_length); ELSE new_value := base_value::integer + 1; END IF; return regexp_replace(raw_value, base_value, new_value); end;
sets a value in the defaults thable and returns true if successful.
BEGIN UPDATE defaults SET value = in_value WHERE setting_key = in_setting_key; IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO defaults (setting_key, value) VALUES (in_setting_key, in_value); END IF; RETURN TRUE; END;
Returns the value of the setting in the defaults table.
SELECT * FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = $1;
Returns a set of settings for default accounts.
SELECT * FROM defaults WHERE setting_key like '%accno_id' ORDER BY setting_key
This function takes a value for a sequence in the defaults table and increments it. Leading zeroes and spaces are preserved as placeholders. Currently <?lsmb parsing is not supported in this routine though it may be added at a later date.
UPDATE defaults SET value = setting__increment_base(value) WHERE setting_key = in_key RETURNING value;
Retrieves specified tax form information from the database.
SELECT * FROM country_tax_form where id = $1;
Returns a set of all tax forms, ordered by country_id and id
SELECT tf.id, tf.form_name, c.name, tf.default_reportable, tf.is_accrual FROM country c JOIN country_tax_form tf ON c.id = tf.country_id ORDER BY country_id, form_name;
Returns a list of tax forms with an added field, country_name, to specify the name of the country.
SELECT t.id, t.form_name, t.country_id, c.name, t.default_reportable, t.is_accrual FROM country_tax_form t JOIN country c ON c.id = t.country_id ORDER BY c.name, t.form_name;
Saves tax form information to the database.
BEGIN UPDATE country_tax_form SET country_id = in_country_id, form_name =in_form_name, default_reportable = coalesce(in_default_reportable,false), is_accrual = coalesce(in_is_accrual, false) WHERE id = in_id; IF FOUND THEN RETURN in_id; END IF; insert into country_tax_form(country_id,form_name, default_reportable, is_accrual) values (in_country_id, in_form_name, coalesce(in_default_reportable, false), coalesce(in_is_accrual, false)); RETURN currval('country_tax_form_id_seq'); END;
This provides a list of invoices and transactions that a report hits. This is intended to allow an organization to adjust what is reported on the 1099 before printing them.
SELECT entity_credit_account.id, company.legal_name, company.entity_id, entity_credit_account.entity_class, entity.control_code, entity_credit_account.meta_number, sum(CASE WHEN gl.amount_bc = 0 then 0 when relation = 'acc_trans' THEN ac.reportable_amount_bc * pmt.amount_bc / gl.amount_bc ELSE 0 END * CASE WHEN gl.class = 'ap' THEN -1 else 1 end), sum(CASE WHEN gl.amount_bc = 0 then 0 WHEN relation = 'invoice' THEN ac.reportable_amount_bc * pmt.amount_bc / gl.amount_bc ELSE 0 END * CASE WHEN gl.class = 'ar' THEN -1 else 1 end), SUM(CASE WHEN gl.amount_bc = 0 THEN 0 ELSE ac.reportable_amount_bc * pmt.amount_bc / gl.amount_bc END * CASE WHEN gl.class = 'ap' THEN -1 else 1 end * CASE WHEN relation = 'invoice' THEN -1 ELSE 1 END), gl.invnumber, gl.duedate::text, gl.id FROM (select id, entity_credit_account, invnumber, duedate, amount_bc, transdate, 'ar' as class FROM ar UNION select id, entity_credit_account, invnumber, duedate, amount_bc, transdate, 'ap' as class FROM ap ) gl JOIN (select trans_id, 'acc_trans' as relation, sum(amount_bc) as amount_bc, sum(case when atf.reportable then amount_bc else 0 end) as reportable_amount_bc FROM acc_trans LEFT JOIN ac_tax_form atf ON (acc_trans.entry_id = atf.entry_id) GROUP BY trans_id UNION select trans_id, 'invoice' as relation, sum(sellprice * qty) as amount_bc, sum(case when itf.reportable then sellprice * qty else 0 end) as reportable_amount_bc FROM invoice LEFT JOIN invoice_tax_form itf ON (invoice.id = itf.invoice_id) GROUP BY trans_id ) ac ON (ac.trans_id = gl.id) JOIN entity_credit_account ON (gl.entity_credit_account = entity_credit_account.id) JOIN entity ON (entity.id = entity_credit_account.entity_id) JOIN company ON (entity.id = company.entity_id) JOIN country_tax_form ON (entity_credit_account.taxform_id = country_tax_form.id) JOIN (SELECT ac.trans_id, sum(ac.amount_bc) as amount_bc, as_array(entry_id) as entry_ids, as_array(chart_id) as chart_ids, count(*) as num FROM acc_trans ac where chart_id in (select account_id from account_link where description like '%paid') AND transdate BETWEEN in_begin AND in_end group by ac.trans_id ) pmt ON (pmt.trans_id = gl.id) WHERE country_tax_form.id = in_tax_form_id AND meta_number = in_meta_number GROUP BY legal_name, meta_number, company.entity_id, entity_credit_account.entity_class, entity.control_code, gl.invnumber, gl.duedate, gl.id, entity_credit_account.id
This provides a list of invoices and transactions that a report hits. This is intended to allow an organization to adjust what is reported on the 1099 before printing them.
SELECT entity_credit_account.id, company.legal_name, company.entity_id, entity_credit_account.entity_class, entity.control_code, entity_credit_account.meta_number, sum(CASE WHEN gl.amount_bc = 0 then 0 when relation = 'acc_trans' THEN ac.reportable_amount_bc ELSE 0 END * CASE WHEN gl.class = 'ap' THEN -1 else 1 end), sum(CASE WHEN gl.amount_bc = 0 then 0 WHEN relation = 'invoice' THEN ac.reportable_amount_bc ELSE 0 END * CASE WHEN gl.class = 'ar' THEN -1 else 1 end), SUM(CASE WHEN gl.amount_bc = 0 THEN 0 ELSE ac.reportable_amount_bc END * CASE WHEN gl.class = 'ap' THEN -1 else 1 end * CASE WHEN relation = 'invoice' THEN -1 ELSE 1 END), gl.invnumber, gl.duedate::text, gl.id FROM (select id, entity_credit_account, invnumber, duedate, amount_bc, transdate, 'ar' as class FROM ar WHERE transdate BETWEEN in_begin AND in_end UNION select id, entity_credit_account, invnumber, duedate, amount_bc, transdate, 'ap' as class FROM ap WHERE transdate BETWEEN in_begin AND in_end ) gl JOIN (select trans_id, 'acc_trans' as relation, sum(amount_bc) as amount_bc, sum(case when atf.reportable then amount_bc else 0 end) as reportable_amount_bc FROM acc_trans LEFT JOIN ac_tax_form atf ON (acc_trans.entry_id = atf.entry_id) GROUP BY trans_id UNION select trans_id, 'invoice' as relation, sum(sellprice * qty) as amount_bc, sum(case when itf.reportable then sellprice * qty else 0 end) as reportable_amount_bc FROM invoice LEFT JOIN invoice_tax_form itf ON (invoice.id = itf.invoice_id) GROUP BY trans_id ) ac ON (ac.trans_id = gl.id) JOIN entity_credit_account ON (gl.entity_credit_account = entity_credit_account.id) JOIN entity ON (entity.id = entity_credit_account.entity_id) JOIN company ON (entity.id = company.entity_id) JOIN country_tax_form ON (entity_credit_account.taxform_id = country_tax_form.id) WHERE country_tax_form.id = in_tax_form_id AND meta_number = in_meta_number GROUP BY legal_name, meta_number, company.entity_id, entity_credit_account.entity_class, entity.control_code, gl.invnumber, gl.duedate, gl.id, entity_credit_account.id
This provides the total reportable value per vendor. As per 1099 forms, these are cash-basis documents and show amounts paid.
SELECT entity_credit_account.id, company.legal_name, company.entity_id, entity_credit_account.entity_class, entity.control_code, entity_credit_account.meta_number, sum(CASE WHEN gl.amount_bc = 0 THEN 0 WHEN relation = 'acc_trans' THEN ac.reportable_amount_bc * pmt.amount_bc / gl.amount_bc ELSE 0 END * CASE WHEN gl.class = 'ap' THEN -1 else 1 end), sum(CASE WHEN gl.amount_bc = 0 THEN 0 WHEN relation = 'invoice' THEN ac.reportable_amount_bc * pmt.amount_bc / gl.amount_bc ELSE 0 END * CASE WHEN gl.class = 'ar' THEN -1 else 1 end), sum(CASE WHEN gl.amount_bc = 0 THEN 0 ELSE ac.reportable_amount_bc * pmt.amount_bc / gl.amount_bc END * CASE WHEN gl.class = 'ap' THEN -1 else 1 end * CASE WHEN ac.relation = 'invoice' then -1 else 1 end) FROM (select id, transdate, entity_credit_account, invoice, amount_bc, 'ar' as class FROM ar UNION select id, transdate, entity_credit_account, invoice, amount_bc, 'ap' as class from ap ) gl JOIN (select trans_id, 'acc_trans' as relation, sum(amount_bc) as amount_bc, sum(case when atf.reportable then amount_bc else 0 end) as reportable_amount_bc FROM acc_trans LEFT JOIN ac_tax_form atf ON (acc_trans.entry_id = atf.entry_id) GROUP BY trans_id UNION select trans_id, 'invoice' as relation, sum(sellprice * qty) as amount_bc, sum(case when itf.reportable then sellprice * qty else 0 end) as reportable_amount_bc FROM invoice LEFT JOIN invoice_tax_form itf ON (invoice.id = itf.invoice_id) GROUP BY trans_id ) ac ON (ac.trans_id = gl.id AND ((gl.invoice is true and ac.relation='invoice') OR (gl.invoice is false and ac.relation='acc_trans'))) JOIN (SELECT ac.trans_id, sum(ac.amount_bc) as amount_bc, as_array(entry_id) as entry_ids, as_array(chart_id) as chart_ids, count(*) as num FROM acc_trans ac where chart_id in (select account_id from account_link where description like '%paid') AND transdate BETWEEN in_begin AND in_end group by ac.trans_id ) pmt ON (pmt.trans_id = gl.id) JOIN entity_credit_account ON (gl.entity_credit_account = entity_credit_account.id) JOIN entity ON (entity.id = entity_credit_account.entity_id) JOIN company ON (entity.id = company.entity_id) JOIN country_tax_form ON (entity_credit_account.taxform_id = country_tax_form.id) WHERE country_tax_form.id = in_tax_form_id GROUP BY legal_name, meta_number, company.entity_id, entity_credit_account.entity_class, entity.control_code, entity_credit_account.id
This provides the total reportable value per vendor. As per 1099 forms, these are cash-basis documents and show amounts paid.
SELECT entity_credit_account.id, company.legal_name, company.entity_id, entity_credit_account.entity_class, entity.control_code, entity_credit_account.meta_number, sum(CASE WHEN gl.amount_bc = 0 THEN 0 WHEN relation = 'acc_trans' THEN ac.reportable_amount_bc ELSE 0 END * CASE WHEN gl.class = 'ap' THEN -1 else 1 end), sum(CASE WHEN gl.amount_bc = 0 THEN 0 WHEN relation = 'invoice' THEN ac.reportable_amount_bc ELSE 0 END * CASE WHEN gl.class = 'ar' THEN -1 else 1 end), sum(CASE WHEN gl.amount_bc = 0 THEN 0 ELSE ac.reportable_amount_bc END * CASE WHEN gl.class = 'ap' THEN -1 else 1 end * CASE WHEN ac.relation = 'invoice' then -1 else 1 end) FROM (select id, transdate, entity_credit_account, invoice, amount_bc, 'ar' as class FROM ar WHERE transdate BETWEEN in_begin AND in_end UNION select id, transdate, entity_credit_account, invoice, amount_bc, 'ap' as class from ap WHERE transdate BETWEEN in_begin AND in_end ) gl JOIN (select trans_id, 'acc_trans' as relation, sum(amount_bc) as amount_bc, sum(case when atf.reportable then amount_bc else 0 end) as reportable_amount_bc FROM acc_trans LEFT JOIN ac_tax_form atf ON (acc_trans.entry_id = atf.entry_id) GROUP BY trans_id UNION select trans_id, 'invoice' as relation, sum(sellprice * qty) as amount_bc, sum(case when itf.reportable then sellprice * qty else 0 end) as reportable_amount_bc FROM invoice LEFT JOIN invoice_tax_form itf ON (invoice.id = itf.invoice_id) GROUP BY trans_id ) ac ON (ac.trans_id = gl.id AND ((gl.invoice is true and ac.relation='invoice') OR (gl.invoice is false and ac.relation='acc_trans'))) JOIN entity_credit_account ON (gl.entity_credit_account = entity_credit_account.id) JOIN entity ON (entity.id = entity_credit_account.entity_id) JOIN company ON (entity.id = company.entity_id) JOIN country_tax_form ON (entity_credit_account.taxform_id = country_tax_form.id) WHERE country_tax_form.id = in_tax_form_id GROUP BY legal_name, meta_number, company.entity_id, entity_credit_account.entity_class, entity.control_code, entity_credit_account.id
SELECT * FROM template WHERE template_name = $1 AND format = $3 AND language_code IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $2;
SELECT * FROM template WHERE id = $1;
SELECT * FROM template WHERE language_code IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $1 ORDER BY template_name, format;
DECLARE retval template; BEGIN UPDATE template SET template = in_template, last_modified = now() WHERE template_name = in_template_name AND format = in_format AND language_code IS NOT DISTINCT FROM in_language_code; IF FOUND THEN retval := template__get(in_template_name, in_language_code, in_format); RETURN retval; END IF; INSERT INTO template (template_name, language_code, template, format) VALUES (in_template_name, in_language_code, in_template, in_format); retval := template__get(in_template_name, in_language_code, in_format); RETURN retval; END;
DECLARE r_eclass entity_class; BEGIN IF TG_OP = 'DELETE' THEN RETURN OLD; ELSE -- super user and database owner (group members) -- don't need access enforcement IF pg_has_role((SELECT rolname FROM pg_database db INNER JOIN pg_roles rol ON db.datdba = rol.oid WHERE db.datname = current_database()), 'USAGE') IS TRUE THEN RETURN NEW; END IF; SELECT * INTO r_eclass from entity_class WHERE id = NEW.entity_class; IF pg_has_role(SESSION_USER, lsmb__role('contact_class_' || lower(regexp_replace(r_eclass.class, ' ', '_'))), 'USAGE') THEN RETURN NEW; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION 'Access Denied for class'; END IF; END IF; END;
DECLARE retval jcitems; BEGIN UPDATE jcitems SET allocated = allocated + in_amount WHERE id = in_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'timecard not found'; END IF; SELECT * INTO retval FROM jcitems WHERE id = in_id; IF allocated > qty THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Too many allocated'; END IF; RETURN retval; END;
SELECT * from business_unit_class where id in (select class_id from business_unit WHERE id in (select business_unit_id from jcitems WHERE id = $1));
SELECT * FROM jcitems WHERE id = $1;
SELECT * FROM parts WHERE not obsolete AND ($1 OR inventory_accno_id IS NULL) AND ($2 OR (income_accno_id IS NOT NULL AND inventory_accno_id IS NULL)) AND ($3 IS NULL OR partnumber like $3 || '%') ORDER BY partnumber;
WITH RECURSIVE bu_tree (id, path) AS ( SELECT id, id::text AS path, control_code, description FROM business_unit WHERE id = any(in_business_units) OR (in_business_units = '{}' OR in_business_units IS NULL and parent_id IS NULL) UNION SELECT bu.id, bu_tree.path || ',' || bu.id, bu.control_code, bu.description FROM business_unit bu JOIN bu_tree ON bu_tree.id = bu.parent_id ) SELECT j.id, j.description, j.qty, j.allocated, j.checkedin::time as checkedin, j.checkedout::time as checkedout, j.checkedin::date as transdate, extract('dow' from j.checkedin) as weekday, extract('week' from j.checkedin) as workweek, date_trunc('week', j.checkedin)::date as weekstarting, p.partnumber, bu.control_code as business_unit_code, bu.description AS businessunit_description, ee.employeenumber, e.name AS employee, j.parts_id, j.sellprice FROM jcitems j JOIN parts p ON p.id = j.parts_id JOIN person pr ON pr.id = j.person_id JOIN entity_employee ee ON ee.entity_id = pr.entity_id JOIN entity e ON ee.entity_id = e.id LEFT JOIN bu_tree bu ON bu.id = j.business_unit_id WHERE (p.partnumber = in_partnumber OR in_partnumber IS NULL) AND (j.person_id = in_person_id OR in_person_id IS NULL) AND (j.checkedin::date >= in_date_from OR in_date_from IS NULL) AND (j.checkedin::date <= in_date_to OR in_date_to IS NULL) AND (((j.qty > j.allocated or j.allocated is null) AND in_open) OR (j.qty <= j.allocated AND in_closed)) AND (j.jctype = in_jctype OR in_jctype is null) AND (bu.path IS NOT NULL OR in_business_units = '{}' OR in_business_units IS NULL) ORDER BY j.checkedin, bu.description, p.partnumber, e.name
DECLARE retval jcitems; BEGIN UPDATE jcitems SET description = in_description, qty = in_qty, allocated = in_allocated, serialnumber = in_serialnumber, checkedin = in_checkedin, checkedout = in_checkedout, person_id = coalesce(in_person_id, person__get_my_id()), notes = in_notes, total = in_total, non_billable = in_non_billable WHERE id = in_id; IF FOUND THEN SELECT * INTO retval WHERE id = in_id; return retval; END IF; INSERT INTO jcitems (business_unit_id, parts_id, description, qty, allocated, sellprice, fxsellprice, serialnumber, checkedin, checkedout, person_id, notes, total, non_billable, jctype, curr) VALUES (in_business_unit_id, in_parts_id, in_description, in_qty, in_allocated, in_sellprice, in_fxsellprice, in_serialnumber, in_checkedin, in_checkedout, coalesce(in_person_id, person__get_my_id()), in_notes, in_total, in_non_billable, in_jctype, in_curr); SELECT * INTO retval FROM jcitems WHERE id = currval('jcitems_id_seq')::int; RETURN retval; END;
SELECT * FROM jctype where id = $1;
SELECT * FROM jctype ORDER BY label;
This trigger is used to track the id sequence entries across the transactions table, and with the ar, ap, and gl tables. This is necessary because these have not been properly refactored yet.
BEGIN IF tg_op = 'INSERT' THEN INSERT INTO transactions (id, table_name, transdate, approved) VALUES (new.id, TG_RELNAME, new.transdate, new.approved); ELSEIF tg_op = 'UPDATE' THEN IF new.id = old.id AND new.approved = old.approved AND new.transdate = old.transdate THEN return new; ELSE UPDATE transactions SET id = new.id, approved = new.approved, transdate = new.transdate WHERE id = old.id; END IF; ELSE DELETE FROM transactions WHERE id = old.id; END IF; RETURN new; END;
Returns a row for each account which has transactions or a starting or ending balance over the indicated period, except when in_all_accounts is true, in which case a record is returned for all accounts, even ones unused over the reporting period.
DECLARE out_row tb_row; t_roll_forward date; t_cp account_checkpoint; ignore_trans int[]; t_start_date date; t_end_date date; t_balance_sign int; BEGIN IF in_balance_sign IS NULL OR in_balance_sign = 0 THEN t_balance_sign = null; ELSIF in_balance_sign = -1 OR in_balance_sign = 1 THEN t_balance_sign = in_balance_sign; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION 'Invalid Balance Type'; END IF; IF in_from_date IS NULL THEN SELECT max(end_date) INTO t_roll_forward FROM account_checkpoint WHERE end_date < (select max(gl.transdate) FROM gl JOIN yearend y ON y.trans_id = gl.id WHERE y.transdate < coalesce(in_to_date, gl.transdate) ); ELSE SELECT max(end_date) INTO t_roll_forward FROM account_checkpoint WHERE end_date < in_from_date; END IF; IF t_roll_forward IS NULL OR array_upper(in_business_units, 1) > 0 THEN SELECT min(transdate) - '1 day'::interval INTO t_roll_forward FROM acc_trans; END IF; SELECT ARRAY[trans_id] INTO ignore_trans FROM yearend ORDER BY transdate DESC LIMIT 1; IF in_to_date IS NULL THEN SELECT max(transdate) INTO t_end_date FROM acc_trans; ELSE t_end_date := in_to_date; END IF; RETURN QUERY WITH ac (transdate, amount_bc, chart_id) AS ( WITH RECURSIVE bu_tree (id, path) AS ( SELECT id, id::text AS path FROM business_unit WHERE parent_id = any(in_business_units) UNION SELECT bu.id, bu_tree.path || ',' || bu.id FROM business_unit bu JOIN bu_tree ON bu_tree.id = bu.parent_id ) SELECT ac.transdate, ac.amount_bc, ac.chart_id FROM (select * from acc_trans where in_business_units = '{}' OR in_business_units IS NULL OR EXISTS ( select 1 from business_unit_ac buac join bu_tree on bu_tree.id = buac.bu_id where buac.entry_id = acc_trans.entry_id )) ac JOIN (SELECT id, approved FROM transactions WHERE (in_approved is null OR approved = in_approved)) gl ON ac.trans_id = gl.id WHERE ac.transdate BETWEEN t_roll_forward + '1 day'::interval AND t_end_date AND (in_approved is null or ac.approved or in_approved is false) AND (ignore_trans is null or ac.trans_id <> ALL(ignore_trans)) ) SELECT a.id, a.accno, COALESCE(at.description, a.description) as description, a.gifi_accno, CASE WHEN in_from_date IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE COALESCE(t_balance_sign, CASE WHEN a.category IN ('A', 'E') THEN -1 ELSE 1 END ) * (COALESCE(cp.amount_bc, 0) + SUM(CASE WHEN ac.transdate < coalesce(in_from_date, t_roll_forward) THEN ac.amount_bc ELSE 0 END)) end, SUM(CASE WHEN ac.transdate BETWEEN coalesce(in_from_date, t_roll_forward) AND coalesce(in_to_date, ac.transdate) AND ac.amount_bc < 0 THEN ac.amount_bc * -1 ELSE 0 END) - CASE WHEN in_from_date IS NULL THEN COALESCE(cp.debits, 0) ELSE 0 END, SUM(CASE WHEN ac.transdate BETWEEN COALESCE(in_from_date, t_roll_forward) AND COALESCE(in_to_date, ac.transdate) AND ac.amount_bc > 0 THEN ac.amount_bc ELSE 0 END) + CASE WHEN in_from_date IS NULL THEN COALESCE(cp.credits, 0) ELSE 0 END, COALESCE(t_balance_sign, CASE WHEN a.category IN ('A', 'E') THEN -1 ELSE 1 END) * (COALESCE(cp.amount_bc, 0) + SUM(COALESCE(ac.amount_bc, 0))), CASE WHEN SUM(ac.amount_bc) + COALESCE(cp.amount_bc, 0) < 0 THEN (SUM(ac.amount_bc) + COALESCE(cp.amount_bc, 0)) * -1 ELSE NULL END, CASE WHEN SUM(ac.amount_bc) + COALESCE(cp.amount_bc, 0) > 0 THEN sum(ac.amount_bc) + COALESCE(cp.amount_bc, 0) ELSE NULL END FROM account a LEFT JOIN ac ON ac.chart_id = a.id LEFT JOIN ( select account_id, sum(amount_bc) as amount_bc, sum(debits) as debits, sum(credits) as credits from account_checkpoint where end_date = t_roll_forward group by account_id) cp ON cp.account_id = a.id LEFT JOIN (SELECT trans_id, description FROM account_translation at WHERE language_code = preference__get('language')) at ON a.id = at.trans_id WHERE (in_accounts IS NULL OR in_accounts = '{}' OR a.id = ANY(in_accounts)) AND (in_heading IS NULL OR in_heading = a.heading) GROUP BY a.id, a.accno, COALESCE(at.description, a.description), a.category, a.gifi_accno, cp.account_id, cp.amount_bc, cp.debits, cp.credits HAVING ABS(cp.amount_bc) > 0 or COUNT(ac) > 0 or in_all_accounts ORDER BY a.accno; END;
SELECT * FROM account WHERE id in (SELECT unnest($1));
SELECT id, accno, description, ARRAY( SELECT id FROM account where heading = ah.id) FROM account_heading ah;
BEGIN IF NEW.onhand >= NEW.rop THEN NOTIFY parts_short; END IF; RETURN NEW; END;
Releases a pessimistic locks against a transaction, if that transaciton, as identified by in_id exists, and if it is locked by the current session. These locks are again only advisory, and the application may choose to handle them or not. Returns true if the transaction was unlocked by this routine, false otherwise.
BEGIN UPDATE transactions SET locked_by = NULL WHERE id = in_id AND locked_by IN (SELECT session_id FROM session WHERE users_id = (SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = SESSION_USER)); RETURN FOUND; END;
Releases all pessimistic locks against transactions. These locks are again only advisory, and the application may choose to handle them or not. Returns true if any transactions were unlocked, false otherwise.
BEGIN UPDATE transactions SET locked_by = NULL where locked_by IN (select session_id from session WHERE users_id = (SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = SESSION_USER)); RETURN FOUND; END;
Allows a user to change his or her own password. The password is set to expire setting_get('password_duration') days after the password change.
DECLARE t_expires timestamp; t_password_duration text; BEGIN SELECT value INTO t_password_duration FROM defaults WHERE setting_key = 'password_duration'; IF t_password_duration IS NULL or t_password_duration='' THEN t_expires := 'infinity'; ELSE t_expires := now() + (t_password_duration::numeric::text || ' days')::interval; END IF; UPDATE users SET notify_password = DEFAULT where username = SESSION_USER; EXECUTE 'ALTER USER ' || quote_ident(SESSION_USER) || ' with ENCRYPTED password ' || quote_literal(in_new_password) || ' VALID UNTIL '|| quote_literal(t_expires); return 1; END;
Returns the time when password of the current logged in user is set to expire.
DECLARE outval interval; BEGIN SELECT CASE WHEN isfinite(rolvaliduntil) is not true THEN '1 year'::interval ELSE rolvaliduntil - now() END AS expiration INTO outval FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname = SESSION_USER; RETURN outval; end;
select * from user_listable;
Returns the preferences row for the user.
declare v_row user_preferences; BEGIN --TODO This is a workaround waiting to be replaced with something more -- appropriate for returning a flexible set of preference values select preference__get('dateformat'), preference__get('numberformat'), preference__get('language'), preference__get('stylesheet'), preference__get('printer') into v_row; return v_row; END;
Saves user preferences. Returns true if successful, false if no preferences were found to update.
BEGIN perform preference__set('dateformat', in_dateformat); perform preference__set('numberformat', in_numberformat); perform preference__set('language', in_language); perform preference__set('stylesheet', in_stylesheet); perform preference__set('printer', in_printer); RETURN true; END;
Deletes the specified voucher from the batch.
DECLARE voucher_row RECORD; BEGIN SELECT * INTO voucher_row FROM voucher WHERE id = in_voucher_id; IF voucher_row.batch_class IN (1, 2, 5) THEN -- GL/AR/AP voucher -- Delete *all* lines from acc_trans (in the transaction) -- /even/ if not explicitly linked to the voucher DELETE FROM ac_tax_form WHERE entry_id IN ( SELECT entry_id FROM acc_trans WHERE trans_id = voucher_row.trans_id); -- Note that this query *looks* duplicated with the next section -- but it's not! Notably, the WHERE clause in the EXISTS subquery -- has a different condition (trans_id vs voucher_id!) WITH deleted_links AS ( DELETE FROM payment_links pl WHERE EXISTS (select 1 from acc_trans a where pl.entry_id = a.entry_id and a.trans_id = voucher_row.trans_id) RETURNING * ) DELETE FROM payment p WHERE id IN (select payment_id from deleted_links) AND NOT EXISTS (select 1 from payment_links pl where pl.payment_id = p.id); DELETE FROM acc_trans WHERE trans_id = voucher_row.trans_id; -- deletion of the ar/ap/gl row causes removal of the `transactions` -- row, which fails if the voucher isn't deleted... DELETE FROM voucher WHERE id = voucher_row.id; DELETE FROM ar WHERE id = voucher_row.trans_id; DELETE FROM ap WHERE id = voucher_row.trans_id; DELETE FROM gl WHERE id = voucher_row.trans_id; ELSE -- Delete only the lines in the transaction which are explicitly -- linked to the voucher DELETE FROM ac_tax_form WHERE entry_id IN (select entry_id from acc_trans where voucher_id = voucher_row.id); WITH deleted_links AS ( DELETE FROM payment_links pl WHERE EXISTS (select 1 from acc_trans a where pl.entry_id = a.entry_id and a.voucher_id = voucher_row.id) RETURNING * ) DELETE FROM payment p WHERE id IN (select payment_id from deleted_links) AND NOT EXISTS (select 1 from payment_links pl where pl.payment_id = p.id); DELETE FROM acc_trans where voucher_id = voucher_row.id; DELETE FROM voucher WHERE id = voucher_row.id; END IF; RETURN 1; END;
Retrieves a list of vouchers and amounts attached to the batch.
SELECT v.id, a.invoice, a.invnumber, eca.meta_number || '--' || e.name, v.batch_id, v.trans_id, a.amount_bc, a.transdate, 'Payable', v.batch_class FROM voucher v JOIN ap a ON (v.trans_id = a.id) JOIN entity_credit_account eca ON (eca.id = a.entity_credit_account) JOIN entity e ON (eca.entity_id = e.id) WHERE v.batch_id = in_batch_id AND v.batch_class = (select id from batch_class WHERE class = 'ap') UNION SELECT v.id, a.invoice, a.invnumber, eca.meta_number || '--' || e.name, v.batch_id, v.trans_id, a.amount_bc, a.transdate, 'Receivable', v.batch_class FROM voucher v JOIN ar a ON (v.trans_id = a.id) JOIN entity_credit_account eca ON (eca.id = a.entity_credit_account) JOIN entity e ON (eca.entity_id = e.id) WHERE v.batch_id = in_batch_id AND v.batch_class = (select id from batch_class WHERE class = 'ar') UNION ALL -- TODO: Add the class labels to the class table. SELECT v.id, ap.invoice, a.source, eca.meta_number || '--' || e.name, v.batch_id, v.trans_id, sum(CASE WHEN bc.class LIKE 'payment%' THEN a.amount_bc * -1 ELSE a.amount_bc END), a.transdate, CASE WHEN bc.class = 'payment' THEN 'Payment' WHEN bc.class = 'payment_reversal' THEN 'Payment Reversal' END, v.batch_class FROM voucher v JOIN acc_trans a ON (v.id = a.voucher_id) JOIN batch_class bc ON (bc.id = v.batch_class) JOIN account_link l ON (a.chart_id = l.account_id) JOIN ap ON (ap.id = a.trans_id) JOIN entity_credit_account eca ON (ap.entity_credit_account = eca.id) JOIN entity e ON (eca.entity_id = e.id) WHERE v.batch_id = in_batch_id AND a.voucher_id = v.id AND (bc.class like 'payment%' AND l.description = 'AP') GROUP BY v.id, ap.invoice, a.source, eca.meta_number, e.name, v.batch_id, v.trans_id, a.transdate, bc.class UNION ALL SELECT v.id, ar.invoice, a.source, eca.meta_number || '--' || e.name, v.batch_id, v.trans_id, CASE WHEN bc.class LIKE 'receipt%' THEN sum(a.amount_bc) * -1 ELSE sum(a.amount_bc) END, a.transdate, CASE WHEN bc.class = 'receipt' THEN 'Receipt' WHEN bc.class = 'receipt_reversal' THEN 'Receipt Reversal' END, v.batch_class FROM voucher v JOIN acc_trans a ON (v.id = a.voucher_id) JOIN batch_class bc ON (bc.id = v.batch_class) JOIN account_link l ON (a.chart_id = l.account_id) JOIN ar ON (ar.id = a.trans_id) JOIN entity_credit_account eca ON (ar.entity_credit_account = eca.id) JOIN entity e ON (eca.entity_id = e.id) WHERE v.batch_id = in_batch_id AND a.voucher_id = v.id AND (bc.class like 'receipt%' AND l.description = 'AR') GROUP BY v.id, ar.invoice, a.source, eca.meta_number, e.name, v.batch_id, v.trans_id, a.transdate, bc.class UNION ALL SELECT v.id, false, g.reference, g.description, v.batch_id, v.trans_id, sum(a.amount_bc), g.transdate, 'GL', v.batch_class FROM voucher v JOIN gl g ON (g.id = v.trans_id) JOIN acc_trans a ON (v.trans_id = a.trans_id) WHERE a.amount_bc > 0 AND v.batch_id = in_batch_id AND v.batch_class IN (select id from batch_class where class = 'gl') GROUP BY v.id, g.reference, g.description, v.batch_id, v.trans_id, g.transdate ORDER BY 7, 1
Retrieves basic batch information based on batch_id.
DECLARE batch_out batch%ROWTYPE; BEGIN SELECT * INTO batch_out FROM batch b WHERE b.id = in_batch_id; RETURN batch_out; END;
SELECT * FROM payroll_wage WHERE entity_id = $1;
SELECT * FROM payroll_income_type where country_id = $1
DECLARE return_wage payroll_wage; BEGIN UPDATE payroll_wage SET rate = in_rate WHERE entity_id = in_entity_id and in_type_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO payroll_wage (entity_id, type_id, rate) VALUES (in_entity_id, in_type_id, in_rate); END IF; SELECT * INTO return_wage FROM payroll_wage WHERE entity_id = in_entity_id and in_type_id; RETURN return_wage; END;
SELECT * FROM warehouse order by description;
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